ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Stop A Running Tween On RollOver?
Jun 11, 2010
I would like to know how to stop a running tween when rollingOver a sprite. I used to stop the tween on as2, but I don't know how to acces the running tween on as3 because of the var statement before the tween name.I guess the score is modifying the 2 lines:
My code is this one:
function fc_hitOver(e:MouseEvent):void {
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Apr 24, 2010
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on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut, dragOut) {;
it stops me all the tweens! i want to stop only the tween with the code...
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Shall i start second tween for a MC, its already a running a tween?
I have two red dots in my stage. Initially i start moving those dots from a position to another position, while tweening start i m calling a function for starting a new tween using "MOTION_CHANGE" class, In that function i m trying to make a blink effect to those two red dots., Not working..
Here my codes...
import fl.transitions.*;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
var MC:MovieClip=new MovieClip();
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import flash.display.Sprite;
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;[code]......
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onClipEvent (load) {
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
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amount = 30
mWidth = Stage.width;
mHeight = Stage.height;[code]......
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May 12, 2010
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ar t:Timer = new Timer()
it is for Flex i understood. But it can be possible with flash? anyone knows that how i can create a timersmanager class and register my timers on it.
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Feb 25, 2009
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Jan 3, 2010
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var xml:XML = new XML();
var img_count:uint;
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var img_holder:Sprite=new Sprite();
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Jul 14, 2003
how to move from one frame to another (once clips complete their actions). I had previously posted some questions regarding this matter, but I think the post got too long and confusing (at least to myself).SO I'm starting over from scratch and want to go step by step so I can understand. I have a line clip on stage that I move down the screen and center and expand it at the same time to fit the width of the stage. Now I have this code for that:
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Nov 17, 2008
I am using Flash CS3. I'm new at actionscripting and I do not understand it completely. I have a movie that has a few (2-4) scenes in it. Each scene is like its own "commercial" I created a holiday movie that has snowflakes falling using an online tutorial. The movie works fine by itself, but when I load it as a scene in the movie that has my"commercials", the snowflakes continue to fall throughout the rest of the scenes. The holiday movie has a movie clip that has a snowflake falling straight down. The actionscripting duplicates the movie clip randomly as well as its opacity, postition, etc. I understand what I did during the tutorial, but I'm not sure how to get the snowflakes to stop falling throughout the rest of the scenes. I've tried entering a stop after the script but it just seems to stop the scene there without continuing to rotate through the rest of them. I don't quite understand where to tell it to stop. Somewhere else on the actions timeline? In the movie clip itself? Here is the actionscript code I'm using:
var i = 0;
myInterval = setInterval(addFlake,500);
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Feb 17, 2007
I'm using some code that tweens menu text color on rollover. This basic code works, but I'd like to tighten things up and create a single function that is called on rollover and rollout. The code that needs help is below - create a dynamic textfield and convert it to a movie clip called "textfield_mc".
var default_color:Number = 0x939672;
var rollover_color:Number = 0xc6c3ab;
var selected_color:Number = 0x63481d;
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Jan 5, 2010
Tell me is there a possibility to completely stop actionscript 3 code from running for a given time and then to resume?
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Jul 24, 2009
I'm trying to stop an animation running that I've imported from an .SWF file.I've loaded it using the new URLRequest method, but now I can't seem to talk to it.Is it possible to Talk to it, or should I just leave it in the Library and pull it from there.
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Jan 5, 2010
Tell me is there a possibility to completely stop actionscript 3 code from running for a given time and then to resume?
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Aug 7, 2003
I want to be able to stop a function from running by the press of a button. Is there such an inbuilt function? Like "stop function(myFunction);" or something..?
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Apr 28, 2005
I use laco's tween class for a button color fade. A bit like on the Laco navigation itself : [URL]
It works, only, when the mouse moves a little too fast over the button, it delays, like the mouse didn't went over that button, what gives a pretty annoying effect, like a bug... this is the code I use :
menu1.onRollOver = function ()
this.colorTo (0xFF0099, 0.1);
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Nov 2, 2008
how do I do this when the button is already animating using a tween class.
I want the button to be pulsating, then when you rollover it, it expands and stays until you roll off. However, when you rollover here, it keeps pulsating.
Here's what my script looks like:
//tween the button
var button_scaleX:Tween = new Tween(audioButton, "_xscale", Regular.easeOut, 100, scaleUp, 1, true);
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Jan 22, 2005
With the script below I am making a ball move from left to right and back. but when I rollover twice quickly, it also accepts the second rollover command. I would like it to accept that second rollover only when the first one is finished. I mean, I want the first to be finished before it accepts another rollover. I know it is simple to solve this with a tween using frames instead of as, but I was wondering if someone knows how to adapt the script.
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Apr 28, 2005
I use laco's tween class for a button color fade. A bit like on the Laco navigation itself : [URL] It works, only, when the mouse moves a little too fast over the button, it delays, like the mouse didn't went over that button, what gives a pretty annoying effect, like a bug... this is the code I use :
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