ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Ideal Fps And Stage Size For An Auditorium Presentation
Feb 9, 2011
Briefly, I'm a beginner in Flash. I need to do a short presentation with flash. The presentation will be mainly a combo of text slides transitions and 20% of it will be animated stick figures. The presentation will be shown to a group of enclosed audience in an auditorium in school. I'll hook up the laptop and the projector to play it.
I've not done this before and would not have a chance to test it out until the actual day of the presentation. I'm getting knots in my stomach worrying if what I see on my computer will not turn out to be the same on a projector in an auditorium environment.
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import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
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stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, checkSize);
function checkSize(e:MouseEvent):void{
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Nov 7, 2008
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Actionscript Code:
import flash.display.*;var adLoader1:Loader = new Loader();adLoader1.load(new URLRequest("100828_budlight_texas_fight_728x90_jn.swf"));adLoader1.x = 313;adLoader1.y = 162;addChild(adLoader1);var adLoader3:Loader = new Loader();adLoader3.load(new URLRequest("100828_budlight_texas_fight_300x615_jn.swf"));adLoader3.x = 738;adLoader3.y = 0;addChild(adLoader3);
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Aug 27, 2010
I've been wanting to create a flash presentation similar to the one on the page of this website.This is NOT my website by the way. Does this require actionscript? http:[url]........
I know it will take some time to learn and develop and I'm willing to put in the time to learn. I just would like to learn from a professional tutorial and not some random, generic looking tutorial that doesn't really teach a thing.
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Feb 23, 2011
I have been doing days worth of research and this is a topic I have yet to find much useful information on. I create business presentations for a wide range of clients with adobe flash. Up until now all user control has been done through the computer or via a timer so the user wasnt interacting at all. We have started receiving requests for presentations where the presenter can interact with the presentation via a presentation remote. Basically they want control over the presentation just like someone can with a remote in Powerpoint.
All my research on this topic up until now has been pretty much in vein. We have tried to program flash with keystrokes and such but ran into issues as apperently all remotes do not use keystrokes to control the presentation (namely some logitech remotes do not). So here is my question.
Does anyone have an idea on how we could set up a flash presentation to work with ANY remote our presenters may have? I am hoping this is something we can program/build one time and then just copy and paste the code to each presentation. Versus the alternative of contacting each client, asking what remote they will be using, and programming based on acquired information.
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Mar 27, 2009
I've been tasked with making a fairly simple Flash presentation that will be published to an exe and put onto a jump drive. I've done this before and at the time I just used the getURL command (IIRC) to open a PDF with a button click. I literally have 100's of PDFs to link to so I was wondering if there is a better way to do it (before I start using my old method) I'm using AS3 in Flash CS5. And I am NOT a big Flash user so maybe I just need to resort to the way i did it last time. Was just thinking there might be a more elegant way to approach this...that a novice could handle.
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