Open PDFs From Flash Presentation?
Mar 27, 2009
I've been tasked with making a fairly simple Flash presentation that will be published to an exe and put onto a jump drive. I've done this before and at the time I just used the getURL command (IIRC) to open a PDF with a button click. I literally have 100's of PDFs to link to so I was wondering if there is a better way to do it (before I start using my old method) I'm using AS3 in Flash CS5. And I am NOT a big Flash user so maybe I just need to resort to the way i did it last time. Was just thinking there might be a more elegant way to approach this...that a novice could handle.
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I'm constructing a website in Flash that is based on a DVD I'd put together in Director a few years ago.
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<a href="url" target="_blank></a>
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Feb 12, 2011
I wrote a huge post first but thought I shouldn't drop a wall of text here. Here's a summary of a problem that I'm hoping you all can provide some insight in:I have a web app for a client which uses Flash text engine api (not TLF) to layout some text in a report.The text requirements are specific so we like using FTE for typography.Now that the text is looking perfect to the client, how do I make what I'm seeing on screen into a pdf that looks identical?Tried purepdf or alivepdf sprite->bitmap->pdf approach... terrible results - we need resolution independenceLooked at purepdf api - doesn't seem to be a way of converting the final sprite output directly to the pdf.... seems like it'll require me to use their own API for typesetting / layout... which defeats the purpose of using FTE to do this (we'd lose kerning / ligatures etc that way?)Finally using the flash -> print -> using postscript driver like pdfconverter or cutepdf -> pdf ........ this is great because the pdf looks exactly like display and is vector-output (res-independent), BUTUsing FTE, the pdf created this way doesn't have selectable text in pdf! flash TextFields -> pdf do retain selectability. Basically pdfconverter doesn't embed the fonts in the pdf when FTE is used... it DOES embed the fonts in a pdf made the same way with same fonts in MS Word or something
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Feb 12, 2011
- I have a web app for a client which uses Flash text engine api (not TLF) to layout some text in a report. The text requirements are specific so we like using FTE for typography. Now that the text is looking perfect to the client, how do I make what I'm seeing on screen into a pdf that looks identical?
- Tried purepdf or alivepdf sprite->bitmap->pdf approach... terrible results - we need resolution independence Looked at purepdf api - doesn't seem to be a way of converting the final sprite output directly to the pdf.... seems like it'll require me to use their own API for typesetting / layout... which defeats the purpose of using FTE to do this (we'd lose kerning / ligatures etc that way?) Finally using the flash -> print -> using postscript driver like pdfconverter or cutepdf -> pdf ........ this is great because the pdf looks exactly like display and is vector-output (res-independent), BUT Using FTE, the pdf created this way doesn't have selectable text in pdf! flash TextFields -> pdf do retain selectability. Basically pdfconverter doesn't embed the fonts in the pdf when FTE is used... it DOES embed the fonts in a pdf made the same way with same fonts in MS Word or something
1- How do I get the text to be selectable in the PDF created from FTE > postscript method
2- (If not that) - How can I create a PDF from flash where the PDF is identical to what I'm seeing on screen - basically doing a direct final-rendered-Sprite to PDF .... if there's a way to make that PDF manually, then maybe I can embed the fonts manually...
Some context:
- How we're using fonts - they're SWF's created from teh fonts using [embed] and embedAsCFF=true for use in FTE
- I thought of using FTE only for typesetting / layout - and when we get the TextLines, using the good old flash...TextField (which does become selectable in final pdf) .... but I cant do that because some of our textlines have several variations of font styles and inline (GraphicElement) images on the same line.... I think its impossible to detect all of those variation can create the appropriate number of textfields?
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Apr 10, 2011
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I still have to load PDF in flash, but if I could find a better way to create an SWF out of the PDF. I'm currently using pdf2swf and it's great and all. Maybe there is some functionality to that program that I'm missing. Some other way to organize the PDF pages in the SWF.
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Sep 9, 2010
Basically im building a site and using buttons to call up PDFs of menus. Found some code and adapted it to suit, but am getting some errors:
desc: 1137: Incorrect number of arguments. Expected no more than 1.
cafe_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, buttonclicka);
function buttonclicka(event:MouseEvent):void {
var homeLink:URLRequest=new URLRequest("menus/cafe.pdf","_blank");
[Code] .....
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Nov 13, 2010
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Oct 20, 2009
I'm going to be creating a Flash presentation that will run on a flatscreen TV at a trade show. I'm not certain what resolution to set up my Flash movie to. The TV is a widescreen Panasonic 42" TH42PH10BK with 1024 x 768 pixels, however when I set my animation to those values it looks 'squarer' than the TV. It looks like I need to set up the animation to a different resolution, but I don't know which!
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Jan 29, 2010
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Aug 27, 2010
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Feb 23, 2011
I have been doing days worth of research and this is a topic I have yet to find much useful information on. I create business presentations for a wide range of clients with adobe flash. Up until now all user control has been done through the computer or via a timer so the user wasnt interacting at all. We have started receiving requests for presentations where the presenter can interact with the presentation via a presentation remote. Basically they want control over the presentation just like someone can with a remote in Powerpoint.
All my research on this topic up until now has been pretty much in vein. We have tried to program flash with keystrokes and such but ran into issues as apperently all remotes do not use keystrokes to control the presentation (namely some logitech remotes do not). So here is my question.
Does anyone have an idea on how we could set up a flash presentation to work with ANY remote our presenters may have? I am hoping this is something we can program/build one time and then just copy and paste the code to each presentation. Versus the alternative of contacting each client, asking what remote they will be using, and programming based on acquired information.
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Jul 25, 2011
I have to decide whether I should choose a Flash or a HTML5 presentation tier third party application for displaying virtual tours. The thing is: The Flash app is better, but doesn't work one iPad. Which do you think I should go for? Flash, high quality or HTML5, a little worst quality?
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Jun 23, 2009
After using Flash for many years for animation I've finally discovered the Flash Presentation document setup, but I'm stumbling at the first hurdle in getting my head around the document structure and how the playhead moves between slides/screens.
I have a small 48 frame animated "text bullet" which fades in and then glows for a second. I have placed this on one layer in slide 2, and have tweened it so that it flies in from the left of the screen, stopping in the middle. This is great but have noticed that when advancing to the next slide, slide 3, and then hitting the left arrow to go back to slide 2, the animated instance of the text bullet is at the same position/state as when I navigated away from slide 2 to slide 3.
So how come the playhead doesn't automatically jump to the start (frame 1) of slide 2 when I navigate back? I have explored the Behaviours but haven't managed to sort out this very basic first step
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Jul 9, 2009
How to build the flash presentation in AS3 by loading movie clips from library. I have 3 movie clips in library
mc_1, mc_2, mc_3
we have to play one by one.
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Sep 9, 2009
Here is the site homepage: [URL]. In firefox & netscape the drop down kills the flash presentation.
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Apr 9, 2010
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