Controlling The Playhead Between Slides In Flash Presentation
Jun 23, 2009
After using Flash for many years for animation I've finally discovered the Flash Presentation document setup, but I'm stumbling at the first hurdle in getting my head around the document structure and how the playhead moves between slides/screens.
I have a small 48 frame animated "text bullet" which fades in and then glows for a second. I have placed this on one layer in slide 2, and have tweened it so that it flies in from the left of the screen, stopping in the middle. This is great but have noticed that when advancing to the next slide, slide 3, and then hitting the left arrow to go back to slide 2, the animated instance of the text bullet is at the same position/state as when I navigated away from slide 2 to slide 3.
So how come the playhead doesn't automatically jump to the start (frame 1) of slide 2 when I navigate back? I have explored the Behaviours but haven't managed to sort out this very basic first step
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myFlvPlayback1.addEventListener ( "cuePoint", this );function cuePoint ( eventObj:Object ){gotoAndPlay("1");
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function onThumbPress( e:MouseEvent ):void {;
} function onThumbRelease( e:MouseEvent ):void {
[Code] .....
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_root.slide1.intromc._alpha = 0;
But this doesn't work for. How I can get access to MCs in a slide if its possible !!!!
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Chapter 11: Basic Tasks: Create a Presentation with Screens.
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Dec 11, 2009
Take a video on (like this one: [URL]... If you play the movie linked above, you'll see the slide deck advance as the appropriate part in the movie is hit. If you advance it forward and back with the slider, you'll see that it triggers to the appropriate location in the slide deck.
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Dec 21, 2011
If you load up a FLVPlayback component in Flash or VideoDisplay in Flex and try to seek to a specific location or set playheadTime to a specific location, the movie always rounds up or down by very large amountsIn flash, drag a FLVPlayback component to stage and set source to Then try to or video.playheadTime = 6;It will just goto 10. Likewise if you use their built in scrubber the only intervals are 0, 5, or 10. So at most the scrubbing frame you see is 3Here is an example of flex with the same result.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" xmlns:media="*">
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Oct 26, 2009
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ban.mouseChildren = false;
ban.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, banOut);
ban.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, banOver);
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Dec 20, 2010
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Nov 5, 2006
I'm trying to create a play-head (not a load bar) with Action Script that shows where my movie is at in its timeline A little something like this
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Nov 13, 2010
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Mar 12, 2009
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also is there a way to copy frames and paste them in place without things getting shifted weird?
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Oct 20, 2009
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Jan 29, 2010
I was wondering how I make my buttons go to the next slide in a flash presentation Only know the code to do it to the next scene in a regular flash project.
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Aug 27, 2010
I've been wanting to create a flash presentation similar to the one on the page of this website.This is NOT my website by the way. Does this require actionscript? http:[url]........
I know it will take some time to learn and develop and I'm willing to put in the time to learn. I just would like to learn from a professional tutorial and not some random, generic looking tutorial that doesn't really teach a thing.
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Feb 23, 2011
I have been doing days worth of research and this is a topic I have yet to find much useful information on. I create business presentations for a wide range of clients with adobe flash. Up until now all user control has been done through the computer or via a timer so the user wasnt interacting at all. We have started receiving requests for presentations where the presenter can interact with the presentation via a presentation remote. Basically they want control over the presentation just like someone can with a remote in Powerpoint.
All my research on this topic up until now has been pretty much in vein. We have tried to program flash with keystrokes and such but ran into issues as apperently all remotes do not use keystrokes to control the presentation (namely some logitech remotes do not). So here is my question.
Does anyone have an idea on how we could set up a flash presentation to work with ANY remote our presenters may have? I am hoping this is something we can program/build one time and then just copy and paste the code to each presentation. Versus the alternative of contacting each client, asking what remote they will be using, and programming based on acquired information.
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Mar 27, 2009
I've been tasked with making a fairly simple Flash presentation that will be published to an exe and put onto a jump drive. I've done this before and at the time I just used the getURL command (IIRC) to open a PDF with a button click. I literally have 100's of PDFs to link to so I was wondering if there is a better way to do it (before I start using my old method) I'm using AS3 in Flash CS5. And I am NOT a big Flash user so maybe I just need to resort to the way i did it last time. Was just thinking there might be a more elegant way to approach this...that a novice could handle.
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