ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Transition Between Keyframes Of The Same Movieclip?

Oct 10, 2011

i have a movieclip named bgMC that has 5 keyframes with a different image for every keyframes.i'd like to know if it is possible via actionscript, caurina or else to have a transition between keyframes like:

1) i use bg.gotoAndStop(1)

2) fade in the image i have in keyframe(2), if i use i use bg.gotoAndStop(2) the image is replaced istantly

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip With Six Keyframes - FLV Loader

Sep 24, 2009

I have set up my project file in such a way that I have an FLV loader and a movie clip with six key frames (for my menu) on the stage. On each of the key frames I have six buttons. The way the site is supposed to work is that when you click on a different button you jump to a different key frame where an flv movie begins to play and an external swf file is loaded. I've made some progress with the coding, but the darn thing still doesn't work.

I have pasted my AS3 code below.
var mySection="company"
var mySection="services"
var mySection="films"
var mySection="news"
var mySection="donate"
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Page Transition That Will Play A MovieCLip Transition Into A Page?

Apr 23, 2010

I am trying to create a page transition that will play a movieCLip transition into a page. and then it stops then when another button is pressed, it will play that transition out while loading the appropriate one. In the attached FLA, if you click on the red button first, the blue transition plays,

--red button code--

and then stops on the stage. When you click the green button second,

--green button code --


it works correctly/ Playing out of the blue Transition and into the Red transition. However if I click it again it does the opposite, and just keep alternating.

If I add the"out");

to the first button then, nothing works right. I will eventually have more buttons, and may need to use a variable to control which "out" transitions is played, but how do I get the buttons to do this?I just want it to exit the current movie clip and play the "in" section of the desired clip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Draw To Specific Keyframes Within Movieclip?

Feb 12, 2008

I have a movieclip that has a keyframe at every frame, and I'd like my code to be able to draw to the individual keyframes within that clip. I'm generating images for animation, but the code takes a few seconds per image, so the animation can't simply be generated on the fly. I want the code to draw all of the images into the movieclip and then play the animation as a loop once that's done. It seems like this would be a pretty straighforward method, but I can't get it to work. It seems that when I draw into the movieClip, it ignores the fact that I have keyframes there. Whatever I draw appears at every frame as if it's drawn onto a different layer that just has the default keyframe at frame 1. To test, I manually put drawings into the keyframes, and they loop back as expected. The only problem seems to be that the animation images generated by actionScript appear all on top of each other and held for the entire movieClip loop. The following is code that I had hoped would draw into frame 2 of the movieClip. I assume that this is naive:

clipInstance.lineStyle(1, 0x000000);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert All The Imported Keyframes To Graphic Or Movieclip ?

Oct 15, 2008

I imported a swf created in After Effects to Flash CS3 to make it interactive. Flash broke the "swf" movie into a number of keyframes (apprx 65 keyframes) which when previewed, plays all the keyframes one by one. I want it to stop at first keyframe and have a button over there, which when clicked will let the next 30 keyframes run without stopping. Then stop at the 30th keyframe which will have another button to be clicked to proceed to the the next 34 keyframes without stop. I have been trying the stop(), and gotoAndPlay nextFrame, but it stops at the next frame. One more thing, do I need to convert all the imported keyframes to graphic or movieclip ?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Movieclip To Play From Different Keyframes Based On What Url Were Starting From Before

Nov 26, 2010

I have an swf file on the homepage that is the intro followed a menu. When the user types the URL for the home page from an outside site, I need the entire flash file to play from frame 1, but if you have already seen it and then clicked around to subpages within the site and then want to go back to the home page , I want the movieclip to start from a specified keyframe.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cannot Run Transition On MovieClip

Aug 31, 2007

In Flash CS3/AS3, if I try to run a transition on a movie clip "PaneB" accompanied by a PaneB class definition, I get the following error:
ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property __transitionManager not found on Site.Page.PaneB and there is no default value.

However, if I don't associate a class with PaneB (leaving Flash to define a default one), I don't get the error. If I create a child clip (for PaneB) without a class attached, and then run transition on that child, things work OK. And, if I create a new movie clip at run time and add PaneB as its child and then run transiton on the parent, it also works fine. Meaning, there's something that the default class definition is doing that my class (that extends MovieClip) is not doing. Happens even if I don't define anything in the class!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add A Squeeze Transition Effect Between Frames Using The Transition Manager Class?

Nov 16, 2009

How can I add a Squeeze transition effect between frames using the transition manager class on a simple slideshow using the goBack and goForward functions in ActionScript3? Below is the code I have so far:

function goBack(event:MouseEvent):void

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movieclip Leaving The Stage With A Nice Transition?

Oct 21, 2004

What AS should I use to make an object wich is a movie clip appear into the stage?I have this action:

something._x = -1000;
something._y = -1000;

But using it the object just appear, from nothing and I want it to appear from a initial position....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tweenlite Transition - Moving MovieClip Constantly

Jul 4, 2009

I've tried using tweenlite as a replacement for tweener. In one use I have a mc that I want to constantly move left or right when the mouse is hovering over it depending on position. With tweener I set the x for the tween to be mc.x-20. Using this with tweenlite 'to' just does it once rather then a smooth constant movement(this tween is being repeated through an event listener with mouse_over), 'from' will do what I want, however when the mouse leaves the mc, the mc comes to a halt and performs a tween in the opposite direction by 20 pixels...

I am not sure how to prevent the tween in the opposite direction or have 'to' continue to tween the mc without me having to rehover over the mc again for another tween of 20 pixels... So is it possible to use tweenlite like I had tweener working?
imageHolder.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateScroll);
imageHolder.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, rollover);
function rollover(e:MouseEvent):void {
if(scrollc.mouseX>containerWidth/2) {
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MovieClip Leaving Stage With Nice Transition

Oct 21, 2004

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something._x = -1000;
something._y = -1000;
But using it the object just appear, from nothing and I want it to appear from a initial position....

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Actionscript 3 :: Adjust Flash Objects From All Keyframes?

Jan 2, 2010

I know there has to be away to adjust objects on the stage from all keyframes because it's probably the most annoying thing I've experienced

I adjust a bitmap image and then when you play the movieclip, right when it hits another keyframe it shows the old position instead of the new. How can I update all images on the stage including all the keyframes?

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Actionscript 3 :: FLASH : Delete Keyframes Programmatically?

Jan 5, 2012

Here's what i'm trying to do: I have a slideshow of pictures with a simple fading transition. I do not have the source file and i'd like to extract all of the single pictures from the slideshow. I've imported the video into flash so that all of the images from the video are keyframes.

So now, I have a movie with about 10,000 keyframes. I have a known interval of keyframes that I do not want (when the picture is on a frame by itself and it's not transitioning with another picture).

Can I:

Delete an interval of keyframes Create a new movieclip/document/scene... with the keyframes that I want

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Print Keyframes In Flash MX 2004?

Dec 18, 2006

I have project with 4 layers 5 kayframes. There are any way to print the text and graphics that exist in one kayframe (I want to print each keyframe separately)?

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Flexbuilder :: Flex Transition Effects Work On 2nd And After Transition

May 18, 2010

i have a flex app that transitions between 2 states with the toggle of a button. my issue is that the effect of fading only seems to work on the 2nd transition and after. However, for my first transition... going from State1 to studyState... there is no fade effect whatsoever, in fact the components in state1 disappear completely (the footer fills the empty gap where the "body" use to be) and then the flex recreates the studyState (without any fade refilling the "body" with components only in studyState). After this first transition however, going between studyState and State1 working COMPLETELY fine.. why does this happen and how can i make it so that crossfade works STARTING FROM THE VERY FIRST TRANSITION?[code]

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IDE :: Transition Slides With The Behavior Slide Transition Options?

Oct 25, 2009

I have a presentation using the "presentation" template that comes with flash. I am trying to transition slides with the behavior slide transition options. but I've learned that it works find while going into a slide and doesn't go to the next slide when leaving.So basically I want it so that on right arrow first play out transition then go to next slide.

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Flash :: Can't Properly Create Motion Tweens Between Two Keyframes In CS4?

Jan 16, 2012

I'm trying to create a flash animation of a wing flapping using three keyframes. The first keyframe is at frame 1. I then created a second keyframe at frame 5 by pressing F6, and then I created another keyframe at frame 10 by pressing F6. At frame 5, I rotated the wing so that it is going up. Frame 10 is the same as frame 1.frame 1: frame 5: frame 10: I right clicked on a frame between frames 5 and 10 and then clicked the first optio , "Create Motion Tween"; I then performed the same action on a frame between frames 1 and 5. When I preview or test the movie, there is no transition between the frames. From frame 1 to 5, there is supposed to be a transition of the wing flapping up. From frame 5 to 10, there is supposed to be a transition of the wing flapping downwards to its initial position. Instead, when I test the movie, the wing remains still until frame 5 and instantly goes to its "wing up state" and when it gets to frame 10, instantly goes to its "wing down state". Here is what the timeline looks like after I've made the changes mentioned above:

I'm using Flash CS4 to make the animation but the tutorial I'm following is using Flash CS3. I know I can use other methods to create the motion tween but I want to know why the method I'm using isn't working.

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Copy Folder With Bunch Of Layers And Keyframes To Different Flash Project?

Apr 15, 2010

Is there any way to copy a folder with a bunch of layers and keyframes to a different flash project?

or in another way is there a way for me to save time and copy a work i have done on a different project and use it in a new, consisting a keyframed animation?

View 7 Replies

Flash 10 :: Rolling Logo - Add Extra Keyframes On Motion Tween

May 25, 2011

i have the logo rolling but would like it to have an elastic effect sort of bounce at the end of my motion path. how to add extra keyframes on my motion tween to achieve this effect

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Trying To Trace Mc Identifier Names On Timeline Keyframes.

Oct 26, 2010

I'm trying to trace Mc Identifier names on timeline keyframes. But it does not work for keyed frames...

-I have an ordinary keyframe animation on the root timeline. -each keyframe is a movieclip (exported for actionscript and a class created in the library/properies)

-I try to trace every frame, but for some reason my script ignores the ones with a keyframe in them and reads the emty(grey) timline areas.

since the whole deal for me is to create a very simple timeline exporter

how to get the names for frames with a key in it?

(I pasted this clip on first frame in timeline)

import flash.display.MovieClip;
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME ,getStageChildren);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Transition Within Movieclip - Open The Load.swf And Click Red Buttons.. It Loads Up The External Swf?

Feb 27, 2006

if you open up the TEST.swf you can see how I want my transition to look like.. everything works perfectly.. then if you open the Load.swf and click one of those red buttons.. it loads up the external swf.. but if you click another button it loads up the same external thing.the difference between Load.swf and TEST.swf is that in Load.swf is container in which the TEST.swf is loaded..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play The "out" Transition Than Unload The Current Swf Than Play The In Transition Than Load The Swf Of The Button That Was Clicked

Oct 11, 2009

i have looked everywhere for a tutorial on this - i have tried writing, and re-writing codes....i just cant get it. is there any tutorial i overlooked? here is what im looking to do - NO SHORTCUTS: have my main file that loads the buttons, my external swf container, my intro animations, and my swf "out" and "in" animations when a button is clicked i want it to point me to specific frame labels. i will have an "out" and "in" frame label and which will be the locations of the transitional starting points i want it to play the "out" transition, than unload the current swf, than play the in transition, than load the swf of the button that was clicked i want the animations to all be done using frame labels all within the MAIN swf file.... i have had no luck doing this....and i do NOT like the tween class....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Keyframes In F4v With H.264?

Jul 13, 2009

I've got this f4v with h.264 encoding which I've placed keyframes for every 5th frame. Framerate is 30.

In my AS3 I'm seeking the NetStream and the problem is, that it only seeks with a interval of 1 second. I would like to seek 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4....etc to get a more smooth videoseek?

Does anyone know if keyframes in f4v with h.264 are registred by the flash player?

btw. does f4v with h.264 support cuepoints?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Map API Is Not Placed In Those Keyframes?

Mar 25, 2011

I placed the Google map API into a webpage that I am creating in flash. The map fills up the whole stage when it is being run.

gm.setSize( new Point ( stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight ) );

I can not figure out how do stop it from being the width of the stage.I have set up a button which go to the keyframe holding the map but pressing on the button to go back the to previous keyframe doesn't get rid of the map and it then stays on the stage for every other frame even thought the map API is not placed in those keyframes.

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Cannot Use F6 Key To Insert Keyframes

Sep 15, 2009

I use a handful of shortcuts daily while developing in Flash on OSX. The shortcuts I use the most are when I'm working on the timeline with key frames. F5, f6, F7 etc. However, I cannot use the F6 key to insert keyframes. It's not an option as a shortcut in the drop down and the option to change or assign it is grayed out in the Keyboard Preferences menu.My first thought is that I have another program running or setting in OSX that's blocking that ability or overriding it. I have tried reinstalling CS4 entirely with no luck. Does anyone have any suggestions of how to track down the problem? It's a huge time killer when doing animation.

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IDE :: Convert Flv To Keyframes?

Feb 10, 2010

i have an embedded video which is about 500 frames.

I simply want to convert those to keyframes to edit it and use some in reverse.

I could swear that one time this worked - but when i select the video and hit 'convert to keyframes' - all the new frames are simply the first frame of the video.

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Transition Flash To A WebPage?

May 1, 2011

I'm using Flash CS4. When a page is opened it plays a 20 second Flash movie. At the end of the movie I want to be able to transition directly to another web page. How do I do it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Xml Transition In Flash?

Feb 8, 2012

i made a xml gallery for my site.

right now when we move a cursor it will transition down.

but now i want to add 2 buttons and transition on them like this given below link

i am attaching code also

private function setImgPaning():void {
sH = base_mc.height;
sW = base_mc.width;
var t:Timer = new Timer(1);


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Flash Page Transition As In Mac OS?

Oct 10, 2010

Looking for way to create page transition for flash website as in Mac OS when you minimize window its like getting sucked in pipe in lower left of the screen. where i find plugin or how i create that from scratch?

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Restrict Easing Between Certain Keyframes In CS4?

May 8, 2009

I'm having trouble with the new keyframing model in Flash CS4.Say I have a symbol that starts here, then moves over there, then waits, then moves back over there again, etc. etc.Using the new model, all of these movements seem to be considered the same and single tween.If I apply easing, the easing affects the entire range of keyframes. This doesn't make sense? I may want the symbol to slow down when it gets "there" and have different easing for different movements. Does this make sense?

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