ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex Removing Duplicates From An Array Doesn't Work?

Sep 11, 2010

I've been trying to remove duplicates from an array for a while, or even preventing them, and I'm having nothing but trouble.There's a lot of code to go through.I'm creating an array with objects inside it like so...

private function getJsonResult(event:Event):void {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing Duplicates In An Array Of Arrays?

Aug 18, 2009

I can find plenty of ways to remove duplicates with literal datatypes, and I guess at an absolute pinch I could use toString and adopt one of those, but there surely must be a better way of doing this?

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Actionscript 3 :: Removing Duplicates In Flex 4 XMLList With Filterfunction

May 23, 2011

I have seen numerous examples on how to remove duplicates in ArrayCollection but I can't seem to transpose this to XMLList. In most ArrayCollection examples, the example compares the key of the array with hasOwnProperty method and return a bool. That's fine, but what would I compare to when using an XMLList? Let's say I have:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check Array Doesn't Work?

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if (t1 or t2) = ar[0] or ar[1] or ar[2]
ok = false
else ok is true


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I am using an array to return data to an application and as the array is filled with data using a loader and the order is important it happens that data in slot n is inserted later than data in slot n+1. How do I know that the array is full as I know the number of elements to be loaded? The length property doesn't work for this. I could go through the array each time I put something in and look if every slot is full but that seems ineffective.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Drop Game - Splice Method Doesn't Work On Array

Jul 21, 2011

I have a drag and drop game. You listen to a sound for exampl "bread" You proceed to drag that mc to a box. If it is the right object I want to remove that mc and splice the array so it doesn't choose that object anymore. However I have notices two things.

When I splice(0) a specific element - then nothing works. When I splice the cuurent indexed element ie: the last element to get right - it doesn't actually remove it from the array. I have highlighted the key code parts.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Array - Allow Duplicates But Not Next To Each Other?

Nov 3, 2009

I am creating an educational game. I have several arrays. These arrays have duplicate problems and that is fine. The problem is, I do not want the duplicate problems to appear right after each other. I have a function that randomizes the arrays. I am trying to create a function that, if a duplicate is found immediately after the original, it will be moved to the end of the array.

So far I have this...
function noRepeat(){
var len = aNineb.length;
for (i=0; i<len; i++){
before = i - 1;
trace("aNineb = " + aNineb[i][0]);
[Code] .....

But it never gets to the extra problems. Do I need to pop it or slice it out before I push it to the bottom? And, how could I make this a prototype thing, so I could just type in aNineb.noRepeat(); ?

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Flex :: Removing Item From Array

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I have 2 arrays & 2 checkbox repeaters: the second gets populated w/ items selected from the first. I can add the items no problem. How do I then delete the item if it gets deselected from the first checkbox repeater?


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ActionScript 1/2 :: DuplicateMovieClip - Duplicates Disappear When New Duplicates Are Loaded?

Dec 2, 2010

I am making a drag and drop game using AS2 in Flash CS5 where mc items are duplicated and enlarged from a menu and can be placed anywhere on the stage to create a custom robot. Each part (arms, head, feet, etc.) is it's own mc with unique instance names. I have the drag and drop part all figured out, and I even have the duplicateMovieClip part working...

HOWEVER... Whenever I move from the current frame that an object was duplicated in, to another frame and then back, the clips dissapear one by one if you try to create a new one. Each list of menu items are in their own frames (heads, torsos, arms, etc.). As the duplicates are made, they remain on stage no matter what frame you go to and can still be dagged around, which is good, but as I said previously, they dissappear when you create a new duplicate. Not all disappear at once, only older created duplicates disappear as you bring in new duplicates.


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Actionscript 3 :: Remove Duplicates In An Array?

May 13, 2011

I just have an array of names (strings) in flash, and I want to make sure that any duplicates from the array are removed, or at least that a function is performed only once per reocurring value in the array.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Find Duplicates In Array

Jun 18, 2010

Following code removes duplicates from an array. But the problem is, it modifies the original array. Can we create a new array which does not have duplicates and keep the original array intact?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Remove Duplicates From Array

Oct 21, 2010

I want to remove duplicates from an array. I've a command which works very fine:
arrayID = (arrayID.filter(function(e:*, j:int, a:Array) {return a.indexOf(e) == j;}, this));

This code is for normal arrays which contain only normal values (number or string).. but i've an array in my script, which has objects in that...
var arrayID:Array = [{value:1, name:"asd"},{value:2, name:"asd"},{value:3, name:"asd"},{value:1, name:"qwe"},{value:2, name:"qwe"},{value:3, name:"qwe"},{value:4, name:"asd"}];

What I want is I want to remove duplicates of "name" element! so after removing it should become:
arrayID = [{value:1, name:"asd"}, {value:1, name:"qwe"}];
I believe it is quite easy even I tried to play with the code but I could not do...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Remove Duplicates From Array?

Nov 25, 2005

How can I remove duplicate entries from an array?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Duplicates From An Array?

Mar 17, 2009

How can I remove duplicates from my array ?

{0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4} ---> {0,1,2,3,4}

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Duplicates In A Array?

Jul 2, 2009

I have the following array:

var custommer:array = new Array("a", "b", "c", "b", "c", "a", "b");

I need to generate a new array with only one of each array entry.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sort Out Duplicates In Array

Apr 28, 2010

I have XML file with a item categoryName. I put these into an array - menuArray. But there are duplicates in the array and I need to know how to sort out the duplicates so just one of each of the items remains in the array to build my menu.


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Flex :: AS3 - Removing Objects By Array Item Reference

Jan 2, 2010

I am trying to add some Sprite objects as the contents of an array, and I would like to be able to "clear" them from the stage. I would assume that if there are loaders involved, I need to do

And if I am using a sprite, I can do:
None of the above work.

Currently I try:
for(i = 0; i < _localXML.length(); i++) {
var tmp:BMLink = new BMLink(_localXML[i], _bw, _bh, i);
_imgArray[i] = tmp;
_imgArray[i].x = (_bw + _mainpad) * i;
But this doesn't work.

The class instances that are populating the array are all extending sprite, but they have their own individual loaders inside w/ progress events etc.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex Doesn't Work The Way It Should?

Jan 28, 2010

I have 3 files. 2 actionscript files and a html file.I want the image to show up at the 0 X coordinate.It shows up at a non-zero position in the browser (firefox 3.*) after I compile everything with flex SDK and run the html file. BUG with flex? The embedded png image is 1019 pixels wide.

// first file.
import flash.display.Sprite;[code].....

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Flex :: Flex S:datagrid Sorting Doesn't Seem To Work?

Feb 18, 2012

I'm using Flashbuilder 4.6 and can't get sorting of columns in my s:DataGrid to work, clicking on the columns does nothing. Can anyone suggest what is wrong?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Array Of MovieClips Change The Properties It Duplicates The Element?

Sep 29, 2009

I will do my best in explaining what is happening. I have a feeling it has something to do with how I declare things, but I am kinda new with AS3 so please have patience.
On my stage I have an movie clip (mContainer). In the library I have another movieclip (mElement), that has been exported for actionScript as mElement.


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AS3 :: Flex - Subclassing An Array - Get Array Elements (this[0] Does Not Work)?

Mar 16, 2011

If I am a subclass of an Array, how do I access an element?

class ArrayOfFoo extends Array
public function getFooAt(anIndex : int) : Foo
return this[anIndex] as Foo; // <---- looks for an object attribute (named "0", for example)

I could wrap an array instead of subclassing it, however lacking a universal IArray interface, that is less than useful for standard and custom functions expecting an Array.

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Binding - Flex ChangeWatcher Doesn't Work?

Jul 9, 2010

I'm trying to implement a binding between some custom-built models and just beginning to dabble with the whole mx.binding.* collection. I tried this simple, stripped down example, but can't get the binding working correctly. Can somebody tell me where I'm going wrong?


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Flex :: DropDownList Doesn't Work In New Window

Oct 29, 2010

In this code I'm creating a new window when I click the button. In the new window are TextInput and DropDownList components. When the new window opens, clicking the DropDownList does nothing - you have to click it a second time round to get it to open. However, click into the TextInput field first and then try opening the DropDownList works no problem.

Below is the code, or download the FXP file here.

// DropDownTest.mxml (application)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx=""


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Flex - Httpservice Doesn't Work On Localhost?

Nov 7, 2010

I am making a very simple httpservice request w/ a php file that is on my remote server:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""


When I run the resultant flash file on my remote server, it works 100% and test.text gets populated to "successful". However, when I run it on localhost test.text is still blank. If I check my network monitor in Flex, the httpservice was successful, so crossdomain.xml seems to be set right ...what am I doing wrong? I've been spinning my wheels for some time w/out a clue.

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Flex :: Why Flash Firebug Doesn't Work

Nov 12, 2010

Why Flash Firebug doesn't work with flex 4.5?


I have Flex 4.5 and in the main application, in the script tag I write:

import ominds.Firebug;

I use flash player WIN 10,1,85,3 Debug enabled. I export swf as 10.1.85 version.

And when I open the flashFirebug I get this: "No SWF files with the O-Minds package found, you should import the O-Minds package into your flash files. For more information visit:"

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Flex :: Image SmoothBitmapContent Doesn't Work?

May 10, 2011

recently I got a jagged image problem when scaling. I set my image components smoothBitmapContent true, and it works properly the first time, but if I reset the source, the images return jagged. It seems like the smoothBitmapContent property has been changed to false, but it doesn't work even if I set it to true in run time.Here's is my code:

<custom1:SmoothImage id="MJCard_3_36" x="286.5" y="56.65" scaleX="0.66" scaleY="0.83" smoothBitmapContent="true"/>
MJCard_3_36.source = seabedPicArr[index1-1][index2-1][index3-1];

I simply use a custom Image-extended class and switch smoothBitmapContent on, and I set the image's source in run time.

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Flex :: RichText Doesn't Work With Bullets?

Jul 25, 2011

See the simple application created below. I have a RichTextEditor and a RichText component.The idea is to display whatever typed in the RichTextEditor in the RichText component. Everything else (I think) works except for Bullets! The conversion works as if bullets doesn't exists!

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application width="100%"


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Flex :: TextArea Scroll Down Doesn't Work

Sep 1, 2011

I have a TextArea that shows the conversation from selected chat room. For valueCommit event I use: verticalScrollPosition = maxVerticalScrollPosition; And it works fine scrolling text to the bottom. However in one case it doesn't work as expected. There's verylittle text, so TextArea has no scrollbar and then I put a lot of text and a scrollbar is necessary. The text is scrolled almost to the bottom (still a few lines need to be scrolled down). I am pretty sure it gets maxVerticalScrollPosition as if there was no scrollbar. So the question is how can I wait with updating verticalScrollPosition with respect to TextArea's new size (that is now with a scrollbar). I tried calling validateSize and other methods that start with 'validate' but unfortunately with no luck. I also tried the old trick of putting caret at the end of text. So the TextArea's scrollbar makes a difference when getting maxVerticalScrollPosition and I need to update verticalScrollPosition once all measurements are done. I forgot to mention. I use htmlText.

View 2 Replies - C# WebServices And Flex RPC Session Doesn't Work?

Oct 10, 2011

look im facing a problem. I have .NET + Flex application. I have a component in Flex who uploads a .XLS file to the server. This component has a Progress Barand it updates its bar and the Label with the


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Duplicates From Staggered Array For Drag And Drop Project?

Apr 14, 2010

Again, I'm having an issue with the final stages of my little drag and drop experiment.Here's the problem : I have an array of animals, all to be sorted into one of three boxes - Fits, Does Not Fit and Not SureNow if I place an animal in one of those three boxes, the name of the animal is supposed to be going into the correct place in a staggered array :

Actionscript Code:
var PassArray:Array = new Array(new Array(),new Array(),new Array());function letGo(event:MouseEvent):void {;


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