Actionscript 3 :: Removing Duplicates In Flex 4 XMLList With Filterfunction

May 23, 2011

I have seen numerous examples on how to remove duplicates in ArrayCollection but I can't seem to transpose this to XMLList. In most ArrayCollection examples, the example compares the key of the array with hasOwnProperty method and return a bool. That's fine, but what would I compare to when using an XMLList? Let's say I have:


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Flash :: Flex - ArrayCollection - Adding And Removing A FilterFunction?

Jun 13, 2011

I am using Adobe Flash Builder 4 Premium. I have a mx:DataGrid and a s:TextInput, and I am trying to set up a search box that filters the DataGrid on each key press.his page shows a nearly perfect example of what I'm trying to do, except that I'm setting this up in a s:TitleWindow, which is brought up as a popup using the PopUpManager. The list I'm trying to filter can be very large. It is a list of usernames, fetched from a MySQL database via PHP. Since it can be so large, I want the list to be populated once in the main application and then referenced in the popup window so that it doesn't have to fetch all the usernames each time the user opens the popup.I have all of this working fine for the first time you bring up the popup, but if you close it and bring it up again, I get this runtime error:I also get this error if I attempt to set the filterFunction back to null just before closing the popup.See sample code below:

Main Application:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex Removing Duplicates From An Array Doesn't Work?

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I've been trying to remove duplicates from an array for a while, or even preventing them, and I'm having nothing but trouble.There's a lot of code to go through.I'm creating an array with objects inside it like so...

private function getJsonResult(event:Event):void {


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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Filterfunction - Filter By Array Of Values?

Mar 17, 2011

How to filter an Arraycollection by "array of values" rather than a single value (simple comparision) , the below code snippet is for filtering by single value now I went into scenario like filter out only price [10,4,1,8] (some random values from the master collection). Is there any better way to do the second code snippet


One point I haven't mentioned is my items in the filterBy array are custom data not the basic datatypes.

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Flex :: ArrayCollection Not Returning Absolute Length When Filterfunction Is Applied On It

Apr 24, 2011

My Dataprovider for a grid is an arrayCollection which is dynamically loaded with Objects . for example : a person object with persionID,PersonName ..etc . I applied a filter function on my dataprovider based on personID . below is my function

public function FilterFunc(item:Object):Boolean
var same:Boolean=String(item.personID ) == filterpersonID ;
return same;


this function is called whenever a new object is being added to the arraycollection . The problem now is dp.length in the above function is returning only the no of objects of the particular personID on which the filterFunction was applied instead of the absolute value . Its not limiting the size of the other objects which are runnning into thousand's causing memory issues . once i change the filterFunction to different personID , it slowly starts limiting the respective personID objects. So the sizeHandler() limits only the personID objects for which filterfunction was applied instead of the whole objects , this is the problem .

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ActionScript 1/2 :: DuplicateMovieClip - Duplicates Disappear When New Duplicates Are Loaded?

Dec 2, 2010

I am making a drag and drop game using AS2 in Flash CS5 where mc items are duplicated and enlarged from a menu and can be placed anywhere on the stage to create a custom robot. Each part (arms, head, feet, etc.) is it's own mc with unique instance names. I have the drag and drop part all figured out, and I even have the duplicateMovieClip part working...

HOWEVER... Whenever I move from the current frame that an object was duplicated in, to another frame and then back, the clips dissapear one by one if you try to create a new one. Each list of menu items are in their own frames (heads, torsos, arms, etc.). As the duplicates are made, they remain on stage no matter what frame you go to and can still be dagged around, which is good, but as I said previously, they dissappear when you create a new duplicate. Not all disappear at once, only older created duplicates disappear as you bring in new duplicates.


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Apr 11, 2010

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Flex :: ArrayCollection Detecting Duplicates By Property Value?

Nov 19, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Update An Array With FilterFunction ?

Aug 21, 2009

filterFunction is a method to apply a filter on the content of a collection.But the filter is not apply into the orginal Array (the one which use in the ArrayCollection) So, after apply a filterFunction, the original Array lenght doesn't change, neither the content because the Array is not update; Only the Arraycollection does changes after filterFunction there anyway to synchronise the content of an arraycollection with an array ?

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AS3 :: Flex - Get An XMLList Using A Variable?

Feb 7, 2011

I have the following XMLList and am trying to return the XMLList with the node having the label Mail Box or Outbox, depending on string variable called folder. folder can either be equal to "Mail Box" or "Outbox".

`<fx:XMLList id="treeData">
<node label="Mail Box">
<node label="Inbox">


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Flex :: Loop Through XMLList?

Feb 24, 2011

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It just alerts "0" or "1". If I inspect the 'item' variable, I see the same thing. But if I inspect 'myList' it looks like the XML. I've also tried myList.children() and strongly typing 'items' to 'XML' but nothing I do has worked.

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I am trying something like this:
var tempXMLList:XMLList = new XMLList();


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Xml :: Create A Xmllist Variable In Flex?

Mar 17, 2011

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var _menuData:XMLList;
<menuitem label="File">
<menuitem label="Backup Schedule"/>


How do I assign this xml to _menuDAta in actionScript? I dont want to create a string first and then do it all by fixing line break errors.

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Mar 31, 2011

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ActionScript3 :: Flex - Determine The Position Of An XML Instance In An XMLList?

Aug 11, 2009

What it says on the tin: I have an XMLList, and I want to find where in it a particular XML item falls. First index is good enough for my purposes. Note that I have no problem writing a function to do this by hand... but I was hoping that the API has something buried somewhere that'll do it for me. I didn't see it, though.

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Xml :: Flex - Display A List Of Items In A Datagrid From A XMLList?

Oct 19, 2009

I am trying to display a list of items in a datagrid from a XMLList.

<Series no="1">


My current code allows me to retrieve every Series into an XMLList and then i have a nesteddatagrid class that allows me to do things like.

<classes:NestedDataGrid width="100%" height="100%" id="gridFiles" dataProvider="{filesList}" >
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Season" dataField="@no" width="60"/>


However this displays the datagrid with two rows, the first row has 1 in the Series column and then the two files crammed into the second cell in the same row. The second row is the same but has the number 2 in the Series column and the two series #2 files crammed into the cell next to it.If i do not use the nested data class i can pull the files using Series.file instead and all 4 of the files list correctly, however i do not get the Series number for each...

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Flex :: Counting XMLList Elements With Certain Number Of Children

Sep 1, 2011

Given this XML code:[code]I can count the total number of game elements in the with:[code]Is there please some way to print the number of all game elements having the exact number of 3 user children? And also count all such elements with less than 3 user children?[code]The backgound is, that I have a Flex game, where up to 3 players can sit at a playing table and I'm trying to display the number of All, Vacant and Full playing tables there (the top left row with RadioButtons, sorry for the non-English language):I'm reading the XMLList doc, but don't see how to do it with one-liners, I only can see how to do it with loops...

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Flex :: Count Duplicate Items In XMLList And Assign Them Into An ArrayCollection?

May 19, 2010

I've following XMLList ,



I would like eliminate blank node and to make an ArrayCollection like ( with count of individual party),

tArr = new ArrayCollection([ {Party:"A", Count:3},
{Party:"B", Count:2},
{Party:"C", Count:3},


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Flex :: Filtrate XMLList Using ".." Notation

Jun 22, 2011

There is something I couldn't solve: when I search a specific node in a XMLList containing several level of hierarchy, filter never search in the top parent node. For example, if I have a tree like this:


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Flex :: Customizing Flex MenuBar / Removing Hover Effect

Jan 8, 2010

Is there a way to disable the hover effects?I don't want flex to highlight the entire component for both link buttons and menu bar.On the menubar, I applied a backgroundSkin, so having flex highlight the whole menubar when the user hovers their mouse on top quitely destroys the design.

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Flex :: Removing Flex DisplayObjects From View AND Memory Pool

Feb 15, 2011

There is a Flex app with 7 main views. And there is a memory issue when navigating between views.All these views were in a ViewStack, but due to some involving 3D objects I assumed it was too much to have it all in the display list. I'm now clearing all children from the stack and adding/removing them when needed. This gave a small performance increase, but still becomes unresponsive with use. The strange thing is, with this and the original method, the CPU climbs with use but eventually levels out somewhere. Now I'm creating new instances of each screen when they are navigated to and setting the previous variable to null. Now it looks like CPU is spiking when the view is created, but leveling out to something much much lower than it was. This felt like progress, but now the available memory keeps climbing where it wasn't before....

My understanding was calling remove child or remove all children would mark the object for deletion when the garbage collector next ran. I can't see any other references to the instance. My code is along the lines of [code]I have a function for each button to add a new instance like the above.The only thing I can see and feel silly asking but need confirmation, is each view extends a class called "Screen", this class contains a singleton reference to some core components.[code]Would this trick the garbage collector into thinking it was still needed? General advice on clearing Objects from the memory pool would awesome!!! I've never needed to analyze the Flash Player in such depth.I think it's an error with sound drivers, removing all sound and shes purring like a kitten. Works on my machine fine with windows XP, but not on the touch pad the application is crashing on with windows 7 (unsure of the drivers looking into them now) Now I'm thinking its not the drivers, tried 3 different versions, all with no improvement. I did discover the sound was fading in and out with the TweenLite lib. Doesn't look like there are any memory leaks in TweenLite as it works fine on other machines. Just the use of volumeEasingFunction seems to consume increasing amounts of CPU until it freaks out. It is crappy hardware running windows 7, which doesn't help.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Duplicates At Different Y Positions?

Oct 9, 2009

I have a movieclip in the library that I am exporting for actionscript.  I duplicate the movieclip by adding a child for each occurance of a tag in actionscript.  This works fine, but I can't figure out how to change the y postion of each new child to be 30 pixels below form the last child.  Here is a snippet of the code where I am having the problem:
for (var i in xmlData.region){        for (var k in xmlData.region[i].regionInfo.payment);
            var mcRI:regionInfo = new regionInfo();            this.addChild(mcRI);            mcRI.txtPayment.htmlText = xmlData.region[i].regionInfo.payment[k].card;            mcRI.y += 30;        }
Instead of each new child's y position changing +30, every duplicate is on top of each other at +30.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Duplicates Do Not Have The 5 Clips In Them?

Feb 8, 2005

I have created a movie clip ("container_mc") and then created 5 clips within "container_mc." I want to duplicate "container_mc" twice, along with its contents.One will positioned to the left of the original and one will be to the right.When I attempt this, I am able to duplicate "container_mc." However, the duplicates do not have the 5 clips in them.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Delete All The Duplicates

Oct 2, 2005

Ive got a little problem here. You can see im duplicating some movieClips, in a for loop. They have some XML values, but thats not important. When i click one of the movieClips ive duplicated, ive set it to add one to the "length" variable. But i somehow need it to run though the code from start, when i press that button. And if its possible, to delete all the duplicates it made before.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Array - Allow Duplicates But Not Next To Each Other?

Nov 3, 2009

I am creating an educational game. I have several arrays. These arrays have duplicate problems and that is fine. The problem is, I do not want the duplicate problems to appear right after each other. I have a function that randomizes the arrays. I am trying to create a function that, if a duplicate is found immediately after the original, it will be moved to the end of the array.

So far I have this...
function noRepeat(){
var len = aNineb.length;
for (i=0; i<len; i++){
before = i - 1;
trace("aNineb = " + aNineb[i][0]);
[Code] .....

But it never gets to the extra problems. Do I need to pop it or slice it out before I push it to the bottom? And, how could I make this a prototype thing, so I could just type in aNineb.noRepeat(); ?

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