Flash :: Flex - ArrayCollection - Adding And Removing A FilterFunction?
Jun 13, 2011
I am using Adobe Flash Builder 4 Premium. I have a mx:DataGrid and a s:TextInput, and I am trying to set up a search box that filters the DataGrid on each key press.his page shows a nearly perfect example of what I'm trying to do, except that I'm setting this up in a s:TitleWindow, which is brought up as a popup using the PopUpManager. The list I'm trying to filter can be very large. It is a list of usernames, fetched from a MySQL database via PHP. Since it can be so large, I want the list to be populated once in the main application and then referenced in the popup window so that it doesn't have to fetch all the usernames each time the user opens the popup.I have all of this working fine for the first time you bring up the popup, but if you close it and bring it up again, I get this runtime error:I also get this error if I attempt to set the filterFunction back to null just before closing the popup.See sample code below:
Main Application:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
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public function FilterFunc(item:Object):Boolean
var same:Boolean=String(item.personID ) == filterpersonID ;
return same;
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" >
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// remove items, counting backwards
for (var i:uint = myList.selectedIndices.length; i > 0; i--) {
where ascendingSort does what you expect ;). It works fine, and I know that it will always work.
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//-Very long code that is working. [code]..........
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Archive Vars......
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May 20, 2008
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package {
import flash.display.*;
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Jun 30, 2009
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homeArtist_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, newArtist);
function newArtist(e:MouseEvent):void{ removeChild(homeAni_mc); addChild(artistAni_mc);}
I get these errors
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Dec 16, 2011
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Feb 23, 2011
I have a bunch of movieclips called firstNameBtn_mc, lastNameBtn_mc and many others. I also have a bunch of movieclips whose names start with the same but instead of "Btn" they have "Arrow", like firstNameArrow_mc, lastNameArrow_mc etc.
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1. get the movie clip's name...something with e.currentTarget.name for example
2. remove the Btn_mc part
3. add the Arrow_mc part
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Mar 15, 2012
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Nov 9, 2009
I have 4 separate photogalleries, they are all swfs called by buttons with UI loaders attached. The problem is when one is called the loader remains on the stage I need to be able to remove any loader on stage BEFORE calling another page weather its a photogallery or not.Easiest explanation is how I used to do it in AS2 example 2 btns /2 load separate swfs into level1 on each btn I would have
LoadMovie (xxx.swf) 1
I need to do the same thing in AS3 Also, do I need to use separate loaders or can I use one loader and instance names? Below is the code I have now (btns are in two areas)
main timeline btns (all btns except photogallaries)
home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onHomeClick);
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Mar 8, 2011
I have a MC called Enemy. It contains a monster that pops out at a random time (a timer with animation inside the MC). It stays on the stage for a few seconds and then hides again. If it hides, I want it to be removed and another enemy be added instead. All the monsters are instances of Enemy MC that are inside enemies[] array.[code]
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Apr 21, 2011
ive made a flash website containing 5 pages all accessed via flash buttonson one of the page ive tried loading a external swf file and then added event listeners to each of the buttons so when a new page is selected the swf file doesnt continue to play in the background on the other pagesthis works, however when i then try to change page again this error is displayed:ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.at flash.display:isplayObjectContainer/removeChild()atValleyViewingWebsite_fla::MainTimeline/btnClick()below is the code im using:
var Xpos:Number = 110;
var Ypos:Number = 170;
var swf:MovieClip;
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Aug 24, 2011
I am creating a game and want to reward the player at the end of a level by playing an animation. I have created a timer to add the animation to the stage but cannot figure out how to remove the animation once the timer has completed counting. I am sure you wise scripters out there know the secrete to this mystery.
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Mar 3, 2012
I've spent hours, and for all my self taught newbie-ness, I can't crack this: I have a navigation panel with several buttons. Lets call it mainNav. The mainNav buttons each add to the stage their corresponding MCs. They also remove any MCs from previous buttons currently on the stage. This is done by creating the MCs as variables, pushing those variables into an Array, and, when the mainNav button is pressed, calling the following function to remove the old (provided with assistance of the nice folks here), and then addChild(correspondingChild)
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May 21, 2009
I want to make a button with the function, adding and removing display objects. I have a button named solutions. I wrote the basic code for adding the external swf file and test the movie. When I click the button at first time, it loads the external swf file. However, when I click the button at 2nd time, it runs the external swf file again. I can't figure out how to write the code to tell the button not to load the file again when the file is already loaded.
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Mar 7, 2006
I thought i'd start this thread to uncover peoples habits and practices when it comes to the simple operation of adding and removing elements on stage. I ask because there are so many alternatives, and I keep wondering what might be the best/most eficcient way of doing it. Let me explain by giving an example:
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