ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Get Character Walk And Jump On Key Press

Feb 4, 2010

I am making a walk and jump game. My game would work by the character standing in a fixed place and when I press the left key he would appear to walk left but the background actually is moving right. And when I press the right key the background would move left making the character appear to move right. Now I would also like the character to jump when I press the up key. Now I have created a walk cycle in a movie clip and have a jump cycle that I could also use for the jump.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get A Character To Jump Up When Press The Spacebar

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ActionScript 3.0 :: When Press Right Arrow Key It Goes To And Plays The Right Walk?

May 29, 2009

I am making a side scrolling game and I have all my pieces made, background, main character, enemies, wall, floor, etc. I have begun coding it with Action Script 3. I have it to where i have a main menu, and two buttons= one that goes to instructions and one that starts the game. I have my main character as a movie clip and inside the movie clip I have labels- stand, right walk, left walk, jump, duck, fire, and die.I coded it to where when I press my right arrow key it goes to and plays the right walk, down arrow key it plays the duck label.I have a trace on them and they are working. What Im trying to figure out how to do is 2 things. First, when my character gets to a certain spot on the screen, he stops walking and the screen moves, and second how to make the enemies move. Im scripting everything internally and not using any classes for this game.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Character Animation - When I Press Left Or Right Key - Draw Each Frame That Makes Character Movement?

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I have a 9 frames image of a character.In other language generally i used to make character animation by looping the array consisting of different frames and drawing each frame when pressing key.What i want to do is when i press left or right key, i want to draw each frame that makes character movement and update x coordinates of frames, and it will appear as character is moving.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting Character To Jump?

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I am having a problem with a jump code. The problem I am having is when space bar isDown the jump code works but when space bar is release my object is left up in the air. How can I get the object to come back down.

ActionScript Code:
var gravity:Number = 10;
var jumpPower:Number = 0;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Can't Make Character Jump?

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I am creating a game in flash using spirte sheets of megaman and I have a problem setting up script to make him jump. I am able to have megaman run side to side and also shoot but I can not get him to jump. Here is a sample of my code:

var hspeed = 0;
var vspeed = 0;
var i = 0;


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When Hit UP Key To Jump The Character Continues To Move Up As Hold The Key Down

Feb 3, 2010

A) When I hit the UP key to jump the character continues to move up as I hold the key down.

B) When I stop moving forward the frame of the stickman symbol for walking keeps playing and I want it so the frame labeled "idle" will play when I release right or left.

C) Is it possible to have an action for holding 2 keys at once? I want to have it so i can hold SPACE and RIGHT/LEFT to run.


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Professional :: Make Character To Jump When Hit The Space Bar?

Aug 10, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Make Character Jump Onto Platform

Sep 2, 2009

I am trying to make a character jump on to a platform this is my code. The block1, block2 etc are the blocks that I want my character to jump on

PHP Code:
var onBlock:Boolean;
var blockHolder:Array = new ArrayblockHolder.push(block1)
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, checkBlock)
[Code] ....

The onBlock boolean is used later but my problem is that the code doesn't work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Platformer - Character Clips Landing From Jump

May 25, 2011

I'm trying to make a platformer and I'm having a problem where the character will clip half through the ground upon landing from a jump. Just so you have a clear picture -- right now all that's on the stage is the character (which the code is placed in) and the ground (a completely flat plane called 'ground')

Here's the code:
onClipEvent(load) {
jumpHeight =0;
defaultJumpSpeed = 20;
jumpSpeed = 20;
} onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
[Code] .....

Right now the character's jump constantly decreases to give the effect of gravity. It starts out positive (character moves up), then goes negative (character falls down) The character will only stop falling if they come in contact with the ground (in the form of a hit test). The problem (I think) is that the character can fall at, say, 36 pixels a second or more, so sometimes they'll be half through the ground before the hit test goes off and stops him from falling further. How do I stop it without making the character fall-rate really, really low.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make The Character Jump When He Is On The Platform It Doesnt Work?

Nov 15, 2006

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onClipEvent(load) {

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Global Does Not Get Any Character Set When I Press Mouse?

Jan 6, 2003

on (press) {
/:klick = 1;

what does the /: do?? why is it necessary? couldnt u u use a _global.klick instead? (when i tried to change to global i used trace to see if it worked and the global doesnt get any character set when i press mouse..why is that? )

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Move The Character To A Button Then Press Spacebar On It?

Feb 1, 2004

I got a character to move. I want the player to be able to move the character to a button then press spacebar on it. Which will take them to another frame.

This is the code I got for the button but the trouble is u can press spacebar anywhere to go to the next frame.

on (keyPress "<Space>") {

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Switching Animations At Key Press/Controlling Character

Feb 10, 2002

My only accomplishment so far with it was to create a space shooter game which i modified slightly and animated it or at least the enemy spache ships and the players spaceship.

Here is what I want to do, but cant seem to figure out

I want to have a character on screen who is standing stationary normally, but still facing a direction.(left or right)

Now I want to be able to switch to a walking animation towards the right when I press a key and a seperate animation for when he walks left also at the press of a key I want to do down and up to, but I should be able to figure those out once I learn left and right

I also want it so when I lt go of the key they stop the walking animation and return to stationary, but stay facing whatever direction i pointed them

View 7 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Press Buttons On Screen To Move Character Left Or Right?

Nov 3, 2010

i am doing this: press buttons on screen to move character left or right, "swipe" elsewhere on screen to do other stuff.

This is how i have handled it:

Multitouch.inputMode = MultitouchInputMode.TOUCH_POINT;
stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN, onTouchBegin);
stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, onTouchEnd);
buttonContainer.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_ OVER, tOver);
buttonContainer.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_ OUT, tOut);

this works fine, just wondering if anyone has another way to handle it. it seems excessive to have 4 handlers for touch input, but i cant figure out any other way.

TOUCH_OVER and TOUCH_OUT check a switch statement to enable/disable buttons within buttonContainer.

TOUCH_BEGIN and TOUCH_END are used to store points and get a "swipe angle" (only if TOUCH_END is not over a button)

my only problem is i started having glitch's i think becuase so many listeners including: ORIENTATION_CHANGE, KeyboardEvents, Event.DEACTIVATE

this is why i ask if perhaps im missing someway to simplify the touch input listeners

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make The Character In Flash Game Make A Jump When The Player Presses A Key?

Dec 19, 2009

i want to make the character in my flash game make a jump when the player presses a key,e.g. 'space',even the player release the key instantly,the character will still finish the complete jump process.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make The Cursor Automatically Jump To The Second Input Box After The First Input Box Is Filled With A Character?

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If i have two or more input boxes to create a crossword puzzle, how can i make the cursor automatically jump to the second input box after the first input box is filled with a character?

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Jump Forward And Jump Back Buttons?

Jun 15, 2010

I am brand new to scripting in Flash, and was hoping I could get some help on a question. I have an animation that is 300 frames long. The first 100 frames are an animated 'ad' (for lack of a better term), the second 100 frames are a different ad, and the third 100 frames are the last ad. This can be viewed straight from beginning to end (and is intended to loop if no action is taken), but I would also like to add some functionality to the animation, so that people can jump forward to the next ad, or back to the previous ad (hitting back from the first ad would take them to the third ad, and vice versa.)


This does not turn up any errors when I test the movie, but the functionality does not work. Am I anywhere near a working script, or am I attempting this in a completely wrong way?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Walk Around In Space?

Jan 17, 2012

I make 3d models with away3d and import them into flash builder.I can rotate the models like this:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Walk Off Then On Stage?

Oct 16, 2009

I have my movie clip walk off the left side of stage and come back on the right of the stage. but I cant get it to walk off the right and come back on the left can any one give advise please. this is what I have so far

onClipEvent(load) {
var direction = "left";
var speed = 10 ;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Activating Walk Cycle When The Arrow Is Down?

Aug 9, 2011

I have made my character and inside of its symbol I created its stand still - stop(); - frame before its left and right walking cycles which are both 5 frames long.  Now my question is what action script do I use to move both left and right while activating my walk cycle when the arrow is down. Would someone please write out the script for me?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: 8-frame Walk Cycle In Flash?

Apr 25, 2011

8-frame walk cycle in flash?I wanted it as a template as I had several attempts to make it ...unsuccessfully unfortunately...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Make Ball Walk To Box And Pickup Item

Oct 16, 2009

I have code that I wrote(myown and tutorials) and I am having some issues. The object is to make the ball walk to the box and pick up the item. When the pick up occurs the item(box) needs to disappear.

mcMain is the character(ball)
mcCoin is the item(square)

Variables for key downs
var leftKeyDown:Boolean = false; //left key down false
var upKeyDown:Boolean = false; //up key down false
var rightKeyDown:Boolean = false; //right key down false
var downKeyDown:Boolean = false; //down key down false
var mainSpeed:Number = 7; // speed of character
[Code] .....

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Professional :: Animate A Walk Cycle But I Fail Miserably?

Sep 16, 2011

I'm trying to animate a walk cycle but I fail miserably. Here's a link to the feet portion of the walking.

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Nov 6, 2010

xml stuff in action script is so... non-intuitive.. cubersome I can compare it to the xml libs that I used in playground sdk, popcap and other .. tinyxml.. ....

I' m trying to make that simpliest thing for about 2-3 hours.. + reading books.. and still can't do it..

what I want to do is:
<Weapon id="canon" rechargeTime="200" impulse="30">


how do I read the all "Weapon" objects listed inside Weapons.. NOTE: I dont want to use the method.. that returns "Weapon" from all over the xml... cause I probably want to list weapons in other sections for other purposes

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ActionScript 2.0 :: When Press A Button Mc Starts A Countdown But Every Other Press Doesn’t Reset It?

Jan 13, 2009

How can i make it so a when you press a button it starts a countdown but every other press dosent reset it?

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