ActionScript 3.0 :: Import External Functions / Methods
Dec 29, 2010
I have a main actionscript file import other actionscript files into it to use their function. From the tutorials and training videos I have, other external classes apart from the document class always link to an object in the library or an object in the is an instance of the other class, for example:[code]
The problem is I'm not creating any variables from the external class but only want to use the functions from it. When I test the movie, I get error 1180: Call to a possibly undefined method isPossibleNo, which is inside class ProjectileNo that is imported already.So my question is how I can use external functions without creating a new instance of the external class because they only hold calculation functions.
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class A {
public function A() {
trace("Hello, A!"); // Hello, A!
Now, what if I create my own class method of the same name? In AS3, if I have a class method trace and then make a call to trace elsewhere in my class, the call is made to the class method over the global function. Essentially, I've blocked my ability to call the global trace method.
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public function B() {
trace("Hello, B!"); // no output
} public function trace(s:String):void {
// do something else.
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import sprites.vectorGraphics;
var vGX = new vectorGraphics();
var newSquare = vGX.createVector(this, 'square', 'rectangle', 20, 20, 0xff0000, 1, 0x0000ff, true);
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import sprites.vectorGraphics;
var newSquare = createVector(this, 'square', 'rectangle', 20, 20, 0xff0000, 1, 0x0000ff, true);
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<script type="text/javascript">
var so = new SWFObject("movie.swf", "mymovie", "200", "100", "8", "#336699");
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Jul 15, 2008
got a really confusing problem with importing one swf in to another. Both swf's are AS3 but each one is coded differently.I have a main swf which has very basic code in. Essentially its just a moving flv with a couple of buttons what just move the user to a different frame to show a different flv file. As it was so simple I didn't set it up using base classes and didn't do any OOP style code (i.e. using methods etc) as it didn't need it. This works fine.
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Mar 20, 2011
I created a quiz using this tutorial : [URL]
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I tried any way found on net for importing external swf but it never works.
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Nov 10, 2009
Am new to classes and as3, just starting to ge the hang of it, but i not fully, so here is some Q's.Fist of i have a Document class, from it i want to call a function in a separate as file. the only way i know of is to, do an import and then instantiate or go static on it's tookus?
But now i got my hands of some pice of code, that uses separate class files without any trace of import, how do they do this?Also if i want to be able to use all the functions from a separate as file in my document class, just like i do if i extends it, but without extending int, how do we do this? do i always need to go ClassName.function() ? or can we do it like in C++
"using ClassName"
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Jul 14, 2009
When I point my code to import an external classes such as:
import flash.display.*;
my understanding is that its referencing something within the flash directory to load up the display classes.
In other instances I create a "com.whatever" directory to store other classes that my code can point to.
Well I was running through the Kirupa tutorial (displaying google maps in flash) and I noticed in the code it says "import [url]..." the swf works just fine but where is it grabbing the google classes from if I didnt create the directory?
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Sep 21, 2008
In my website I would like to import a external file into the stage .The appearance of this file is an image divided into a grid of 6 rectangles (each one a mcl). What I would like to do is, on mouse over, each mcl could rotate to show its back. The idea is when you click , let's say, Adobe the Adobe logo will appear divided in 6 rectangles and when you go over with the mouse they rotates to show Adobe products.
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