ActionScript 3.0 :: Interacting With Other SWF Files?

Oct 1, 2010

I had embedded .swf file. I want to save screenshots from this. How ever, the author has not given any option to do so.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple SWF Instances Interacting With Each Other?

Sep 8, 2009

On a webpage there would be multiple swfs. There could be one, there could be 15. It depends on the client.Each instance is the same swf but with different parameters. The swf is a simple toggle button, play/pause.When the page initially loads up, nothing happens.All the swf's default to the pause icon.An ID is passed from the html using flashvars i.e., FlashVars="Playerid=1" in the code, for each instance.When a user clicks on one swf (here is the problem), all the instances need to be listening and if they are not the clicked swf they need to change from play to pause if they were the previously playing swf or if the were in the 'pause' state to do nothing.

I was looking at using localConnection but it seems that a single swf can only listen to multiple swfs but multiple swfs cannot listen to one swf.I need them all to be continually listening for a user interaction (addEventListener.CLICK) and then all acting accordingly.I tried an enter.frame event for every instance to check if they were no longer the chosen track and update accordingly but it didn't work out.I have been playing with sharedObjects, storing the currentID (after being clicked), the previously played swf and whether the status is playing or paused.None of my efforts worked properly.Having re-written the above question many times, It is still a little unclear. I'll try again.

There will be say ten tracks from an album. Next to each track name will be a simple flash button the user can press to hear a 30 second sample. On clicking the icon, if no track is currently playing the icon will change from pause to play and the track will then play. If there IS a track already playing (say track 3) then on clicking say track 1 will stop track 3, change it's icon and then start track 1 and change it's icon from pause to play.The problem is that each swf on the page is exactly the same apart from an ID from flashvars and trackname which will be from an XML file or passed as a parameter when instantiated such as flashvars.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Interacting With Dynamic Movie Clips

Jul 25, 2007

I have loaded a swf using AS3, using the

import fl.containers.UILoader;
import fl.controls.Label;
import fl.controls.ProgressBar;

so MC is called myUILoader, I want to navigate to another section of the FLA and I put an if statement on the function for the button:

function mMenuNav1(event:MouseEvent):void {
var nav:String = "home";


Why the sound doesnt stop after the child has been removed and why I can't stop the MC????

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip In SWF File - Interacting With Variables?

Aug 1, 2009

Basically I have a SWF file, there is a movieclip in this SWF file with instance name "stage" and I can alter the parameters of "_level0.stage" from within this SWF file to change the way it acts. But now, I am making a second SWF file, which loads the first SWF file, and from this new SWF file I want to interact with the same "_level0.stage" variable from the first SWF, does that make sense? This is the AS3 code for the second SWF, I have a movie clip with instance name "LoadSWF" in this SWF.

var movieLoader:Loader = new Loader();
var movieRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("load.swf");
load.swf is the file which contains movie clip "_level0.stage"

I've tried referencing this movie clip from this code using
but it doesn't find it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Interacting With Html Documents From Flash

Apr 9, 2011

I'm a newbie in actionscript. I created a world map in flash. The map has regions (Europe, North America, Latin America, etc.). The regions on the map are defined as buttons.

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1. What script I have to attach to every region button on the flash map so it will call the right html file into the div on the map.html?

2. What script do I have to put inside the html document?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Interacting With A Simple XML Database?

Aug 30, 2011

I need to build a simple database (3 elements total) using XML and make the swf interact with it.What I need is an interface that pops out if you've done a better score (better than the 3 saved in the XML).
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ActionScript 3.0 :: Interacting With Html Documents From Flash?

Apr 9, 2011

I created a world map in flash. The map has regions (Europe, North America, Latin America, etc.). The regions on the map are defined as buttons.

The final flash map will be embedded in map document (map.html). The idea is that when you click for example the "Europe" button on the flash movie, this will open an html document called Europe.html and will show it underneath the map flash (inside map.html).

The "Europe.html" for example contains a list of countries.

In this mission I have 2 problems:

1.What script I have to attach to every region button on the flash map so it will call the right html file into the div on the map.html?

2.What script do I have to put inside the html document?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Interacting Movies Between Two Different Frames Of Website?

Jun 5, 2002

make a variable readable from other flash movies, on the same website, but just in different frames. For example, if one frame was a menu, and the other frame had a picture of some sort, could i program my movie so that if a user clicks on a button on the menu side, the movie on the other side will display a different picture?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reload This Page Interacting With External Swf. File?

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var holdercontent:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
holdercontent.x = 0


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May 8, 2006

Here's my problem:I have a project with loads of text ergo I am loading textfrom external files with html formating. Now I have to insertvideos linked to the text file too (as in "dolor ipsum ... press here to view video"). All I need is a code that lets my textinteract somehow with the movie.Can I do it somehow through Javascript/Coldfusion/anything ordo I have to scrap my text and make things manually ?

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Jun 11, 2007

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Interacting Classes - 1119: Access Of Possibly Undefined Property DoWork Through A Reference With Static Type Class

May 12, 2009

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but gave me error: 1119: Access of possibly undefined property doWork through a reference with static type Class.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Buttons Interacting With Other Buttons

Jun 11, 2010

I've to do a presentation in flash. I need to create buttons that will interact with other buttons. An example:

I've an electronic circuit with 4switches (ON or OFF state). Each switch it's a button. I've to close 2 switches so that closes the circuit and then i want to show to where the current flows.

I'm trying to do something like this, but I think this isn't a good solution:

on (release) {
if(_root.btn1 == "btn1_on")

I think this is gonna take me an HUGE time to create all the possibilities. Because I can open the switch1 and close switch4, or open switch3 and close switch2... Do you know what i've mean?

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Actionscript 3 :: Adobe Air Native Installer Is Not Including .class Files And .properties Files

Feb 20, 2012

I have some files in my src directory, some are .class files (Java class files) and some are .properties files, when I create the Adobe air native installer these files are not included. Why is that? How can I work around that?

Also it excludes .mxml files, but that's good. I'm sure that's related, how to change what it includes or excludes?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Xml Gallery - Images Appear On The Tshirts To Be .png Files Or Gif Files As The Tshirt Colour Can Be Changed

Apr 7, 2009

I have created a flash file that allows you to click on a thumbnail image and larger image appears ontop of a tshirt. The same way as a gallery would work. The images and thumbnails are pulled in through xml. However I have a problem, I need the images that appear on the tshirts to be .png files or gif files as the tshirt colour can be changed. At the moment my flash file will only display jpegs! I dont knwo why. The jpegs leave me with a white background, so I need the transparency of a png/gif. My actionscript is:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Uploading Local Files Without Requiring User To Select Files?

Feb 3, 2009

My users upload a certain kind of text file that sometimeshas references to images stored locally on their hard drive. I needto check this file either on the server or within a flash app tosee if it has these references and then grab those images in aflash app to upload to my server.So I can use FileReference easily enough to have users uploadlocal images. But FileReference requires users to select their files with a dialog box. I can't have that. Myusers wouldn't know where to look and there are typically way toomany files, sometimes with the same name but in differentdirectories.

I can also just use URLLoader with a local URL, I guess I canprobably just use Loader too? That works great. The problem here isI can't communicate with both the server and the local filesystemin the same flash application due to Flash's security sandboxrestrictions. So I can get out of those security restrictions byplacing or editing a trust file in designated locations on variousOSes. I then need to install this trust file which is more invasiveand confusing to users then I want to be...Java's method of accessing local files from a web applet bysimply signing the applet with a certificate and having a dialogbox popup where the users grants access is ideal. Is there anything

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Media Server :: Make In FMS Files(xml Files) In Order To Reduce The Latency

Sep 8, 2009

iam streaming my web cam to FMS .... i have got a latency of 1 -2 second,,,,,, What should i do to reduce the latency,,,,,, is ter any change i can make in FMS files(xml files) in order to reduce the latency......

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Retaining Order Of Files Loaded Externally From Large XML Files

Jul 18, 2006

I was messing around with some old examples, and I ran into an unfinished example where several 30k-100k XML files are loaded and stored as a string into an Array. The code looks basically like:[code]Basically, when I trace the 'this', the order of the files that are loaded is off. Out of about 10 tries, about 3 times the order is perfect. The remaining 7 times, the order is a bit off. Does anybody have a suggestion on how to ensure the files are loaded prior to the next file being loaded? I tried placing a while loop that basically delays the clock for a few milliseconds, and that didn't work either. Besides, that is not really a good solution to arbitrarily waste clock cycles.

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Professional :: Flash CS4 Can't Open .fla Files Or Lose Files/graphics?

Mar 20, 2010

I installed Flash CS4 Professional trial version for school use.  It wouldn't install successfully.  I deleted the font files the troubleshooting guide said to, tried again, but gave up. (I'm afraid to run regedit and mess up everything else I have loaded.)  (I previously had the Fireworks CS4 trial version loaded, then uninstalled it.)  My problem is this- I have it running, but it saves files and then they can't be opened, even if I use the save function often- it's worse when I create the file, test the movie and then save.If I try to open it again, it says "cannot open file."  Once it opened a copy I had saved, and it appeared blank, even though it was 544 kb file size.  I only need it for a few more days, one more assignment and I'm afraid my previous files are corrupt.  I have Windows Vista Home Edition.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Protect Files (make External Then Unopenable Such As .lib Files)

Jul 19, 2011

I'm working on making a pretty chunky game engine for games I plan on making, but I was wondering if you make external AS files unopenable such as .lib files, so that if I give it to a friend that wants to use it, he/she cannot change my code. Is there anyway to make external AS files unopenable? Also, obfuscation isn't an option for this problem as it only stops the people who hack the finished product, not stopping people who have access to the actual files.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: 2 Flash Files - Both Files To Be Independent To Each Other And Controlled Separately?

Jul 13, 2005

i have attached a flash file.the problems are

1) i have palced 2 flash file on my web page.if i stop the sound on this file then the sound on another flash movie placed on my web page also stops.i want both the files to be independent to each other and controlled separately

2)if i click on play it shows loading.even after it loads the file it doesnt change itz status. if i click again on play then itz status changes to codes for flash.....

soundUrl = "test.mp3";

// create sound object, assign properties and events
function createSoundObject(){[code].....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Display Random Files - Where To Store All These Movie Files

Nov 29, 2007

my question is to diplay random files , and i have given the code as


one more question is "where i need to store all these movie files. either in samefolder where the flash file is placed. or make it as a seperate folder and or in the flash file library". and one more thing is "how can i place these 20 files in a order like declaring the dimensions on the screen. do i need to put in a CSS.

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