ActionScript 3.0 :: Jump From Flash To Anchor In Html?
Aug 31, 2011
I'm trying to use a button in Flash to jump to an anchor at the bottom of my php page. The swf is in a php pagetop include and the anchor is in a php pagebottom include. The code is:
btnNewsletter.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandlerContact);
function clickHandlerNewsletter(event:MouseEvent):void {
if( == btnNewsletter) {
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Nov 20, 2002
I want to have a flash movie on my web page, it will have some buttons with animations. Is there posiblle to jump somewhere in the same web page (anchor) if I press button in flash. How can I make button like that.
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Mar 17, 2010
I have a webpage that has two sections, vertically. First the flash swf, then immediately below a comments section. The swf uses all of the screen space, so visitors do not know there is a comments section on the webpage, unless they scroll the page down.In order to call visitor's attention to the comments section, I inserted in the swf a button that would make the webpage scroll down to the comments section, in the same fashion as the HTML code:[code]
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Mar 12, 2012
I have a problem with flash button when linking to named anchor in html - iframe. I used the code below:
on (release) {
getURL ("calculator.html#goldvalue", "main");
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Apr 13, 2011
the following code works on everything except Chrome:
<a target="_blank" href="/FooodJournal">
<object width="265" height="135">
<param name="movie" value="2991BCTTor/xx.swf">
Flash is being used to create an animated button, and the anchor tag makes it so you can click on that to go to another page. On most browsers, you can click anywhere on the Flash object and the link works...but in Chrome, the link displays in the status bar when you hover over the flash element, but does nothing when you click it. However, there is a small area (about 19px) below the flash element where the link works.
How can I get this to behave the same way in Chrome as it is in other browsers?
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Mar 25, 2009
I would like to navigate to an html anchor from a flash menu. I use
navigateToURL("#anchorName", "_self").
It work fine in IE 7, Firefox 2 and 3 but in safari the page reload. How can I prevent safari from reloading the page?
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Jan 23, 2009
Here we have some great flash websites: [URL]
See how the URL is changing depending on how you are going inside the website sections? This is actually great because you can use the <BACK button of the browser in a flash app.
How can this, URL thing, be done? I hope the technique does not involve creating 8 different SWFs for the 8 sections of a site because that will not be actually a trick... It's defenitely something else looking at that "#" thing.
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Jun 2, 2010
Is it possible to have a link in Flash link to a different (named anchor) section of an HTML document? I suspect not but I imagine it may be doable with Javascript. Anyone know anything about this?
<a href="#tips">Jump to Tips Section</a>
HTML version of a jump to a named anchor. Question is can you accomplish the same thing from a link in a swf?
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Mar 22, 2010
The website I am designing is a single-page site which scrolls using jquery to anchor points on the page (instead of having separate html pages for each section) The intro section has a flash banner which alternates images of different sections of the site. I have used the following code to get these images to link to the relevant page section
name_btn.onRelease = function() {
This however just jumps to the named anchor point - I need to make this scroll to the anchor instead to keep it consistent with the rest of the site.
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Mar 22, 2010
The website I am designing is a single-page site which scrolls using jquery to anchor points on the page (instead of having separate html pages for each section)The intro section has a flash banner which alternates images of different sections of the site. I have used the following code to get these images to link to the relevant page section
name_btn.onRelease = function() {
This however just jumps to the named anchor point - I need to make this scroll to the anchor instead to keep it consistent with the rest of the site
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May 14, 2007
I have inserted a flash menu into the html pages in my website. I am using the same swf file and ebedding a variable name in each page eg. "menu.swf?x=about". I then use a conditional statement in the actionscript to determine which page i am on eg
else if (x == "about")
mc_menu.about._alpha = 50;
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Nov 3, 2009
I have an anchor linked to sections of a HTML page. When I test my movie from flash and click a link to an anchor, it successfully opens my browser and takes me to section of the HTML page.But once I go back to the flash, now embedded in the browser the anchors dont work..
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Feb 17, 2009
I have several AS3 flash movies embedded in html pages, and for whatever reason, when you tab through the page, when you get into the flash movie, you can't tab out. The tab just goes in a loop through the tabindex of the swf.
Is there a way that you can add a button or a little script in the swf, set it to the last in the taborder, and then make it set the focus on the page to a link/div/id/anchor in the html, (outside the swf)
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May 25, 2010
i'm a novice to ActionScript but from failed Google function searches, i think i've choosen an advanced i hope possible task: how to read then apply bezier, anchor point and handle positions to different anchor points. What i need to do is precisely align a rectangular closed bezier path with a randomly shaped closed bezier path, both with the same number of anchor points.
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Jan 8, 2011
We are building a flash website with cms at the back end, and we are allowing admin to put anchors inside a content. Later we created a smaller version of the whole content to display just a small part and then [read more] button. Which add a new layer on top of every thing acting like a popup and it is populated with complete content.
Now we would like to scroll that text inside popup to that portion which [read more] button was clicked.
The most common example inside HTMl is go to top link in footer on most of the sites which move the whole document to top.
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Jan 4, 2011
Question: I have an swf that is 1024x1600 and is embedded in an html doc. I have content on the bottom of this swf that when clicked should force the browser to jump back to the top of the html doc containing the swf. This is simple to do with anchors and links in html, but is it possible with AS3?
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Jun 15, 2010
I am brand new to scripting in Flash, and was hoping I could get some help on a question. I have an animation that is 300 frames long. The first 100 frames are an animated 'ad' (for lack of a better term), the second 100 frames are a different ad, and the third 100 frames are the last ad. This can be viewed straight from beginning to end (and is intended to loop if no action is taken), but I would also like to add some functionality to the animation, so that people can jump forward to the next ad, or back to the previous ad (hitting back from the first ad would take them to the third ad, and vice versa.)
This does not turn up any errors when I test the movie, but the functionality does not work. Am I anywhere near a working script, or am I attempting this in a completely wrong way?
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Dec 29, 2009
I have a flash header for an html site that is about a megabyte and obviously needs a preloader. Unfortunately it won't work to have the preloader loading at the top while the rest of the html below is visible — it will end up looking like the top navigation is cut off, as the top 10 pixels of the nav bar is actually in the swf header (fully loaded it will look contiguous)Is there a way to preload it in one html page and then once it's loaded into the cache automatically jump to the page with the big swf?
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Sep 28, 2009
I'm hoping this is very easy as I'm not very proficient in flash/as3. but from the looks of things it might be a bit complicated would I go about calling an anchor id such as the one below:
<a id="v_toggle" href="#">toggle</a>
I want to toggle a javascript slide in the html page.
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Jul 6, 2009
how can i make named anchor links in flash, i tried this: [URL] i dowloaded the sample, it works as it is with as1 but it doesn't seem to work with as2?
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Oct 13, 2008
I've got a flash animation of an extruding box drawn frame-by-frame for a "hand drawn" effect. The problem is that I now need to make twice as many frames to allow the box to extrude twice as far, and the canvas is too small to support this; the box would end up outside of bounds. I've tried resizing the canvas, but the extended space is at the opposite end of the canvas from where I need it. In photoshop you could chose where the added space "grew from" but I don't see that option here. Anyone knw a work around It'd be a pain in the tail to have to move very object in every frame for every layer.
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Mar 25, 2009
[URL] If you click on the home page you will see 4 links below the word FEATURES. All of the content for the links is below if you use the scroll buttons. All i want to have happen is if you click on a link it takes you to the content that the link describes. For example, if you click on 'community involvement' then it would automatically scroll you down to the community involvment content located below.
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Apr 20, 2009
how to make a button anchor to another page in the flash document? I made the pages with a basic flash tutorial, so I have other working buttons, but now I need to add other buttons and cannot seem to make them work. Here is my as:
sections.gotoAndStop("levenson");levenson_btn.onRelease = function() { sections.gotoAndStop("levenson"); sections.levenson.gotoAndPlay(2)}
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Jan 24, 2010
I am talking about anchor points on a line, not a keyframe. They are also called "handles". I can select the anchor points as "white" quickly, but I can't get them to be "solid"without doing it layer by layer, which is tedious. What I want is way to select lines that are in different layers and get the points I selected in a way similar to the regular selection tool or free transform tool. Here is an image of what I'm trying to do, but more easily. The lines are on separate layers, but when I select them with the subselection tool I have to go layer by layer selecting the points. I'm trying to look for a very quick way of doing it. When I do select all with the subselection tool on, the anchor points are only "white" and not "solid" as shown below.
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Jun 22, 2010
I am creating a textbutton using actionscript. the code is given below.
public function createTextButton(parentId){
var mytext:TextField = new TextField();
mytext.x = 478;
Now i want the click event of this button to be handled in my event handler function only. It should not navigate away to the 'href' source given upon clicking. How can i achieve that.
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Nov 28, 2010
I'm trying to track a #anchor for example [URL] the anchor is being called by Flash AS2. how can i tell GA to track hits on this page? I tried the GETURL method in flash:
which apprently used to work, but since they've made changes this doesn't... during tests firefox navigated to a page with the url javascript:_gaq.push [URL] was strange. Do I need to even use flash to ask GA to track the anchor? Is there a way i can point GA to track all anchors that are part of my page?
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Jan 30, 2012
If you specify anchors in frames of the flash movie, IE browser will change hash in address bar while playing it.
Is there any method to disable this navigation using only HTML & JS?
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Jan 30, 2012
If you specify anchors in frames of the flash movie, IE browser will change hash in address bar while playing it.
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May 17, 2010
when the embedFonts is removed, it works perfectly as expect. Otherwise when an image is clicked, it selects the whole text around it. Alternatively can anyone suggest a method to style dynamic textfields instead of using html?
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Aug 14, 2010
I need to know how to write some code in flash that will make it jump down to a certain point on the page. Similar to this page.If you click on a state it will take you straight to a section down at the bottom. How exactly would i go about writing this code.
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