ActionScript 3.0 :: Line-Count In Text Field?
Jun 9, 2011
I am loading text from an xml file into my flash project. thes text is then displayed in a text field. Does anybody know if there is a way to find out how many lines this text took up?
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Jan 30, 2012
I made a scrollbar, but now I have a problem, need to read the number of lines of Dynamic text field and if it is greater than x show the scrollbar and hide if is less. Like this:
scrollbar._visible = true;
scrollbar._visible = false;
My problem is how do I count the total lines of dynamic text field after load a external text.
View 20 Replies
Sep 26, 2007
When a Dynamic Multiple line text field is used in Flash CS3, it has a very annoying feature that auto inserts a line break at the end of inserted text. It also auto inserts a line break if no text is entered too.
I'm having a problem with this because the text is being saved from flash to a text file on the desktop. With every multi-line text field there's a nasty looking line break.
Any way of "turning off" this auto-line-break-at-the-end feature?
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Jan 7, 2009
I have a dynamic text field that reads the text from a XML file. And what I want to do is simply count the amount of characters being in that text field.
I've tried:
trace (myTextArea.length);
and I get this"Undefined" crap =/.
And I'm using that code in a onEnterFrame function so it's not that the XML is late loaded into flash or something...
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Apr 18, 2011
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Aug 13, 2009
I can't seem to figure out the .numLines property. I've tried calling it on a TextField that was created dynamically. The TextField has multiline set to true and wordWrap also set to true. Any clue why it would consistantly report the number 1? It's being called in a trace statement after the htmlText is set to a string from a xml file.
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Jan 27, 2011
I 'm trying to make it so an image will scroll with a specific line of text in a text field. I know that using delta of the scrollEvent will give me direction but everytime i try to increment and decrement the y value of the image the image doesn't follow the line of text perfectly it tends to "crawl" if you will.
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Mar 9, 2012
I am trying to make a feed backbox for visitors on my website. I have made the editable text field and scroll bar and set all of my preferences, but when the typing reaches the border on the right of the text field it just continues to type further horizontaly. I can start a new line by pressing enter but I would like it to start a new line on its own when it reaches the boundary.
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Dec 15, 2009
I have a input textfield 200x150 where customers can write their address.
Address is written like:
Avenida de presidente
Calle no 2
How can the line break be recognized in the Text field, so the text arrives in the format as written? The text field also has a >restrict<, it does not allow
View 6 Replies
Jun 21, 2011
probably it is very simple, but I couldn`t find anything in the net.How can I take specific line from text field. In my case, it will be number and I`m planing to use parseInt. on that string
line1 = 001
line2 = 002
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Feb 11, 2009
how do you set the line height or line spacing in Flash using as3?example: myFormat.linespacing = 19;
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Mar 18, 2011
I've got a dynamic html text field in flash which pulls content from an XML file, which is being generated by a CMS using CK Editor. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it, but flash represents a <br/> tag with a space that seems more fitting for a <p> tag, and a <p> tag renders with about double that amount. How do I control this? I've tried specifying margins in the flash css file, but it has no effect. Is there something I can declare in the actual actionscript code?
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Jun 17, 2010
In the script, sometimes a newline is added in the beginning of the text field (am using a textArea in adobe flex 3), and later on that newline might need to be removed. I was wondering how to check if there is a newline at the beginning of the text field and then how to remove it.
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Mar 30, 2011
I want to get the line number of the text-field where cursor is focused currently.
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Apr 23, 2006
I have an XML with a node, let's say like this:Code:<ROW text="This is a line which needs to be broken right here /n to go on from the other line"></ROW>How can I break the line exactly where the /n is after I loaded this XML? Or how to change the XML to get this in the easiest way?
View 14 Replies
Jan 18, 2007
I don�t know am I tired of what I have problem whit new line in txt field.
This example works:
var my_str:String = "This is firs line
this is second line.";
this.createTextField("first_txt", this.getNextHighestDepth(), 10, 10, 160, 120);
Also is there possibility to use html tags inside XML without using substitution < - < or > - > ?
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Jan 29, 2009
Anyone know of a way to shift the first line of a single input line down so that it doesn't crowd the top edge of a text field? I could use a background sprite and have a textField positioned over the background, but I'd like to avoid this if possible. This is for fp9, not 10 so subscript won't help me.
It appears like TextLineMetrics are read only? Leading won't shift the first line and blockIndent only works on left/right margins?
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Feb 29, 2004
I basically want to be able to put double spaces between my paragraphs.
This is how my text field is set [AS]set (myTextField, "A bunch of text here");[/AS]
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Feb 2, 2010
I received an AS file from an outside source and I want to understand the what MovieClip(root) is doing? I know there is a movieClip on the stage called "field" and with in it a dynamic text field called "txt" and that this text field is being tied into a css class. But I don't quite get the MovieClip(root) part.Is this just a way of saying that the text field you are targeting is on the main time line? [code]
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Jul 18, 2007
When I create an empty input text-field and compile, the curser starts at the 2'nd line when I click the text field! Is there a work-around to get the initial curser position at the top?
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Jun 22, 2009
I have an input field with a variable that needs to be displayed within a dynamic text field. I have noticed that when I publish in Flash 8, there is a line break after the variable and I need to sentence to be continuous. This displays without the line break when I set the dynamic text field to "single line;" however, there is about a paragraph of text to be displayed so I need the text to be set to "multiline." For some odd reason, multiline displays a line break after the variable, whereas "single line" does not.
Here are my variable names -------------->>
Input Field variable name is "userName".
Dynamic text field variable name is "outputText".
The sentence to be displayed:
outputText = ""+userName+", and the sentence continues here for a paragraph and so on..."
How can I have the dynamic text field display continuously, without a line break?
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Aug 27, 2009
What is the syntax for creating a line break in a dynamic text field?
Similar to:
PHP Code:
<p>The cow<br />jumped over the moon.</p>
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Jun 8, 2009
i have a problem with the line space flash creates when a dynamic text is loaded in a dynamic text field on the stage i put a dynamic textFild with istance name "profile_text". then im loadin in it a text. my text is written in the Notepad like this
i already set a Textformat to my dynamic text with i tryied to play with the "Leading".. but i think it something dealing with paragraph. how i can decrease spacing between paragraphs??
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Dec 27, 2010
I want to get the line count of the spark text area content.
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Jan 8, 2010
I've create an email form in flash that uses ac3 and php to send out an email when the users click on the submit button. However, the email I receive loses all line break information. example: user inputs: hi there form I will get an email that is 1 line only "hithereform"
Here is the ac3 code: var email_data:String = "name=" + contactName_txt.text + "&email=" + contactEmail_txt.text + "&subject=" + "Web Form Message" + "&message=" + contactMessage_txt.text; And the php code: <?php $contact_name = $_POST['name'];
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Feb 3, 2007
Currently I'm using javascript which works fine to pass text from textfield A to textfield B:
Is there a way to pass the textfield A text to a dynamic text input (flash) as I'd like to use the font embedding flash offers. I can make it work when loading a value from a txt file but I'm not sure how to access the value identified above as KitGroupID_16_TextOption_38 and make it appear in a dynamic input box. Eventually I might want to have 3 font choices for the user but I'd like to just see if I can get this working properly first.
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Jul 17, 2003
Is it possible to login through flash using one Dynamic Text Field and one Input Text Field and no buttons? If so how? I have seen many tutorials dealing with logging in to PHP using flash but it requires you to make your own php scripts which i am not familiar with. Can some one tell me how to do this with PHPBBs existing php scripts... I want to be able to login thorugh a Input Text Field box and have it verify it in PHP and also be able to register and view other PHP info such as users online and FAQ..
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Mar 30, 2006
I'm making a calculator using Flash MX that works the same way as the basic calculator found on windows (not the scientific one). But having the user input a number, store it as a variable, store which function the user wants to perform and clear the text field then store the new input in the same text field as a different variable and multiply or add or divide or subtract the 2 numbers and getting the equals sign to display the answer when clicked is harder than I thought it would be.
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Nov 15, 2004
I am working on a file that has a rotating dial, and I'd like the dial to reveal contents of a text field (a link) as the dial points in the direction of the text field. I have 4 text fields located at 90, 180, 270 and 360 degrees (top, bottom, left and right). I have it controlled via AS, so I've got all the Math but I was hoping someone might know how to reveal the links when the arrow (in the dial) is pointing in these directions.I set up a text field for testing, which shows the degrees, but I'm getting 'NaN' in the field (problems with Theta and converting degrees to Radians, I think). I thought this might help me figure out how to reveal those links, if I can get the NaN to work.Currently, the file is rotating with an onPress, but I'm going to convert it to a mouse follow, instead, so the user only has to float around to see the links.
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Dec 16, 2010
What I'm trying to do is to write something in an input field and then it should show up in a dinamic field. I can make this happen, but the problem is that the dinamic field shows its new text in the same format as the Input field. For example, the input text is written in TimesNewRoman and the dinamic text is in Arial, but when the dinamic text shows the input, the text is still in TimesNewRoman when I want it to be in Arial.
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