ActionScript 3.0 :: Count Number Of Lines In A Text Field NumLines Broken?
Aug 13, 2009
I can't seem to figure out the .numLines property. I've tried calling it on a TextField that was created dynamically. The TextField has multiline set to true and wordWrap also set to true. Any clue why it would consistantly report the number 1? It's being called in a trace statement after the htmlText is set to a string from a xml file.
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ActionScript Code:
var firstNumber:Number = 3;
var secondNumber:Number = 5;
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Oct 11, 2010
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The variable is declared as such:
var score:int = 0;
The text field is called scoreCard and is set to "Classic Text" and Dynamic Text" and it is 638 pixles wide (almost the entire width of the stage).
Here is the code for updating the scoreCard:
scoreCard.text = 'Score: ' + score;
The trace was simply put in to see if the score was being tallied up correctly, which it is.
I have also tried eliminating 'Score: ' and simply used:
scoreCard.text = score.toString();
and gotten the same results.
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1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type Number to an unrelated type String.
My actionscript is as follows :
var livesnum:Number = 4; //Amount of lives
lives.text = livesnum;
How would I achieve setting the textfield as the numeric value of the variable?
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im making a project to select a fuel tank capacity and want the default to be 0.0 gallons and have the user increase the number or decrease the number by clicking and up or down arrow button... If they hold the same button that function would ideally increment faster, perhaps by multiples of ten until it reached a max / min number.
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Oct 3, 2011
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Aug 27, 2009
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doneBut.onRelease = function() {[code].....
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