ActionScript 3.0 :: Load XML Data Into Class-Based Model?

Feb 12, 2009

I'm new to FLEX.I've a requirement where i do have to load the data into Class Based Model(VO) from an Employee.xml which has got employeeName,departmentName,address & projectId tags.

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Flex :: Data Binding Re-bind When Data Model Not Change, Possible?

Nov 4, 2011

If user change the value of the TextInput, then click refresh button to retrieve the data model from backend again, the GUI value will not change back. Re-binding not happen, Since the value of data model not changed, no propertyChanged event fired.In this case, I must Programmatically set the model value to the GUI after data refreshing done.I know bi-directional binding can solve this problem(when user change value on GUI, set the new value to data model immediately). But sometimes I cannot use bi-directional binding, for example, the data model is a int, but user input a non-int value, I cannot set the value to data model. So the value in data model do not change, when refresh data, rebinding still not happen.

This will make the data binding useless. How to resolve this?I put pseudo-code here for now, I will put real code later:1. retrieve a data model from server, via blazeds or something else.2. bind the model to a TextInput on GUI.3. user change the TextInput text.4. User click a refresh button, triger retrieve the model value again.5. Now since the model value do not change, no PropertyChanged event fired.6. GUI value still is the user's input, not the value from the model. can clear the model value before set the velue back, make re-binding happen.(but sometimes you do not know how to clean the model value, take int for example, you may do not know the original value and happen set the same value). Or I can manually set the model value to GUI. But both are not good looking.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Class To Create Either A Sprite Or Clip That Consists Of An Image And Some Text Based On The XML Data?

Jul 3, 2009

I want a class that I'm going to pass a short bit of XML data And then I want that class to create either a Sprite or Clip that consists of an image and some text based on the XML data Example my XML might look like

<image url="">
<name data="Blanius">

I know how to get to the data what I'm looking for is the best way to create this Sprite on my stage.should the class create a sprite or clip?should the class called to create an instance and then I addChild in my core script?

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Flash :: Web Based Visual Programming Interface Based On Python For Data Visualization

Nov 4, 2011

I just discovered and was very impressed by what can be achieved in terms of visualizing data using their workspace. Although the platform is free to use, but not open source yet. This causes a few problems because the API section works with .com sites for eg. for ebay, so I cannot visualize ebay listings for regional sites such as because the link to is hardcoded.I searched around, but didn't find other projects that offer a similar way to work with site APIs and other data sources with the kind of user interface and detail that does in a realtime way within a browser window.This brings me to the questions:

-What technologies would be involved in creating a similar kind of project

-What are the open source tools that can help develop a fullscreen UI to render the workspace. Are there any alternatives to flash for this, and how do they compare

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Flex :: One Data Model Multiple Platforms Different UI?

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My question basically is How to separate the "core" of the application, which must remain the same for all of the platforms, from the UI's which shall be very different applications ?

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Flex :: Communicate Between The Skin And The Data Model?

Dec 2, 2011

How to send to the skin some value which have changed?

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Php :: Interactive 3D Model In Flash Export Data?

Feb 27, 2012

Do flash 3D display engines such as Papervision allow data to be exported from the swf to a php back end and vice versa (PHP into model)? Does Unity allow for this?

If I was to build a simple 'change the colour of the model' application with a UI in a 3D package such as Papervision, could I then export the user choices to php or perhaps a javascript intermediary?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Have Same Data Model With Different Instances Names?

Jun 26, 2009

I want to load multiple players in my solution.Is there any problem if they have same data model with different instances names?

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AS3 :: Flash - Separate The Data And The Game Rules In A Model?

Dec 17, 2010

I feel like MVC misses a letter to describe the situation in a game. The model to me seems to consist of two distinct parts:

A group of vars that describe the current game state (these will have setters that send out events on change, and getters so that the view can access what changed)
The rules of the game that determine what happens once a certain input (i.e. shoot();) has been received by the controller (these will update the group of vars as deemed appropriate)

The view will exclusively be reading from 1 while the controller will be exclusively communicating with 2. This is why I make the distinction and want to divide them up into class1 and class2.

My questions:

I am unsure if I should be making this distinction, since I haven't seen it anywhere. If I should; should I make two separate classes, or should I extend class1 with class2? Finally, I am having trouble making sure that only class2 (and not the view) can change the variables in class1 (while still being able to send out an event when a value changes).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Binding Data In Control With Model

Feb 11, 2009

I have a class that converts external XML to various controls. The class makes a check to see what kind of control to use from the XML (Radio / Textinput / Date etc). and then adds it as a child of a form item, the form item is then added to the parent form and the loop is repeated until all nodes have been checked for controls. This work great. I would like to bind the data in the control with a data model but I'm not sure how to go about doing that.

I saw in the livedocs you can create models in MXML but I don't think this will work as the model will change depending on the XML as well as the items that are recorded. Another thought was to pack all the values into an array but I couldn't get this to work. If the array looks like a good idea I'd like to record 3 values within the array called 'answers' I'll post my code below...

ActionScript Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Form xmlns:mx="[URL]" creationComplete="loadData()" verticalGap="1">
<mx:Script> <![CDATA[
import com.neph.vo.PatientVO;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading SWF With The Class Model?

Jan 11, 2011

Im working with AS3 and in my application I have a base SWF (with its document class) main.swf /

And I have several SWF that includes a video inside with some navigation code (some buttons that I code in individual classes for each SWF). The problem is that I cannot find a method to load the swf's right, because the event that triggers the load process happens in the loaded SWF (the child).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Model/Class To Extend XML?

Oct 25, 2008

My flex3 application downloads XML in e4x format from my web server, and and is left as a bindable XML object locally in my flex3 application. My visual objects then bind to various aspects of the XML object to display the data that I want.My simple program is getting more complicated, and I'd like to extend the XML object and add some functions to it, so I can keep the code that manipulates the XML object separate from my base application. Lets call this new object LoginXML.Can I please get an example of how to extend the XML object in flex3/as3 to create my own custom object with it's own functions. Part of my XML looks like

<node id="1">A</node>
<node id="2">B</node>


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Flex :: Model Driven Development Using LiveCycle Data Services?

Nov 4, 2010

using model driven development in developing enterprise applications. Adobe's LiveCycle Data Services looks very promising, I have found numerous tutorials/videos that shows how fast an application can be build by having methods/functions auto-generated.What are the best-practices, is it good/bad to use those auto-generated methods, they can really save a lot of time.

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Flex :: Model Driven Development Using LiveCycle Data Services

Jun 18, 2010

What are your advises on using model driven development in developing enterprise applications. Adobe's LiveCycle Data Services looks very promising, I have found numerous tutorials/videos that shows how fast an application can be build by having methods/functions auto-generated.What are the best-practices, is it good/bad to use those auto-generated methods, they can really save a lot of time.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MP3 Player - Updating Model Class

Mar 28, 2009

like a lot of people on this forum i am having trouble with an MP3 Player. I have my music player, playing, stopping and going to next and previous. But i am now trying to display the time of how long its been playing for. I have a model class (containing the soundchannel, sound and timer) which has a songsModel class (an extension of model, which contains and update method)

I also have a controller class, which is in control of the people pushing the buttons from the songController class. The controller class plays the soundchannel and starts a timer. i have a songsController class which uses the constructor of the model class as a superclass. This class is controlling users pushing buttons. My other class is a view class, which waits for the model to update itself so that it can display the latest songs.

My problem is i cannot figure out how to pass through the timer to the view class for its latest update (every half second). I have managed to display it ever time the model updates as discussed above.


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Flash :: Load A VRML Model On PaperVision3d?

May 10, 2010

im very new at papervision3d, i know in order to display a .DAE model i use this


But how can i do in order to use VRML models (.WRL).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Xml Data Into Stage By Using One Class From Library

Oct 24, 2009

I know how to load an xml data into the stage by using one class from library However, rite now, I have 3 customer_mc with class for each:[code] how can i put three customer mc into the for loop? Do I put it in an array? Do you mind give me an example? I want to link the xml to each character classes,like char 1 is the first <customer> tag from the xml data. I know the logic, but to put it in the code is hard for me since im pretty new Second, I don't want it to be put randomly on the stage but only on the right corner of the stage. Is that mean, I put a precise coordinate for the customers mc?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setup A Class Which Will Load Xml And Return Data?

Feb 19, 2007

Im trying to set up a class which will load xml and return data I can later parse with a parser class.

When I run the getRawData function from the fla, I get [type function].


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Model View Controller Simple Image Load

Jul 25, 2011

Here I want to load an image. The arrangement produces no errors and no results. I'm really trying to get my head around this design pattern.


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AS3 :: Flash - Load Bitmap Data From The Library Without Specifying A Class Name For Linkage?

Feb 15, 2010

I have a movie clip that holds one bitmap image, some simple AS3 to change the image displayed, and a ton of bitmaps I've imported into my library.Currently, I swap the images by changing the bitmapData

holder.bitmapData = new test2(1,1);

but this requires me to check off 'Export for ActionScript' in every symbol. I'd rather not go through every bitmap in the library and do this, is there some way to reference them by their library name?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking A Class To A Dynamic Text Field To Load XML Data?

May 12, 2010

I'm quite new to ActionScript and would be grateful for any help here. I want to load text into a dynamic text field (called 'about_tab') using  a class depending on the language selected (by clicking on a flag icon)  by the user. I managed to get this to work when the ActionScript was written directly  in the timeline, but am having problems with doing the same thing via a  class.


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Flex :: 4 - Data Visualization For Analysis Of Relational Data (link-based Phenomena)?

Mar 15, 2012

I have been goggling a lot to find anything with link-based data visualization in Flex 4. something like below screen shoot (made using Ravis). Where user can drag these nodes, without removing the links and on double click of any node we can set some properties for that particular node. I found this Ravis (Birdeye), but not much of examples and support is available for that.

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Flash :: Creating An Instance Of A Class That Implements An Interface Based On The Class Name?

Feb 17, 2011

Is there a way to generate an instance of a class that implements an interface based on the name of the class?

I am trying:

var ClassReference:Object = getDefinitionByName("movement.OuterSpaceMovement") as IMovement;
var m:IMovement = new ClassReference as IMovement;
trace("startup..." + m);

-But I am getting an error message ReferenceError: Error #1065 (OuterSpaceMovement) not defined.

I have several classes that implement the same interface (IMovement) but I need to be able to generate new instances of these classes and then pass these instances as a datatype (IMovement datatype) to other classes...

So then I tried:

var ClassReference:Class = getDefinitionByName("OuterSpaceMovement") as Class;
var m:IMovement = new ClassReference() as IMovement;
and this doesn't seem to work...but the following
var m:IMovement = new OuterSpaceMovement();

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Flash :: Silverlight - MVVM - Presentation Model In Flex Vs Presentation Model In Silverlight: Advantages And Disadvantages?

Apr 10, 2011

As it is said here: [URL] "If you do a Google search today for "MVVM and Flex", the first post is by somebody who claims that MVVM is not a good fit for Flex. I couldn't disagree more. Out of the box, the Flex framework makes it much easier to implement a Presentation Model than similar MVVM implementations in Silverlight. That is not to say that there aren't good third-party libraries that make it easier in Silverlight, but without any help, it is easier to do in Flex." So MVVM as LOGICAL CONCEPT can be implemented in both but the way it is implemented in Silverlight requires more Plumbing than Flex.

What prevents Silverlight MVVM to be implemented like Flex ? Doesn't Silverlight have same capability in event system to do the same? If yes why does Silverlight do things more complicated what's the advantages then ? Is it about using Class Interfaces which are more strongly typed? What are the disadvantages also ? For example as for implementing MULTIPLE VIEWS for 1 View-Model does Flex implementation make it also more obvious?

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Mvc :: "automatic Way" To Casts An "Object" To A Personalized Model Data Type?

Mar 4, 2012

Is there any "automatic way" to casts an "Object" to a personalized Model Data Type in ActionScript 3?


Manish's answer was enough for me and according to rcdmk's comment, the p:String isn't about the Type of data that the loop will go through, it is actually the name of the property, which makes sense because every name is a String.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tinting An MC Based On XML Data?

Nov 9, 2006

First off I load 2 variables from a database: selectedTerritory and tintValue.I want to load the tintValue (number: 0000FF, 00FF00 etc) and apply that tint to the selectedTerritory (number: 1, 2, 3 etc).What I've got is:

function displayTerritoryOwner(selectedTerritory) {
var a:Number = selectedTerritory;

[code]....and apply the tint?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Play Movieclip Based On XML Data?

Feb 13, 2007

I wondered how to set up a flash movie that read an xml doc and depending on the value of a variable, opened a movieclip or not. so if the xml doc had a variable "cool" that had a value of "on", flash would do something like...

if (variable read from xml) is "on"

I just don't know how to set up the movie

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CS3 Dynamic Text - Change Colors Based On Data

Aug 25, 2009

I'm building a project for a gaming website and i have an interesting dilemma. How do i make the font color change based on the data loaded from the external .txt file.


In text files i could have... yes yes yes no no maybe yes no. If the text says yes i would like for the font to change to green, if no to red, or maybe to orange/yellowish.

So basically if i went in and changed the No to a Yes on a .txt file, the next time i viewed that flash section the yes text would be in green instead of the default set by the flash core itself.

I hope i am making sense. I don't even know how to go about starting and i stared at the actionscript list for awhile to no avail.

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Professional :: Ql Database And Display Results Based On The Data?

Jul 4, 2010

Is it possible for recent versions of flash to directly (or thru Php) access (& update) data from a mysql database and display results based on the data?
So if my database were like this (math scores):User 13Jerry | 20Kane | 7 the flash output would be a bar graph like this (those hyphens would be bars in flash)
Is this possible these days? Google analytics does something like similar to this.
I last used flash somewhere in 2003/4. Never after that :-) I've completely lost touch.

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Flex :: Algorithm - How To Generate Person Based On Data

Aug 4, 2010

Based on user input height, weight, measurements and other data, dynamically generate a person (can produce 3D graphics)?

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