ActionScript 3.0 :: Have Same Data Model With Different Instances Names?

Jun 26, 2009

I want to load multiple players in my solution.Is there any problem if they have same data model with different instances names?

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Flex :: Data Binding Re-bind When Data Model Not Change, Possible?

Nov 4, 2011

If user change the value of the TextInput, then click refresh button to retrieve the data model from backend again, the GUI value will not change back. Re-binding not happen, Since the value of data model not changed, no propertyChanged event fired.In this case, I must Programmatically set the model value to the GUI after data refreshing done.I know bi-directional binding can solve this problem(when user change value on GUI, set the new value to data model immediately). But sometimes I cannot use bi-directional binding, for example, the data model is a int, but user input a non-int value, I cannot set the value to data model. So the value in data model do not change, when refresh data, rebinding still not happen.

This will make the data binding useless. How to resolve this?I put pseudo-code here for now, I will put real code later:1. retrieve a data model from server, via blazeds or something else.2. bind the model to a TextInput on GUI.3. user change the TextInput text.4. User click a refresh button, triger retrieve the model value again.5. Now since the model value do not change, no PropertyChanged event fired.6. GUI value still is the user's input, not the value from the model. can clear the model value before set the velue back, make re-binding happen.(but sometimes you do not know how to clean the model value, take int for example, you may do not know the original value and happen set the same value). Or I can manually set the model value to GUI. But both are not good looking.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use An Array To Record Names Of Instances?

Jul 8, 2011

I've continued with it and have hit another hurdle. When I run the loop to load in the XML images, inside the same loop I add instances of a "thumb" movieclip onto the stage. It's just a little graphic that I want to use as thumbnail buttons. So for example, if the XML loads in 3 images, 3 instances of the "thumb" mc also load onto the stage. I currently give then unique names in the loop but that name gets overwritten each time the loop runs. How can I record each name of the instance? I'm guessing an array but how do you populate an array with a loop?

Then, I'm hoping if those names are recorded in an array, then I can reference the different thumb instances (so they can do different things with the images) and also use removeChild on them when I close the gallery and load in the next gallery. Here is my code so far,


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Spawning Several Instances Of A Button With A Different Names By Using Array

Mar 4, 2009

where each of my buttons have a dynamic text label.

So this button is a symbol, and the instances are named let say btn1, btn2, btn3. The label tag name inside the symbol is btnName.

How I can make this work if I define my array on top level? How I can make sure that the label btnName will have the correct array name for each btn instances?

found out the benefits of .children usage...

btn1.children.btnName = xArray[0];
btn2.children.btnName = xArray[1];

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Clases With Dynamic Instances Names

Oct 29, 2009

I create X instances of a class (called SM) depending on a varibale I have (called here howmany), but later on as I want to check their states with a while, I need to have diferent instances names (sm1,sm2,sm3...).[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Mc Instances (different Names) Into Single Variable?

Nov 6, 2009

Is there a way to group a bunch of movie clip instances into a single variable? Reason is, I have a lot of movie clips acting as buttons that I have added to event listeners. All of the movie clips with do the same functions and I have a few different functions created.

For example. How can I change this

mc_aitkin.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, changeAlpha);
mc_anoka.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, changeAlpha);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Movie Clip Instances Names?

Dec 6, 2009

I have the following code below which creates two movie clips on the stage dynamically. How would I give the two movie clips different instance names, so I can add separate event listeners to them?

ActionScript Code:
for (var i:uint = 0; i < 2; i++) {
var my_box:Box = new Box();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loader Instances - Cannot Create Dynamic Names

Jul 30, 2009

I have a number of loader instances (loader1, loader2, loader) which I will use to load pictures. I tried to create a loop and run the command
for(var st=1,st<4,st++) {
The concatenation "loader+st" doesn't seem to work. Is it not supported in AS2.0?

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Actionscript 3 :: Dynamic Instance Names - Create X Instances Of A Movieclip

Apr 18, 2011

i made a custom class where i would like to create x instances of a movieclip. But the following doesn't work:


I keep getting the error: Scene 1, Layer 'Layer 1', Frame 1, Line 5 1119: Access of possibly undefined property Collector through a reference with static type CustomClass.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create One Or Several Instances Of A Movieclip From The Library With Variable Names?

Feb 16, 2011

Is it possible to create one or several instances of a movieclip from the library with variable names

my2 _mc

so that I can make a function that will use the name of any of these movieclips.

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Flex :: One Data Model Multiple Platforms Different UI?

Jul 3, 2011

I have designed "the core" of the application i am working on ( it communication with the server, data processing, etc. ), and now i am a bit stuck on the User Interface, because i wish it to be specific, and probably different on the different platforms it goin to run on ( PC, tablet, gsm ).

My question basically is How to separate the "core" of the application, which must remain the same for all of the platforms, from the UI's which shall be very different applications ?

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Flex :: Communicate Between The Skin And The Data Model?

Dec 2, 2011

How to send to the skin some value which have changed?

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Php :: Interactive 3D Model In Flash Export Data?

Feb 27, 2012

Do flash 3D display engines such as Papervision allow data to be exported from the swf to a php back end and vice versa (PHP into model)? Does Unity allow for this?

If I was to build a simple 'change the colour of the model' application with a UI in a 3D package such as Papervision, could I then export the user choices to php or perhaps a javascript intermediary?

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AS3 :: Flash - Separate The Data And The Game Rules In A Model?

Dec 17, 2010

I feel like MVC misses a letter to describe the situation in a game. The model to me seems to consist of two distinct parts:

A group of vars that describe the current game state (these will have setters that send out events on change, and getters so that the view can access what changed)
The rules of the game that determine what happens once a certain input (i.e. shoot();) has been received by the controller (these will update the group of vars as deemed appropriate)

The view will exclusively be reading from 1 while the controller will be exclusively communicating with 2. This is why I make the distinction and want to divide them up into class1 and class2.

My questions:

I am unsure if I should be making this distinction, since I haven't seen it anywhere. If I should; should I make two separate classes, or should I extend class1 with class2? Finally, I am having trouble making sure that only class2 (and not the view) can change the variables in class1 (while still being able to send out an event when a value changes).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Binding Data In Control With Model

Feb 11, 2009

I have a class that converts external XML to various controls. The class makes a check to see what kind of control to use from the XML (Radio / Textinput / Date etc). and then adds it as a child of a form item, the form item is then added to the parent form and the loop is repeated until all nodes have been checked for controls. This work great. I would like to bind the data in the control with a data model but I'm not sure how to go about doing that.

I saw in the livedocs you can create models in MXML but I don't think this will work as the model will change depending on the XML as well as the items that are recorded. Another thought was to pack all the values into an array but I couldn't get this to work. If the array looks like a good idea I'd like to record 3 values within the array called 'answers' I'll post my code below...

ActionScript Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Form xmlns:mx="[URL]" creationComplete="loadData()" verticalGap="1">
<mx:Script> <![CDATA[
import com.neph.vo.PatientVO;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load XML Data Into Class-Based Model?

Feb 12, 2009

I'm new to FLEX.I've a requirement where i do have to load the data into Class Based Model(VO) from an Employee.xml which has got employeeName,departmentName,address & projectId tags.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Create New Instances Of Sprites From Linkage Class Names Inside An Array

May 17, 2010

i have sprites in the library with linkages in them.. how would i create new instances of them if they are stored inside an array?


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Flex :: Model Driven Development Using LiveCycle Data Services?

Nov 4, 2010

using model driven development in developing enterprise applications. Adobe's LiveCycle Data Services looks very promising, I have found numerous tutorials/videos that shows how fast an application can be build by having methods/functions auto-generated.What are the best-practices, is it good/bad to use those auto-generated methods, they can really save a lot of time.

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Flex :: Model Driven Development Using LiveCycle Data Services

Jun 18, 2010

What are your advises on using model driven development in developing enterprise applications. Adobe's LiveCycle Data Services looks very promising, I have found numerous tutorials/videos that shows how fast an application can be build by having methods/functions auto-generated.What are the best-practices, is it good/bad to use those auto-generated methods, they can really save a lot of time.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Attaching And Retrieving Data With Instance Names?

May 13, 2009

I'm developing an AS3 module where the user interacts with certain hardware. One part is highlighting the hardware's features when the user hovers certain points on it. There's quite a lot of work to be done here (about 6 modules with about 30 highlights each) so I figured I would make it as changeable as possible.

On the stage I've placed all instances of a movieclip that acts as the pointer for the highlights. This movieclip uses a class that animates it upon mouseover/mouseout (hence only two animation functions are required for them all). At the same time I want to display a unique text for every point, and this is where the trouble comes in.
I figured I could attach data with each instance to the class somehow, and then create a new text field upon accessing the class. This is what I came up with:

// Features = "V�xla mellan anv�ndnings- och vilol�ge."; = "Display."; = "Visa den elektroniska programguiden.";


As you can see I tried using the instance property name to attach the data, it failed though (I didn't get a compile error for this but I couldn't retrieve the data in the class).How would you approach this? Do I have to create a variable for each instance's data, then match them (same number etc.)?

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Flash :: Silverlight - MVVM - Presentation Model In Flex Vs Presentation Model In Silverlight: Advantages And Disadvantages?

Apr 10, 2011

As it is said here: [URL] "If you do a Google search today for "MVVM and Flex", the first post is by somebody who claims that MVVM is not a good fit for Flex. I couldn't disagree more. Out of the box, the Flex framework makes it much easier to implement a Presentation Model than similar MVVM implementations in Silverlight. That is not to say that there aren't good third-party libraries that make it easier in Silverlight, but without any help, it is easier to do in Flex." So MVVM as LOGICAL CONCEPT can be implemented in both but the way it is implemented in Silverlight requires more Plumbing than Flex.

What prevents Silverlight MVVM to be implemented like Flex ? Doesn't Silverlight have same capability in event system to do the same? If yes why does Silverlight do things more complicated what's the advantages then ? Is it about using Class Interfaces which are more strongly typed? What are the disadvantages also ? For example as for implementing MULTIPLE VIEWS for 1 View-Model does Flex implementation make it also more obvious?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading XML Data Into On Stage Instances?

Jun 23, 2009

in the code below, there is something wrong with this line: movieClipsStage[n].addChild(thumbList[n]); 
import fl.transitions.Tween;import fl.transitions.easing.*;
var thumbArray:Array=new Array();var movieClipLoader:Loader;var movieClipsStage:Array=new Array("mc0","mc1","mc2","mc3","mc4","mc5"); 
var myXMLInfo:XML;var thumbList:XMLList;var myXMLLoader:URLLoader=new URLLoader;myXMLLoader.load(new URLRequest("Data/myStarList.xml"));myXMLLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadComplete);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Filling Instances With XML Data - XML Loading

Jun 28, 2011


I have a MovieClip which has a couple of text boxes embedded inside it. I'm trying to load data from an XML file and populate the text fields with this data. That's fine, all good. What I also need to do is create an instance of that MovieClip for each instance of a certain tag in the XML, and then load that instance of the MovieClip with the relevant information.

So, for this XML file (reduced to show only 2 CD entries):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>


So a new instance of myCirc needs to happen on each <CD> from the XML, and it's text fields need to contain the information from the XML.

It's working, but I get instances which contain all the text from all the <CD> sections of the XML, each one has all the titles, countries etc.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling Button Instances Created With XML Data?

Nov 29, 2009

this is my first post on this forum so please take it easy on me as I am sure that this will be a simple answer for most of you out there. Here is what I am working with: I have dynamically added 4 buttons to the stage using XML data and a loop to place as many buttons as will allow per the data. Once the game begins, a MovieClip that I have also added to the stage will jump randomly from frames 1-16 and stop using a stage event listener. I need to have event-listeners on each of the buttons I have created using the XML data to check to see if the user has selected a correct answer. I had intended on using a function that would check to see which button was clicked and check to see what frame the movieClip was on when that button was clicked and judge right or wrong that way.


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Mvc :: "automatic Way" To Casts An "Object" To A Personalized Model Data Type?

Mar 4, 2012

Is there any "automatic way" to casts an "Object" to a personalized Model Data Type in ActionScript 3?


Manish's answer was enough for me and according to rcdmk's comment, the p:String isn't about the Type of data that the loop will go through, it is actually the name of the property, which makes sense because every name is a String.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Variable Data From An External XML File And Dynamically Displays The Item Names In A Menu - Arrays - Functions

May 18, 2005

I have been working on a Flash movie that loads variable data from an external XML file and dynamically displays the item names in a menu which may then be clicked to display other dynamically-loaded content that corresponds to the menu item that was clicked. I have now come to a standstill in the project as there is something I'd like to achieve but simply cannot work out how. This is my first attempt at working with XML in Flash and one of my early attempts at using variables. What I'm trying to achieve is; once the user has viewed the item's content, they can simply click "next" and "previous" buttons to display all of the content for the next or previous items in the XML document.

I know it probably sounds simple and I'm sure some of you could achieve this in 5 minutes (!) but I can't get my head around some of the coding. I assume previousSibling and nextSibling would come into play here as well as some sort of functions which access arrays of data for the previous and next items, but I'm just not sure how to correctly put these things to use. Rather than post my code and example images of the stage up here on the forums, I've created an html page here: [URL]

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Professional :: Importing AI Layer Names As Movie Clip Names?

Aug 26, 2010

We've got an Illustrator file with something over 1,000 layers. We're trying to import this into Flash and keep the layer names intact, such that they become the names of the movie clips that are imported for each layer and can be used programmatically. (It is a diagram and arrows, boxes, etc all have callout names that will eventually allow them to link to a database.)As near as I can tell, the Import dialog will NOT pass this info across between the two parts of the dialog.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Instance Names And Variable Names: It Goes Deeper

Mar 20, 2011

I started a thread about a reference to a symbol House, in the output window, which was: House_1. A lot of people said some useful things about that. All day I've been thinking about it, and I came to the conclusion that I don't understand things, at a very basic level.

Consider:I make a movieclip which I give the Symbol name Drawer. (I don't export it for AcitonScript.)On the stage I manually place two instances of this Symbol. The first one I give the Instance Name drawer (in the properties panel). The second one I leave nameless.Now if I trace the names of both these clips, by


the output window gives me


Now I know that the so-called "instance name" which I gave in the Properties Panel (drawer) is, in reality, a variable name which Flash gives my first instance behind the scenes. And instance2 is a name that Flash gives my second instance. What exactly the nature of that name is, I do not know.My point is: both names (drawer and instance2) are the .name property of these movieclips. Otherwise I could not have traced them through asking for the .name property, in the above. Yet only the first of these two can be manipulated:

drawer.x can be set;
instance2.x can (as we know) not be set.

But...why? What is the real difference between these two kinds of names? How can they both be the .name property of their underlying movieclip, yet be of such a different nature? What IS the nature of the instance2 name? If it's a String, how come the .name property of one movieclip can be a variable name, while the .name property of another (but identical) movieclip is a String?

I've searched every bit of web page on the net I could find. But it looks as if nobody addresses this issue. We all just work with it - but it makes no bloody sense. A name property = a name property, you'd think. Whether Flash set it or I set it should not make a difference. The x property of a clip, for example, does not change in nature according to who set it - me or Flash.So, again, just to emphasize the problem: how can a property (the name property) of a movieclip change in NATURE depending on who set it? After it's been set, shouldn't the name property of a clip be of exactly the same nature as the name property of another clip?

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Create An Interactive 3D Model?

Aug 13, 2009

How to create an interactive 3D model? Which software should we need to do that?

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Importing Blender / 3Ds MAX / 3D Model

Aug 20, 2009

Can I import 3D models from Blender/3Ds MAX 2010 to Flash CS4?I would like modelling 3D models with a 3D software and then import them to Flash CS4 to animate.

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