Php :: Interactive 3D Model In Flash Export Data?

Feb 27, 2012

Do flash 3D display engines such as Papervision allow data to be exported from the swf to a php back end and vice versa (PHP into model)? Does Unity allow for this?

If I was to build a simple 'change the colour of the model' application with a UI in a 3D package such as Papervision, could I then export the user choices to php or perhaps a javascript intermediary?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Interactive 3D Model In Flash?

Oct 31, 2011

I would like to make some kind of interactive 3D model in flash.
In the image below you see a 3D model. It's just an example to explain what I have in mind. You see a red disc 1, a blue disc 2 and a pushbutton. The idea is that the blue disc rotates (for example 45 degrees) compared to the red disc when you push the button. Is that possible in a 3D model that you also can turn around with your mouse?
I can make the models in Rhinoceros 4.0, that's no problem. Importing the model into flash is also no problem (papervision). But how can I add some interactives to the 3D model like a pushbutton and a slidecard?

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Flex :: Papervision - Interactive (Adding Listeners To) DAE Model

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I have a DAE model that is parsed into several parts. I am able to deal with them separately, such as changing their material or colour but I am having problems adding click or hover listeners over the children. For example, lets say I have a model of a kitty where each facial feature is a child. I want to be able to hover or click the features and have a window pop up explaining the feature. I've tried parsing the model and adding listeners but it doesn't seem to work.

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AS3 :: Flash - Separate The Data And The Game Rules In A Model?

Dec 17, 2010

I feel like MVC misses a letter to describe the situation in a game. The model to me seems to consist of two distinct parts:

A group of vars that describe the current game state (these will have setters that send out events on change, and getters so that the view can access what changed)
The rules of the game that determine what happens once a certain input (i.e. shoot();) has been received by the controller (these will update the group of vars as deemed appropriate)

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My questions:

I am unsure if I should be making this distinction, since I haven't seen it anywhere. If I should; should I make two separate classes, or should I extend class1 with class2? Finally, I am having trouble making sure that only class2 (and not the view) can change the variables in class1 (while still being able to send out an event when a value changes).

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Flex :: Data Binding Re-bind When Data Model Not Change, Possible?

Nov 4, 2011

If user change the value of the TextInput, then click refresh button to retrieve the data model from backend again, the GUI value will not change back. Re-binding not happen, Since the value of data model not changed, no propertyChanged event fired.In this case, I must Programmatically set the model value to the GUI after data refreshing done.I know bi-directional binding can solve this problem(when user change value on GUI, set the new value to data model immediately). But sometimes I cannot use bi-directional binding, for example, the data model is a int, but user input a non-int value, I cannot set the value to data model. So the value in data model do not change, when refresh data, rebinding still not happen.

This will make the data binding useless. How to resolve this?I put pseudo-code here for now, I will put real code later:1. retrieve a data model from server, via blazeds or something else.2. bind the model to a TextInput on GUI.3. user change the TextInput text.4. User click a refresh button, triger retrieve the model value again.5. Now since the model value do not change, no PropertyChanged event fired.6. GUI value still is the user's input, not the value from the model. can clear the model value before set the velue back, make re-binding happen.(but sometimes you do not know how to clean the model value, take int for example, you may do not know the original value and happen set the same value). Or I can manually set the model value to GUI. But both are not good looking.

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Flash :: Export Data To Sharepoint?

Dec 3, 2010

I'm creating a Flash game that will be placed in a Sharepoint page. Is there a way to export data from the Flash game (ex: the user's score) to a different Sharepoint page? I'd like to display the high scores of different players in Sharepoint. Note: I'm using ActionScript 2.0 So here is the sequence of events... Player completes Flash game embedded in a Sharepoint page Flash exports player's score to Sharepoint database
Second Sharepoint page displays top ten player scores from database.

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Oct 21, 2009

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Jan 17, 2009

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Flex :: One Data Model Multiple Platforms Different UI?

Jul 3, 2011

I have designed "the core" of the application i am working on ( it communication with the server, data processing, etc. ), and now i am a bit stuck on the User Interface, because i wish it to be specific, and probably different on the different platforms it goin to run on ( PC, tablet, gsm ).

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Dec 2, 2011

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Jan 22, 2009

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1) Is this possible? 2) If so How?

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Feb 11, 2009

I have a class that converts external XML to various controls. The class makes a check to see what kind of control to use from the XML (Radio / Textinput / Date etc). and then adds it as a child of a form item, the form item is then added to the parent form and the loop is repeated until all nodes have been checked for controls. This work great. I would like to bind the data in the control with a data model but I'm not sure how to go about doing that.

I saw in the livedocs you can create models in MXML but I don't think this will work as the model will change depending on the XML as well as the items that are recorded. Another thought was to pack all the values into an array but I couldn't get this to work. If the array looks like a good idea I'd like to record 3 values within the array called 'answers' I'll post my code below...

ActionScript Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Form xmlns:mx="[URL]" creationComplete="loadData()" verticalGap="1">
<mx:Script> <![CDATA[
import com.neph.vo.PatientVO;
[Code] .....

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Actionscript :: Export Score Data From A Flash Game (still In Development)?

Sep 30, 2009

The game will be on a school VLE (virtual learning environment) like 'Moodle'. Can you export to email? Spreasheet? Or can it only be done with php? Do not want to be spending weeks on it!

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Nov 4, 2010

using model driven development in developing enterprise applications. Adobe's LiveCycle Data Services looks very promising, I have found numerous tutorials/videos that shows how fast an application can be build by having methods/functions auto-generated.What are the best-practices, is it good/bad to use those auto-generated methods, they can really save a lot of time.

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What are your advises on using model driven development in developing enterprise applications. Adobe's LiveCycle Data Services looks very promising, I have found numerous tutorials/videos that shows how fast an application can be build by having methods/functions auto-generated.What are the best-practices, is it good/bad to use those auto-generated methods, they can really save a lot of time.

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Adobe Flash Builder Http Data Service Call Fails Only After Export?

Dec 8, 2011

I wrote an app using adobe flash builder that makes an http data service call to a website.

When I build and launch the app it loads in my browser (the address in the broswer is C:Userspath omyapp.html) and works perfectly. However, when I upload the app to my website or even launch it from outside the project build directory, the HTTP service call fails with the popup

Security error accessing url
Destination: DefaultHTTP

Of course I googled this error and realized it may have something to do with a 'crossdomain.xml' in my web root directory. I tried this and it continued to fail.
Below was my crossite domain file

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "">
<allow-access-from domain="" />

I'm using the free trial version of Adobe flash builder, but I do not see anything indicating that this has to do with the error.

Data from http service call is in xml format.

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Flash :: Silverlight - MVVM - Presentation Model In Flex Vs Presentation Model In Silverlight: Advantages And Disadvantages?

Apr 10, 2011

As it is said here: [URL] "If you do a Google search today for "MVVM and Flex", the first post is by somebody who claims that MVVM is not a good fit for Flex. I couldn't disagree more. Out of the box, the Flex framework makes it much easier to implement a Presentation Model than similar MVVM implementations in Silverlight. That is not to say that there aren't good third-party libraries that make it easier in Silverlight, but without any help, it is easier to do in Flex." So MVVM as LOGICAL CONCEPT can be implemented in both but the way it is implemented in Silverlight requires more Plumbing than Flex.

What prevents Silverlight MVVM to be implemented like Flex ? Doesn't Silverlight have same capability in event system to do the same? If yes why does Silverlight do things more complicated what's the advantages then ? Is it about using Class Interfaces which are more strongly typed? What are the disadvantages also ? For example as for implementing MULTIPLE VIEWS for 1 View-Model does Flex implementation make it also more obvious?

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Flash :: Export Animation Data - X And Y Coordinates And Rotation Values For Individual Images In A Sequence?

Mar 22, 2011

From Pro Adobe flash can I export an animation's data? like the x and y coordinates and rotation values for individual images in a sequence

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Flex :: How To Build Interactive Data Visualizations

Oct 15, 2010

I'm trying to learn how to build interactive data visualizations, and I think I want to go the Flash/Flex/ActionScript route instead of using Processing.The problem is, I've never understood what the difference between all three is, so I don't know which one I should be learning.It sounds like Flash is more for designers/non-programmers, Flex is more for programmers, and ActionScript is just the programming language used in Flash and Flex (i.e., Flash and Flex are to Actionscript as the iPhone SDK is to Objective C...?). Is this correct?If so, I'm a programmer, so it sounds like I'd want to go either the Flex or ActionScript route. What's the difference between picking up an ActionScript book vs. picking up a Flex book?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Export Data From Datagrid?

Nov 21, 2011

Just like in title i know how to load(import) data from xml to datagrid, but don't know how to save(export) it into another xml, i know i will have to use php file to save it, but how to export.

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Actionscript 3 :: Export XML Data From A Swf File?

Sep 2, 2010

is it possible to export XML data from a swf file

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Flex :: Export A DisplayObject's Vector Data?

Jun 19, 2009

Flex gives the ability to export a display object as a bitmap as follows:

var bitmapDataBuffer:BitmapData = new BitmapData ( displayObject.width, displayObject.height, false);
bitmapDataBuffer.draw ( displayObject, displayObject.transform.matrix);

Is there a method to export a display object as a vector graphic instead of bitmap data?

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Flex :: Export Array Data From Actionscript?

May 9, 2011

I want to export the data kept in an actionscript array as a text/CSV file. I have searched and found a few that did datagrid to excel exports but they are complicated and confusing

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Export Data Into A Csv File From A Datagrid?

Mar 3, 2008

I have my data in my dataGrid reading from my xml file and i'm just wondering how i can export this from a button into a .csv file??

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Media Server :: FMS Interactive With Data Events - Camera Streaming Video

Sep 15, 2011

I'm completely new to FMS but a seasoned Flex developer. We're building a Flash Builder 4.5 application which will be deployed to iPads. The basic functional requirements are as follows:

1. Presenter in a room has a camera streaming video of themselves2. Participants in the same room have an iPad - there are 30 participants and the stream is sent to all 30 iPads simultaneously.3. There must be lowest delay possible with good quality video - we understand this can be achieved with RTMP and that VP6 has to be used (as there is no H.264 support at present in AIR on iOS)4. The presenter will trigger certain things from their iPad which will then display certain alerts, content on the partcipants iPad (from server connection the participant iPads are listening to)

Firstly, I'm interested to know your thoughts on this current spec. This was put together from zero initial experience with FMS and having read a lot online and creating a proof-of-concept. Secondly, with regards to the two-way interaction: Is this something FMS handles? Previously I have used LCDS or BlazeDS for the data events & streaming aspects of our applications. Initially I was planning on using BlazeDS again, in addition to FMS. But from what I have read FMS possible handles data push too? Does FMS have LCDS/Blaze built in in some way?

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Data Integration :: Set Up Drag And Drop Questionaire To Export To A XML File?

May 30, 2006

How do I set up my drag and drop questionaire to export to a XML file?

I have a 70 seperate SWF files that pose a question and contain a drag and drop rank order response of 1,2,3,4.How do I set up a XML file that receives the responses.I don't understand how to do the Actionscript and get my responses to connect to the XML.


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