ActionScript 3.0 :: Loaded SWF Slower Than When Tested Into Its Own Timeline?

Feb 14, 2009

here's what i have. A main file into which i load someother swf's with this action:

master_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadClip);
function loadClip(evt:MouseEvent):void


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Mac Plays Timeline Animation Slower Than PC?

Jan 24, 2010

I have an issue with how Macs play timeline animation slower than PC. On the PC the animation plays right and syncs correctly with the music.

I have a tree that grows, when it finished an axe chops it. The tree finishes and the axe starts chopping the tree at exactly 30 seconds into the song which is exactly how it is meant to happen.

Syncs right on PC but on Mac, the tree finishes and the axe starts chopping at 50 seconds into the song.

During the tree animation, I also have some other swf movies loading in the background so that it is preloaded and ready to go when required because I am trying to prevent any delays or the chance of a preloader from appearing when these swf needs to start playing.

What is causing the Mac to have a slower animation. I do notice in general than Macs take longer to play an animation than PC on a browser.

Is this just natural or do you think the Mac and PC difference caused here is due to me loading swf movies into the background?

What are my options to make the sync right. I can not make the animation actionscript based, so I am stuck with timeline based animation.

I think music streaming would be the best solution here. Right now, I am triggering the music as an event, but I am worried of the stuttering effect using streaming music, while my animation plays and swfs are loading in the background and the viewer has a slow PC.

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Flash :: Loaded SWF Gets Slower?

Jul 29, 2010

i am making a game involving a number of balls that move across the screen. Everything works fine and dandy when I play the SWF on its own, but when I load it into another SWF, animation become increasingly choppy with time.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swf Is Slower When Loaded Externally?

Mar 12, 2004

i am 5 seconds old here so first of all i just want to say WHAT"S UP!!!

when i load my swf from an external source with loadMovieNum(the swf is actually on a different server all together). it plays it a whole lot slower. Has that ever happened to you. do you know how to work around that?

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Professional :: Slower And Slower Over Time?

Sep 21, 2011

I have a dashboard I created using Flash CS5 using CS5.5 and ActionScript 3.It seems that while this dashboard is running, the FPS gets slower and slower over time (over several hours) I am thinking that I might have a memory leak but I am not sure how to find out.The project is a Flash Projector exe that loads 8 independent swfs.Each swf file essentially calls a web service and gets XML dataThey then dynamically create a bunch of TextFields,assigns an event listener (Event.ENTER_FRAME) and animates across the screen.When the TextField goes off the screen, I clean up the Text field by removing the EventListenerremoving the TextField and setting the TextField to null.

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Feb 24, 2007

try this and give me response

var max:Number = 50;
var size:Number = Stage.width;[code]........

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Determine Whether A Swf Is Being Tested In The IDE?

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Is there an easy way to determine whether a swf is being tested in the IDE?
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ActionScript 3.0 :: Ignored When Movie Is Tested?

Mar 14, 2005

i have a 15 frame movie in flash cs4i have a bg layer comprised on inanimate movie clips (so that I can apply drop shadows to the objects)i have 4 layers of animated movie clips that have imbedded bone animations. when i say imbedded i mean that when i double click on them, i can access the bone animation. (i did this so that I can hold the bone animated object in a movie clip that i can apply a drop shadow)i have a hotspot layer that is a transparent rectangle so that when the user moves the mouse over this area, the timeline should play and animations startnow here is the actionscript:Frame 1:

function animate_family(e:MouseEvent):void{


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Oct 23, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Why Do Motion Tweens Fail When Tested

Oct 21, 2009

I am a really novice actionscripter and have no idea if or how the following can be accomplished:I have coded a drag/drop function so that when a Christmas ornament is dragged and dropped on a Christmas tree, a window opens up for Url...The non-profit site I'm doing the movie for has one of those special PayPal hosted buttons so that when you click on the PayPal Donate button provided for the site, it opens up a special Paypal window for donations to that site.Is there a way I can code the drop function to access that special window? [code] Click Donate and enter the amount of your donation in the space provided. If you have a Paypal account - log into it to complete the donation. If you want to use a credit card, fill out the form completely and click to review.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader Reverses In All Tested Browsers

Jan 22, 2010

Ive have a pre-loader that works fine when testing locally. But when uploaded the pre-loader reverses in all tested browsers apart from firefox (see attached image). I cant think why it would reverse like this especially after the document has been published. Its as if from somewhere the swf is getting negative values when loading the external file? How would that be possible. Local testing with traces show no such negative values..... :

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Flash8 :: Buttons Not Working In Browser But Fine When Tested?

May 1, 2009

Ok so here is the problem:

Using MacOSX 10.4 Tiger
Flash Professional 8
Firefox, IE, Safari

I created a flash movie. All of the pictures fade in and out perfect. There is a button on each of the pictures and these buttons take you to the picture�s respective page. When I test the movie the buttons work fine. When I export the movie as (.swf) and try it again the buttons work. I am hosting it on a GoDaddy domain that has been purchased and am referencing it on another site that I own. When I embed it onto my website, the movie plays fine but the buttons are not functional. Here are the things that I have tried to rectify the problem:

- Tried exporting and publishing to Flash Player 7 and 6 DID NOT WORK
- Instead of:
on (release) {
getURL(http:// . . ._self)

I created a new layer and gave the button an instance name and used it as an action layer:

MyButton.onRelease = function() {
getURL(www . . . ., _self)

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Dec 30, 2010

As far as I can tell the AS 3 is to the T. But when I test it in dreamweaver some of the pdf's and all of the websites will not open. It says to make sure the path or file name is correct... but the names are perfectly may be a security sandbox issue, but I don't know how to check that let alone fix it.Here are some of the code samples.
menventures.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, menventuresurl)
 function menventuresurl (event:Event):void {var menventures:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");navigateToURL(menventures, "_self");trace("The menventures button was clicked");}[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Error 1009 When Navigating Through Tested Files

Aug 4, 2009

I am new to flash. I am experiencing random (at least to me) errors (#1009) while navigating through my tested file. I can't reproduce them everytime. It only happens sometimes. Usually they occur after I have clicked back and forth between different pages (frames). Sometimes the error shows up once, and the file moves on as if nothing bad has happened. Sometimes the error continuosly displays, which really slows down the test.

One example of such:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at About28_fla::MainTimeline/clickResumeFromAbout()

The general structure of my file is this: I have pages laid out on separate frames with movieclips embedded within each other on the frames. Navigational movieclip buttons remain on essentially every frame. Three of them are: 'About', 'Contact', and 'Resume'. I wrote Listeners for each frame that go from that frame to any of the others. For example, to get from my 'Resume' frame from the 'About' frame, I wrote a Listener called 'clickResumeFromAbout', which is what the above error refers to.

The code in context:
mResumeGlow.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickResumeFromAbout);
function clickResumeFromAbout(e:MouseEvent):void {
mBoxAbout.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterResume);
function enterResume(event:Event):void {
if (mBoxAbout.currentFrame == 150){
mBoxAbout.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterResume);

However, the error above occurs when I click 'Resume' from 'Contact' (not from 'About' as the error states). It only occurs after I've been flipping between frames for a bit (I'm assuming I've clicked 'About' at some point).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: FlashVar Pass Correctly In IE But Not In Firefox When Tested Locally

Oct 14, 2008

All I want to do is send the FlashVars to the Flash movie where it picks it up and goes to play the frame specified in AdFrame.

This is an odd one because it works perfectly when I preview it locally in IE. However, it does not work in IE when I move it out and tested remotely (tried it on two servers). It does not work in Firefox remotely or locally. I have the lates version of the js and I authored in Flash 9.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Wrote The Script And Tested The Movie, Come Up With The 1120 Error?

Apr 6, 2010

i've been trying to make a scrollbar and everything works fine, until i have to connect it with the text. theres an image and a title that i want to scroll with the (static) text so i created a movie clip (instance name cafe_txt), and when i wrote the script and tested the movie, i come up with the 1120 error that cafe_txt is not defined.So i changed the clip(thinking that the problem was the scrollbar had to be in the same instance as the text) so that the scrollbar was inside, and i come up with error 1067(1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type flash.display:MovieClip to an unrelated type flash.text:TextField.)
I've tried changing names, double checking that instance names are correct,moving things, changing the text so that its dynamic not static(if the scrollbar is connected to just the dynamic text it works,it just doesnt scroll the full length of the text) here's the code in my stage:
scrollbar_mc.textField = cafe_txt
and my code from the file:
package com.lynda.ui{ import flash.display.*; import*; [code].....

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Actionscript 3 :: Collision Detection For Loop Only One Array Item Tested?

Apr 2, 2011

[I apologise if this isn't really an in depth question, but I wanted to solve this once and for all]I was trying to get look into quadtrees, but already ran into trouble getting collision detection without any optimization working properly. Did a search and found a pretty neat example:Only some collisions are detected between particular objects. When the objects are not moving it seems to work alot better for some reason. really can't figure out whats the problem, the code is essentially the same as the sample. I did not blindy copy pasted it, I understands whats happening except Here is what I did:Main class

import com.martino.objects.Square;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swf Works Fine When Tested From Flash, But Not When Doubleclicked On Harddrive?

Nov 19, 2009

I have a swf that loads in other swf files and interacts with the loaded swfs, everything works great when I hit ctrl-enter to test movie from from flash, but if I go out and doubleclick the generated swf on the harddrive at first it appears to work correctly, but some of my class methods do not function properly, or throw errors claiming there are null object references. If I compile to an exe file instead of swf it works fine as well.I am nearly 100% positive this is not a code related issue, as I said the only time I run into the problem is when I doubleclick the generated swf to run it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: SWF Much Slower On Web

Mar 27, 2011

I'm creating a flash animation in Flash.When I'm publishing it and reviewing it on my pc runs all right.But, when I'm uploading on the web it runs much slower.It's like the animation has less frames per second.Why is this happening and how could I avoid this difference in performance.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Targeting The Timeline Of A Loaded Swf - AS2

Feb 9, 2010

I'm loading an external swf into a project and I want to be able to start and stop the loaded swfs timeline at will.... I'm loading swf into an MC: loadMovie("myFile.swf", swfHolder_mc);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Control The Timeline Of A Loaded Swf?

Sep 13, 2010

I have two swf files. I use as3 on the main timeline of a.swf which successfully loads and inserts b.swf onto the stage (b.swf has a stop on fame 1):


My goal it to get the myButton click to play frame 2 of the recently loaded b.swf - but that's not happening.What am I doing wrong?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Timeline Of Loaded SWF?

Oct 31, 2010

I have a container SWF that loads other SWF's onto the stage using the load() method.  I also am trying to access the MainTimeline of these SWF's using Event.INIT and a function and then telling that function that if the MovieClip, "clip", which is the loaded SWF is at currentFrame>=2 then do something.I can't get any response (not even trace responses)unless I specify "if(clip.currentFrame==1)".  How can I get the container SWF to see past the first frame of the loaded Movie Clip?  I suspect that I should be using ENTER_FRAME instead of INIT, but if I do that the Movie Clip appears and suddenly disappears without staying on the stage.

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Actionscript 3 :: GotoAndStop() On The Timeline Of A Loaded SWF?

Sep 30, 2011

I'm working on a new ad unit called a Filmstrip for NineMSN (demo here) which basically loads in 5 SWFs vertically. Only one of these 5 is visible at a time (with the exception of a a portion of two SWFs between UP and DOWN transitions.What I'm trying to achieve is ensure that when the user clicks on UP or DOWN, the SWF you scroll to will be playing from the beginning.How can I target the main timeline of an SWF loaded as per below and call gotoAndStop() on this?

var loader:Loader = new Loader();
loader.y = index * 600;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Timeline Of Loaded SWF

Aug 25, 2010

Below is a common block of code to load an external swf (simplified for this example). My problem lies in the function at the end where I'd like it gotoAndPlay('playthis') within the swf that just loaded. I get errors like cant reference static type loader etc.

var graphicLocal:Sprite = new Sprite();
graphicLocal.x = 0;
graphicLocal.y = 60;
var graphicLoader:Loader = new Loader();
[Code] .....

At this point the external swf has successfully loaded and now I want to tell it to go to and play a specific frame. I've tried variations of
but cant get it right. Keep getting a
"cant reference static type loader" error.

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Professional :: Flash Play The Audio For The Subset Of Frames Being Tested/scrubbed?

Jul 28, 2010

if I want to play/test only 30 frames of 100, is it possible to hear the audio that just pertains to those 30 frames?  Or is this only possible, IF the audio segment STARTS WITHIN those 30 frames?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Why Does A Flash Movie Whose Frames Were Just Cut & Pasted On A New Frame Act Funny When Tested

Sep 15, 2011

Why is that whenever I cut a frame, clear the frames in a timeline, paste it in new frame then test the clip, the whole thing starts to act funny?I just don't understand why that happens - it's supposed to run smoothly though it's on a new frame, right? Is there a way to maintain the movie clip when tested though some frames were cut then pasted on a new frame?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Put Website Online - Transfer The Html Document To Web Space And Tested It

Jan 28, 2007

I have made a simple website in Flash which I would now like to put online. I have published the movie as an HTML file and tested it - it works offline. I then used my FTP program to transfer the html document to my web space and tested it. I saw the 'Press SPACEBAR or ENTER to activate and use this control' message but, even when I clicked, the screen remained blank.

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