Professional :: Flash Play The Audio For The Subset Of Frames Being Tested/scrubbed?

Jul 28, 2010

if I want to play/test only 30 frames of 100, is it possible to hear the audio that just pertains to those 30 frames?  Or is this only possible, IF the audio segment STARTS WITHIN those 30 frames?

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Feb 11, 2011

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menventures.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, menventuresurl)
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Jan 20, 2010

I'm having some trouble getting Haxe to play audio files in Flash 8.At the top of my hx file, I have:import flash.MovieClip;import flash.Sound;and, within the class itself, I preload a lot of image files along with the names of the audio files.The idea is to do a slideshow with audio content. Basically, display the first slide and play the audio associated with it.Then, once that audio is finished, move on to the next slide and next audio file. I have the slides fading in and out okay but when I tried to add sound, nothing comes out the speakers.The following code is what I'm doing - the sound file associated with audios[0] never starts playing and I'm at a loss as to why.

class Whatever {
static var master : MovieClip;
static var slides : Array<MovieClip>;


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I Am wondering if is possible to use one sound channel to play through an array of sounds? Perhaps by using a complete event or other means?

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Flash :: IDE - Sounds - Prevent The Audio From The Prev Scene To Play On The New One?

Nov 23, 2010

I making a presentation with an interface on flash next and prev buttons im using scenes for the different slides on the presentation, all of them have audio on it, my question is how do i prevent that the audio from the prev scene to play on the new one?? i should say that on each scene there is an animation with the sound on it

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