I have a main fla file which loads an external swf into an empty movieclip on the main timeline which works fine but I want a button in the external swf to load another external swf into another empty movie clip on the main timeline.eg. start.swf loads UKEIAMap.swf into (empty movie clip within start.swf) MapLoader_mc then a button havant_b within UKEIAMap.swf needs to load HavantProjectSheet.swf into (empty movie clip within start.swf) ProjectSheetLoader_mc without unloading UKEIAMap.swf
Flash - 8 : Above is an example of what I would like to do/have done. I've gotten as far as loading the "loaded.swf" into the "start.swf" but my problem is I'd love to use that little loading action I made earlier without copying and pasting into the new movie the same actions for a different link. So, how do I load "loaded2.swf" into "loaded.swf" via the link in "loaded.swf"?
Here's my setup. OnLoad, an MC is loaded into my master movie. Now, when the nav buttons are pressed (they reside in master also), I need to target a MC within the loaded movie.
I want to preload all of the voiceover swf files before a lesson starts so that they are instantly available when each frame / page that incorporates a voiceover is first visited.
i am making a site with transitions that loads external .swf files(exactly like the tutorial). after the first part of the transition plays it uses:
So i guess my questions is should i add the load movie code before this code or what. how do i make this apply to loading the actuall external swf files??
I am loading multiple .swfs into multiple .swfs, but the .swf are never being properly unloaded. I thought they were unloading until I started monitoring my Page File Usage and seeing it increase everytime I loaded another external swf.
In using this function to load my content, what would be the proper way/function to unload the content?
Using Flash 9.0 on Mac. Have externally loaded images as slideshow in swfs embedded in dreamweaver. The swfs load time after time in Firefox PC and Safari PC but only on the first try in IE7. Have not been able to test IE8 yet. [code]...
I have a SWF that contains 3 spaces for banners on a 'My Account' page. Initially they all showed the same banners to all customers but now we segment customers and that means each banner can have numerous variations. This has caused the SWF to be massive (over half a meg) for something we aim to have 80-100 Kb.
I believe the solution is to have the current 'main' SWF be a place-holder that decides what segment the customer is in for each banner then pull another SWF file from the server - so only the banner being displayed is the one being downloaded.I cannot find AS to download externally hosted SWFs...
The three buttons on the stage all load remote SWFs into the same location ... Each succesive button that is pressed is supposed to load a movie that takes the place of the one that is currently thereThe problem is, each button click merely loads it's movie underneath the existing one ... so they just keep stacking up on top of one another. I need a way for the code to check if a movie is loaded, and if so, unload that one first before it loads the current one I though an "if" statement could check to see if the "swfLoader" instance is fully loaded, and then if it is, it would know to remove child I know there must be a more efficient way to see if anything is on the stage
1) I made a german and an english swf-file, each of them containing the entire website. These two you catch from the main index-file, which is only a txt showing "german" and "english". When you click one of them, you load one of these two swfs.It takes some time, because the swfs contains a lot of heavy images which are glued to the swf. Ill get back to that loading swfs later...
2) inside each of these two swfs I made some PHPfunctions. One is a guestbook, the other is a form, where you send personal info (4 boxes, single-line) + a message in multiline to my email through PHP.When I publish the swfs individually and one at the time WITHOUT the main index (english/german) which loads the swfs it works almost fine. The input txt boxes appear on the screen, and you can type in the boxes. When I recieve this email through PHP, it up a bit. There is no space between " message" and "apartment of choice", its all one long line. Apart from that, it works...
However, when I load the swfs using the "main index file" with the german/english choice, the input boxes doesnt even SHOW on the screen. Only the txt telling you where to write what. The txt-curser shows, though, and you are aware, you should write something here, but you write using WHITE txt. When you click "send" in the GuestBook, the email looks good, the message is there, but writing the message on the website, you dont see what you write, because it white!
QUESTION:How do I load external swf-files ( not only images, but entire files, that itself is told to load other swfs) into a main, so that the PHP inside these swfs are working properly? If I am to write some script inside the indexs ASRunActiveContent, where do I write it?
I have a site that has one main file and then another five sub swfs that get loaded in when you click on various buttons. I would like to load these sub swfs behind the scenes, even before they click to open them. Is there a way to load them into some mc without adding it to the stage, but making it so that when they do click to actually load that swf in, it will already be cached? I'd prefer not to do a traditional preloader for each and every sub section. I'd rather just load in all the sub swfs, have them cached and ready to go so that when they do click on a section, it will be good to go.
I have been working on a project which has been giving me headaches. I want to be able to navigate through a presentation using the arrow keys - To do everything on the one timeline was going to be too complicated and messy so tried to create separate files but could not get the separate files loading -.My next problem is incorporating the two approaches - here is my code from my test files with my attempt added:
stop(); // create an array to hold the names of the frame labels var labels:Array = new Array(); // take the name of each label in a MovieClip and put each
I can either get the arrow key navigation to work or the previous movie to load but the left arrow key then doesn't navigate back. Although in saying this version doesn't work and I can't get it load again.
I have a conundrum in that I have 5 SWF files, I have various buttons in these SWF files linking to one another. Now all I want to do is have these buttons open up the relevant SWF file (and therefore completely replace the current SWF).I have been using a Loader class so far, but have just realised that this simply loads the new SWF into the original one! (Because I am dense), and everytime a button is clicked its loading the SWF on top of the original (slowing down my program quite a lot, as you can imagine!)
Is there no simple way of just linking these SWFs together without loading them on top of another? (I looked up unloadAndStop, but I can't get it to work in my SWFs! I have also read containers being mentioned, but I would rather stay clear of that as well if I can!)
I have a problem. We have a website www.onlinerealgames.com which hosts the game developed by our company. Recently we wanted to change the template. We are testing the new template in a subdomain of ours which is www.onlinerealgames.in . Everything is fine except that the swfs in the server are not loading. Instead they are showing Movie Not Loaded. If I directly access the swf with the URL it showing the download option window.
We are having seperate database for both sites. Both have same swfs. If we change the source from .in to .com then the swfs are loading properly (in the src property of embed tag)
I'm trying to load external SWFs in a for loop, and I have this problem that is really eating me: In the event handler I need to know the filename of the SWF that was loaded, but I can't obtain this.
function loadManySWFs(arrayOfFileNames:Array) { for(var i=0; i<arrayOfFileNames; i++) {
how to load external swf files(9) into my master.swf file one after the other. This is the Actionscript i have written so far.....(AS2)
var myItems:Array = new Array("swf01.swf", "swf02.swf", "swf03.swf", "swf04.swf", "swf05.swf", "swf06.swf", "swf07.swf", "swf08.swf", "swf09.swf");
var myMCL:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); var myListener:Object = new Object();[code].......
The first swf loads alright into my master swf but i can't for the life of me work out how to load the rest after each one has finished loading. Don't know if i need a for loop or what?
I'm doing the tutorial for "transitions between external SWFs", but I'm having a problem because in the tutorial all of the buttons are on the main timeline, but in my site the buttons are on a different timeline. This is the actionscript that the tutorial tells me to use....
on (release) { if (_root.currMovie == undefined) { _root.currMovie = "work"; container.loadMovie("work.swf"); } else if (_root.currMovie != "work") { if (container._currentframe >= container.midframe) { _root.currMovie = "work";
My site loads a .swf into a blank movie clip when the site loads.target.loadMovie("coachGameDay.swf");
When a viewer loads the site again, I want a different .swf to load. Or if I hit the refresh button on the browser, I want different .swf to load. Giving it the appearance of .swfs loading randomly.
iv made a flash site using as3 using the actionscript on thefirst frame, this by itself works fine.iv also used an online tutorial tocreate a dynamicslideshow/photo gallery which again works fine, but this time usingan external .as file.When i try to load the external slideshow/gallery into amovieclip in the site it dosnt work and i get this error:TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method ofa null object reference.im pretty sure its because the code used in the main flashfile is on the timeline and the code in the external file to beloaded in is in an external as file.
the code im using to load the external flash file is: var toload =new Loader(); toload.load(new URLRequest("newfile.swf"));
I'm trying to create a site which loads external SWFs into a Moviefor its content, and the entire site is contained in a Movie Clip located on the main timeline.
I keep getting a 1009 error, so I'm assuming that AS isn't drawing the loader where I want it to be, so I'm fairly certain I'm doing something wrong..haha.
I have several swfs that now need to be brought together from one navigation menu/home screen that I need to create. This was easily done in as2 (replacing one swf with another when loading). Is this at all possible with as3? and if so what's the best approach?further info:the navigation screen will be an arial shot of a cartoon village, when you click on a house it should open up the swf activities than i've already created.
That main swf is trying to load language files xml files and other swfs in other folders...
I got the error code that the source path can not be found... I have checked this and it is the correct source path because if I run the single swf that doesnt work from its specific folder than it is all fine. but the swf and its connected xml files doesnt work from another folder.
However if I move all the files to one folder and change the source paths then it works... I can not divide the languages into different folders and then load these files from the main swf...
How can I load different swfs with connected xmls from different folders without source paths problems?
I felt this was game for the actionscript forum as well. The site: [URL] Ok, I thought this site was done, but turns out that some people are having troubles viewing the images (nothing happens when you click on the thumbnails). At first I thought it was compatibility issues, but then I noticed it happened on my computer too! This is very strange because it works sometimes, and other times it doesn't.
I having a feeling that it has something to do with the code loading swf's from inside of two different movie clips. The code was originally made for the main timeline, but because of the style of navigation I ended up splitting it in two - and now the same code lies in two different mcs. *still with me? Each MC holds 30 thumbnails that call on the swfs. Check out the site link above to see how it works... or doesn't work. Keep refreshing and trying to load the images again if you want to see how it messes up (it just doesn't do anything)Here's the code that is in the two mcs:
I am trying to figure out where is the problem with loading external swfs on a site that i uilt..actionscript 2. The site has an intro slide show and buttons underneath. It plays everything But when you go to "works" and click on a gallery, it takes you to that frame and although it looks like it starts loading it bubs you back to the beginning.
I want to preload all of the voiceover swf files before a lesson starts so that they are instantly available when each frame / page that incorporates a voiceover is first visited.
I am loading one variable from javascript to one main swf file which does have 2 more links to other 2 external swf files, i want to use the same var to be transfered to those 2 files when they are loaded
This is teh javascript in the header:
function CountryCode(){ document.getElementById('Spotlight_en_gb').SetVari able("ccode", "SU"); }
This script is triggered onLoad when the page loads.
One dynamic text box var name is ccode and instance name countrychk is taking the values and action accordingly, other two files need the same var to use but on LoadMovie they dont get teh value.
Here are the links: 1.
on (release) { unloadMovie(1); loadMovie("Movies.swf", 1);