ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading .JPG's From Server And Reusing Them In .SWF

Feb 25, 2010

Suppose I want to load a .jpg from the server ONCE and then I want to reuse it a dozen times in my .swf... How can I achieve this without adding to the .swf`s file size? I was thinking copying its BitmapData a dozen times, but that adds to the file size, right?

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Professional :: Reusing Movie Clip As Target For Loading

May 23, 2010

If I use an empty movie clip to load a series of images into,how do I get them to load in the center?The images are all different sizes.I think this is fine, if they loaded with the center of both the target clip and the image aligning.Upper left registration point for the target is not good.

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IDE :: Reusing Reusable Classes?

Apr 14, 2009

I am having a real problem with understanding something in flash - it doesn't work in the way I expect so I figure I have really misunderstood something.What I want:I am creating a bunch of .swf files and in each one I want multiple instances of an object that when you put the mouse over it the object will play its animation a bit and pop up a tool tip. Each object can look different (i.e. be a different bitmap) and animate differently (shake, pop, rotate etc).What I did:I have tried to create a class (myMouseItem) that creates the necessary listeners to handle the animation and pop up the tool tip.

I create a library item and attach it to the myMouseItem class. I can then put one instance of this inside my .fla and it works. (I still seem to have to put a .stop() in the actionscript for the scene to get it to stop animating for ever but I can probably live with that)What I can't figure out:How do I repeat this with multiple objects all with different bitmaps but reusing the underlying class? When I try to add another instance of my library class and edit the bmp it changes all instances. When I try to create another library item with the same underlying base class I get an error saying that I have to choose a unique identifier, so I don't seem to be able to reuse my .as file.

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IDE :: CS5 Reusing MC - Reduce The Size Of Swf

Mar 1, 2011

I am trying to reduce the size of my swf, and I see that I am using a movieclip on each frame on the Timeline, which has to be adding considerable size to my file, since I have placed the movieclip(animation) on every frame. How could I do this more efficiently and still acchieve animation between each frame? I have included a ripped version of the fla. , since the attachment limit here is pretty low. In the file the video - files and the picture files have been removed, but the rotate... mc's(animation) are placed in the interanim Layer and the Menustate Layer, on each frame.

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Web Portfolio - Reusing Thumbnail Buttons?

Jun 21, 2009

I am doing a web portfolio with thumbnail buttons that change the pictures. What is the best way to avoid having to make a new button for each new picture thumbnail? So resusing the button but changing the thumbnail picture in it and what picture it links to? Using CS4.

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Actionscript 3 :: Reusing Objects App Mobile?

Aug 31, 2011

I am making a mobile application in as3. I'm optimizing.I have a scroll containing 30 objects (buttons). All buttons are the same except its title.This bucle is inside the container scroll:

for(var a:int=0; a<global.get_A.get_B.length; a++)
b = new ItemList(global.get_A.get_B[a]);[code].....

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My question is: Is there a better approach to this on AS3? Something tells me I'm just heading the wrong way there...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reusing Functions On More Than One Movie Clip?

Apr 2, 2009

I'm doing a filmstrip animation and each frame of the strip has a small pic on it and using TweenLite, I'm making it expand and contract on mouse rollover and rollout. That's not the problem. Since it's basically the same function, I don't want to have to write it for all 16 frames. I thought I'd try 'this' but that doesn't work on AS3. So I'm trying to find a solution that does. Here's my code (for one frame of the this case, the eighth).:

import gs.TweenLite;
fsAnim.filmstrip_mc.photo8_mc.addEventListener(Mou seEvent.MOUSE_OVER, photoOver);
fsAnim.filmstrip_mc.photo8_mc.addEventListener(Mou seEvent.MOUSE_OUT, photoOut);
function photoOver(evt:MouseEvent):void {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reusing External Loaded Resources

Feb 17, 2011

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Jun 28, 2011

I'm creating a pacman game and basically I'm having trouble coding the enemies (ghosts), the code works perfectly with just one ghost, as soon as I add another it starts to go wrong.Firstly I've got this function which places the enemies:

//places the enemies
function placeEnemies() {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reusing The Same Variables And Event Listeners On Different Scenes?

Apr 17, 2009

if I have two scenes and on scene 1 I have some code with variables and event listeners in it and I copy that code into Scene 2. When I test the movie I get a duplicate function definition error because the variables/event listeners on both scene 1 and 2 have the same names. To fix this I could just change the names of the variables and event listeners in scene 2 to a different name but what if I have say 10 or 20 scenes then I would need to change the names of all of them on every frame and I don't want to do that.Is there a way of using the same variables/event listeners on different scenes without having to rename them and without getting the duplicate function definition error.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reusing An Event Listener And Function Over Several Frames?

Jun 19, 2009

I'd like a movie clip called "following_cursor_mc" to follow the cursor, regardless of which of several different frames the playhead may be on.  I've reproduced the code below on each frame in which I would like the cursor to be followed by "following_cursor_mc" but these errors are thrown for each of the frames:
1021: Duplicate function definition.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reusing Functions And Shortening The Lines Of Code?

Feb 4, 2010

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Flex :: Prevent Tree From Reusing Item-rendrer?

May 2, 2011

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Java :: Reusing The Client Session Extraction Logic?

Jun 6, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reusing Functions - What Movieclips The Function Should Be Applied To?

Sep 11, 2009

I somehow am able to write bits of code but am still learning how to restructure code so that it is more efficient.I have 15 buttons. Each one, when rolled over, should change the color of 2 movieclips underneath it (and when rolled out, should change back). I have the below code so far but I don't think I have to re-write the functions each time. How do I "re-use" the function code (or, only write the function code once), but specify what movieclips the function should be applied to? These are just 2 of the buttons of the 15:

menu_mc.invis1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, changeColor);
menu_mc.invis1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, changeBack);
function changeColor(event:MouseEvent):void[code].................

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reusing Datagrid, Removing Previous Data & Repopulating?

May 25, 2011

I have a datagrid in a flash app. The intial use works fine. The flash has the ability to recalculate the needed data which I then use to repopulate the existing datagrid. What is the best way to clear out a datagrid and repopulate it?I tried:ifxGrid.dataProvider.removeAll();but it does not clear out the previous dataifxGrid.removeAllColumns();this worked a little but not entirely.So what's currently happening is that the new data is appended to the old data. So if I had 50 rows in the 1st calculation and then I have 70 rows in the 2nd calculation I end up with 120 rows of data in my datagrid.

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Flex - Spark List Reusing The Wrong Item Renderers?

Feb 9, 2010

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Jul 8, 2010

Suppose you have a slideshow movie that loads content such as images or Flash movies itself and continually replaces content with new images or movies as a viewer browses through content. Is there a way to store images or movies that have been loaded so that if the same content is selected they do not have to downloaded again? Presumably once content has been unloaded or something has ben loaded into the same level the data is wiped from memory and has to be downloaded if it is displayed again. How could content be stored in Flash or does the content stored in the browser cache take care of this?

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Reusing A Loader() Object - Error #2025: The Supplied DisplayObject Must Be A Child Of The Caller

Aug 1, 2009

I'm putting together a project where I'm loading different images at different times. The first image loads when the app starts. After the user answers some questions, I load a different image, replacing the first. When I try to do that, I get an error:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: SWF On Server A Loading From Server B

Dec 27, 2010

I have a SWF (which fully works offline).

In that SWF, there is a lot of data loaded from server A, which works just fine.

Then I want a google radar chart like this:

Everything works realy nice offline. But when the SWF is on Server A, the chart wont load.

I'm using:

ActionScript Code:
Security.loadPolicyFile(IP + "/crossdomain.xml");


I checked with tamper data, the request for the chart is send and status: Pending.

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Swf Not Loading On Server

Jun 29, 2009

I embed the swf into a dreamweaver page and tested it in the browser and it works fine. When I uploaded it onto the server the swfs don't load. ??? like nothing is there.I would post code but I don't know what is relevant to post. Here is the link to the site URL... I am not sure if that is going to help. There are supposed to be two swfs(picture Viewers) one under Projects and another under Red Eye Gallery. Can anyone Help.

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Loading .txt Files From Server?

May 13, 2009

I have an issue with a script I created that loads text strings from a file on my server.The swf file loads a message from a .txt file, displays it in an animation when the animation finishes it loops back to the start and loads the next message and displays it in the animation.
All works fine. However the script reads the text file from the server on every loop ( 3 seconds ) This will be hard on my server so... Is there a way to read the text file once only and then loop through the eight statements?


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XML Not Loading Images On Server?

Oct 21, 2009

I have a flash site, which uses XML to load an image gallery, but it cant find the images on the server even though they are there. It works fine locally.In firebug, each image is listed in the net tab as found, but when you click on it, there is an error message..Plus an error page is listed for each of the images.If you click on one of the other button's in the gallery strip on the site, it tries to find Freeola's (my host) 'crossdomain.xml' file which doesn't seen to be there, could this be a cause?

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Professional :: Xml File Not Loading From Different Server?

May 6, 2010

I have a simple flash banner that is pulling a number from an xml file on a different server. When it gets to the frame where the number should be it just says "transferring data from and will not actually pull in the number. Unfortunately I can't put the files on the same servers.below are the links and the xml code I'm using followed by the action script.[URL]

<?xml version="1.0"?>

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Professional :: Swfs Are Not Loading From Server?

Dec 11, 2010

I have a problem. We have a website which hosts the game developed by our company. Recently we wanted to change the template. We are testing the new template in a subdomain of ours which is . Everything is fine except that the swfs in the server are not loading. Instead they are showing Movie Not Loaded. If I directly access the swf with the URL it showing the download option window.
We are having seperate database for both sites. Both have same swfs. If we change the source from .in to .com then the swfs are loading properly (in the src property of embed tag)

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Flash :: SWF Files Not Loading At Server

Aug 5, 2010

I just saw that some (only some) flash files (games) aren't loading in my website, but are in other servers. Most of the files do work. For example:(External) [URL] (My Server) [URL] It is the same file, but doesn't load at my server.

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PHP :: Flash - Loading PNG File From Server

May 24, 2011

I need to loading a PNG file from a server into my flash project. What I want to do it be able to call a PHP page and send it a variable which I can do. Then I want to access a db and get a path for the image, I can do this too. What I'm not sure about is what to do then. What I need to happen is the PHP to return the PNG to flash somehow. Can I just add the PNG to the php page and use a loader somehow? I've been searching around google but most tutorials seem to be getting PNGs out.

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Actionscript 3 :: Xml - XML Not Loading When Flash On Server?

Mar 29, 2012

I have some little flash graphs I made that pull data from an xml file and also expect a flashVar in the html. The flash checks the flashVar against the data in the xml file and then proceeds to display some numbers.

The problem arises when we put the swfs and xmls on the server. The flash just wont load the xml files. It will however load the xml files if they are placed on the root of the server. Strange right ?

In the flash the xmls are loaded on the same level. If I upload the swf's to a folder with the xmls files and call the flash into an html page (not on the same level) they wont load. For instance in the html I have:

param name="movie" value="/assets/flash/flashgraph-05.swf"

This is what I have inside the FLA / SWF

var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, showXML);
xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("myXML.xml"));

I would have thought as long as the XML and the SWF are together then the above should work right? However if I make a fixed path in the FLA to the XML it will work.

xmlLoad.load(new URLRequest(""));

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading MP3 From Remote Server

Feb 16, 2009

I am using the "loadSound" method to load an external mp3. The problem is I need to load the mp3 from a remoter server (the file is not local to the swf). From my searching, I can't seem to find out if this can be done.

My code follows:
this.createEmptyMovieClip("mcSoundHolder", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var sndAudio:Sound = new Sound(mcSoundHolder);
sndAudio.loadSound("[URL]", false);
sndAudio.onLoad = function(bSuccess:Boolean):Void {
if(bSuccess) {

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