I created files main.fla and Main.as. In main.fla I set the document class as Main. Now I want to check if the main.fla file is loaded. In AS 1 I used _root.getBytesLoaded...getBytesTotal. How can I do this in AS 3.This is the code of Main.as file.
I'm trying to make an MP3 player with art and text associated with each of the 4 songs I need included, but I can't figure out how to load more than one song into the player. The first song loads and plays fine, but when I try to load another one of the songs, I'm given this error:
Code: Error: Error #2037: Functions called in incorrect sequence, or earlier call was unsuccessful. at flash.media::Sound/_load() at flash.media::Sound/load() at RealSite_fla::mp3player_mc_6/goGS86()
And here is my code: var req:URLRequest; var sound:Sound = new Sound(); var controller:SoundChannel; var volumeControl:SoundTransform; var soundPaused:Boolean = false; var position:int; function loadSound(event:Event):void [Code] .....
So we have a basically skinless video player embedded in a web page. Works fine in Firefox, Safari, Opera... but... in IE... if you type the URL in the browser, it works fine... however if you go to the page from a link, the player renders only the very bottom right of the video skin, as if the align property were seriously out of whack.The video player is 360 x 480 and when broken shows up all white, with the player controls in the top 60 x 10 pixels or so.
First, I'm having issues with loading ID3 tags. I can load the tags of the file currently playing, but how could you load the tags for a playlist that is selectable? The MP3 player runs on an XML file that holds the URLs to the MP3 files themselves. All other information is extracted from the ID3 tags. Do you have to load all of the MP3 files to get at their tags? Or can you JUST load the tags themselves? Will it slow down your stream? Etc...how best to build a playlist from ID3 tags.
Second, I'm having issues with the playlist buttons themselves. I need to build dynamic-text buttons that, upon clicking, will play that file. The play-on-click functionality I can do...but I can't seem to make them "clickable."
So as I stated in this other post my MP3 Player is not loading online, but works perfectly on my local computer. I was messing around with files today and I finally got flash to give me an error. Could this be why the MP3 player does not load online? Here's the error: TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter text must be non-null. at flash.text::TextField/set text() at Mp3Player_fla::MainTimeline/id3Handler()
By the way I have the MP3 on its own swf. Its being called by the main swf. If I place all the code into the main swf could it possibly work? That should'nt make a difference, but maybe because I'm loading large movies as the backgrounds and many other swf's at the same time, its messing it up?
I'm having an error while loading an mp3 player, here is what I getting when hitting Ctrl+Enter.
TypeError: Error #1090: XML parser failure: element is malformed. at moviesound_fla::MainTimeline/getsongs() at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
There are only two buttons which is previous (b_btn) and next (n_btn)
Is there any errors on this action script or it may only work after placed it on a webpage?
So what I am trying to do is only working in IE not in Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari. I am using the latest browser versions with the latest flash version.[code]but it did not work. It removed the video from IE and still didn't play in any other browser.I have not tried an absolute URL to where it is stored on the web but I would like to keep the paths relative if possible.Also I tried changing the = sign to %3D (ascii representation I think???) as a forum suggested but it also did not work.May I ask if any of you have had this problem before? Why would it work in IE but not any other? I have other flash videos that dont use flash vars that play fine in every browser. It is just the swf that dynamically tries to load the flv that is the problem. This tells me that the flash player in every browser is working so I know it is not that either.
I've added a _root....flvplayback.load("whatever video I want to load.flv"); to different buttons so that I can dynamically load different videos into a single flv player.Thing is, it works intermittently, and most of the time, after having loaded one video via this method, the next video will load a preview Image but will just load forever, and then I can't play any other videos until I restart the swf.
I have this FLV player that pulls all of the data (poster frame url, flv url, etc...) from an external xml file "prefs.xml" that's in the same root as the swf. That all works nicely.[url]...
I know cross-domain policies come into effect, and I actually have one hard-coded into the swf, and linked from the prefs.xml file so you can change the url of that document.[code]...
A few months ago, I started noticing a small annoyance in Flash and the Flash Player. This small annoyance quickly became a rather large inconvenience, so I recently started googling a solution. Nothing to be found, unfortunately.Here's my problem:When I open a swf file with the standalone Flash Player (any version), the size of the player is set to the size of the last swf file I loaded with the "File - Open" dialog. By the way, when I use the file dialog to open files, the player resizes appropriately.An example:I open a swf with "open with - Flash Player" and the Flash Player sets its size to 320x240 instead of the swf's size, 640x480. Or I open a swf that should be 550x400 and it opens at 320x240. The Flash Player always uses the dimensions of the last file opened with "File - Open."
This problem even affects the Flash CS3 built-in "Test Movie" player.The problem is a little difference within the "test movie" player. It seems to keep whatever the dimensions were the last time you resized the player yourself, and full screen mode doesn't work properly.I tried upgrading, downgrading, editing the
i have edited an open source flv player's fla file for my needs,but ihave some problem.it uses XML when getting video source URL but i want it to read from QueryString or a variable from ASP.How Can i do this? the original codes are like this,these are for reading from XML source;
As I didn't find another place for Flash Player 10.1 standalone-subjects (only 10.2. or the browser-players),When I open my .swf with double-click from the finder, it opens in FP 10.1. - but an _older_ project (which is located in a completely different place) will load! And it opens twice No matter, what new .swf I am creating, it's always this old file that will start.When opening the same .swf in FPlayer 9, it works fine.
I have a music community website, visitors can sign up, upload mp3 files, their files get uploaded into their own folder named '$id' in the php code, (if they are the 10th member to sign up, their folder would be named 10, and so on)
I have a prebuilt flash player that I want to playback the mp3 files just for that member when their profile is being viewed, I have some code in the mp3 upload script that automatically writes an xml file to their folder containing their song data, with Andrei1's help, I got that part working using flashvars, now the problem I am having is that I can't get the songs to play back, the data is there but no music.
as I said I am using a prebuilt flash player that is using a static call to a directory, so should I use flashvars again to load the mp3 files into the player? and I also need help figuring out what to change in the actionscript.here is the object embed src for the html:
I am currently working on a Flash game. In order to ensure the user experience is consistent, I tried to specify the swfVersion and called "swfobject.embedSWF()" using the following code segment.
PD.prototype.loadGame=function(){ var flashvars=this.bootData; var swfVersion = "";
This opens up the page with with my video player embedded in it. The player is just a simple one that I make using Adobe Flash CS4, at the moment it's just a stage with the video holder(named Movie_mc) on it. Once I sort out how to play different files I'll add all the controls. I've been trying to work out how to the the player what file to play, I've read so much that my brain has burnt out. My latest try was try to use the following
Code: Select all<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> var moviefile = new Object(); var queryString = getQueryString(); if(queryString['f']){
I have a project that first loads a preloader swf then loads a main swf. Next, other swfs load externally into the main swf. One external swf is an xml driven mp3 player. The player runs fine when opened on it's own, however, when it is loaded into the main swf, the playlist isn't actually showing up, nor is the audio playing. The components, combobox, show up but playlist is not populated nor do the controls work. Below is my source code. Note: the playlist, mp3 files, and external swfs are all in the same directory.
Code for preloader swf Select allvar l:Loader = new Loader(); l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, loop); l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, done); l.load(new URLRequest("test_flash_16.swf")); function loop(e:ProgressEvent):void { [Code] .....
I'm not sure if this can be done with as3 or javascript...I have a flash mp3 player nested in a header on my website, there is a list down the page of the most recently added songs, I want people to be able to click on a link to a song and have it load into the player in the header.
This is a photo portfolio and displays images that scale up to view reasonably well on even a 30-inch monitor very large. So images are capped around 300k each. This in and of itself is not a problem as I've seen other sites load many images of this size with no issues. Problem I'm having is that at some point--presumably the end of the load--the size of the image causes the player to stutter and so the scrolling motion that is occurring as these images load in the background gets jacked up and looks terrible.
You can see what I'm talking about here: [URL]
I've code in place right now that adds the image to the display list only between scrolls of the enlargements, as I thought maybe the point at which the addChild hit was what was causing the stutter. I was wrong, though, and now don't know what to do. It's def the image loading that causes this as I sub-d in 30k images into the "Stills" section and the problem goes away. Also the stuttering goes away once all images are loaded into memory.
I'm having some resizing/full-screen difficulty with loading an external quiz swf into a video player swf. What's happening is that, when the quiz swf is first loaded into the video player, the size of the loaded swf has the correct dimensions and aspect ratio. That part is fine, but as soon as I try to fullscreen or resize the video player (using listeners with stage dimensions) the external quiz swf changes dimensions on me and looks vertically squished and smaller.
I've talked to other people about this issue, and they're telling me that this issue is occuring because the quiz swf contains elements outside of the stage. These hidden elements are supposedly giving the video player "incorrect" dimensions. Is this really the case? Is there any other solution other than fitting any hidden elements within the quiz swf within the stage? And if this is the only solution, then why on initial load does the quiz swf show up properly?
I have a multi SWF movie that uses AS2 and is behaving differently in different browsers.The basic scenario is this . There is a root movie that acts as a control panel for user input. 1. It loads then parses some xml to determine how the interface should look (what images, radio buttons, etc. to display) 2. Then it loads and positions items on the stage ( rbs, thumbnails) 3. It loads child swfs
When the issue occurs step 2 is only partially completed and step 3 doesn't occur. No message about script error appears.
I have included the Uncaughterrorevent handler for the LoaderInfo. Which worked fine in my actionscript project.
That was until I attempted to use a browser with a FP version of 10,0. This then fails to load the SWF unless i take out all references to UncaughtErrorevent.
I did try only adding the error handler if flash player 10,1 > is installed. But still doesn't work. Even having a reference to UncaughtErrorEvent as parameter in a function causes the SWF not to load.
i found this turotial on video player but it only plays if the user click on the play button.how can i make the player to automatically plays upon loading?
I've been looking, but haven't been able to locate any solid resources as to whether or not AIR is capable of playing swf files when the Flash Player isn't installed. wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adobe_Flash_Player mentions that there is an internal flash player with the Adobe Integrated Runtime, but I'm not sure how to verify this. I didn't find a way to uninstall Flash Player from a Photon 4g...
I have a SWF that has a movie player in it. What I want to do is load an flv or audio file into the player from anywhere on my computer using a file browser. Currently it does work, but ONLY if the flv is located in the course folder where the SWF compiles to. How I can make it play an flv located anywhere other than in the same directory as the SWF?
I want to build a web page with a button that when clicked opens up a javascript layer and loads a flash player inside that layer. And that layer would need a close button.
I've made a little flash, with AS3, to view the data generated by some program I wrote... The data is in a .csv file and are loaded to the memory with a URLLoader object.
The flash loads well .csv files which can come to almost 50 MB in size... But when I try to load a file with 160 MB, the player just stop working... I run the last flash player version, outside of the browser...
I've heard that the Flash has limitations on the amount of memory it can store... But in another question, they say it has not.
What may be causing the crash? - I don't think it is the code, since it runs smooth for small files...
Just entered my second year at college and thought i'd have a serious attempt at finishing a site... the work in progress is at [URL] In webdesigner magazine there was a tutorial that used flash actionscript and xml to load mp3s at runtime. Completed the tutorial locally and was working fine. included the player in the main movie and uploaded to the server, to find that the mp3s arent loading.
I have been working on this project in flash player 9 until two days ago when we needed to implement a few features that are only available in flash player 10, such as the FileRefrence.save() method. everything worked seamlessly when I change it to 10 except for one thing, when loading an as2 swf into my app. It works fine when previewing, but when I publish, the legacy swf does not appear. here's my loading code,
Code: private function loadExtSwf () { imgLoader = new Loader() loadFile="legacySWF.swf"