ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading MP3 Links Into Flash Player

Jul 13, 2011

I'm not sure if this can be done with as3 or javascript...I have a flash mp3 player nested in a header on my website, there is a list down the page of the most recently added songs, I want people to be able to click on a link to a song and have it load into the player in the header.

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Video Player Loading Different From Links In IE?

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So we have a basically skinless video player embedded in a web page. Works fine in Firefox, Safari, Opera... but... in IE... if you type the URL in the browser, it works fine... however if you go to the page from a link, the player renders only the very bottom right of the video skin, as if the align property were seriously out of whack.The video player is 360 x 480 and when broken shows up all white, with the player controls in the top 60 x 10 pixels or so.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash MP3 Player Using Html Links?

Jul 14, 2009

I'm trying to create a flash player similar to the way Amazon's is set up, where the user can click an HTML link and the player would play that specific song.


I'm just not sure how I would go about using the onClick event in the anchor to return a value to the flash player.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Load Mp3 Links Into Flash Player?

Jun 22, 2011

I have a flash mp3 player nested in a header on my website, there is a list down the page of the most recently added songs, I want people to be able to click on a link to a song and have it load into the player in the header.

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Flash :: Professional - Links Being Blocked By Player

Nov 21, 2011

I have been designing an AS2 site for he last 2 months and i have some links to external sources on the site. The only problem is when i try to access those links from the movie or even from the browser it just pops that error message...How do i get rid of this error!

The error reads: Adobe Flash Player has stopped a petential unsafe operation. the following local application on your computer or network: trying to access with this internet-enabled location: [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Video Player With You-Tube-like Links @ End?

Feb 8, 2007

I hope this is the right forum to post in. I'm trying to make a flash video player that has the little section at the end of the video that grabs a link to a few more videos and lists them, allowing you to click on them and going to a new page. I am starting with this video player here. [URL]..He has included a pretty thorough readme file, it has a lot of info but I haven't worked with flash in a long time and feel pretty nubbish. I suspect something like this wouldn't be too hard but I'm unsure. I've attatched the readme file on this post in case you wanna take a look. I do have the videos working perfectly, it's just a matter of modifying it now to make the end.

I did search both the forums, tutorials, and web for something along these lines but to no avail. Basically I need to know how to make that section at the end with the links to other videos, even pointing me in the right direction would be extremely helpful so I could research the things I need to do.

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Can Flash Player files contain links to internet URLs

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mp3 Player - Add Another Attribute In For A Clickable Button That Links To Another Page

Aug 17, 2007

I've gone through an mp3 tutorial series and modified the final result for what i'm looking for. one thing i would like though is to be able to add another attribute in for a clickable button that links to another page that would have lyrics. so my xml would look like this i believe or something close <song name ="Test Track 4" band ="Band4" file="test4.mp3" lyrics="testlyrics.html" /> basically so it adds another button in after the track listing so you can click and view the lyrics that would be on a separate page. I don't quite understand how it all draws together in flash actionscript and how to put the lyrics attribute on another button.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mp3 Player - Play/stop/load From Html Links?

Jul 20, 2008

Does anyone have a resource for this, I've done some seraching and found some stuff, but nothing that just explains how, if possible to play an audio file in a flash mp3 player when you click on a html link (whether using js/php or whatever).Example:1.) Mp3 are loaded through your standard xml playlist. (Play, stop, next, prev, etc. etc.)2.) User wants the flash player to stop the current song playing and play/load the song selected after clicking on one of the html links listed on a page.

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Flash MP3 Player - Loading ID3 Tags

Sep 7, 2009

First, I'm having issues with loading ID3 tags. I can load the tags of the file currently playing, but how could you load the tags for a playlist that is selectable? The MP3 player runs on an XML file that holds the URLs to the MP3 files themselves. All other information is extracted from the ID3 tags. Do you have to load all of the MP3 files to get at their tags? Or can you JUST load the tags themselves? Will it slow down your stream? best to build a playlist from ID3 tags.

Second, I'm having issues with the playlist buttons themselves. I need to build dynamic-text buttons that, upon clicking, will play that file. The play-on-click functionality I can do...but I can't seem to make them "clickable."

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Flash :: Xml Error While Loading Mp3 Player

Jan 19, 2012

I'm having an error while loading an mp3 player, here is what I getting when hitting Ctrl+Enter.

TypeError: Error #1090: XML parser failure: element is malformed.
at moviesound_fla::MainTimeline/getsongs()


There are only two buttons which is previous (b_btn) and next (n_btn)

Is there any errors on this action script or it may only work after placed it on a webpage?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Links From Xml?

Jul 26, 2010

I am building a website in php and flash, the php version is done, now in flash I am facing some problems, I solved some, the others are still not solved.

I am trying to create a menu, the menu is loaded from the xml (text and link). The problem is I need the menu as a multiline, so the links are one next to the other till it reaches the end of the file then go back on another line to the beginning. I have attached an image so you can see how.

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CS3 When Loading, Flash Player Uses Previous Resolution?

Feb 12, 2010

A few months ago, I started noticing a small annoyance in Flash and the Flash Player. This small annoyance quickly became a rather large inconvenience, so I recently started googling a solution. Nothing to be found, unfortunately.Here's my problem:When I open a swf file with the standalone Flash Player (any version), the size of the player is set to the size of the last swf file I loaded with the "File - Open" dialog. By the way, when I use the file dialog to open files, the player resizes appropriately.An example:I open a swf with "open with - Flash Player" and the Flash Player sets its size to 320x240 instead of the swf's size, 640x480. Or I open a swf that should be 550x400 and it opens at 320x240. The Flash Player always uses the dimensions of the last file opened with "File - Open."

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Professional :: Flash Player 10.1 Loading Wrong .swf

Jan 18, 2011

As I didn't find another place for Flash Player 10.1 standalone-subjects (only 10.2. or the browser-players),When I open my .swf with double-click from the finder, it opens in FP 10.1. - but an _older_ project (which is located in a completely different place) will load! And it opens twice No matter, what new .swf I am creating, it's always this old file that will start.When opening the same .swf in FPlayer 9, it works fine.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Songs Into Flash Mp3 Player?

Jun 8, 2011

I have a music community website, visitors can sign up, upload mp3 files, their files get uploaded into their own folder named '$id' in the php code, (if they are the 10th member to sign up, their folder would be named 10, and so on)
I have a prebuilt flash player that I want to playback the mp3 files just for that member when their profile is being viewed, I have some code in the mp3 upload script that automatically writes an xml file to their folder containing their song data, with Andrei1's help, I got that part working using flashvars, now the problem I am having is that I can't get the songs to play back, the data is there but no music.
as I said I am using a prebuilt flash player that is using a static call to a directory, so should I use flashvars again to load the mp3 files into the player? and I also need help figuring out what to change in the is the object embed src for the html:
<param name="movie" value="flplayer1a.swf">
<embed src="flplayer1a.swf" FlashVars="xml=<?php echo "members/$id/playlist.xml" ?>"></embed>
<param name="FlashVars" value="xml=<?php echo "members/$id/playlist.xml" ?>">
and here is the actionscript code for the playback on frame 1
var myFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
myFormat.color = "0xFFFFFF";


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Javascript :: SWF Loading And Flash Player Upgrade?

Oct 18, 2011

I am currently working on a Flash game. In order to ensure the user experience is consistent, I tried to specify the swfVersion and called "swfobject.embedSWF()" using the following code segment.

var flashvars=this.bootData;
var swfVersion = "";


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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Loading Works, Links Don't?

Jan 30, 2007

I set up a small site, which is loading it's text-content from an xml-file, which works fine too,but if I include links, it doesn't work are the source-files, can somebody see what I'm doing wrong ?

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Actionscript :: UncaughtErrorEvent Stops SWF Loading With Flash Player 10.0

Nov 12, 2010

I have included the Uncaughterrorevent handler for the LoaderInfo. Which worked fine in my actionscript project.

That was until I attempted to use a browser with a FP version of 10,0. This then fails to load the SWF unless i take out all references to UncaughtErrorevent.

I did try only adding the error handler if flash player 10,1 > is installed. But still doesn't work. Even having a reference to UncaughtErrorEvent as parameter in a function causes the SWF not to load.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Swf In AIR For Android / Absent Of A Flash Player

Nov 14, 2011

I've been looking, but haven't been able to locate any solid resources as to whether or not AIR is capable of playing swf files when the Flash Player isn't installed. wikipedia mentions that there is an internal flash player with the Adobe Integrated Runtime, but I'm not sure how to verify this. I didn't find a way to uninstall Flash Player from a Photon 4g...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading And Unloading Movies/links?

Oct 3, 2005

when u go to the index page or index.swf i guess, after hitting the enter button id like it to go to the homepage.swf but the problems im running into are

1.the new homepage.swf will load over the index.swf after pressing enter button on index.swf which is set up through the .fla

2. movie wont load

am i not setting the target properly or? no target? or am i not using the loadMovie("example.swf"); action script properly

in short im just trying to get it to work like an html page, click one link, takes you to that page, click another link, and it takes you to a different part of the page.

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Professional :: Loading A Flash Video Player Into A JavaScript Layer?

Dec 18, 2010

I want to build a web page with a button that when clicked opens up a javascript layer and loads a flash player inside that layer.  And that layer would need a close button. 

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Player Breaks When Loading .csv File With URLLoader

Mar 25, 2011

I've made a little flash, with AS3, to view the data generated by some program I wrote... The data is in a .csv file and are loaded to the memory with a URLLoader object.

The flash loads well .csv files which can come to almost 50 MB in size... But when I try to load a file with 160 MB, the player just stop working... I run the last flash player version, outside of the browser...

I've heard that the Flash has limitations on the amount of memory it can store... But in another question, they say it has not.

What may be causing the crash? - I don't think it is the code, since it runs smooth for small files...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: External Legacy Swf's Dynamic Loading In Flash Player 10

Mar 18, 2009

I have been working on this project in flash player 9 until two days ago when we needed to implement a few features that are only available in flash player 10, such as the method. everything worked seamlessly when I change it to 10 except for one thing, when loading an as2 swf into my app. It works fine when previewing, but when I publish, the legacy swf does not appear.
here's my loading code,

private function loadExtSwf () {
imgLoader = new Loader()


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Images / Text And URL Links From XML File

Mar 9, 2009

I'm new to XML and am having trouble figuring out the following:
1. Loading an image from XML into flash, then resizing the image with actionscript in flash
2. The correct way to load text and URL links from an XML file

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Slideshow With XML And Links Not Loading/running Properly?

Feb 10, 2012

I managed to get the swf to load fine on this page ( until I added a full-screen invisible button that goes over the slides. It uses the same counter to sync with them so that whenever someone clicks on it they go to the proper page. Unfortunately, now only the link works to the first page item, and sometimes I can't even see the slides 'loading' text, just a white background. If I take the link button out, the slides are fine. Why is the link interferring, and how do I get it to sync and not stop the slides?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: FileReference - Flash Player Crash Loading Large Files

Sep 16, 2011

I'm trying to load a local file using FileReference load(). It will load small files just fine, but when I try to load a file of around 4-80 megabytes the flash player will crash. I read the load method officially supports up to 100 megabytes.

Here is the exact class I'm using to test:
ActionScript Code:
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Absolute Links - Loading External Data Into MovieClip

Oct 27, 2009

I have a flash movie that connects to xml, php etc and uses absolute path. The file works perfectly fine on any browser on my mac but doesn't work at all if I am using my windows (none of the browsers seem to be working)
This is the way I'm loading stuff:
editorXML.load"); [URL]
I don't know now, maybe I should use ' instead of " for this example.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Detect Broken Image Links Before Loading On Stage?

Nov 13, 2006

I've just finished a flash projector for my company's lobby that displays all members of the staff in a dynamically generated grid with a page for each department. Flash reads an xml file generated from our Active Directory using php.

I've just discovered a bug. We have several employees that don't wish to have their images displayed; the autogenerated path to their images are therefore false. When the screen loads, a blank space appears where the movieclip is supposed to load.

How do I detect that the image link is bad (must be simple as flash gives out debug errors)? I would like to load an alternate image for staff with missing images.

Here's a snippet of where the movie clips are generated:

for (i=0;i<nodes.length;i++) {
attachMovie("container", "new"+i, i, {_x:xPos, _y:yPos});
//load the image from the xml nodes array

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Actionscript :: Local Loading Of Images In It Fails In A Browser Works In Flash Player

Apr 6, 2012

When I run the flash player (from flashdevelop) the images are loaded and everything is fine.But when I run the swf from a browser the requests are sent (using chrome's tools for programers - network tab) but nothing is loaded. The size/content column shows 0/actual size of the file

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