Flash :: Xml Error While Loading Mp3 Player

Jan 19, 2012

I'm having an error while loading an mp3 player, here is what I getting when hitting Ctrl+Enter.

TypeError: Error #1090: XML parser failure: element is malformed.
at moviesound_fla::MainTimeline/getsongs()
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()


There are only two buttons which is previous (b_btn) and next (n_btn)

Is there any errors on this action script or it may only work after placed it on a webpage?

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Flash MP3 Player - Loading ID3 Tags

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error #2044 / Adobe Flash Player 9?

Aug 24, 2009

I got error message when I try the flash movie on firefox. ( IE no error ).The Error message is:

Error #2044 Unhandled IOErrorEvent:.text:Error #2032:Stream Error.at index_fla::Main Timeline/frame1()

An Actionscript error has occurred.I searched it on google and adobe.

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in this code:

function loadGarmentImage()
if (garFile["gar" + sGar + "NumMasks"] > 2)[code].........

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Stop Flash Player 10 Error Messages

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I think this is a pretty major issue I don't know why I don't find much info on the web but the numerous and ceaseless erros flash player 10 is throwing all the time are so annoying! I mean what does the user cares if:

Code: Select allError #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2032: Stream Error.
at SoundBar()
at Main/addedToStage()


And even then I can't really prevent the first error from appearing, cause from what I know I closed the site's tab and it's saying that the sound I am loading isn't loaded yet.... well if I am closing the entire site what do I care about some f sound?

Should I use try and catchs all the time or what?

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CS3 When Loading, Flash Player Uses Previous Resolution?

Feb 12, 2010

A few months ago, I started noticing a small annoyance in Flash and the Flash Player. This small annoyance quickly became a rather large inconvenience, so I recently started googling a solution. Nothing to be found, unfortunately.Here's my problem:When I open a swf file with the standalone Flash Player (any version), the size of the player is set to the size of the last swf file I loaded with the "File - Open" dialog. By the way, when I use the file dialog to open files, the player resizes appropriately.An example:I open a swf with "open with - Flash Player" and the Flash Player sets its size to 320x240 instead of the swf's size, 640x480. Or I open a swf that should be 550x400 and it opens at 320x240. The Flash Player always uses the dimensions of the last file opened with "File - Open."

This problem even affects the Flash CS3 built-in "Test Movie" player.The problem is a little difference within the "test movie" player. It seems to keep whatever the dimensions were the last time you resized the player yourself, and full screen mode doesn't work properly.I tried upgrading, downgrading, editing the

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Professional :: Flash Player 10.1 Loading Wrong .swf

Jan 18, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Songs Into Flash Mp3 Player?

Jun 8, 2011

I have a music community website, visitors can sign up, upload mp3 files, their files get uploaded into their own folder named '$id' in the php code, (if they are the 10th member to sign up, their folder would be named 10, and so on)
I have a prebuilt flash player that I want to playback the mp3 files just for that member when their profile is being viewed, I have some code in the mp3 upload script that automatically writes an xml file to their folder containing their song data, with Andrei1's help, I got that part working using flashvars, now the problem I am having is that I can't get the songs to play back, the data is there but no music.
as I said I am using a prebuilt flash player that is using a static call to a directory, so should I use flashvars again to load the mp3 files into the player? and I also need help figuring out what to change in the actionscript.here is the object embed src for the html:
<param name="movie" value="flplayer1a.swf">
<embed src="flplayer1a.swf" FlashVars="xml=<?php echo "members/$id/playlist.xml" ?>"></embed>
<param name="FlashVars" value="xml=<?php echo "members/$id/playlist.xml" ?>">
and here is the actionscript code for the playback on frame 1
var myFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
myFormat.color = "0xFFFFFF";


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Javascript :: SWF Loading And Flash Player Upgrade?

Oct 18, 2011

I am currently working on a Flash game. In order to ensure the user experience is consistent, I tried to specify the swfVersion and called "swfobject.embedSWF()" using the following code segment.

var flashvars=this.bootData;
var swfVersion = "";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading MP3 Links Into Flash Player

Jul 13, 2011

I'm not sure if this can be done with as3 or javascript...I have a flash mp3 player nested in a header on my website, there is a list down the page of the most recently added songs, I want people to be able to click on a link to a song and have it load into the player in the header.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Works Great With Flash Player But Gives Error With Iphone?

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Flex :: Why Does The Flash Player Throw A Sandbox Error In This Case

Nov 10, 2009

I get a Flex 3 sandbox error #2048 after connecting to a Socket on a Java (1.5) server. The server code is all mine, i.e. not running under Apache. Flash Player 10.0 r32.The sequence is as follows...

1 Java server starts, listens on port 843 for policy file request and on port 45455 for my other requests.

2 Flex client served by Apache (although I get the same result if I run it from the file system), socket connection made on host:45455.

3 Flash Player requests policy file from port 843. This is the standard behaviour with the new security settings looking for a master file. It happens regardless of whether a different policy file has been specified.

4 I serve the following XML from Java through port 843:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "http://www.macromedia.com/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd">
<site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="all"/>
<allow-access-from domain="*" to-ports="*" secure="false"/>

5 The player writes the following into the debug policy log...

OK: Root-level SWF loaded: http://localhost/bst/BasicSocketTest.swf
OK: Searching for <allow-access-from> in policy files to authorize data loading from resource at xmlsocket:// by requestor from http://localhost/bst/BasicSocketTest.swf
OK: Policy file accepted: xmlsocket://
OK: Request for resource at xmlsocket:// by requestor from http://localhost/bst/BasicSocketTest.swf is permitted due to policy file at xmlsocket://

6 I send a text message from the client to the server on port 45455 using writeUTFBytes() and flush() (this is my own home-baked message protocol, and is correctly processed at each end)


7 Java server thread listening on port 45455 responds with


8 The Flex client receives a ProgressEvent and the event listener I bound to the socket gets called. I process the message (write it to a text box on the screen)

9 The Flash player throws a 2048 sandbox error and the socket is disconnected! This is after the message is received and processed successfully. In fact it is about 12 seconds after. Nothing else works through the socket.

I have tried explicitly loading a policy file with a call to Security.loadPolicyFile() in the Flex client, but the reality of the new player security is that it is basically ignored. The steps are that the policy request will not get sent until a socket i/o operation occurs. At that point the player always goes to port 843 first looking for a master policy file. If it finds one, and it is permissive, it goes no further.

I have tried a variety of alternative ways of terminating the policy file and policy file contents, including deliberate errors just to see if the Flash Player is awake.I can see no reason why I would have a 2048 being thrown. I accurately serve a socket policy file on the designated master security port, which the player itself logs as correct. The socket then successfully sends and receives a message from the server the contents of which are available to my code.

P.S. Please don't tell me to use BlazeDS or LCDS or Granite, or something else as a server, I'm looking for a solution to this problem, not a redesign. And please don't ask me to use an XMLSocket instead - I tried that and get exactly the same result. I have chosen my architecture carefully and deliberately and I want a binary socket.

EDIT :In response to James Ward's request in his comment, here is the entire error message:

Error #2048: Security sandbox violation: http://localhost/bst/BasicSocketTest.swf cannot load data from

I have a stripped down test client which has a handler for each socket event and outputs a message to the screen. This is what it shows:

Create Socket:
Connect: [Event type="connect" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2]
Sending: REG/REGISTER;simon.palmer@gmail.com;Si
Receiving: REG:0/REGISTER:SUCCESS;simon.palmer@gmail.com;Si/
Close: [Event type="close" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2]
Error #2048: Security sandbox violation: http://localhost/bst/BasicSocketTest.swf cannot load data from

The close event is fired immediately after successfully receiving a response from the server, however the Error #2048 does not appear until about 20 seconds later. If I try and send a further message after close, but before the error, the Flash Player throws an invalid socket exception.

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Actionscript 3 :: Global Error Handler For Flash Player 10.1 Not Working?

Jul 23, 2010

Trying to implement the new FP 10.1 Global error handler into my projects but no matter what I do any uncaught error will still show up the Exception window (both in debug and release versions of the SWF). All I want to do is to prevent these popups but instead send a message to my logger. Here's my code ...

EDIT: I simplified the code now. Could somebody do me a favor and test the following class and see if it's works for him? Because it's doesn't for me! ...

import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.UncaughtErrorEvent;


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Runtime Error Window Fails To Pop Up In Flash Player Debug

Jul 6, 2011

I've installed the latest debug version of Flash player plugin for Mac OS X. Diagnostic page [URL] confirms that the version of Flash plugin detected is debugger one. I'am also able to debug applications using Flash-builder debugging tools. But no runtime error pop-ups are shown during browsing. Does anyone have the same problem? Does anyone know how to fix this strange behavior?

I've tried to uninstall the player using this application [URL] and reinstall Flash player again, but no luck.

UPD1: I've created additional user account and found out that error pop-ups are displayed successfully when switched to that account. So it's likely user-profile configuration issue.

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Air - Flash 5.5 Video Player Error: Undefined Property PLAYHEAD_UPDATE

Sep 23, 2011

I'm getting this error:

Access of possibly undefined property PLAYHEAD_UPDATE through a reference with static type Class

in an AIR app of mine, ever since upgrading to 5.5 (from 5).There's an adobe forum thread that addresses this but no solution is offered (as per usual).

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Actionscript :: UncaughtErrorEvent Stops SWF Loading With Flash Player 10.0

Nov 12, 2010

I have included the Uncaughterrorevent handler for the LoaderInfo. Which worked fine in my actionscript project.

That was until I attempted to use a browser with a FP version of 10,0. This then fails to load the SWF unless i take out all references to UncaughtErrorevent.

I did try only adding the error handler if flash player 10,1 > is installed. But still doesn't work. Even having a reference to UncaughtErrorEvent as parameter in a function causes the SWF not to load.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Swf In AIR For Android / Absent Of A Flash Player

Nov 14, 2011

I've been looking, but haven't been able to locate any solid resources as to whether or not AIR is capable of playing swf files when the Flash Player isn't installed. wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adobe_Flash_Player mentions that there is an internal flash player with the Adobe Integrated Runtime, but I'm not sure how to verify this. I didn't find a way to uninstall Flash Player from a Photon 4g...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Debug Player Causing TypeError Error 1009?

May 6, 2010

I'm receiving the following error when trying to access a property of my array. TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.The value I'm accessing works completely fine but the error above pops up when using the flash debug player only. My Firefox uses the flash debug player, Player Version: WIN 10,0,45,2 Debug Player: Yes. My IE which doesn't receive the error uses Player Version: WIN 10,0,45,2 Debug Player: No. The Player version info received by vising the flash version test page.

I'm using a custom event that gets dispatched from a class that makes a web service call.The web service call returns JSON data which I convert to an Object using JSON.decode from adobe corelib. After I have the Object, I use the below code to create an array from the Object.


//casts the right property to an array which has no problems
var resultArray:Array = e.object.data as Array;
//Accessing the value causes the debug player error
output_txt.text = (resultArray.length.toString());

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Runtime Error Window Fails To Popup In Flash Player Debug?

Oct 27, 2011

I've installed the latest debug version of Flash player plugin for Mac OS X. Diagnostic page [URL]that the version of Flash plugin detected is debugger one. I'am also able to debug applications using Flash-builder debugging tools. But no runtime error pop-ups are shown during browsing.I've tried to uninstall the player using this application [URL] and reinstall Flash player again, but no luck.

UPD1: I've created additional user account and found out that error pop-ups are displayed successfully when switched to that account. So it's likely user-profile configuration issue.

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Professional :: Loading A Flash Video Player Into A JavaScript Layer?

Dec 18, 2010

I want to build a web page with a button that when clicked opens up a javascript layer and loads a flash player inside that layer.  And that layer would need a close button. 

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Player Breaks When Loading .csv File With URLLoader

Mar 25, 2011

I've made a little flash, with AS3, to view the data generated by some program I wrote... The data is in a .csv file and are loaded to the memory with a URLLoader object.

The flash loads well .csv files which can come to almost 50 MB in size... But when I try to load a file with 160 MB, the player just stop working... I run the last flash player version, outside of the browser...

I've heard that the Flash has limitations on the amount of memory it can store... But in another question, they say it has not.

What may be causing the crash? - I don't think it is the code, since it runs smooth for small files...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: External Legacy Swf's Dynamic Loading In Flash Player 10

Mar 18, 2009

I have been working on this project in flash player 9 until two days ago when we needed to implement a few features that are only available in flash player 10, such as the FileRefrence.save() method. everything worked seamlessly when I change it to 10 except for one thing, when loading an as2 swf into my app. It works fine when previewing, but when I publish, the legacy swf does not appear.
here's my loading code,

private function loadExtSwf () {
imgLoader = new Loader()


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Actionscript :: Get Error Message And Stack Trace When You Use Normal Versionof Flash Player?

Sep 20, 2011

I want to log errors of my flash application after I released it.I will save the logs on files on the web server.Do you know how to get error message and stack trace when you use normal version(not debug version) of flash player?

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