Professional :: Loading External Quiz Into Video Player SWF
Oct 20, 2010
I'm having some resizing/full-screen difficulty with loading an external quiz swf into a video player swf. What's happening is that, when the quiz swf is first loaded into the video player, the size of the loaded swf has the correct dimensions and aspect ratio. That part is fine, but as soon as I try to fullscreen or resize the video player (using listeners with stage dimensions) the external quiz swf changes dimensions on me and looks vertically squished and smaller.
I've talked to other people about this issue, and they're telling me that this issue is occuring because the quiz swf contains elements outside of the stage. These hidden elements are supposedly giving the video player "incorrect" dimensions. Is this really the case? Is there any other solution other than fitting any hidden elements within the quiz swf within the stage? And if this is the only solution, then why on initial load does the quiz swf show up properly?
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