Professional :: Flash Player Stuck Playing Only 1 Video?
Mar 17, 2010
A few months ago I viewed an SWF file (original.swf). Ever since, if I double click to launch a different SWF, it always and only plays original.swf. I've tried restarting, reinstalling... but with no luck. Why did it "stick" on this video
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Mar 8, 2010
When I use the play option under "control" menu every thing runs perfectly. When I try to test movie under control menu, play as exported .swf, or debug movie, etc. the animation is stuck at the initial screen.
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Oct 1, 2010
Is there any possible way to play a .jpeg sequence using .flv player on-the-fly ? I mean, by not needing to convert the entire sequence into one single .flv ? Since I'm not familiar with flash neither action script, I was surfing the web in hope to find any template or tips about similar things to that but I couldn't...
Here's the main list of features:
1- Browse button to load a sequence eg. < filename >####.jpeg
2- Play button with a slider time
3- Previous and next frame-by-frame buttons
4- FPS slider from 0 to 30
My main reference is this stand app called Cyber-D's Image Sequence Viewer.
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Jun 2, 2010
I built a timeline based player with 2 menus and many videos that you can play.The buttons move the timeline to a frame label and the video plays. The back button has a stop function built in it so the video stops playing when its hit.It plays wonderfully locally but once on a server after a few clicks it boggs down and sometimes the audio from the last video remains playing even when prompted to stop. I was pointed to use the add and remove child functions to prevent this but being very new to Flash and 100% self taught i have zero idea on how to do this. The link to the player is[url]....Even if its a link to a tutorial or something.
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Mar 6, 2010
With the Flash Player that comes with CS3 and on my PC XP Pro laptop.I want the player controls to appear at the _bottom_ of the video not on top of the video and not under (behind) the video.
- my video is 640 x 480
- so I modified the "properties" tab at the bottom of the screen to 640x480... (it was 550x400)
- but that just makes everything larger when I click File > Publish
- and then look at the video in Internet Explorer... the Player Controls are still _On Top_ of the video.
I guess I need to learn how to
- Make the stage bigger
- Position the Player controls below the actual video
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Aug 26, 2010
After installing the latest version of flash (10.1 I think) it keeps crashing while playing on a game that requires it. I have uninstalled and reinstalled and it just keeps happening.
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Jul 6, 2009
I have a FLV player that stops playing right before the end of the video.
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Feb 16, 2011
I am creating a flash presentation for something that I'm doing at university on Friday, and the video is the only thing in the presentation that isn't working.The presentation I have some words, music and video and the words and music are playing fine (but the music and video are on the FLVPlayback thing so I think that's causing a problem, but I can't see how I can separate them) and the video comes into play.When I put the actionscript - stop() - at one bit of the presentation, nothing plays afterwards, and I'm wanting the whole thing to stop at the end of the music, and when a line of the presentation to come up (which is the last line) and then the video is just the one thing that is playing, along with this line which is stationary under the video.I've used Flash before, but not with sound or video as I had no call for it, but now I do its not working.
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Jul 5, 2010
I have a movie which is serving as a button.When you rollover the image, it grows, and stops.When you rollOut, it shrinks, and stops.This code works fine. The Problem:When you scroll the mouse over quickly, the animation get stuck and doesn't execute the rollOut code.This is most likely because the first rollOver action hasn't yet completed.Here's my code:
thumb_test_4.onRollOver=function () {
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Sep 15, 2011
I have a video player program, there is a list page and a player page, once you click on an item in the list it takes you to the player page and it loads the correct video from a streaming server for you, easy peasy When each item is picked it finds the corresponding item in an XML file and loads my video player source with the XML data url
function beginLoad():void { this.addChild(videoPlayer) videoPlayer.source =[videoIndex].@url; }
(it has nothing to do with this function not happening on mouse event, this is only the part that happens when it loads)My issue is that if you are fast enough and click to return to the list page before the video has started playing, the video will play in the background, even though the code actually removes the video player child from the stage the code on the button to return to the list page is
function navToList(e:Event):void { videoPlayer.stop(); videoPlayer.parent.removeChild(videoPlayer); }
there is more code in the button but none of it relates to the videoPlayer item why on earth it continues to play is beyond me, surely if there is no videoPlayer componen on the stage (and this is the only one) then the video has no ability to play whatsoever is there a specific command to tell the videoPlayer item to stop everything and just return to a blank state, do I set its 'source' to nothing?
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May 11, 2011
I am looking for the best way to create/find a pop-up video player for my flash site.
Meaning, clicking on thumbnails on a site and a new window/video player pops up.
I would love to use Vimeo, but I can work with YourTube if that is all there is.
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Aug 3, 2010
I have a video player which using netStream, works well but i want to show video thumbnail when video player is not playing and stop from playing?
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Dec 16, 2011
I suppose the title says it all. I can load an external video file (FLV) and I can have it play. I also have the custom buttons made to control the clip. The only thing I have left to do is to have the main timeline move onto frame 2 once the external video reaches its end. I am using actionscript 3 and flash cs 5.5.
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Jan 23, 2011
I'm using for my video player, it loads and plays fine and it stop playing music on the main template when loaded. I have actually two requests: First: How do I pause the video when the player is loaded ?
Second: When the player is unloaded from the main template using root.main_mc.close_btn the video still playing in the background and the close button (close_btn) pause and play the music player each time it is pressed and from the same position it was left last time.
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Mar 3, 2010
I have a video that is meant to start playing when a user clicks on an image and said image opens a FancyZoom overlay. It works fine in every browser except IEs. If I place the video in a div that is not hidden (display:none actually), the video starts as expected. So it seems there is a problem with either Flash, JW Player, SWFObject or any combination of these when trying to load a video in a hidden div.[URL]..
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Mar 26, 2012
I am using YouTube JS API to play videos on my site. Video is played on the dialog box. When user closes the dialog box, player is stopped - player.stopVideo(); But when user clicks again on video icon again, dialog box appears
In Chrome, the video starts playing at the previous position - OK Firefox, the video starts playing from the start irrespective of where user left it last time. - NOT OK
As per my requirements, I want the Chrome to behave as how firefox is behaving.
Here's a fiddle: [URL]
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Jul 22, 2010
Is there a way I can play a video in a flash player and embed it into a webpage, so the user and start and stop the movie.
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Dec 18, 2010
I want to build a web page with a button that when clicked opens up a javascript layer and loads a flash player inside that layer. And that layer would need a close button.
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Nov 28, 2011
Flash Player 10.1 published with creative new features including filters & effects, text, native device interactions, support for multitouch, gestures, mobile input models, accelerometer input and periodic timer, etc. Among them all, the introduction of periodic timer is the most innovative and significant one. This new feature functions as a double-edged sword which, on one hand, can lower CPU utilization and save battery life, on the other, it may cause troubles for some SWF converters to capture the flash content under such extremely low frame rate.
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Nov 17, 2010
Recently any flash videos I watch keep freezing even when the video is fully buffered. The sound continues to play but the picture stops. It can jerk into life after a few seconds but then it'll freeze again and keep doing this for the duration of the video. I have no problems on my Windows PCs on the same web connection.[code]...
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May 17, 2010
I'm doing an Assignment where I have to build a website using Flash and for it to contain 4 video's.How can I have one single video player where the user can select what video's they want played in it from the website?
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Aug 7, 2009
I am loading an external SWF file into my main timeline. The external SWF file contains an FLV video. At a certain point in my main timeline, the SWF file loads and plays the video. Is there a way to say...
If the VIDEO (FLV) is done playing, gotoAndPlay(X)?
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Mar 9, 2011
Ive imported an FLV into a Project. Some computers wont play the video back if the Flash Player is set to Full Screen. The screen goes black during Full Screen. If you set the player to regular, you can see the video playing (embedded into design) but once you set player to Full Screen the video plays on its own right at centre of screen. Im working on a Touch Screen Display that has the display set to Portrait mode. Im investigating if the display card is causing the problem.
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Jan 19, 2010
I created a video player (flvplayer component) and have one video as the source. I've had CS4 create the html and embed the video. Locally the video plays fine, however once loaded on the server the player's skin and button show up but not the video. The service provider said that they allow flash and have the MI
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Jun 21, 2010
I imported a video to my FLA (cs4), and added a playhead. On my local machine the video plays fine , but when emailed to someone to test, the page with the video displays only a blank spot. Also , on my local, I have a home page, and link for video, when I do click to videos, that works, but if I click home button I made, the video sounds keeps playing. I guess making the video display would be first priority, then the make it stop when not on the page containing it would be 2nd,
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Nov 28, 2011
I'm using Flash CS4.I just dropped an FLV file into my document and tested it.What asctionscript can I use to get it to not autoplay?Instead I would like to place the words "Click Here to play video" on top of the video so that when the user clicks on the text the video then begins to play.
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Mar 5, 2010
When I publish my FLV video using Flash CS3 and the "SkinUnderAll" option...the player controls are not visible unless I change the height & width in the html file Flash created.But, Flash shows the height & width 3-times in the html.
Question-1: Why 3-times? What does each of the 3 Height & Width references do?
Question-2: How should I modify the code to be able to see the entire video and the player controls?
It seems if I change all 3 everything just gets bigger and bigger.
1 - I import it into Flash CS3 on a PC w/XP Pro using... File | Import | Video take all the defaults and choose "Skin Under All" as the player option.
2 - In "Properties" panel at bottom of screen Flash shows the video as 640x480
3 - I then click File | Publish to publish the video. Flash creates all my files for me.
4 - I then put the folder with the files on my website.
5 - The video plays but the player controls are not visible.
6 - I see the Height & Width referenced 3 times in the html file Flash created for me (and none are 640x480, they are 550x400 !)
7 - I try changing the 550x400 to 640x480 in all three places... no good. Even at 1000x1000 the entire player is not visible. Everything just gets larger.
What are each of the 3 references to Height and Width in the html file Flash Creates and which should I change to simply show all the player controls?
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Jan 4, 2010
I want to create a button, which Fades in a Text Box (like a speech Bubble) when you hover over the button and then fades out when the mouse cursor comes off the button?It sounds simple but I cant seem to figure out how to do it?
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Apr 15, 2010
I have 1656x1332 px 30fps movie clip sliding or rotating on click event inside of 850x550 px stage. For some reason the clip gets stuck on rotation sometimes, even though the whole file is only 46 KB. Moreover, depending on browser, the rotating part can fly completely off the stage and the only way to get it back is to refresh.[code]
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Oct 4, 2011
I run a school lab with a few users on each machine. One students came up with a problem. She is always in outline view, even when the outline button in the layers panels is not punched. When I log in to the same machine, I do not have the problem. I assume the problem is in the user preferences file. We are on Windows 7. I went into AppData and deleted what I thought was the preferences file, but it continues to return. Anyone have any ideas why I can't get her out of outline view? Adobe Flash CS5
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