Professional :: Video In Flash Presentation Isn't Playing Ball

Feb 16, 2011

I am creating a flash presentation for something that I'm doing at university on Friday, and the video is the only thing in the presentation that isn't working.The presentation I have some words, music and video and the words and music are playing fine (but the music and video are on the FLVPlayback thing so I think that's causing a problem, but I can't see how I can separate them) and the video comes into play.When I put the actionscript - stop() - at one bit of the presentation, nothing plays afterwards, and I'm wanting the whole thing to stop at the end of the music, and when a line of the presentation to come up (which is the last line) and then the video is just the one thing that is playing, along with this line which is stationary under the video.I've used Flash before, but not with sound or video as I had no call for it, but now I do its not working.

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firstSound=new Sound();
[Code] .....

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I have made a corporate presentation in Flash (CS3). The structure is as follows. The main timeline just 6 key frames. 1 intro and 5 content. Each of the 6 key frames has a movie clip with relevant content on it.
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Apr 12, 2010

I did a bit of search without success to find if anything like this was answered before.Sorry for asking a silly question, I am a newbie and hence maybe missing something obvious.I used the Encoder to create the flv file and embedded the file in the timeline and the swf file plays the video just fine locally. For some reason, it's not playing after I uploaded it to the server. I did copy over all the files (swf)s) & flv). It's a very small video and I can't even see the video(just blank) while running the swf file after uploading the files on to the server. All other frames are working as expected.

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Oct 27, 2009

What is the easiest way (for Fash novice) to navigate back and forth between the slides of presentation made with Flash Slide Presentation feature. Each slide contains animation and plays well the first time but when if I want to back to a slide, it would only show the last frame of that slidI tried many things including making buttons for back and forth and managed to make buttons that fade when you pan over them (big accomplishment:) but can't get them to actually do stuff for me, like go forward and backward. I tried to assign to the button's frame "UP" thee following script but it doesn't work:

onKeyDown = function() {
if (Key.getCode() == Key.LEFT)
gotoAndPlay (_currentframe-1)


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May 3, 2011

I have a Flash presntation that bought that I need to load before my website. How do I add an addurl and the end of the fla presentation.

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Professional :: Get The Video To Loop Back And Start Playing Again Automatically?

Oct 13, 2010

I am putting together a small slideshow of pictures and it's only about 350 frames. I haven't worked with Flash since version 4.0, so I'm still trying to figure out Adobe's setup. 4.0's setup was so easy when it came to replaying a video once it hit the last keyframe, but I'm so lost in this ActionScript stuff.
How do I get the video to loop back and start playing again automatically?

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Jan 21, 2010

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I understand that I somehow need to make use of fscommand in ActionScript, but I'm not sure how I can get Flash and PowerPoint to communicate between themselves.
I'm using Flash MX 2004 7.0 and Powerpoint 2003.

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