ActionScript 3.0 :: Insert A Video File Into Flash Presentation?

Jun 22, 2011

Ive been trying to insert a video file into my flash presentation, but somehow, when I export the movie as swf it doesnt play the videos..

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myFlvPlayback1.addEventListener ( "cuePoint", this );function cuePoint ( eventObj:Object ){gotoAndPlay("1");

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May 3, 2009

I'm trying out Flash CS4, and am using it to create a slide presentation. as I feel stuck at the moment. Here's what I need: An intro slide to act as a "front cover", giving the user of the presentation a chance to load it up before initiating the following content. The next slide to contain a video, which starts playing as soon as the slide is loaded. Also on this slide, a few pieces of text need to appear at certain times as defined by me.

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movieMC.loadMovie("" );
closeBTN.onPress = function(){

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<script type="text/javascript" src="../../Content/AlcoholAndWar/WarStuff/ammap/swfobject.js"></script>
<div id="flashcontent">


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Presentation With Video Trailers

Jul 9, 2009

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May 19, 2010

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However, if I try to put the cursor in one of the second .swf textbox movie, it doesn't work. The focus stays on the object that was calling it.

Also, I want this movie to be non modal so anyone can go back in forth between both application.

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May 4, 2009

insert an SWF flash file (a game) into another Flash file. However, when I import the swf file into the library and drag it onto the frame (and insert the stop(); command onto the frame action to stop it playing the whole movie), the SWF file plays constantly, ignoring all the actionscript and button commands in the game SWF file.When I try inserting it using the Window component, the game SWF refuses to play at all - it just stops (clicking buttons in the game work, but it goes-to-and-stops instead of go-to-and-play like it's supposed to do). The only other component I could find was called "Loader". Using this doesn't work either, it won't play any of the animation, just like using the "Window" component

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Apr 10, 2011

As it is said here: [URL] "If you do a Google search today for "MVVM and Flex", the first post is by somebody who claims that MVVM is not a good fit for Flex. I couldn't disagree more. Out of the box, the Flex framework makes it much easier to implement a Presentation Model than similar MVVM implementations in Silverlight. That is not to say that there aren't good third-party libraries that make it easier in Silverlight, but without any help, it is easier to do in Flex." So MVVM as LOGICAL CONCEPT can be implemented in both but the way it is implemented in Silverlight requires more Plumbing than Flex.

What prevents Silverlight MVVM to be implemented like Flex ? Doesn't Silverlight have same capability in event system to do the same? If yes why does Silverlight do things more complicated what's the advantages then ? Is it about using Class Interfaces which are more strongly typed? What are the disadvantages also ? For example as for implementing MULTIPLE VIEWS for 1 View-Model does Flex implementation make it also more obvious?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flv Video Layers &amp Audio Insert

Apr 1, 2009

Can I use addchild & cuepoints in a streamed video to

1. play an external moviclip/swf on top layer with a transparent background? (without affecting original timeline & background video playback)

2. play an external audioclip/mp3/swf that will be "inserted" into original timeline?(thus extending original timeline however long the external
audioclip is)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pause Video And Insert Critiques?

Feb 20, 2011

I make alot of videos and far from pro at AS3. My employer wants to be able to pause the video during production and insert comments at a specific frame. Can this be accomplished with que points or utilizing the progress bar somehow?

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Flex :: Insert Persistent Images To A Video?

Sep 19, 2011

Is there a way to convert frames to a video in flex? If I have a video, I want to brand it by adding adding a persistent logo over it. Is it possible?

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Insert / Import Swf File Into Open Fla File Template?

Aug 20, 2010

Anyone can show me how to insert or import a swf file into fla template file.I have a temple FLA file open and after import a SWF file , run test and the swf is not working.

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I'm working on a website template that includes a video component. I'm assuming I need to use the video object and it only plays actual video files. What if I want to play videos from Youtube? Would I have to download the video and put the video file somewhere where Flash can access it? Like on my computer or uploaded on a server?

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Nov 21, 2011

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I know using Video Converter can insert logo in flv file.
but I want to insert logo when recording video.

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Jun 29, 2010

I need to insert in a video an image uploaded by the user. Just like in a movie when you have filmed with the green background and added other background in postproduction. An exact example is quilmes . com . ar but it's in spanish. I've thought generating masks frame by frame but that's obvioulsly insane

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