Professional :: Background Music In A Flash Presentation?
Jul 18, 2010
I have made a corporate presentation in Flash (CS3). The structure is as follows. The main timeline just 6 key frames. 1 intro and 5 content. Each of the 6 key frames has a movie clip with relevant content on it.
After the introduction in key frame 1, the timeline stops at the next key frame.From here, one can navigate forward and backward between the 5 content key frames, using buttons.These buttons are available throughout these five key frames.
Each of the key frames contains a relevant movie clip, with content.And also a sound clip to introduce what that key frame contains. Since a user can navigate forward and backward at any point of time, all these keyframes have the frame action:
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Apr 7, 2011
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Apr 30, 2011
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2) I have background music that I'd like to stop playing at the end of the animation, but I'm not sure how to do that. (using the stop(); actionscript doesn't help).Where am I going wrong? I'm using Flash Pro CS5.
Here's the file --> Pepper and the Vacuum of DOOM!
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onKeyDown = function() {
if (Key.getCode() == Key.LEFT)
gotoAndPlay (_currentframe-1)
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Feb 16, 2011
I am creating a flash presentation for something that I'm doing at university on Friday, and the video is the only thing in the presentation that isn't working.The presentation I have some words, music and video and the words and music are playing fine (but the music and video are on the FLVPlayback thing so I think that's causing a problem, but I can't see how I can separate them) and the video comes into play.When I put the actionscript - stop() - at one bit of the presentation, nothing plays afterwards, and I'm wanting the whole thing to stop at the end of the music, and when a line of the presentation to come up (which is the last line) and then the video is just the one thing that is playing, along with this line which is stationary under the video.I've used Flash before, but not with sound or video as I had no call for it, but now I do its not working.
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Jan 21, 2010
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I'm using Flash MX 2004 7.0 and Powerpoint 2003.
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Jan 3, 2012
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Without saving the file I do a "test movie". Instead of doing the slideshow it displays the first image but doesn't loop through the rest.
I'm at a bit at a lost here. The path to the image in bitmap properties on the origanal file in imported is relative but when I select a new image its full path.
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Apr 24, 2009
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Oct 22, 2009
I've been working with Actionscript 3.0 for over 6 months now but I've never used background music in any of my projects before. This time I decided to add a sound loop to play in the background while the visitor is viewing the site. So, basically I want this sound to loop over and over again, but there will be two buttons on the stage, one that plays it if it's stopped, and another one that stops it (just in case the visitor doesn't want to hear the music). My knowledge about using sounds is minimal, all I know that I should load the sound, then put it into a soundChannel and then play/stop the sound channel... but I'm not sure how to keep looping the sound and not just play it once (the sound file is 16 seconds long only).
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Dec 26, 2008
I have a few frames presentation in flash and a music in background playing. I have a button and this code attached to it:
When I'm hitting the button music is restarting not stopping. Everything is fine when presentaion lasts 1 frame.
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Jul 22, 2002
Well I have this website where I have put background music at the beginning, of course the music can be off and on, but when I come to main page again it starts playing. How to make it so that once I off it, it will stay off till I on it again? My file is at
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May 3, 2003
how to write a code that play background music randomly?i write these in the frame
bgmusic = new Sound();
bgmusic.loadSound("1.mp3", true);
in the movie
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May 7, 2008
i'm trying to add background music in my game, but i don't know how to play and pause it...
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Sep 1, 2009
I've got a few questions about background music. Such as...
- How do you get music to loop in the background of a stopped frame (or multiple stopped frames)?
- How do you get the looping background music playing in a stopped frame to stop when a certain button is clicked?
- and How do you get music to stop playing in regular, non-stopped frames when a certain button is clicked (although it's probably the same as the above question...)?
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Feb 20, 2011
I have created a simple soundboard, with multiple buttons that play sounds upon release. These sounds are embedded within the 'hit' frames of the buttons. Only one can be played at once, so this has been applied to each button:
on (press){stopAllSounds ();}
This all works as planned so far. However, I would like to have a background music feature that would be exempt from the "stopAllSounds" command and thus able to keep playing regardless of what buttons were pressed (or until a designated stop button was pressed).
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Jun 17, 2011
I am working on a website that has 11 sounds in one frame. All of the sounds are external, meaning I have to call each one of them every time I want them to play, which happens when I click on specific MCs in my stage. Each MC I click all sounds stop and the new one starts playing. So far, so good.
But therein lies the problem: I want this to happen but keep background music playing. I have no idea where to start from.
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May 22, 2010
I am playing a background on my webpage by using miniswfloopplayer, now I want the music to play continuously throughout the website, currently the music starts all over again when a page loads which is quite obvious. I am looking for a approach where I can avoid the above situation.
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Aug 14, 2009
Ok, so I've tried a lot of different ways of loading background music in Flash, and now I'm wondering what the most efficient way of doing it really is.
I have my DocumentClass, and I have a MusicPlayer class. The MusicPlayer class controls the volume and mute function, as well as holding all the visible elements of the music player.
Where should I load the music initially? From the DocumentClass at the startup? Or in the MusicPlayer after the site has initially loaded? I want the music to start playing as soon as the initial loading process has finished.
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Feb 7, 2010
I have background music playing by using this code:
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("loop.swf");
var loader:Loader = new Loader()
this works great for playing the music but I don't know how to have a pause and restart button for the music.
View 7 Replies
Apr 11, 2010
I have music player when the swf starts and loops continuously or until "music off" button is activated. I would like the music to stop when a certain page is called or if that can't be done then when any button of the main menu is selected.
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Apr 20, 2011
I'm triying to stop a sound of a button, while you hear a background music. The music is assigned in the timeline for the animation. When the animation stop at a specific frame (activity), the button are showed. At this point is all ok.
I don't understand... I am very specific to wich sound must stop. Is there a bug?
In AS 3.0 is more easy when you use the SoundChannel, but in AS 2.0 ?
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