ActionScript 3.0 :: Making Movieclips Out Of Images?
Oct 21, 2008
I am trying to load my images with xml and then turn them into movieclips and attach an eventlistener. With the code below this is the error I get.
ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property name not found on and there is no default MethodInfo-1()
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May 1, 2011
what i have is a white picture frame, and within the frame lays my picture,
how can i make them work together in a way that both are one MovieClip!?
ActionScript Code:
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Nov 25, 2007
I've made a draggable menu for a flash site (menu_mc), but the buttons don't work inside the movie clip when I apply startDrag. To remedy the problem, I simply made another movie clip (menubuttons). I now want to more or less attach the two movieclips:
if (menu_mc.moveTo(x,y)) {
I also tried some pretty iffy statements:
menubuttons._x = menu_mc._x
That last one works initially, but when I move menu_mc, menubuttons stays put.
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Jul 21, 2009
I have a movieclip that effectively functions as a button, which we'll call BtnA. When I click it, another movieclip containing the content (CntntA) fades in (this mc is on another layer). Then when I click another button (BtnB) CntntA fades out and CntntB fades in. I've got all this working fine for now, but the problem I have is that once BtnA is clicked, it is still clickable and it fades CntntA back in even though it is already active. Is there a way to disable BtnA after CntntA has appeared? So u can still see it, but you cant click it? Obviously I'll need to do this with BtnB and any future buttons I add
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Dec 22, 2011
I have twenty movieclips on stage with these names:
How can I make invisible with a for loop, like
for (i = 1; i < 20; i++) {
This that not work.
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Sep 18, 2010
Can I make an array of movieclips, and then make all of them visible? some-thing like:
ActionScript Code:
myArray[1] = new MovieClip();
myArray.visible = true;
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Sep 28, 2010
When you click on a movieclip in the menu, it is then copied and added to the container_mc movieclip.
My problem is that I can't figure out how to make the movieclips draggable once they are in the container_mc.
I tried the following as a test but its only working for the existing movieclip, not the new one like I want it to[code]...
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Sep 29, 2005
How can I get my movieclip which has been duplicated to act as a button? Neither of these seem to work:
"thumbContainer"+nextPicture.onMouseDown = function(){
View 6 Replies
Apr 16, 2003
I am basically trying to duplicate a movieclip by using a button.. (no probs there).however, i want to drag each movie clip individually.. ( my brain froze)here is my butchered code..// graphic is the mc i wanna drag, n is the textfield that i want to count up.
on (press) {
addmore = "graphic" add n;
duplicateMovieClip("graphic", addmore, n);
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Mar 1, 2007
I have several movieclips placed on the timeline that I want to be invisible and not run until the user clicks a button. The movieclips are linked to a class I set up:
class Hidestop extends MovieClip {
function onLoad() {
The problem is that some, but not all, movieclips show briefly when they load before becoming invisible. I can get around this by starting each movieclip with a blank frame, but there must be a better way.
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Nov 20, 2009
I have dynamically attached a number of movieclips inside a another movieclip on the stage, and now I want them to act as buttons, but I can't work out how. They are named as they are created, so I know I can target them, but as to how to assign an onRelease functions to them I have no idea.I don't want to hard code a load of onReleases, as the number of movieclips will change depending on outside data, how I could do this with a loop or something, given that I have an array of their names?
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Jun 4, 2009
I mostly use flash for the animation, so my action script tends to be mostly functional.
I am now however having an issue, i am using a variable called language which I am setting in frame one as "dutch", "english" , "german" etc... Im then using this to set dynamic text as appropriate in each frame as necessary.(and yes i may switch this to case statements )
if (language == "dutch")
{ tcMC.peasantBubble1.peasantSpeech.text= "Bescherm je een schat?"};
My problem is however that one Movieclip does not see the language variable.
Is there anway in CS4 i can direct it to where it is, or define the varibale instead to be global (perhaps id have to change it from a string though)?
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Jul 28, 2009
I am doing an animation for a web site with Flash CS3. I need to make images (.jpg) that I converted in graphic symbols, to pass along the screen continuously. I know, for many of you this must be very basic question, but I don't know how to solve it. My problem is that the images vibrate so much making the animation to look bad.
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Dec 26, 2010
Also i understand that i only get 96dpi from image, because of my monitor dpi, but I need to make sure that even it generates 96dpi, it really is 300dpi quality.
I am taking 28 original images from user and making a "thumbnail picture collage" out of it for printing. I dont get the crisp quality in generated collage images, compared to originals. Here are my function, I really need to generate photo quality images for printing.
private function createImages(object:Object):void
progress.text = "Start Generating Images ( "+(index+1)+" - 28 )";
images_array.push(ImageSnapshot.captureImage(album.tilesList[index],30 0,new PNGEncoder()));
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Feb 23, 2006
I'm making a thumbnail gallery where I want the image you click on to expand, while the pictures to either side move out of the way. I managed to get it working using this to move the pictures:
"Value" is just a number assigned to each picture, so this does one thing to the pictures to the right of the target, and one thing to the pictures on the left.
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Mar 2, 2010
Anyway what I need is a banner (or galleri) which pulls in external images. But i want it to be able to automatically get new images which I put in the folder.Also i want to be able to position this, since im going to make a banner/menu combo ( I can post an image of the concept if actually i have a link to the site where im want to use itI want to position the the banner in between the graphic to the left and right and I also want to position the menu on top of the banner.I've read some tutorials where you use a placeholder which i guess is what i'm supposed to do here.
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Jan 24, 2011
I am trying to make a eccomerce header with rotating images that are linked in flash CS4. My problem is I get this error #1009 and I am not sure why. btn1 works fine but btn2 says its null and I check spelling and its correct for my instnace for button. It is the same for btn3-5 with the error.
btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, goLayersSite);
function goLayersSite(event:MouseEvent):void {
var slideShow1:URLRequest = new URLRequest ("[URL]");
btn2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, goLayersSite01);
[Code] .....
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Nov 5, 2004
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Jul 2, 2006
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Jan 28, 2010
I'm not too good with flash. I'm trying to make a basic scrolling bar for sponsors. Here's a simple example: I've added an action:
addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mo);
function mo (event:MouseEvent):void
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Nov 15, 2009
I have two copies of an image (one called blurPic_mc & one called sharpPic_mc) and I want to be able to move both of them around the screen togethe I need them to stay exactly on top of each other for some other functions I am running but right now the only one that moves is the top one (sharpPic_mc).I included my code below.
function Click(event:MouseEvent):void{
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Jul 8, 2010
I want to make an application that loads some images with a Loader by making URLRequests to a local folder. Can I build the application and include somehow this folder so when I send it from a server to a client the URLRequests operate normally on clients side? Also if this is possible, the folder may be not viewable/accessible by the client but only from the Flash application that comes with it? So for example, this piece of code that runs nicely, locally, to my machine, if i send it to a client will continue to run to its machine. Can somehow send the folder and the SWF as one object?
private function clothesOn( outfit:String ) {
var clothier:Loader = new Loader();
var item:String = "clothes/" + outfit + ".gif";
var getItem:URLRequest = new URLRequest( item );
clothier.load( getItem );
this.addChild( clothier );
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Mar 12, 2006
It's been a while since I've last posted, but I read a lot of others' posts, and try to keep up to date.My question is this:I have a group of images that are loaded up using xml into a movieclip. The movieclip is masked. I have 2 buttons, that scrolls the grouping either up or down. I would like to make these buttons inactive when the grouping of images is on it's last row, meaning when there is only one row of images shown on the screen/mask.
I have tried using hitArea, but I wasn't successful. This would be easy for me to achieve if I wasn't trying to make it a bit dynamic. Basically, someone would be updating the xml file with more nodes/images and the swf would update the list of images, thus making it difficult to hardcode when the list should stop scrolling.
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Aug 25, 2010
how I can have my swf fill the entire browser (as in publish settings 100% w & h etc) but not stretch/distort the text and images in the swf.
There is a site [URL] that does this. It fills the whole screen yet when you resize, the objects do not become distorted.
I may have the wrong approach with publish settings width & height 100%??
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Feb 11, 2010
Loading in Movieclips instead of images
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Nov 24, 2010
making my image gallery, but it only works as each image in the array is clicked. Now I am trying to make the gallery move automatically to the next image in the array every 5 seconds while still giving the user the ability to click on an image to view the one that they want.Here is my code so far (like i said it works great, but only as a click-able gallery):
import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.display.Sprite;
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Jun 10, 2009
I am trying to provide a reflection for the images(movieclips) that I loaded on the stage. For this purpose I am using a reflection class. The class can be used with action script 2. the reflection is working finely. Also after loading the image or movieclip, I tried to give tweening for that image or movieclips. Thus also it works finely. The reflection of that also moves along with the actual image. The problem comes with the resizing the actual image. If I resize the actual image, the reflection would not be seen under the actual image.Can anybody know why it may happening like that. After searching for a long time, I got this class.But unfortunately, the reflection would not be working when the image or moviclip resizes.
View 8 Replies
Jul 17, 2010
I don't see why this doesn't work as intended. Only the second MovieClip - arro_nxt - shows.
//Load the arrow art:
var arrow_loader:Loader = new Loader();
arrow_loader.load(new URLRequest("assets/arrow_sm.gif"));
//place the arrows:
var arro_prev:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
arro_prev.x = 100;
arro_prev.y = 100;
arro_prev.rotation = 90;
[Code] .....
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May 4, 2010
i'm trying to loading three different images from xml in three differents movieclips that i have on the stage.
function handleComplete(e:Event){
var myXML:XML = new XML(;
var mySfondo = myXML.sfondo;
This is my code for loading the three different images but in the addChild it adds only the last can i do?
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Sep 27, 2010
I dont know how to do this, i am trying but i cant, [code]...
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