ActionScript 3.0 :: Mixing Mp3 With Recorded Sound?

Aug 10, 2011

I need to mix 2 sound data, one is a mp3 sound byteArray and the other one is a recorded sound byteArray.  I use URLLoader to load the mp3 external file into a byteArray.  The sound is recorded on a microhpone and stored in another byteArray.  I need to save to a file - the mp3 comes first and the recorded sound after.  I am using WavWriter to write it out as a wav file.
The mp3 is in 44Khz and 16-bit rate.  The recorded sound is in 44Khz and 8-bit.Is there a way to do this?  I have researched for a few days already and tried a few things, but still cannot find the correct way to do this.

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Sep 4, 2010

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I need a server side solution for this. I created another post here and someone suggest a screen capture solution. That would work perfectly, but since this appliction will be used for several people and any time, I want the process to be automaticaly not manual. So, I'm thinking I can do it with FFMPEG, but I need a way to identify in which order I need to compose the videos. Something like adding a time stamp to each FLV in FMS (when they are recorded). How can I add custom metadata to the FLV?

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There seems to be great documentation on multicasting live streams.I can't find anything about multicasting recorded stream. Is there documentation? Or any other sources of info on multicasting recorded streams?

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Check Whether A Stream Live / Recorded Video In FMS?

Dec 2, 2010

I don't find such API to indicate whether a stream is live or not.

Anyone knows how to judge this,either by client side or server side actionscript?

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