ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouseovers Only Work When Holding Down Mouse Button?

Dec 10, 2009

My flash piece is not responding when I mouse over it, unless I hold down the mouse button while I do it. It's as if the flash object is actively surrendering focus unless I hold down the mouse button or something.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouseovers + One-time-only Behavior WITHOUT Mouse Action?

Nov 25, 2009

My file has four hexagons that normally get bigger or smaller in response to MOUSE_OVER and MOUSE_OUT behavior. Trouble is, when the file opens, I need one of them to expand independent of any user interaction, just the once, and reduce size whenever anything _else_ is moused over, just the once. Then the whole thing can go back to normal.

I'm trying to look through code examples, but I'm getting lost in people talking about packages and custom events and so forth that I don't understand (remember: designer here!). Can someone at least help me break down the concept?

This is what I have, which probably isn't the most succinct thing on earth but works for the mouseovers and for stacking the items properly, since they overlap a bit (the playHexIn and Outs just go to tweens iin the timelines of each hexagon, making them bigger or smaller):

var maxIndex:Number = this.numChildren - 1;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: OnPress Doesn't Work If The Mouse Button Is Pressed Again But The Mouse Is Not Moved?

Jul 26, 2006

I have a very simple piece of code but it has one very annoying bug. When I press the button a second time, the code doesn't work. The only way to get the code to work is by moving the mouse a tiny bit, or moving the mouse off the button and back on. make a button that can be clicked many times without moving the mouse?

randommultiquiz.onPress = randommultiquizOnPress;
function randommultiquizOnPress() {
_root.attachMovie("connect", "newconnect", 200);
newconnect._x = 0;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Holding A Button On The Down State?

Oct 19, 2010

I need to have the user click on a button, and until another button is clicked, keep that button on the "Down" state.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Holding Down A Button - Looping Code?

Aug 13, 2009

ActionScript Code:
_root.UpnDown_mc.up_btn.onPress = function () {
_root.Website_mc._y += 30;

very simple code, you press the down button on the screen and the page moves down, and similarly for the up button, by 30 pixels...but it only happens once? I need it to continue for as long as the button is being held down.I have tried placing it within the onEnterFrame event, but it still only occurs once.

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Professional :: Incrementing A Number In A Text Field By Holding A Button?

Feb 2, 2010

is there any way to increment a display number up or down my clicking / holding a button?
im making a project to select a fuel tank capacity and want the default to be 0.0 gallons and have the user increase the number or decrease the number by clicking and up or down arrow button... If they hold the same button that function would ideally increment faster, perhaps by multiples of ten until it reached a max / min number.

View 16 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Keyboard Input Won't Work Until Mouse Button Is Pressed?

Feb 3, 2011

I can't figure out, the Keyboard Input won't work until Mouse Button is pressed. Here's the code to the class I'm having trouble with. If anyone can see what's causing the trouble that would be great.

// Import necessary classes from the flash libraries
import flash.display.Sprite;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Replace _root With _level2 But Doesn't Work On Mouse Button?

Jul 19, 2006

i was doing tutorial from the page [URL]

my problem is that I have in main timeline movie1, who have movie2 in side, and movie2 have movie3 inside it. in movie3 is buttons like in the tutorial. so i try to replace _root with _level2 but doesn't work on mouse button AS.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Default State With Multiple Mouseovers?

Sep 16, 2010

I need to have a default state for a bunch of alpha-switched mouseover buttons. The buttons look like this;

ActionScript Code:
mygeartoothur_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, fl_MouseOverHandler_ur);
function fl_MouseOverHandler_ur(event:MouseEvent):void


View 5 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Blocking Mouseovers And Buttons In MovieClips

Jan 6, 2011

I would like to block mouse overs/buttons beneath a movieclip that has played. This should be straightforward by creating a new layer and inserting a string, however, these techniques haven't worked for me and one of my questions here is, "Are these solutions not working because my movieclips play from external swfs in a container?" Either way, I'm up for hearing any solutions you may have and trying them out even if I've tried them before.

Secondly, I would like to create a "back button" which excutes from my movieclip and unloads all movieclips. I need it to return to my main menu. Unfortunately, I've tried buttons which include the command unloadMovieClip and that seems to prevent all movieclips from playing again. This could have something to do with what I mentioned above - all of my movieclips are called from external swfs into a container.

The least important of these (since I need the first two things to work before I do this detail) is... if one of my buttons is pushed starting a movie clip and the user then pushes another button that also starts a movie clip before the first clip has finished playing, How do I interrupt the first movieclip so the second can begin playing? Currently, my movieclips will play through until the end before they will respond to a new clip being loaded.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Recursive Menu And Variable Scope With MouseOvers

Aug 7, 2009

In the code below, I'm looping through nested xml structure of an unknown number of levels. GenMenu is (or will be) a recursive function that will build each level of the menu. My problem is that I can't figure out how to reference the variables from an eventlistener function. I need to pass the children node_xml[i] to the next recursion, as well as set hover styles on the menu links, etc...

function GenMenu(container, name, x, y, depth, node_xml) {
// variable declarations
var curr_node = new Array();
var curr_menu:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Holding Button In "down" State?

May 10, 2010

now I have a the movieclip embedded into two movieclips and can't get it to work.The buttons are holding in the down state but not resetting. I'm sure it's a path issue, but can't seem to get it to work. ere's the script I have on the timeline:

function resetBtns(btnNum){ for(i=1; i<4; i++){ if(i != btnNum){  this["btn"+i+"Selected"] = false;
this["btn"+i].gotoAndStop("up");  }}


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mouse.Show Doesn't Work On Safari(Mac) And Mouse.hide On Firefox

Jul 27, 2011

These issues only appear on Safari and Firefox on Mac.I tested with Opera and Chrome and Windows (inc. IE), but they work fine.

Mac OS 10.6.8
Firefox 5.0.1
Safari 5.1
Flash CS5.5

1 Hiding the original black arrow cursor (Firefox only)When cursor rollovers to an Invisible button (oneBtn), I want to show custom cursor (newCursor) and hide mouse. But Firefox shows the custom cursor as well as the black arrow...

2. doesn't work only on Safari, Mac.When rollout to the invisible button (oneBtn), the custom cursor (newCursor) hides but the mouse doesn't appear. This happens only on Safari.

newCursor._visible = false;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: CLICK Event Won't Work But MOUSE ROLL & MOUSE OUT Does?

Jul 27, 2010

Frame 1

band_button.buttonMode = true;
band_button.useHandCursor = true;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make "arrow Up" "arow Down" And The "mouse Scroll Button" Work?

Jul 23, 2010

Been trying to solve this problem for quite a while. Can anyone of you make "arrow up" "arow down" and the "mouse scroll button" work with this scroll code:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Edited Mouse Cursor Versus Right Mouse Button Click

Jul 2, 2004

I changed the mouse cursor using a tutoral from this forum, but when I press the right mouse button,the standard mouse cursor reapears.How to prevent that?

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Making An Image Transparent In The Area Of The Mouse While Mouse Button Is Down?

Mar 25, 2010

I would like to make a flash movie with a picture, where when the user holds down the mouse button, part of another picture will emerge in that general area (like a magnifying glass looking into another dimension).

Technically, my idea was to make a flash file with two images, and then code the mouse to be able to make the top picture transparent in a circle-like area around the cursor, while the mouse button is down.

But how to do that? I am using Flash CS4, but I don't really care if the solution is in AS2, or AS3, as long as it works

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Perform An Event When The Mouse Moves AND When The Mouse Button Is Down

Sep 22, 2009

I need to perform an event when the mouse moves AND when the mouse button is down, how can I do that? What will happen is that when I click and drag the mouse, the width of an object will change. Here is what I have so far:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scene Transitions Now Effecting On Mouse Over, On Mouse Out Button?

Jun 11, 2004

This is quite a complicated problem to explain.Basically I had some buttons with a on mouse out, and on mouse over effects.I wanted each button to load a different scene of the movie.For some reason the on mouse over and mouse out button effects work until I link them to load a scene in the movie.The only button I have linked to load a movie is the Drinks button. It loads the drinks scene, no problem, however the mouse over effects don't seem to work anymore.I have included the .fla file so if someone could maybe have a quick look at it, it is probably just a small bit of coding I have done wrong!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Edited Mouse Cursor Vs Right Mouse Button Click?

Jul 2, 2004

I changed the mouse cursor using a tutoral from this forum, but when I press the right mouse button, the standard mouse cursor reapears...

How to prevent that?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mouse Cursor Changing On Mouse Over A Button?

Jul 12, 2004

made a custom mouse cursor but the cliente wants that little hand when the mouse is over a button and/or links.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Holding Down A Key: Execute ONCE?

Mar 28, 2011

scripting for holding a button down and having the action take place once.So thing is, I have code for pressing a button (which is the up arrow button)This was suppose to show the animation for someone shooting constantly until released:
if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)){        fox.gotoAndPlay(16);        deploy.gotoAndPlay(2);        trace("Pressed.");    }
Unfortunetly the results are:Holding down the up key places out "Pressed." constantly instead of stays on 16 rather progressing the animation (to which should come back to 16 at a repeated process)deploy.gotoAndPlay(2) plays a sound but before: the sound played constanlty rather once) recently: sound never playsI also need code that prevents the player from moving when holding down the up arrow key.So in total, I want the player to be able to hold the up key, and everything executed is played once until pressed agan after release.I heard about adding listeners:
var myListener:Object = new Object(); myListener.onKeyDown = function() {     KEY = Key.getCode();     if (!this[KEY]) {         trace("You pressed "+KEY);     }     this[KEY] = true; }; myListener.onKeyUp = function() {     KEY = Key.getCode();     trace("You released a key."+KEY);     this[KEY] = false; }; Key.addListener(myListener);
but I can't understand this technobabble and everytime I try to work it, it only puts error outputs.

View 7 Replies

Php :: Holding The Session In Flex?

Jun 23, 2009

I am getting the session generated in Flex Application in a hidden text field, but when i refresh the page it gets back me to login page...

How can i hold the session of the page until the browser is not closed...

I am getting the session value from PHP.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pressing A Key Vs. Holding A Key Down?

Jan 15, 2010

How can I differentiate between these two actions in AS3? I'm working on a side-scroller,and I want to require the "attack" button to be pressed for each successive attackCurrently you can continuously attack by holding down the attack key. I'm using a standard event listener, i.e.

ActionScript Code:
private function keyDownFunc(event:KeyboardEvent)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: 2D Array For Holding MC's?

May 22, 2010

I have a mc which is a square. I want to make a grid with it. Everybody knows how a grid looks like. Heres the main issue: I want to have a full control over each single element of the grid. I want to put them all in a 2d array, so I can access them by giving a row and a column number, e.g, so as to remove a specific mc, Id write: container.removeChild[_myArray[i][j], where i and j stand for the row and the column.This is how my current method for creating the grid look like:

ActionScript Code:
private function drawGrid():void
var startX:uint = 0;


It does draw a grid, but I dont have a power over it. And even if I do, I cant see any way of accessing a specific box.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Textfield Holding PlayheadTime?

Feb 1, 2010

I've created a textfield which I want to hold the time that is left of a flv being played. I also created a timer which will see to it that it gets updated.

Here is the code:
"import flash.utils.Timer;
var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(1000);
myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER,updateCo untdown);


However, when i try to compile i get this error message: "1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type Number to an unrelated type String.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Input During A Holding Loop?

Apr 9, 2009

I have separated the background info on the "WHY", from the "WHAT" so that people can give me feedback on my question directly, but if they require more information, they can read my background info to understand the purpose of what I am doing.
Background Info (the WHY):

I am working with an actionscript structure as follows:On a specific frame exists a controlling function or "node".  It contains a user defined array of "branches" or sub functions.  These sub functions(branches) are of a user-defined class which can hold other code.  Other programmers will be using this structure.  When they work with it, they will be dynamiclly  adding new  "Branches" which the node will then run in whatever way they specify.  I am coding the node, and creating the different execution options that the other programmers will be able to use.
One of these types of executions is for the node to LOOP through the branches (however many there may be) waiting for either a key press or a mouse click.  On either input it should exit the node and continue on to the rest of the frame, and then the rest of the program.

My original structure is based on user defined Event Listeners and Dispatchers. Upon Entering the node I begin by defining:
addEventListener("BranchComplete",nextBranch);  addEventListener("RepeatDone",runComplete);
runComplete executes when the node has finished, nextBranch is fired after each branch has successfully finished.
I originally fired off:

dispatchEvent(new Event("BranchComplete"));  

as the last line of the Branch executing function.  The problem with this was, the function "nextBranch" does not return until all that it has called/triggered has finished.  "nextBranch" ends up being called recursively by the EventListener.  This causes a stack overflow.
I then changed the code, by moving the 'dispatchEvent' command into the same function that added the EventListeners.  This ensures the function "nextBranch" has finished and returned before the EventListener triggers it again.  This prevents the recursion and the stack overflow, but creates a new problem:  The 'DispatchEvent' only occurs once, as after the second time through the branch, it returns and continues on the line after the dispatch.
In order to get around this, i placed the dispatchEvent inside a do...While loop, that tracks a variable that is only set to false when the user gives Mouse or Keyboard input.  Voila, problem solved, code loops forever while calling "nextBranch" and triggering "BranchComplete" events as they complete.  The only problem is, user input doesnt seem to be caught, due to the infinitely repeating while loop.
To test that it does in fact work correctly, i set the While Condition to automatically turn false after 1000 iterations.  This works perfectly, and exits after 1000 branches have executed, all triggered by the Dispatched events.  So, I want it to loop through my Branches until Key press or Mouse click. It appears that during a while loop, Keyboard and Mouse Listeners will not trigger.  Is this true, and what is the best solution for holding in a loop while waiting for an event listener to trigger?

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Php :: What Design Should Be Used For Holding File Information

Jul 31, 2011

I want to create flex/actionscript directory view for my files with php/mysql. I have some ideas that I want to share:

1)I am thinking of creating table (in mysql) "files" and another table "folders", when user loges in i will require all data from "files" and "folders" where Username = 'something'. But the problem is, I will create a lot of entries inside of tables. For example if I will have 100 users, and each user could create 100 entries (files or folders) it means that i will get 10000 entries inside table.

2)My second idea, and I think more safe way of doing it is creating table "users" where will be set id, username, password, ... , files, folders. In files (text format entry) will be listed information about files, and they will be dividend by "*" symbol like this:

id*file name*size(in kbytes)*path*status


Now here is only 3 file info but there can be more than 1000.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MC's Holding Custom Variables?

Nov 3, 2009

Having a bunch of dynamically-created MC's, what is the best way to store custom variables for each MC?Do I just make a hidden textfield inside each MC to hold the data?For example I have MC's called:-Apple1-Apple2-Apple3-etc...And inside each MC I have a variable appleEaten = X.And eventually I could use the data in an IF statement like:

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Holding Instances In An Array?

Jan 24, 2006

I'm working on a project where I have Multiple instances with the same actions.

Instead of typing out

btn1._visible = false;
btn2._visible = false;
btn3._visible = false;
btn4._visible = false;

Could I store these instances in an array so that I could minimize my code to something like:

btnArray._visible = false;

I've tried to do this but it seems to read the instances as strings instead.

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