ActionScript 3.0 :: Move Text With Shape?

Jul 14, 2008

I need to draw a circle and a text above the circle that says "Hello world"the circle can be dragged around and the text move along with it.

dragging the text will not do move anything.

This is what i have so far. not sure what to do from here.[code]...

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This is what I have come up with. not much Iknow.

<s:Move id="moves"

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Statement must appear within on/onClipEvent handler = ( isJumping) = false;)
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Unexpected 'on' encountered.

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package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Base extends MovieClip {
public var baseHP:int = 50;
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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Shape Tween TEXT

Mar 25, 2009

For those of you who know how to shape tween TEXT, you can do it by breaking it apart(under the MODIFY tab) in the GUI part of Flash. In AS3 however, you can't do that.

End Result wish - To simply have the text font increase in size starting from say, font size of 10 to 300 as if it is coming out of the screen. Imagine a dot, and then imagine the dot shape tweening out to become a large dot until it fills up your screen, now imagine your text box being able to do the same thing.

Here is my dilemma:


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ActionScript Code:


So is there some way in as3 to get those numbers in the center of the (white) circles?

Do I need to convert the TextFields in to the BitmapData (how?), find positions of pixel that has some black color (How?), draw rectangle with that information, copy x and y point of the rectangle, center the rectangle in the circle, calculate offset x and y from the rectangles new position and add them the textfield x and y?

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[URL]. In this site, we can change the distort the shape of the text. We can do something like we can do in photoshop. How to do this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Fill A Shape With Text

Oct 27, 2010

I'm trying to fill shapes with text.

These shapes are pretty complex (i.e. they're not square, see image below).

So far, I place textfields manually on the stage and populate them one by one with strings (names) stored in an array. (The textfields are also in an array).

The example below is very simple and I will probably have to setup a good few hundred textfields in the final project.

Would anyone know of a way of populating these textfields dynamically according to an underlying shape?

Or maybe a different approach altogether?

I was thinking collision detection might be an idea but not sure where to start.

PS: I cannot simply use a mask over the chunk of text as each character shall be visible within the shape.


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Sep 15, 2010

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Dec 3, 2011

I am attemping to shape tween text. (Flash CS5.5)
What I'm doing is:
Create frame at frame 1 Insert text Insert keyframes at two different points down the time line Change the last frame to what I want it to morph INTO Break apart all keyframes, and Insert shape tween in between the first and second, and second and third keyframes.
When I go to play the movie, it flashes the text that is in the last frame ONLY.

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May 25, 2011

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