Professional :: How To Distort Text Into U Shape

Nov 26, 2010

All I want to do is have a word start as a normal word, and then distort into a U shape, like the word is smiling. I've been googling and tutorialing and all I have come up with is breaking the word up and then using the distort tool, but it distorts every corner of every letter, isn't there a way to distort the whole word just a little? Also, when I "create shape tween" the text dissapears and when I "create motion tween" it needs to turn into a graphic so then I cant even use the distortion tool. What do I do?

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What I'm doing is:
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Attachments: (55.8 K)

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Apr 6, 2011

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Nov 3, 2011

I want to make a Shape Tween where a text of a small size increases in size. I followed a tutorial, and I did what it tells me: I put the starting text in the first frame, create a blank keyframe at the end where I put the bigger text, I then use the selection tool to right-click on both text objects in the video clip and select Break Apart which I do twice, and then I should be able to create a proper Shape Tween... but when I click on a random free and either right-click or go to Insert, Shape Tween is greyed out. How come? I also tried the other Tweens, but they don't do anything.

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I did a bit of research before posting my message, and I found a very complicated process of using Fuse along with Sandy (custom class) and some other custom classes. But there must be an easier way.

I simply want to distort an image like in the example below (I am referring to the one with the caption "No")

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Mar 19, 2004

How do I make this effect... to Drag a CD image, (about 300x300 pxls) to the right of the stage and at the same time, while dragging, making the cd to flip in position to get inside a CD drive or something? When realesed inside the drive, a music clip would play. If release outside, go back in initial position.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: New Shape - 1046: Type Was Not Found Or Was Not A Compile-time Constant: Shape

Nov 30, 2009

ActionScript Code:
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Base extends MovieClip {
public var baseHP:int = 50;
var newRect:Shape = new Shape();

1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Shape. 1180: Call to a possibly undefined method Shape. What does it mean by "undefined method"? I am somewhat of a newby, so sorry if there are any stupid errors

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(39.4 K)
test.swf (42.1 K)

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Mar 9, 2010

I am trying to make a ball move, it's all perfect apart from this:
Statement must appear within on/onClipEvent handler = ( isJumping) = false;)
Then I put in "on", then it says:
Unexpected 'on' encountered.

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Professional :: Accessing Coordinates Of Added Shape?

Jul 1, 2010

I am adding rectangles dynamically and have first added them to movie clips so that they can receive mouse events.But I am having trouble accessing their position on stage.If I set the position of the movie clip that contains them, the x coordinate returned is always 0.Is there a way to get the position of the shape and/or movie clip container.

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