ActionScript 3.0 :: Object Not Consistent After Construction?

Aug 30, 2011

I'm building a class that reads data from an xml file. The constructor takes the xml path and opens the file. It adds an event listener for the loading completion. But if constructor looks like

var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var xmlData:XML = new XML();
xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);
xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("..."));

it will (probably) end-up when xml is not loaded yet. Are there any ways to stop the constructor execution until the xmlLoaded function has finished?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use A Switch Case With An If-else Construction?

Oct 21, 2010

I want to create a application for a website, that can calculate a persons daily energiexpenditure. The user of the application has to put in his/her height, weight and sex. So I want the program to switch between diferent formels depending on the input given. For example the formel for a girl, age 8, 38 kg and 1.40 cm is: (0.071*38)+(0.68*1.4)+1.55

And the formel for a man, age 30, 75 kg and 1.80 cm is: (0.064*75)+2,84

how would you do the coding?

I considering making a if-else construction, that checks whether the sex is male og female. And within this if-else construction i want to make a switch case, thats switches between different forms depending on the age input.

This is what i've done so far:

ActionScript Code:
public function energyintake()
var h:uint = 180; // The persons height in centimeters


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<mx:Repeater id="radios"
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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclip.width Is Not Consistent ?

Nov 1, 2011

I am creating a minesweeper copy, and i've bumbed into a problem, which I and a fellow programmer finds quite strange.

My code is set up like this: (Just a temp. initializer.(duh)). This creates a new gameGrid, and passes x and y number of blocks, as well as the size. (movieclip) This is the board. This controls the whole game, which are filled with: (movieclip) Represents a block. Has a size parameter in its contructor, which are the exact same size as the one in GamGrids contructor. For non-mines, a textfield is added as a child. When a flag is set, the block adds a child: (movieclip) Same size in its contstructor.

In the library (in Flash CS5), every movieclip has the same width (60px).

Now, the problem is that the text, bombs and flags are only in the same size as the blocks when i set the size to '57'. If it's lower than 57, the bombs etc. are even lower. At ~30, they're half the size. At 130, its almost the double.

Here's the classes (with some comments):

package {
import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
public class Initializer {
private var stg:DisplayObjectContainer;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Consistent Loading To Flash?

Mar 3, 2008

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Or does flash have more than one way to reload all the data again?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Flash Movie To Playback At A Consistent?

Nov 16, 2009

Im having trouble getting my flash movie to playback at a consistent/good rate in Internet Explorer. Its not terrible out of IE but it looks much better out of Firefox and Safari. Im publishing my swf at Auto Low out of Flash and setting the swf to Auto Low on my html page out of Dreamweaver, my .flv is about 8 Megs, runs 1:25 with a kbps of 700 and the audio is set to 128. Is there something glaringly wrong with my settings, something I can trim in order to get it to playback correctly in IE? Someone suggested upping my buffer time but I can't seem to locate the panel in Flash CS4, anyone know where this tab lives?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scrubber Bar - Consistent Volume And Clickable Playlist

Jul 22, 2009

How to get my audio scrubber to work, make the volume consistent whether you stop the song and restart or move to the previous of next song. Also, I just finally figured out how to add columns to my XML playlist by using a Datagrid but I do not know how to hook the playlist up to the XML in order to call the particular song that is clicked on.

I started this project working as a tutorial, but the tutorial only gave the basic XML audio jukebox set up, since then, I've been scouring forums, google, tutorials on youtube, etc. But I find that the code is so "method" specific, meaning that everything hinges on your particular way you decide to get to the end result.

1)Volume slider works, but the volume keeps reverting back to the default volume everytime the song is stopped and re-started or a new song is advanced to with the Previous or Next button - The volume needs to stay consistent at whatever volume level that the slider is left on.

2)PlayList needs to be functional. Right now, you can advance through the play list by using the jukebox previous and next buttons, but the playlist should have the ability to highlight whatever song is playing from the list as well as play songs independently when any song in the list is clicked. (I was able to do this successfully with the tutorial version which used a list component, but the only problem with that is that List components only allow 1 column - so I had to change to a datagrid to allot for my 3 columns)

3)Scrubber - I would like the scrubber to do what a scrubber does for each song when the song is being played.

The files can be found here [URL].

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import flash.display.*;
import flash.utils.*;
var enemyTimer:Timer;
var enemySpawnRate:Number = 800;
[Code] .....

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Actionscript :: Consistent View Of One Image On An Image List In Flex For Both Portrait And Landscape Orientations?

Jun 23, 2011

I'm coding a image viewer application for tablets using Adobe Flex 4.5. Basically, I have a list with a custom item renderer that renders the images in the list. I have set up the image size to be the width/height of the tablet device in portrait (600x1024). This way, only one image can be seen at one time. The problem is that when the device orients to landscape, this design obviously screws up. My question is how can I get it to change the width/height of my images automatically when the orientation changes such that only one image is shown at a time?This is my list:

<s:List width="600" height="1024"
id="imageList" dataProvider="{data}" itemRenderer="{inlineRenderer}" click="imageList_clickHandler(event)"
verticalScrollPolicy="off" useVirtualLayout="true">


This is the item renderer:

<s:Scroller width="600" height="1024">
<s:Image source="{data.imageurl}" width="600" height="1024"
</s:Group> </s:Scroller>

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Way To Connect Loader Object Of Photo Object With EventRatio Object?

Mar 25, 2010

So I have this Photo class than handles loading a pic, and dispatches an event when the loading is done with:[code]which is simple and works, but now I'd like to make something more advanced. I'd like to dispatch the load ratio.So far I have extended the Event class, with my own EventRatio class, and I can put properties on that class. Which is cool, but I need something more dynamic than just sending a fixed value.So, what is the best way to connect the Loader object of the Photo object, with the EventRatio object?

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Flash :: Flex Dynamic Object Name And Add Object To Object?

Jun 16, 2011

I have this situation where i'm trying to save "chat logs" while people switch around views in my flex mobile, my plan is i'm starting out with a main object that I plan to re-use as the main chat log object..I call it textObjso, when someone new wants to chat my plan is to make a new object with the persons how if i were to get the username from something like data.username how could I translate that into the var name of the object I want to make? So in the end i end up with.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: [object Class] Instead Of [object MovieClip] - Delete The Targets ENTER_FRAME Event?

Mar 15, 2009

When I use MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT the target is [object MovieClip], but when I use MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT I get [object Bildspel] - and Bildspel is my class. The thing is that when I use ROLL_OUT I'm not able to delete the targets ENTER_FRAME event.


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how I can disable clicking through an object so it doesn't effect anything under-neath the object when pressed.

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var project_array:Array = [];
var slideObject:Object = {
project_title : myXML.projects.project[i].title.toUpperCase(),


but I'm not quite sure where to place this. If I place it outside of the object constructor, I get "term is undefined", I guess because it doesn't know what project_clips_array is - but if I declare project_clips_array in the constructor, it appears to need to be defined, i.e. I can't create a blank property. But I can't place it in the constructor either, because it doesn't seem to allow me to run a function within an object constructor. What is the proper syntax or arrangement of code for executing this function to get the array within the object?

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Alright, I've looked online at a bunch of different collision tutorials but they don't explain what I'm looking for. I want object A to hit object B and then execute a function via to a Event listener.

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May 25, 2010

I want to listen for a custom event dispatched from the document class in a custom subclass. For example, let's say in the document class I have:

ActionScript Code:[code]....

So that the subclass will trace 'Event from document class received' when the 'customEvent' event from the document class is listened by the eventlistener. However, the output is only 'customEvent dispatched', meaning it wasn't heard in the subclass.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detecting Stage Object Positions From Library Object Class File?

Sep 14, 2010

Ok. So heres what I am trying to do. I want one movie clip to follow another one that I move around with actions on the main timeline.The problem is that the follower clip is linked to a class file and I cannot find a way to find the players position.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] Advanced Hit Test When The Second Object Touches The Eactualy Object In The Movie Clip

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Deep Object Copy - BCopy Object Does Not Contain Body Property?

Mar 24, 2011

I found a really weird behavior when using deep copy for objects (ObjectUtil of Flex framework).Imagine we have a class B which extends class A. Class A has property body which is of type ByteArray.I create object b (instance of B). Then I make a deep copy object bCopy, BUT this bCopy object does not contain body property at all! All others properties (of scalar types) defined in Class A are copied properly.When I define property of type ByteArray directly in class B, then this property is copied properly..

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