ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Flash Movie To Playback At A Consistent?
Nov 16, 2009
Im having trouble getting my flash movie to playback at a consistent/good rate in Internet Explorer. Its not terrible out of IE but it looks much better out of Firefox and Safari. Im publishing my swf at Auto Low out of Flash and setting the swf to Auto Low on my html page out of Dreamweaver, my .flv is about 8 Megs, runs 1:25 with a kbps of 700 and the audio is set to 128. Is there something glaringly wrong with my settings, something I can trim in order to get it to playback correctly in IE? Someone suggested upping my buffer time but I can't seem to locate the panel in Flash CS4, anyone know where this tab lives?
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Nov 18, 2009
Developing a flash resource which runs FLV files from within it as pro
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Is there any particular path of troubleshooting I could go along? Because I have just about tried everything i know!UPDATE: I changed back one of the FLVs parameters to link to local drive in the component parameters - and as expected, it runs fine locally but when previewd in chrome (which might i add has some great debugging features that you could only dream of finding in IE) i get the following message:
SecurityError: Error #2148: SWF file cannot access local resource G:Resource DevelopmentRD2009-2010ITG
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Nov 1, 2011
I am creating a minesweeper copy, and i've bumbed into a problem, which I and a fellow programmer finds quite strange.
My code is set up like this: (Just a temp. initializer.(duh)). This creates a new gameGrid, and passes x and y number of blocks, as well as the size. (movieclip) This is the board. This controls the whole game, which are filled with: (movieclip) Represents a block. Has a size parameter in its contructor, which are the exact same size as the one in GamGrids contructor. For non-mines, a textfield is added as a child. When a flag is set, the block adds a child: (movieclip) Same size in its contstructor.
In the library (in Flash CS5), every movieclip has the same width (60px).
Now, the problem is that the text, bombs and flags are only in the same size as the blocks when i set the size to '57'. If it's lower than 57, the bombs etc. are even lower. At ~30, they're half the size. At 130, its almost the double.
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package {
import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
public class Initializer {
private var stg:DisplayObjectContainer;
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Jul 22, 2009
How to get my audio scrubber to work, make the volume consistent whether you stop the song and restart or move to the previous of next song. Also, I just finally figured out how to add columns to my XML playlist by using a Datagrid but I do not know how to hook the playlist up to the XML in order to call the particular song that is clicked on.
I started this project working as a tutorial, but the tutorial only gave the basic XML audio jukebox set up, since then, I've been scouring forums, google, tutorials on youtube, etc. But I find that the code is so "method" specific, meaning that everything hinges on your particular way you decide to get to the end result.
1)Volume slider works, but the volume keeps reverting back to the default volume everytime the song is stopped and re-started or a new song is advanced to with the Previous or Next button - The volume needs to stay consistent at whatever volume level that the slider is left on.
2)PlayList needs to be functional. Right now, you can advance through the play list by using the jukebox previous and next buttons, but the playlist should have the ability to highlight whatever song is playing from the list as well as play songs independently when any song in the list is clicked. (I was able to do this successfully with the tutorial version which used a list component, but the only problem with that is that List components only allow 1 column - so I had to change to a datagrid to allot for my 3 columns)
3)Scrubber - I would like the scrubber to do what a scrubber does for each song when the song is being played.
The files can be found here [URL].
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addChild(title1);title1.x = 840;title1.y = 650;title1.text = "Identity Management";
timer1.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, beginIntro);timer1.start();
function beginIntro(event:TimerEvent):void{ trace("beginIntro initiated"); addChild(slatsR);
This is the code at the ending:
function pauseRestart(event:TweenEvent):void{ timer20.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, fadeLogo); timer20.start();}
function fadeLogo(event:TimerEvent):void{ fadeOutLogo = new Tween(logo,"alpha",None.easeNone,1,0,3,true); timer20.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, fadeLogo); timer20.stop();}
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Jan 11, 2011
How can I get a consistent value from the top margin/padding of a TextField to the top of the actual text.According to the docs (link below), the text field has a 2px gutter on all sides. But there seems to be another gutter that seems to increase / decrease with the size of the text.Using times new roman for a default font size, I can get the baseline of some random text using what we know: I know that there is a 2px gutter all the way around the text field and we can get the ascent through textfield.getLineMetrics(0).ascent. If I draw a line at that position I'll get a line about 2 px below the actual text. Works fine.Now if I want to draw another line at the TOP of the text it's a guessing game. At 36pt text it's 8px from the top of the textfield. At 72pt text it's more like 12px from the top, and at 144pt text it's more like 20px from the top.URL...
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import flash.display.*;
import flash.utils.*;
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[Code] .....
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Mar 24, 2010
I have a flv file with a skin within a flash banner I have created. I am trying to also use a text button I created (that says "play movie") to start playing the movie. Does anyone know the action script 3.0 necessary to do this?
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Sep 12, 2008
When I render an .flv by adding the video to the Render Queue in After Effect instead of exporting to .flv the video controller ends up wider than the video itself when imported to Flash.
My video is 495 wide by 360 high. When I render in AE in the Render Queue, and then import to a Flash doc, the video controller is about 15 pixels wider on both the left and right of the video. This looks goofy. Is their a way to resolve this? Is this a Flash challenge or an After Effects challenge?
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Aug 6, 2009
I have a move clip (video_mc) which contains the instance of flv_playBack with instance name test_video.i would like create a instance of the movieclip (video_mc) which presents in library as myVideo_mc dynamically.[code]
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Apr 25, 2011
I have recently got this error with .swf and FLV playback videos. The problem is when the .swf file is run it does not play the FLV playback video though everything else in the swf works fine.
When I test the system with CTRL + ENTER, everything works fine including the FLV playback video. However, after this process when I run the SWF Movie file (auto generated) on its own it does not play the same video that plays when I test it in Adobe Flash CS4.
The .flv videos and the skin for the flv playback video are all together in the same folder as the SWF Movie file. I doubt that the skin has anything to do with this.
I found some flash CS3 documentation that says : When you create a SWF file with embedded video, the frame rate of the video clip and the SWF file must be the same. Therefore, I set the FPS in the .FLA file to 25 fps (same as the video fps).
When I debug the movie (CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER) I get this error:
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Oct 6, 2009
I gotta simple swf file im loding in using this code
ActionScript Code:
onLoad = function () {
_root.loaderMC.loadMovie("avi/Hostage1.swf ");
this works fine when i publish the video in flash but once i view it in a browser none of the buttons work
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Jun 23, 2011
I'm coding a image viewer application for tablets using Adobe Flex 4.5. Basically, I have a list with a custom item renderer that renders the images in the list. I have set up the image size to be the width/height of the tablet device in portrait (600x1024). This way, only one image can be seen at one time. The problem is that when the device orients to landscape, this design obviously screws up. My question is how can I get it to change the width/height of my images automatically when the orientation changes such that only one image is shown at a time?This is my list:
<s:List width="600" height="1024"
id="imageList" dataProvider="{data}" itemRenderer="{inlineRenderer}" click="imageList_clickHandler(event)"
verticalScrollPolicy="off" useVirtualLayout="true">
This is the item renderer:
<s:Scroller width="600" height="1024">
<s:Image source="{data.imageurl}" width="600" height="1024"
</s:Group> </s:Scroller>
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Oct 9, 2009
I was wondering, what was the best way to for actionscript 3.0 to detect cuepoints playing from a FLV movie that is playing from an FLV playback component?
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Dec 19, 2011
I found out an action script online, and did like it. So I applied it in my new flash. However, when I play the .swf file with Adobe Flash Player, it runs smoothly, but when I upload it on my website, it keeps black out and does not run at all.URL...And here is the project I packed so you can have a look at the AS:URL...
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Aug 9, 2010
I've been wondering something, websites like youtube (pandora does mp4s) play their music through a flash player. while each track is played, they're downloaded to the user's computer, e.g., /tmp/FlashXX*** This allows users to go and move the flv out of that folder for later playback.
However, when the user moves the flv out of the /tmp folder, the player continues to play the music/video quite happily. How does the flash player handle the removal of its file and why doesn't it throw errors from this?
More importantly, why are the flvs downloaded to the user in the first place if the player plays happily without them?
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Dec 7, 2010
I have a video embedded in Flash as an FLV. I'm able to get the video to play through the way I want, but when the video plays through and ends, I want to have two options/"buttons" display that allow the user to either replay the video a la youtube, or link to another web page.
I know it must a very basic question but I can't seem to find any answers. I've included a screen capture of the end of the video.
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Dec 21, 2010
I will need to display the frames of an FLV at different rates.
Here are some examples:
the user will 'scrub' through the flv frames(front/back) the flv will need to play at half the speed on a user interaction.
Currently I'm using LoaderMax and it's VideoLoader object to load and play FLV files. I've tried using the playProgress property, but only the keyframes of the FLV are displayed. I got the same result with the basic setup(using the NetStream class)
As a workaround, I playback the FLV once, and cache BitmapData instances in which I draw/cache each frame of the video. After this is done, I use the BitmapData Vector to update a Bitmap on stage. Scrubbing/changing speed works fine with this method, but still the user needs to see(wait for) the sequence once, while it gets cached, which I don't like.
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Aug 15, 2011
How to control FLV Playback in flash with Action Script? I want to play Video in my webpage similar to YouTube. I have done it with automatic play but I want it when you press play button, then play and pause, volume, next & back as well.
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Dec 23, 2011
Is it possible to listen for when a streaming mp3 actually begins to play?
var snd:Sound = new Sound();
snd.load(new URLRequest("my.mp3"));;
When loading/streaming the mp3 file over wifi or 3G the playback might not begin immediately.
I need to trigger something when the audio actually starts.
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