Professional :: Flash - Exports The Movie Playback Component As Separate Swf?

Mar 7, 2010

I am importing a video (mp4 format) into Flash and selecting "Load external video with playback component". I am using one of the playback components that goes under the movieWhen I play the movie, everything looks like one, but when I export, the movie is one swf and the component is another swf file.

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Separate FLV Video And Audio Tracks In FLV Playback Component?

Jul 30, 2009

We're creating video that is destined for multiple countries - we've created a framework that has a video page (using the FLV playback component, w an external FLV w/ progressive download) for the given languages we're using, and subtitles for each, etc..  Until now, we've been using the same English video & audio for each, but the client is looking into having the videos dubbed into different languages.
We're hoping to avoid re-encoding the video for each language in order to accommodate for the different audio tracks.  Also, having different video files for each language would mean using more storage (since we're talking about a lot of video files, so it adds up). Is there a way to use FLV playback to progressive download an FLV file (video only) while playing a separate mp3 file?  Most inquiries into playing separate audio and video has led me to embedding video, which isn't feasible in our case.

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Professional :: Playback Component For A Swf

Sep 9, 2010

I know you can put a playback component on a FLV. Is it possible to have a playback component on a swf?

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Professional :: Adding An Flv With A Playback Component To An Swf

Jul 1, 2011

I created a video in After Effects and rendered the output to an .flv, works fine when I embed in html and upload to my server. But now I'm having a problem with the next phase and that's adding a link to the flv using Cue points. I read the tutes on this but cannot get past the following. First I tested this by importing the flv picking the skin for the player and importing straight to an html page in Dreamweaver. I uploaded the html, flv and player to the server and it works great.

Now I need to add a url link to a certain frame of the flv and read the tute on how to import the flv into a new fla file, I see where I can scrub the timeline inside the flv and thought I was home free as all I had to do was upload and add the cue points. But now I see where I had to take the .flv and import as video to a new fla and after importing the flv it clearly states that the component will only play locally. After making sure the flv was on the server I uploaded the html and swf. When I try to playback from the server I get a browser Which is named "Flash Player Installation" with a blank screen.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set The ComtentPath() From A Loader Component From A Separate Movie?

Mar 19, 2008

is there any way to set the comtentPath() from a Loader Component from a separate movie?I have an main movie and when i hit the button ABOUT US i load a movie via loadmovie() and that movie has a loader component. How can i send the contentPath value from this main movie to that movie Im callin via LOAD MOVIE? Im using FLASH CS3 and ACTION SCRIPT 2.0 The script Im using is listed bellow:

main._lockroot = true
_root.myLoader.contentPath = "int_empresa.swf";
The myLOADER aint loading that .swf.

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Professional :: Can Seekbar Component Control Movieclip Playback

Mar 24, 2010

I've created a site in CS4/AS3 (my first site, so I'm still pretty new at Flash and especially AS3). The site contains a number of embedded movieclips. For each movieclip, the user needs to be able to control the playback. I've created a play/pause button that works but I cannot figure out how to use the seekbar component so that the user can move around within the movieclip. Is the seekbar component only for manipulating video files? If so, how might I go about creating a seekbar-type feature for movieclips?

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Professional :: Setting A Poster Frame In The Flv Playback Component?

Jul 19, 2010

I just spent 2 hours scouring the web for the answer. All I'm seeing is a whole lot of "how do you do it" and a lot of "do a google search for it'. I found a tutorial for CS4 that looked promising yet when I tried it in CS5 the damned Preview attribute (or whatever) just sits there looking at me. You're supposed to be able to click on it and choose a frame.  I click and double click and nothing happens.

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Professional :: SWF Exports Freezing Completely?

Nov 20, 2010

I have a project I am working on, it has zero coding most all symbols are graphic because it seems the movie symbols don't export correctly. I export it to swf and it hands 100% of the time when it is at about 80% complete. I have gone back in and optimized tons of it, and it did not change a thing.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading An FLV In Flash Using FLV Playback Component

Apr 21, 2010

I'm Loading an FLV in flash using FLV Playback component in as3. And simultaneously i'm running sound on Phone. It syncs properly in my machine. But it is giving me terrible delay in slower machines. So is there any way to control the framerate of the FLV so that it can sync properly with sound.

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Flash FLV Playback Component Controls Not Working?

Feb 3, 2009

I have an FLV Playback component in a website that I'm working on and for some odd reason the controls do not work. The video loads and plays fine and the controls appear but you cant click on anything like you can when you assign the skin in the parameters. It is a default Flash skin. At first I thought it was due to the video layer being under a mask, so I moved it on top and it didnt change anything.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect Cuepoints Playing From FLV Movie That Is Playing From FLV Playback Component?

Oct 9, 2009

I was wondering, what was the best way to for actionscript 3.0 to detect cuepoints playing from a FLV movie that is playing from an FLV playback component?

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Flash - Reset FLVPlayback Component For Playback With Same Source?

Dec 31, 2009

I'm using the same FLVPlayback component to play many page transition videos throughout a large flash site I'm building. On each transition, I'm setting the component's source using myFLVPlayback.source and listening for the event before proceeding with each page transition. This works fine as long as the transition between every pair of pages uses a different video.

Unfortunately, I'm running into a problem when the same page-to-page transition video needs to get invoked for two consecutive transitions. When playing the same video twice in a row, setting the source property of the component to the value it already has doesn't seem to do anything, meaning that my listeners for never fire. I could do something hackish like setting the source to a tiny, never-used-elsewhere FLV before setting it to the FLV that I'm actually using for the transition as a means of "resetting" the component, but I'd like to know what best practices are in a situation like this (insofar as best practices with something like the FLVPlaybackComponent can be discussed with a straight face).

I've perused the livedocs for the component but came up empty-handed, and manually using NetStream, NetConnection, and Video objects at this late stage isn't really an option.

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List Component - Populate A List Box Component Located Within A Separate Mc In Swf With An Array?

Jun 29, 2009

how to populate a list box component located within a seperate mc in my swf with an array... the array comes from a response from a webservice call. I am not currently on the computer with my source code available so lets just use the following....

listdata[i] = the array i want to populate the list box with..... (listdata1, listdata2, listdata3, listdata4, etc. etc.)
movieclip1 = the MC within my fla containing the list box component
mylist = the actual list component

... just not all that familiar with the format of actionscript when working with objects... using CS3 and as2 btw,

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Professional :: Flash Playback On Website

Dec 19, 2011

I found out an action script online, and did like it. So I applied it in my new flash. However, when I play the .swf file with Adobe Flash Player, it runs smoothly, but when I upload it on my website, it keeps black out and does not run at all.URL...And here is the project I packed so you can have a look at the AS:URL...

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Can't Get Progressive FLV's To Playback In Flash Movie?

Nov 18, 2009

Developing a flash resource which runs FLV files from within it as pro
gressive. It works ok on my local testing computer/network server. But when I put it online it does not play.I opened up the components panel for each FLV and noticed they were absolutely linked to my network drive (obviously when online this linking will now work). So i changed all the linking to be relative and some warning windows did come up and say i was breaking the link but i ignored them because i don't care about how it runs locally...i want this resource to work online!line.something that it might also be is I am uploading this resource to an LMS called Janisons (perhaps they are not FLV through flash playback - friendly).

Is there any particular path of troubleshooting I could go along? Because I have just about tried everything i know!UPDATE: I changed back one of the FLVs parameters to link to local drive in the component parameters - and as expected, it runs fine locally but when previewd in chrome (which might i add has some great debugging features that you could only dream of finding in IE) i get the following message:
SecurityError: Error #2148: SWF file cannot access local resource G:Resource DevelopmentRD2009-2010ITG


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Flash 9 :: Manually Playback A Movie FLV

Sep 11, 2008

I need help into handling an animation imported in FLV format which I have a 3D object rotating 360 degree in about 100 frames.I would like to control the rotation myself maybe using a drag scroll system in order to back and forth between frames manually

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Set The Size Of A FLV Playback Component?

May 28, 2009

Here is my code that plays the video:
import*; var myVideo:FLVPlayback = new FLVPlayback(); myVideo.source = "video.flv"; } addChild(myVideo);
How to I set the size of the video? I have tried "myVideo.videoWidth = 400;" but that gives me an error.

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IDE :: Loop A FLV In The Playback Component?

Oct 25, 2005

I am sure I am just over looking some simple true/false thing somewhere but I can't figure out how to loop an external (progressive download) FLA file with the new FLA Playback Component..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader In Separate Scene In Flash Movie

Feb 15, 2005

i am putting a preloader in a seperate scene in my flash movie.for some goofy reason, it will go to the preloader and get to lik 99% and stop, and will not proceed to the next frame. i have tired EVERYTHING that i know to make it work, but it will not.[code]it is placed on a moive clip that retains all the text and graphics for the i said the only thing that won't work is that it will not proceed to the next frame.i have replaced the _parent, to _root. i have used frame labels instead of ("Scene 2", 16). i have no idea what else to do.

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Professional :: Flash Video Playback Over Webpage?

Nov 24, 2010

I would like to be able to play my flash video on top of my website, and then disappear once its finished. Just like on the apple website, with the macbook air. This is probably very simple, but I am not sure what it is called!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Flash Movie To Playback At A Consistent?

Nov 16, 2009

Im having trouble getting my flash movie to playback at a consistent/good rate in Internet Explorer. Its not terrible out of IE but it looks much better out of Firefox and Safari. Im publishing my swf at Auto Low out of Flash and setting the swf to Auto Low on my html page out of Dreamweaver, my .flv is about 8 Megs, runs 1:25 with a kbps of 700 and the audio is set to 128. Is there something glaringly wrong with my settings, something I can trim in order to get it to playback correctly in IE? Someone suggested upping my buffer time but I can't seem to locate the panel in Flash CS4, anyone know where this tab lives?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: FLV Playback Component Does Not Work

Dec 30, 2010

Link [URL] Problem is the video doesn't play online. It works offline. There's no script involved, I have manually sourced the flv to flv play back component. There's no folders all files are together and easy to find.

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Stopping Video Component Playback?

May 20, 2009

I have a frame where I have added an flv playback component to play a flv file. Everything plays fine, but when I test the file and navagate away from the frame that the playback component is on, the video continues playing.
Is there any way to get the video to stop when the user navigates away from the frame? I'm sure this could be done if I add the video using AS 3.0 (that is what the navigation of the site is coded with).

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Buttons On FLV Playback Component

Jun 15, 2009

I'm having a problem with the playbuttons, pausebutton and seekbar that I use on my flvplayback video. I don't know why, but these buttonaren's doing anything. I have put this code :
//slumdog is my flvplayback instance nameimport;
slumdog.playButton = my_playbut;
slumdog.pauseButton = my_pausebut;
slumdog.seekBar = my_seekbar;

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IDE :: FLV Playback And Caption Component For Videos

Sep 13, 2008

I'm using the flvPlayback and Captioning component/skin for some videos. Works great, but I can't figure out how to have the captions off by default and use the caption button to turn them on for users who want to see the caption buttons.
Hides the captions, but also disables the captionButton in the skin, so there is no way to toggle showing and hiding the captions.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Php Flash Professional - Write A Separate Text Files?

Sep 27, 2007

Is it possible for (1)php script to write to seperate text files? Clarification; Say something like this partial code,


What I'm attempting to do is "ID" post to "schedule.txt" and "STime" post to "time.txt" is this possible or do I need to write a php script for each text file? Or am I way off base here? Now I have gotten "ID" to post to "schedule.txt" but not the other.

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Jpegs - Load Images So They Pop Up In A Separate Window To The Flash Movie?

Mar 10, 2009

how to load images so they pop up in a seperate window to the flash movie, to see what mean check out this site and click one of the images [URL]

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Flash :: Embed Swf Movie In HTML Without Creating A Separate File?

Nov 22, 2010

Is there a solution, similar to img data:image/gif;base64..., that allows to embed an swf movie in a HTML page without having to create a new swf file and link it in the src attribute?

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Professional :: Video Playback Quality Inside X Outside Flash?

Jun 10, 2010

I am loading a h.264 mp4 video (quite big, 2048 x 768) into a flv player. When I test it inside flash (Ctrl + Enter), the video runs really smooth. However, when I publish my .exe (or even a .swf, although I need the .exe),

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Professional :: Flash FLV Playback Continues When Change Scene?

Jan 26, 2011

I'm creating a programme on flash where some of the scenes have FLV players playing various videos. They all work fine, stopping and playing etc. However when I leave the scene by clicking my "home" button, the video stops, but the outline of the player stays up in the new scene!
my code is reading;
stop();button_24.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToScene_98);
function fl_ClickToGoToScene_98(event:MouseEvent):void{    MovieClip(this.root).gotoAndPlay(1, "catchup");   


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