ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Button For A Movie Playback?

Mar 24, 2010

I have a flv file with a skin within a flash banner I have created. I am trying to also use a text button I created (that says "play movie") to start playing the movie. Does anyone know the action script 3.0 necessary to do this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie Won't Playback

Jan 21, 2011

I've created a "flashloop" for a client, but it won't loop. I've done it in AS3, and all the code is on the first frame of the maintimeline, which does not have a stop() on it. I've published it to loop, and made sure the HTML has the loop = true value, but it doesn't loop. The SWF doesn't even loop when played in the Flash Player.
addChild(title1);title1.x = 840;title1.y =  650;title1.text = "Identity Management";
timer1.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, beginIntro);timer1.start();
function beginIntro(event:TimerEvent):void{    trace("beginIntro initiated");    addChild(slatsR);
This is the code at the ending:
function pauseRestart(event:TweenEvent):void{    timer20.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, fadeLogo);    timer20.start();}
function fadeLogo(event:TimerEvent):void{    fadeOutLogo = new Tween(logo,"alpha",None.easeNone,1,0,3,true);    timer20.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, fadeLogo);    timer20.stop();}

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Replay Button For FLV Playback?

Jun 9, 2010

I have a .FLV video that I have loaded via FLV playback container (AS3). At the end of the video. I then have a replay button, that when clicked would like to either fade or dissapear and play the video again.

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Flash 10 :: Scale Down SWF Using Button During Playback

Mar 15, 2011

I'm developing some e-learning content using Captivate and Flash. The .swf is currently opening in a new browser window and playing in almost full screen. Is there a way I can create a button which will toggle the size of the swf from large to small and back again as required during playback. I am not wanting to use the full screen button option to scale up as the resulting resolution at full size is unacceptably poor.

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Can't Get Progressive FLV's To Playback In Flash Movie?

Nov 18, 2009

Developing a flash resource which runs FLV files from within it as pro
gressive. It works ok on my local testing computer/network server. But when I put it online it does not play.I opened up the components panel for each FLV and noticed they were absolutely linked to my network drive (obviously when online this linking will now work). So i changed all the linking to be relative and some warning windows did come up and say i was breaking the link but i ignored them because i don't care about how it runs locally...i want this resource to work online!line.something that it might also be is I am uploading this resource to an LMS called Janisons (perhaps they are not FLV through flash playback - friendly).

Is there any particular path of troubleshooting I could go along? Because I have just about tried everything i know!UPDATE: I changed back one of the FLVs parameters to link to local drive in the component parameters - and as expected, it runs fine locally but when previewd in chrome (which might i add has some great debugging features that you could only dream of finding in IE) i get the following message:
SecurityError: Error #2148: SWF file cannot access local resource G:Resource DevelopmentRD2009-2010ITG


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Flash 9 :: Manually Playback A Movie FLV

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CS3 :: Get A Custom-created Button To Pause FLV Playback

May 21, 2009

I know you are all probably very busy already but I was hoping you might be able to help me with an issue I am having in Flash CS3. It is my first project, and in retrospect I realize I have gotten in over my head but it is too late to turn back.The project is a recruitment video of sorts that will be distributed on cd-rom. When it runs, an intro video plays on the main screen, and there are buttons that will take the user to other pages with more videos and information. The problem I am having is that the intro video can still be heard in the background even when the user clicks to go to another page. I've tried multiple solutions from the boards but I am either doing something wrong or the solutions just aren't appropriate for my situation. Basically my question is this, how do I get a custom-created button (named "More" in my case) to pause the FLV Playback, or even just mute it's sound?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: FLV Playback Replay Button Only Works Once?

Aug 13, 2010

I have an FLVPlayer which plays a video and after the video is done playing, the REPLAY button shows up. Upon clicking the REPLAY button the movie starts over.. Everything works well, except, the REPLAY button only works once.. meaning, once the movie played once and REPLAY  button is cilcked to play it again, after the movie is done playing for the 2nd time - the button doesn't appear... here's the code:

import*;import flash.display.MovieClip;var myVideo:FLVPlayback = new FLVPlayback();var mybtn:myBtn = new myBtn();var staticpic:staticPic = new staticPic();var logo:Logo = new Logo();myVideo.source = "BatterypoweredFCM.f4v"; =


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Apr 8, 2009

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Flash - AS Button Click For FLV Video Playback

Jul 7, 2011

I'm new at actionscript and not sure how to do this. I have a button named btnPlay and an flv video named valerie.flv. I would like it when the button is pressed, the flv video plays in the same flash file through the standard flv player.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Playback Controller Wider Than .flv Movie?

Sep 12, 2008

When I render an .flv by adding the video to the Render Queue in After Effect instead of exporting to .flv the video controller ends up wider than the video itself when imported to Flash.

My video is 495 wide by 360 high. When I render in AE in the Render Queue, and then import to a Flash doc, the video controller is about 15 pixels wider on both the left and right of the video. This looks goofy. Is their a way to resolve this? Is this a Flash challenge or an After Effects challenge?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Dynamic Movie Clip With Flv-playBack?

Aug 6, 2009

I have a move clip (video_mc) which contains the instance of flv_playBack with instance name test_video.i would like create a instance of the movieclip (video_mc) which presents in library as myVideo_mc dynamically.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: SWF Movie Is NOT Playing The FLV PlayBack Video?

Apr 25, 2011

I have recently got this error with .swf and FLV playback videos. The problem is when the .swf file is run it does not play the FLV playback video though everything else in the swf works fine.

When I test the system with CTRL + ENTER, everything works fine including the FLV playback video. However, after this process when I run the SWF Movie file (auto generated) on its own it does not play the same video that plays when I test it in Adobe Flash CS4.
The .flv videos and the skin for the flv playback video are all together in the same folder as the SWF Movie file. I doubt that the skin has anything to do with this.
I found some flash CS3 documentation that says : When you create a SWF file with embedded video, the frame rate of the video clip and the SWF file must be the same. Therefore, I set the FPS in the .FLA file to 25 fps (same as the video fps).
When I debug the movie (CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER) I get this error:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Flash Movie To Playback At A Consistent?

Nov 16, 2009

Im having trouble getting my flash movie to playback at a consistent/good rate in Internet Explorer. Its not terrible out of IE but it looks much better out of Firefox and Safari. Im publishing my swf at Auto Low out of Flash and setting the swf to Auto Low on my html page out of Dreamweaver, my .flv is about 8 Megs, runs 1:25 with a kbps of 700 and the audio is set to 128. Is there something glaringly wrong with my settings, something I can trim in order to get it to playback correctly in IE? Someone suggested upping my buffer time but I can't seem to locate the panel in Flash CS4, anyone know where this tab lives?

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Get Text To Move Towards A Graphic In Playback?

Jul 2, 2009

My brother is currently living overseas with his girlfriend and is flying home for a visit in August/September this year so I have decided to mark the occasion by creating a 3-scene Flash movie. Just there now I had the plane on the stage, I had the names moving towards the plane but when I played the scene back the text and the plane weren't on-screen at the same time, as the text and graphic were in different layers. My question is how do I make it look like the text is moving to get on the plane and vice versa as in the next scene I obviously want to have the plane flying towards the airport, (more text) i.e how do I merge the layers or is merging the layers not what I need to do?

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IDE :: Stop Flv Playback When User Clicks A Navigation Button?

Feb 6, 2008

I have a few flv component instances on different frames. When you click a navigation button the current flv should stop and it takes you to a new flv on a different frame. But the previous one keeps playing. How do I stop the current one playing when the button clicks?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play Movie With Text Button?

Mar 25, 2010

I'm trying to get a movie to start once I click on a text button (play movie).So far I have this code in place and it is working.I just need to know the function necessary to start the movie to put in place of the comment I have below.[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Movie Redirect After Playback Finished

Mar 30, 2009

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onEnterFrame = function() {
does not work. It is a dynamic site so there is no <head> tag I can put an HTML redirect in. I need to be able to do it through flash.

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PHP :: Control Embedded Flash Movie Playback In HTML

May 1, 2010

I am using an embedded flash movie in my web page. I would like to show some alerts on the page when the movie has played for x seconds, pause the movie while the user views and dismisses the alert and start playing the movie again after that (or the user can press the play button, not important). The important parts being - the app being able to find out if x secs worth of movie has played, pausing the movie then and showing an alert. Is this possible using a php/javascript code within the web page? Or will I have to do this within the flash movie itself?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Movie Playback Not Working In Browser?

Oct 6, 2009

I gotta simple swf file im loding in using this code

ActionScript Code:
onLoad = function  () {
_root.loaderMC.loadMovie("avi/Hostage1.swf ");


this works fine when i publish the video in flash but once i view it in a browser none of the buttons work

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Skinning - Changing Colors Of Media Playback Button

Jun 9, 2006

I've been skinning some components and am having trouble changing the colours of the button in media playback component and the white and grey border round the listbox (I've included a closeup of this in the image to illustrate and highlighted the problems in red).

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Professional :: Flash - Exports The Movie Playback Component As Separate Swf?

Mar 7, 2010

I am importing a video (mp4 format) into Flash and selecting "Load external video with playback component". I am using one of the playback components that goes under the movieWhen I play the movie, everything looks like one, but when I export, the movie is one swf and the component is another swf file.

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Media Server :: Playback Controls To Include 'Record' Button To Save To HD?

Aug 2, 2011

Will there ever be the ability to add a 'Record' button to a player such as those used with Ustream, and other similar players?  I run a live stream and would love for the viewers to have a 'Record' button so they may capture the video to their local hard drives for later playback.

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Professional :: Preview The Playback Of A Video Right On The Stage Using The Button And Fader Of The Skin?

Aug 28, 2011

In Flash CS 5.5, I know you can preview the playback of a video right on the stage using the button and fader of the skin. But then why is there still the [preview] section written in the Component Parameter? (Under the isLive line) And why is it always set to None?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Box And A Movie Clip With A Button In It In The Same Frame

Apr 28, 2002

I have a dynamic text box and a movie clip with a button in it in the same frame. What I want to happen is when you click the button, it will add 1 to the text box. (when I say 'Add one' I mean if the text box says 5, after pushing the button, it will equal 6). I hope people understand what I mean, if not, ill try to explain it better.

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ActionScript 3 :: Flash - Check Input Text With Movie Clip Button?

Jan 30, 2012

im just working on my new project. All what i need is, i want to check input text using button, if the value on the input text box is equals 1, trace("true"), else trace ("false").

here's the example link [URL]

the problem is, when im trying to input text to 1, it's always goes to else, which means false. also all number. sorry for my bad english. here's what i did

var check:Boolean = false;
var input1:String;
var answer:String = "1";


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Flash Movie To Press Button And Number Appears In Text Field?

May 11, 2005

How do you make a flash movie where you press a button and a number (lts say three) appears in a text field?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Flash Movie Where To Press A Button And A Number Appears In A Text Field?

May 11, 2005

How do you make a flash movie where you press a button and a number (lts say three) appears in a text field?

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Flash :: Change The Text Of A Button Instance Without Affect The Other Button Text?

Feb 20, 2012

How can I change the text of a button instance without affect the other button text? I belive an AS aproach would solve it but I don't know how to do it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fullscreen Button On The Playback Component, Which Will Allow The User To Toggle The Video Fullscreen?

Apr 13, 2009

I like to make a fullscreen desktop application, with an FLV, using the FLV Playback component. However, I�d like there to be a Fullscreen button on the playback component, which will allow the user to toggle the video fullscreen.I cant, for the life of me, figure out how to do this with various settings�it should be easy! This is what I have--is there a better way to do things (without a custom movie player)? My inital settings are as follows:

stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;
theMovie.fullScreenTakeOver = false;

Then I have a function which should work--but my button won't appear in fullscreen--Can I apply this function to the built-in fullscreen button?:

function handleClick(event:MouseEvent):void
if ( !theMovie.fullScreenTakeOver )[code]....

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