ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Movie Playback Not Working In Browser?

Oct 6, 2009

I gotta simple swf file im loding in using this code

ActionScript Code:
onLoad = function  () {
_root.loaderMC.loadMovie("avi/Hostage1.swf ");


this works fine when i publish the video in flash but once i view it in a browser none of the buttons work

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Flash FLV Playback Component Controls Not Working?

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Media Server :: Seek Or Start Playback Offset Not Working On Big Flv's

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The FLV is about 9 hours long.
How do I make this work ? And why is it not working?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flv / Fla Playback - Videos Do Not Load

Mar 16, 2010

I built a flash player that has many external flv videos. The player functions perfectly when played in flash with the test movie function. It also plays fine in deamweaver when the .html file is imported into it. The problem is once the player is uploaded onto a site with all the files in the same folder the .html loads and the flash file functions perfectly but the videos do not load.

The skin of the videos load, but the area where you would be able to seek through the video has a rotating green barber shop looking thing like it would be downloading the videos, and the videos never load. I have debugged it and it came up with no errors. So now I come to the people that have more experience than me with this. I would be happy to forward a link or swf file to anyone if it can help see where the error is. I'm thinking it is a few lines of code that I am unaware needs to be in my file. I will leave it to the experts.

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Little Video Player (1 Playback Component, 3 Buttons Linked To 3 .flv Files) Not Working In The Published Html?

Oct 12, 2009

everyone out there that is smarter than me. I have made this little prototype video player, and it isn't working. It'll eventually become a nice little player show videos from our summer camp for the last few years, but first I want to make it work in a basic stripped down version. There is a playback component with one of the skins right above the three buttons.

Here's the ActionScript: btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, vid1);btn2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, vid2);btn3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, vid3);

function vid1(e:Event):void{vidPlayer.source = "Video1.flv"};function vid2(e:Event):void{vidPlayer.source = "Video2.flv"}; function vid3(e:Event):void{vidPlayer.source = "Video3.flv"};

It runs fine when I test in in flash and even the .swf file runs fine alone, but when I put it in a .html file  via Dreamweaver and in the published .html it doesn't run. What up?

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on(release) {
_root.myForm.formNameField.txt = ""
_root.myForm.formEmailField.txt = ""[code].....

This works fine with section script 2 but not with as1. Does anyone know of a script that resets the .text field on as1 Alternatively is there any way of opening browser windows from a flash movie with browser win controls, eg. centre win, no scrollbars.

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Jun 30, 2010

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I searched for simple examples on how to load an FLV but i can't find any examples..

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Flash - How To Load FLV Playback From Specific Time

Jun 22, 2010

import flash.utils.getTimer;
fk.autoPlay = false;
// Parametreleri yukluyoruz.
var myLoaderInfo=new Object();
[Code] .....

I have a video. First it loads. Then it starts from time that I want to. Also it stops from time i want to. But I want to load my video only from start time to stop time. How can I do this or which method can I use?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load External .swf But 'prevent Playback' Until Addchild?

May 4, 2010

I load external .swf files by code

ldr[nr][1][j2] = new Loader();

and about 3 seconds (by extra Timer script) after they're completely loaded are added to stage with


It all works properly, no problems at all. But by the time the .swf files are added as children to stage they've already animated 3 seconds of their own timeline so appear to "not start from the beginning of the animation".Any way I can prevent that in a simple way? (without requiring access / editing / recreating the loaded .swf or its .fla files)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie Won't Playback

Jan 21, 2011

I've created a "flashloop" for a client, but it won't loop. I've done it in AS3, and all the code is on the first frame of the maintimeline, which does not have a stop() on it. I've published it to loop, and made sure the HTML has the loop = true value, but it doesn't loop. The SWF doesn't even loop when played in the Flash Player.
addChild(title1);title1.x = 840;title1.y =  650;title1.text = "Identity Management";
timer1.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, beginIntro);timer1.start();
function beginIntro(event:TimerEvent):void{    trace("beginIntro initiated");    addChild(slatsR);
This is the code at the ending:
function pauseRestart(event:TweenEvent):void{    timer20.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, fadeLogo);    timer20.start();}
function fadeLogo(event:TimerEvent):void{    fadeOutLogo = new Tween(logo,"alpha",None.easeNone,1,0,3,true);    timer20.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, fadeLogo);    timer20.stop();}

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Can't Get Progressive FLV's To Playback In Flash Movie?

Nov 18, 2009

Developing a flash resource which runs FLV files from within it as pro
gressive. It works ok on my local testing computer/network server. But when I put it online it does not play.I opened up the components panel for each FLV and noticed they were absolutely linked to my network drive (obviously when online this linking will now work). So i changed all the linking to be relative and some warning windows did come up and say i was breaking the link but i ignored them because i don't care about how it runs locally...i want this resource to work online!line.something that it might also be is I am uploading this resource to an LMS called Janisons (perhaps they are not FLV through flash playback - friendly).

Is there any particular path of troubleshooting I could go along? Because I have just about tried everything i know!UPDATE: I changed back one of the FLVs parameters to link to local drive in the component parameters - and as expected, it runs fine locally but when previewd in chrome (which might i add has some great debugging features that you could only dream of finding in IE) i get the following message:
SecurityError: Error #2148: SWF file cannot access local resource G:Resource DevelopmentRD2009-2010ITG


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Flash 9 :: Manually Playback A Movie FLV

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Playback Controller Wider Than .flv Movie?

Sep 12, 2008

When I render an .flv by adding the video to the Render Queue in After Effect instead of exporting to .flv the video controller ends up wider than the video itself when imported to Flash.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Dynamic Movie Clip With Flv-playBack?

Aug 6, 2009

I have a move clip (video_mc) which contains the instance of flv_playBack with instance name test_video.i would like create a instance of the movieclip (video_mc) which presents in library as myVideo_mc dynamically.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: SWF Movie Is NOT Playing The FLV PlayBack Video?

Apr 25, 2011

I have recently got this error with .swf and FLV playback videos. The problem is when the .swf file is run it does not play the FLV playback video though everything else in the swf works fine.

When I test the system with CTRL + ENTER, everything works fine including the FLV playback video. However, after this process when I run the SWF Movie file (auto generated) on its own it does not play the same video that plays when I test it in Adobe Flash CS4.
The .flv videos and the skin for the flv playback video are all together in the same folder as the SWF Movie file. I doubt that the skin has anything to do with this.
I found some flash CS3 documentation that says : When you create a SWF file with embedded video, the frame rate of the video clip and the SWF file must be the same. Therefore, I set the FPS in the .FLA file to 25 fps (same as the video fps).
When I debug the movie (CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER) I get this error:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Flash Movie To Playback At A Consistent?

Nov 16, 2009

Im having trouble getting my flash movie to playback at a consistent/good rate in Internet Explorer. Its not terrible out of IE but it looks much better out of Firefox and Safari. Im publishing my swf at Auto Low out of Flash and setting the swf to Auto Low on my html page out of Dreamweaver, my .flv is about 8 Megs, runs 1:25 with a kbps of 700 and the audio is set to 128. Is there something glaringly wrong with my settings, something I can trim in order to get it to playback correctly in IE? Someone suggested upping my buffer time but I can't seem to locate the panel in Flash CS4, anyone know where this tab lives?

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Flash :: Professional - Video On Webpage Takes Very Long Time To Load Before It Starts Playback

Nov 21, 2011

I just created a basic flash file to play a video on my web page and it's taking several minutes to load before it starts playback. I'm using progressive downlaod and the file is in *.mov format and is 84MB in size. At first that seemed large to me for web play back, but I thought it could handle it since I thought the way progressive download works is that it would start playing the first frame right away and progressively play other frames as they download. However, this seems to be downloading the whole file first (or a major part of it) before starting any playback at all.

Is there some kind of setting I'm missing or is my understanding of the download incorrect and the file size is too large? Some vitals: I'm using Flash Pro CS5 - To create my flash file, I used the standard import video wizard and selected the a file that is "on my computer" and "load external video with playback component" and then, I selected one of the standard skins.- To deploy the vidoe on my webiste I have three files:

1) swf file containing the FLV component

2) the swf file related to skin

3) the actual video (84MB, mov file) - Web page includes/embeds reference to swf file

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Movie Redirect After Playback Finished

Mar 30, 2009

I have an splash page with a movie that plays, after the movie is finished I want it to redirect you to the home page. The movie is sitting on 1 frame in the timeline. Is there a way to have it redirect after the movie is finished playing?
onEnterFrame = function() {
does not work. It is a dynamic site so there is no <head> tag I can put an HTML redirect in. I need to be able to do it through flash.

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PHP :: Control Embedded Flash Movie Playback In HTML

May 1, 2010

I am using an embedded flash movie in my web page. I would like to show some alerts on the page when the movie has played for x seconds, pause the movie while the user views and dismisses the alert and start playing the movie again after that (or the user can press the play button, not important). The important parts being - the app being able to find out if x secs worth of movie has played, pausing the movie then and showing an alert. Is this possible using a php/javascript code within the web page? Or will I have to do this within the flash movie itself?

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Professional :: Flash - Exports The Movie Playback Component As Separate Swf?

Mar 7, 2010

I am importing a video (mp4 format) into Flash and selecting "Load external video with playback component". I am using one of the playback components that goes under the movieWhen I play the movie, everything looks like one, but when I export, the movie is one swf and the component is another swf file.

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Flash8 GetURL Not Working In Browser?

Jun 2, 2010

So iv been flash designing for about a year now, and i thought i was pretty good, however having never usd the geturl script before i am stumped whats going on. my AS is

Actionscript Code: on (release) {    getURL("index.html", "_self");} which works fine when playing the movie in the flash preview (pressing ctrl+enter) but as soon as i publish the movie and view it embbeded in an HTML document it doesnt work. this should indicate its my browser settings? however iv tried disabling my pop-up blocker and still nothing.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Some Actions Not Working In Browser

Oct 27, 2010

I have a swf file that works fine on my local drive but doesn't completely work on Safari (or I.E.). I have 7 buttons on the stage. When one is clicked, it plays a mc. When that mc comes to it's final frame, all the other buttons on the stage dissappear (are set to alpha=0). When reverse button is pressed, the frames reverse and all the buttons reappear. However, when I upload the swf file to my server, everything works fine but these buttons do not disappear like they did on my local drive.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: FSCommand Not Working In Web Browser

Aug 7, 2009

I've done all of these and everything is ok. but I want to do more. I want to play my flash in a web browser and I used publish to html. but my fscommand doesn't work in the web browser! what should I do?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadClip Not Working In Browser?

Nov 19, 2009

I got the code below, reading a picture from an array.While in testmode or directly opening the .swf it works fine, but in a browser the picture is not loaded.

var listener:Object = new Object();
var mcl:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
var holder:MovieClip = item_mc_set.createEmptyMovieClip("holder",


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ActionScript 3.0 :: UI Scroll Bar Not Working In Browser?

Dec 13, 2010

I'm designing a flash site for a friends band in as3. I'm using medium sized dynamic text field to a display external text with a UI scroll bar.

The scroll bar works when you preview the site in flash but when you publish it the scroll bar is static.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Caurina Not Working In Browser?

Jan 31, 2012

I've been working on this project for sometime and finally have everything working to the point of showing it. So when I go to publish and view it in the browser the caurina transitions don't show up. There are now errors coming up during the compile and I am at a lost.

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