ActionScript 3.0 :: Place SWF Onto Stage?

Jan 31, 2009

I've been working on my new flash site for a few weeks, along with learning AS3, tackling problems as I encounter them and I've learned a lot...but sometimes the simplest things I cannot figure out for the life of me.

All I am trying to do is have some flash banner SWF files I created play within the portfolio page of my site. I don't want them to open in a pop up or anything just play within the page when the link on my site is clicked. I figured it would act like a movie clip and I could just drop it onto the stage, but when I do that it doesn't look right, loops continuously, and is not interactive.

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for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++){ duplicateMovieClip ("fish_mc", "fish_mc" + i, i); _root["fish_mc" + i]._x = 500 * Math.random (); _root["fish_mc" + i]._y = 350 * Math.random ();}

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Feb 7, 2010

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I have a couple of background images, and then I have objects in the foreground that the player is going to destroy by mousing the character over them. How do I get Actionscript 3 to place instances of movieclips on the screen at certain points, and make them to scroll from the right of the screen to the left? I have a lot of different movieclips to use, so it'd also be great if they could be removed from the stage once they reach a certain point.

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TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null.
at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/addChild()


// properties in class ----------
var circle_ary:Array = new Array;
var circ_num:int;//number of circles on the stage.


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var texter:TextField = new TextField();
texter.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat("Impact", 68, 0xffffff);
texter.text = "890";


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Here is how it looks. Keep in mind it doesn't work at all. I guess the catch is that these MC's are manually placed on stage I get an error msg: 1120 access of undefined property.

Code: Select allMyGallery.Pic1.removeChild(LB);

its built like this


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onClipEvent (load) {
x = this._x=Math.random()*Stage.width;
y = this._y=Math.random()*Stage.height;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Place The Flex Button Component On The Stage?

Aug 30, 2009

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PHP Code:
<mx:Button label="Button" click="function();"/>

but I need to do it with actionscript..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movieclip Which Is Added To The Stage Every Second At A Random Place?

Sep 9, 2009

I have a movieclip which is added to the stage every second at a random place.i want all instances of this movieclip to move to the postion x=100px and y=200px on the stage at a rate of not sure how to code this, i would like the code to be in as3 if possile as i do not know as2.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Generic Function To Place A Component On The Stage?

Apr 18, 2009

My requirement/need  is the AS3 code for placing any type of Component(viz., Button, CheckBox, ComboBox, ListBox, radiobutton, Slider, Scrollbar,Label,TextField, etc.,) on the stage with desired width,height, X and Y parameters(values) which we mention in "Properties" tab of Properties Window in flash. Hence, What i need is, (say)a generic ActionScript 3.0 method/function, which places any of the components present in "Components Panel" onto the stage. the function prototype or signature may be like this:

function addComponent(int <width>, int <height>, int <XPos>, int <YPos>)
t is a general query i think so. i.e., A basic programmer's task for defining a function for my requirement.I think,if I want to add a Button onto the stage at 100,100 pixel position and the button component's width and height are 50,50 respectively, (i.e., button.X=button.Y=100 && button.width=button.height=50).So, a button must be placed at 100,100, then, the sample code looks like this:

Button <btn_instance> = new Button();     //creates Button instance
<btn_instance>.addComponent(50,50,100,100);// properties of button.

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Flash :: Getting Error When Trying To Use Stage.height To Place A Graphic

Nov 16, 2009

I have this footer image, that I want to align to the bottom of the stage, however I'm getting errors. As you can see I have an ADDED_TO_STAGE listener in the constructor function.


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Aug 13, 2009

how could I randomly place x number of rectangles on stage so that they dont overlap?
not tween, just place?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Place And Remember Objects On Stage Dynamically?

Aug 27, 2011

I want to be able to create and place objects on the stage dynamically and remember their location. I'm guessing the best way would be saving the object type and location in an array? Just wondering if there is a better way before I start coding.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Generic Function To Place Component On Stage?

Apr 18, 2009

I am new to flash and ActionScript 3.0.I am learning ActionScript 3.0. My requirement/need is the AS3 code for placing any type of Component(viz., Button, CheckBox, ComboBox, ListBox, radiobutton, Slider, Scrollbar,Label,TextField, etc.,) on the stage with desired width,height, X and Y parameters(values) which we mention in "Properties" tab of Properties Window in flash.

Hence, What I need is, (say)a generic ActionScript 3.0 method/function, which places any of the components present in "Components Panel" onto the stage. i.e., As per my idea, the function prototype or signature may be like this:
function addComponent(int <width>, int <height>, int <XPos>, int <YPos>)

i.e., A basic programmer's task for defining a function for my requirement. I think,if I want to add a Button onto the stage at 100,100 pixel position and the button component's width and height are 50,50 respectively,
(i.e., button.X=button.Y=100 && button.width=button.height=50).
So, a button must be placed at 100,100, then, the sample code looks like this:
Button <btn_instance> = new Button(); //creates Button instance
<btn_instance>.addComponent(50,50,100,100); // properties of button.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Game - Erase The Stage And Place A New Level On It?

Oct 20, 2010

For a game where I have a different level on a screen how do I do this? Do I need to erase the stage and place a new level on it or is there a wat to have another stage?

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Actionscript :: Way To Erase / Delete Every Place Coin Passes Over Stage

Feb 9, 2010

I have a project I'm working on and I am really stumped on making a seemingly simple animation work.The animation is of a coin scratching off a layer to reveal the layer beneath. I have the coin animated, and the layers in place. I am wanting to know if there is a way to erase/delete every place the coin passes over the stage, revealing the layer beneath. I've seen animations where ActionScript is used to allow a user to control the coin/pointer and activate the "scratch-off" effect. However, I am trying to come up with a method that is not a user-initiated animation since I want the effect to repeat in several places in the timeline.For the life of me I cannot figure out how to make this work. I am a moderately skilled Flash user and an ActionScript novice.

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Actionscript :: Flash Stage Is In The Wrong Place 0,0 Is Not In The Top Left Hand Corner?

Jan 17, 2012

I inherited a flash project from someone and if I add a simple movie clip to the stage at position 0,0 it actually ends up in the middle of the screen!

What I can see is that when I open the stage in the library, in it's properties

X=350 and Y=262,05 all the subsequent movie clips which are added to the screen as by magic are added at position X=-350 and Y=-262.05

I would really like to return to a situation where 0,0 is top left corner. Does anyone have any idea what's going on here?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pixel Effect - Position Shape At Random Place On Stage

Apr 13, 2006

I am trying to make a so called pixel effect in witch I want to make a shape only from pixels that are positioned in some random place on the stage. And all these pixels move to a certain point and create that shape. I've been looking into BitmapData Class but I don't now if that is the best way to do it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Place A Second Gear On Stage And Have It Rotate Counter Clock-wise

Aug 16, 2002

I have a gear on stage which rotates using this script.....


//Here is my question. I want to place a second gear on stage and have it rotate counter clock-wise. If I wish to use the same script (this script makes for smother rotation.) What modification do I need to make?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Place 35 Movie Clips In Random Order On Stage In Specific XY Coordinates?

Nov 12, 2009

I have 35 movie clips named mcMyObject1, mcMyObject2, etc. to mcMyObject35Each time the playhead enters the frame this code sits on, I want all of these 35 movie clips to be placed on the stage in random orderI want each one of these 35 movie clips to land on one of these X coordinates: 57, 187, 317, 447, 577, 707, 837 and on one of these Y coordinates: 53, 183, 131, 443, 573. (It's a 7 x 5 grid)Movie size is 1024 x 768Here's my code, which doesn't work:

var myXArray=[57, 187, 317, 447, 577, 707, 837]; //cordordinates for x
var myYArray=[53, 183, 313, 443, 573, 573, 573]; //cordordinates for y


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