ActionScript 3.0 :: Play A Set Of Frames, Then Jump To Another?

Feb 14, 2012

I'm trying to build a basic website, and I want it to where when I click a button for another page, it plays the out animation for the current page, then the in animation for the page selected. Basically, for example:

Frames 1-10 are the out animation for a page, frames 20-30 are the in animation for page 2. When I click the button for page 2, I want it to play 1-10, then jump to and play 20-30.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play Some Frames Then Jump To Another

Feb 12, 2009

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Jump 3 Frames Ahead?

Oct 6, 2009

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on (press){nextFrame ();} Where can I put a "+ 2" in there to make it jump 3 frames ahead?

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Anyway, my question is this: In AS3, how do I get it to (for example) gotoAndPlay frames 15-20, then jump to frame 50?Basically I have a heap of buttons, all of which (when pressed) I would like to play frames 15-20, but then each go to a different frame once they've reached frame 20...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Jump Frames With Flashdock?

Mar 23, 2006

I'm using the Flashdock component from FlashWebTools. The online tutorial gives the code for loading a swf in the mcTarget:

navigationMenu.addEventListener("onRelease", this, "onNavigationMenuRelease");
function onNavigationMenuRelease(Sender) {
// Sender is the released button


What I want to do is have two of the buttons open an html page (_blank), and the rest of the buttons to jump to a specific frame in the current flash movie. What code would I use for this? I'm assuming there would be no more need for the mcTarget symbol, right?

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Dec 19, 2006

i have on a close button code which says gotoAndPlay this frame (the onrelease effect) etc...anyway at the end of this effect i have a stop aswell as _root.gotoAndStop("home"); the home that appears there and what your looking at, at the end of the effect is the same why am i getting this jumping or flash? before it goes back to normal?

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Jump Around In Frames While Still Keeping A Background Animation Going?

May 6, 2009

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menuCombo.addItem("Home", "Home")
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menuCombo.addItem("Products", "Products")


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Actionscript 2.0 :: Jump Forward And Jump Back Buttons?

Jun 15, 2010

I am brand new to scripting in Flash, and was hoping I could get some help on a question. I have an animation that is 300 frames long. The first 100 frames are an animated 'ad' (for lack of a better term), the second 100 frames are a different ad, and the third 100 frames are the last ad. This can be viewed straight from beginning to end (and is intended to loop if no action is taken), but I would also like to add some functionality to the animation, so that people can jump forward to the next ad, or back to the previous ad (hitting back from the first ad would take them to the third ad, and vice versa.)


This does not turn up any errors when I test the movie, but the functionality does not work. Am I anywhere near a working script, or am I attempting this in a completely wrong way?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Bar - Play And Stop Button To Play And Stop Frames In A Flash Movie

Dec 1, 2004

give me the actionscript for a bar that has a play and stop button to play and stop frames in a flash movie. i would be gratefull if you could as i am really stuck

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Play A Frame And When It's Stopped Jump To Another Frame

Sep 6, 2011

I built a button in one of the movie clips in my project,

when I release this button, it goes to the 41st frame of the main timeline and continue to play until the frame 70 which has got a stop; command. till here everything's just OK. But I want this button to do something more though I don't know whether it's possible or not.

I want this button to go and play the frame number 41 in the main timeline, and then after it stopped at the frame 70 , then jump to frame 73.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Looping Mc: Can Play To Next Label "then" Jump

Jun 29, 2009

I have a small movieclip with shifting type within it. The idea being, that it starts with a word, then rearranges the letters to spell anotherhis happens three times or so. The "another" word is always the same, so I have 3 labels each one being the same word, but the transitions in between shift to those as it animates.I am curious if there is way for me to designate that on a click, it plays through to the next label, "then" jumps to a different location in the timeline for the link away..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Play Between Two Frames

Jun 14, 2010

So I've got a little platform character and basically I want it so when he moves left or he moves right, he will both: A) Move left or right B) Play the running animation

Moving left and right is down with no problems. However its the running animation part I can't get.

gotoAndStop(14); //Idle stance frame


it's not going to work because it's going to keep playing frame 1 over and over again instead of playing it to frame 6.

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IDE :: Use Button To Play A Set Of Frames?

Mar 11, 2010

I wane use my button to play a set of frames, let say from scene "apple" to scene "orange" , i used

and then immideatly

but obviously it doesn't work, because it skip the transition in-between. I am not a pro in AS3 guys they question may sound funny,

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play Specific Frames Only?

Jan 30, 2010

Basically, I have my main set of menu buttons for navigating my site. For argument sake let's call them:

menu1, menu2, menu3, menu 4 etc. , where menu1 takes you to scene1, menu2 to scene2 etc.

Each scene morhphs into the next, so instead of simply having gotoAndStop("scene 1"), I would like the movie to play until it reaches the desired scene. I guess one way of thinking of it, is that it's a bit like coverflow in itunes.

That's stage one of the question - if I can at least get that far I'd be happy. But to add one level of complexity, I would love it to also play in reverse if you're going say from scene4 to scene1. Again, similar to cover flow.

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Play Frames And Change Scene AS3

May 24, 2010

i made a full site all based in flash and divided the pages in scenes

i need a button to do exact that. when u click the button it must play some frames and then go to other scene.

i can't tell to go to other scene in the last frame because there are a lot of scenes and buttons that have to do the same.

15 buttons - 15 scenes - play 30 frames and then change the button-scene!

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Play Frames At Random And Not Repeat Any

Mar 17, 2011

I recently came across this script which I believe I have used before. However, I can seem to recall how to use it right as I can't get it to work. It is suppose to play the frames at random and not repeat any. Once that takes place I want it continue that cycle over and over. [code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use It To Play A Set Of Frames I Want And Then Stop?

Oct 21, 2008

I have a button that when clicked on, it enlarges and shows content inside the button. Now, there is more content inside this button that when clicked on, enlarges and shows more content. I have all that working fine.How can I create a "back" button that will play the same frames that I created my animation in, but play them in reverse to get the same animation but back. Is this the correct way of doing it, or do I need to create animated transitions for the reverse state as well.?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Play Frames In Reverse?

Jul 30, 2009

I'm trying to set up 2 buttons. 1 that plays 5 frames and stops each time it's released and 1 that does the same in reverse(goes back 5 frame and stops upon each release) I.E. a forward button and back button. I'm creating a flip through brochure.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop, After That Play Next Frames?

Dec 8, 2009

When i Click on a Button that play On Frame 1 to "Frames 10 With Stop(); in AS(actionscript) Layer" <--- After that it jumps to frame 20 ? (that skip 11 to 19)

So what should be my code ?

(now play from frame 20) <--- what is this code?

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