ActionScript 3.0 :: Randomize The Contents Of An Array?
Feb 19, 2010
just wanted to share this, some months ago i was looking all over the web for an array content randomizer and found none, yesterday i was reading a book about AS3 and after finishing the arrays chapters tough of this:
function Random(target:Array):Array
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private var myCards:Array = [0,2,4];
do {
randomCard = Math.floor(Math.random()*4);
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var total:Number =;
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var total:Number =;
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import com.greensock.*;
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import flash.utils.*
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when the line of code "koan.shuffle();" is commented out swfs called "koan_1.swf" or "koan_2.swf" etc are loaded properly into a "koan_loader_mc" on the stage, albeit not randomized. (Each "koan_#.swf" has code in its last frame to both advance the "shuffle" array in the action script in the first frame of the stage and to load the next koan swf.) Why does "koan.shuffle();" not only fail to randomize the array, but, break the entire loading process? Frame on main stage:
// creates function called at the end of koan_#.swfs
function shuffle(a:Array) {
for (var ivar = a.length-1; ivar>=0; ivar--) {
var p = Math.floor(Math.random())(ivar+1);
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var me = ["tfNm"+(s)];
var mcB = ["_root.gmb_mc."+me+".tf"];
var mcC = ["_root.gmbb_mc."+me+".tf"];
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// Attributes arrays
var nd:Array = new Array();
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trace (shortArray);
the error is:
1120: Access of undefined property shortArray.
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Mar 14, 2009
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Dec 2, 2009
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myArray = new Array(); // initialize the array
myArray[0] = new Array(); // add new array to first index
myArray[1] = new Array(); // add new array to second index
Question is: When I need to recreate this sequence again, do I just perform the same operation (repeat the same 3-lines)? Or is there a way of freeing up resource first.
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Jan 2, 2010
Currently I am trying to create a mini map which i can populate with the contents of an array.I can make any size grid with little to no trouble in AS3, for arguments sake I have been trying to get a 4x4 Grid populated.I can even make listeners inside the new class but i cannot figure out a way to give each new MiniMap tile a unique identifier like i would of in AS2 and then assign the current frame to play.I have looked around and tried a few tutorials with no success.I have been using this to create the tiles (inside two for loops to make the grid)
var MiniMap:MiniMapTile = new MiniMapTile();
Here is how i did it in AS2 for anyone Interested.
_root.MapTile.duplicateMovieClip("Tile" add i, i);
Edit: I have done it the long way :/ made 12 separate objects. Incredibly convoluted.
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Mar 5, 2012
I upload a file using adobe air HTTPService.Send method by passing byte array of file content read using FileReference. When I write the set of bytes from the server side (php) it writes the details of the byte array (buff) to the file instead of contents of the file like "endian=bigEndian&position=0&bytesAvailable=61127&length=61127&objectEncoding=3" . Below I have included the code that how I read the file and send it to server. Is there anyway that i can directly pass the data in the byte array to send method?
File Read
var buff:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
var localFilePath:String = "/Videos/sample.txt";
var uploadedFile:File = new File(localFilePath);
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Oct 20, 2010
I have built a simple Flash application that will be presented using a projector, the application will show messages in the form of questions that will come from a simple flat-file text file or XML file.
In addition to this I would also like to be able to add my own messages using a simple HTML form.
I've been looking around the web for some resources, but have been struggling to find what I am looking for. The basic idea is that the flash application will loop through these different messages from the XML, but then when a user types in a message that will also appear within these messages. Think of it as a sort of dynamic tag cloud.
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Jul 30, 2003
Is it possible to pass the contents of an array to JavaScript code which then creates a text file on the local machine?
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Oct 12, 2009
I'm customizing an xml flash website and while I can handle all the html and xml well enough, but in Flash, I have no clue how to:
Now go on the stage, and delete the contents of the last layer(background & pattern). Here, add from the library, the square movieclip, and name it mcBackColor(see attached image).And then to add your swf background in the "background & pattern" layer from the main.fla file.
I can change the name, but don't know how to delete just the contents of the layer and then add the new clip.I've made a slideshow before and that's all I can do.
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Oct 8, 2011
I have an array of movieclip buttons that is a table of contents for a module. I am using a loop function to maintain their down state when clicked. All of the event listeners for each content heading in the table of contents are coded outside the loop and each one loads an external swf file (also in an array). I also have "next" and "previous" buttons that advance the external swf files being loaded but I also want the button array to move forward and highlight the next section. How do I advance the button array outside its loop function?
var buttonsArray:Array[code]..........
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