ActionScript 3.0 :: Recent Socket Data Transfer Performance Decreased On Macintosh Systems?

Feb 1, 2012

I'm using a .swf to connect to a socket and stream data as fast as possible for 60 seconds to measure connectivity speed.In other words a speed test.In the past say month or two, I've found Macintosh systems 10.5 and higher experience a significant slow down, In testing I see my socket connect and reach about 2.5Mbps - 3.5Mbps and literally stick as though the .swf was throttling the connection.

This 'problem' is random and appears to come and go. I've tested this in Chrome,Firefox and Safari with all the same results.Using the exact same test on any Windows or Linux OS works totally fine.Admittedly I'm an ActionScript novice however the code I'm using is below and has worked for some time up until recently.

ActionScript Code:
var s:Socket;
var Tbytes:Number = 0;
function connectToSocket():void{


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"id": "value1",
"name": "value2",
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Professional :: Transfer Data From Flash Movie To A PHP File?

Jul 17, 2011

However, no matter what I do I can't seem to get data from my components to a PHP file on my server.Ultimately,I am making a flash form that will submit the form data to the PHP script and make entries into a mySQL database.Before I do that, though, I thought I'd first just try to see if I could get data processed in PHP.So,I created a simple PHP file that simply displays the data on the screen, and I made a single-button flash movie that has some actionscript in it.Here is the code for the PHP file:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html xmlns=""><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />[code]....

And here is the code for the actionscript I have in my button:

on (click)[code]....

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firstName, lastName, and age never get processed.Eventually, I'll be wanting to send data from form components.But as a first step, I can't even get this working correctly. Does anyone have any insight?I'm using Macromedia Flash 8 (I'd love to upgrade, but Adobe won't let me since it's part of a suite...and I don't want to upgrade the whole suite.

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Mar 8, 2011

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I'm trying to build a minimum payment calculator and am having a problem with the minimum payment not being able to calculate based on the current monthly value. What I think should work...locks up the browser. I've commented out the line that is giving me a problem in the code below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

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AS3 :: Know When A Socket Has No More Data To Return?

Oct 21, 2011

I am trying to communicate using this protocol. It works fine except when the socket has a lot of data to return. Right now I am checking if a packet ends with to determine if I have received all the packages. Problem is that sometimes a package can end with as a line break even if it is not the last package, so I can not use that.

I am using a command queue, because I want to wait for a complete response before sending the next command.

The code with unnecessary stuff removed:

class CustomSocket extends Socket
private var _response:String;
private var _commandQueue:Array;


The problem is in the function readResponse. I've googled a lot without finding anything of interest.

Is there a way to know the total amount of bytes/packets a socket will return? Or a way to detect EOF or that a package is the last?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Hex/Binary Data Over Socket?

Oct 21, 2008

I have a custom socket class designed to connect to a server and talk with it. At one point, the server uses hex data for speed, however Flash seems to not get ANY of this data. In fact, it doesn't get ANY of the data from that point to the next packet.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Can't Get Contact Mail Form (done In Flash) To Transfer Data To Email Address

Dec 21, 2010

have created a contact form that sends 3 lots of data (name, email and message) to my email address. here is my code for my flash form which looks right

InteractiveObject(theName.getChildAt(1)).tabIndex = 1;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Socket Data Getting Lost / Sent Out Of Order?

Jun 8, 2010

Basically what is happening is that my Flash client claims that it is calling functions that don't arrive at the server or they arrive, but the socket data is out of order and therefore is garbled.In particular, there's class I have called RPCSocket that extends the AS3 Socket class so I can serialize data structures before sending them across a socket.At one point, this RPCSocket class calls super.writeBytes and super.Flush. It is the point at which I send all data out of my client. The data is binary data in AMF3 format.[code]Can someone recommend a way for me to store without corruption, conversion, or filtering or translation of any kind *all* of the information sent across this socket? I'd like to write it to a file. I'm guessing that keep a global ByteArray var and storing the info there might work, but I'm wondering how I might get the contents of that ByteArray into a file so I can inspect it.Also, I'm wondering if I might be able to inspect what flash actually sends out on the socket? I have a sneaking suspicion that data I supply to super.writeBytes may be sent out of order or may not actually get sent across the socket. This bug I'm talking about only seems to happen under high-stress situations when I'm sending dozens of messages per second across this one socket.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Data Written To Socket Getting Lost?

Jun 8, 2010

asically what is happening is that my Flash client claims that it is calling functions that don't arrive at the server -- or they arrive, but the socket data is out of order and therefore is garbled.  I've stared at the source code for hours and tried a lot of trial-and-error type stuff and added trace statements to see if I can find the problem and I'm not having any luck.
In particular, there's class I have called RPCSocket that extends the AS3 Socket class so I can serialize data structures before sending them across a socket.  At one point, this RPCSocket class calls super.writeBytes and super.Flush.  It is the point at which I send all data out of my client. The data is binary data in AMF3 format.

public function executeRPC(serviceName:String, methodName:String, methodParams:Array):void {               if (!this.connected) {                    log.write('RPCSocket.executeRPC failed. ' + methodName + ' attempted on service ' + serviceName + ' while not connected', Log.HIGH);                    throw new Error('RPCSocket.executeRPC failed. ' + methodName + ' attempted on service ' +


Can someone recommend a way for me to store without corruption, conversion, or filtering or translation of any kind *all* of the information sent across this socket? I'd like to write it to a file.  I'm guessing that keep a global ByteArray var and storing the info there might work, but I'm wondering how I might get the contents of that ByteArray into a file so I can inspect it.
Also, I'm wondering if I might be able to inspect what flash actually sends out on the socket?  I have a sneaking suspicion that data I supply to super.writeBytes may be sent out of order or may not actually get sent across the socket.  This bug I'm talking about only seems to happen under high-stress situations when I'm sending dozens of messages per second across this one socket.

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Professional :: Flash SWF Performance Testing And Data?

Jan 10, 2011

Looking for some recommendations on tools that can be used independent of the source (that is just on the swf) to check for Frames Per Second, total size and how often the movie loops.
Needed for Flash Banner ad quality assurance.

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Performance :: Database Vs XML For Large Static Data?

Apr 7, 2012

I'm developing an application using Flas Builder / Flex for Adobe Air. This application will be processing a large set of static text (100 - 200 MB) using a variable set of processing instructions.The target platforms will be iOS, Android and Desktop.The data set can be either one large XML file or broken into a bunch of XML files about 3MB each.This will be decided at design time.From your experience would it be better to store the text in an Adode Air database or a set of XML files for best performance (including speed and battery life)?What other considerations should I take into account?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Not Receiving Data?

Jul 20, 2011

I'm trying to make a barebones, simple flash client communicate ANYTHING to a server over a regular socket. I setup the listeners:

socket = new Socket();
socket.addEventListener(Event.CLOSE, closed);
socket.addEventListener (DataEvent.DATA, onSocketData);


And then I connect. On the server side I have a simple policy server on port 843.And then the real socket server that the flash client is connecting to.The flash client connects to the policy server and gets the policy. The flash client then connects to the actual socket server. I know this because I can both see it when snooping the network traffic and the fact that the Event.CONNECT fires off. From snooping the network traffic I can see the flash client send data TO the server when it:

socket.writeUTFBytes( "TEST CLIENT

From the server app I can see the data the client sent. The server then returns a little data. I can see this data going from the server to the client in the network traffic snooper. However, the client NEVER sees the data. It never fires off DataEvent.DATA or ProgressEvent.PROGRESS or ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA. There are no errors and the connection remains open for as long as I want it... but the flash client never seems to see the data... no matter how much I send.

Over and over I read online that the data sent to the flash socket needs to be terminated with a � zero byte. I can verify it is in the network traffic snoop.if I try to read any data from the flash app via something like readUTFBytes it always returns nothing found.

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