ActionScript 3.0 :: Remote SWF And Localhost Connection?

Jul 14, 2010

Can I connect to localhost socket from a "remote swf"?

If I open URL like "www[DOT]myremoteswf[DOT]html" with an swf inside and I have a application on my pc with a socket server, can I connect both?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Local Connection - Use Localhost <-> Webdomain?

Mar 24, 2007

Ive used local connection before, it always comes up as a bit fishy, but the best reulst i got was following the emaple in the help file, but it only works when the files are online, and i need the receiving/listening SWF to be online..and the sending should be able to work both from localhost and a domain,


The following example sends a string to the previous SWF file and displays a status message about whether the local connection was able to connect to the file. A TextInput component called name_ti, a TextArea instance called status_ta and a Button instance called send_button are used to display content


LocalConnection objects can communicate only among SWF files that are running on the same client computer, but they can be running in different applications--for example, a SWF file running in a browser and a SWF file running in a projector.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash And Localhost Environment - No Connection To The Real Web?

Jul 26, 2011

I'm developing a flash thingy that connects to the youtube api. The website that contains the flashthingy is developed locally on my computer. I don't konw why flash does this, but it doesn't connect to anything on the real web. E.g. the youtube api. As soon as I deploy the project to a real server everything works fine.

Since I have a lot of dev still before me I'd love to test this stuff locally. what I have to do in order to get flash connected to real websites?

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Flex :: Error : Unable To Contact The RDS Server "data Services On Tomcat (localhost) Connection Refused: Connect

Dec 5, 2011

I'm making a program in flash builder 4.5 using WebOrb 4 (which is fantastic, I might add). When I go to deploy, however, it gives me this error:

>There was an error during model deployment for xxxxProgram.
>The server returned the following message:
>Unable to contact the RDS Server "Data Services on Tomcat (localhost)."
>Connection refused: connect
>Do you want to continue launching your Flex application?

I've poked around online for a solution, but for the most part I either don't understand them (forum grammar can be somewhat obtuse) or the answer in the post doesn't apply.

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Silverlight :: Flash Vs Silverlight On Localhost /local File Permission To Access Remote Webservice?

Mar 30, 2011

In Flash user can give permission to localhost and even local html file to access remote webservice.I fail to see the same thing for Silverlight which is a nightmare for testing on local pc.

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Media Server :: RTMFP Connection - Change The NetConnection Url To The Remote FMS Server

Sep 27, 2010

I'm using the RTMFP protocol to publish and play video and audio, but i'm with a little problem. I installed the FMS 4 Development Server in a Windows Server machine located in our local network and it works perfectly. In order to deploy our application, we have a remote server with a fresh install of the Ubuntu 10.04 Server, and the FMS 4 installed in this server. In other server we have the Java and Flex application, which will be used in the client browser.

The problem is that when trying to change the NetConnection url to the remote FMS server, which is the Ubuntu server, the netconnection can't connect to it. When changing to the RTMP protocol it connects, but with the RTMFP don't. I can't find any information in the log files or anything else.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Application Create A Connection To A Remote Application?

Aug 6, 2003

I need to make my Flash application create a connection to a remote application and have the remote application send periodic updates to my Flash animation. The remote app is written in VB 6, and does not support XML sockets. However, I don't need the ability to send or receive XML since I am going to be overriding the onLoad() event anyway.

Or maybe I do need that ability... I'm having trouble getting my onLoad() event to trigger. Right now I'm just testing the onLoad event like this:


So, basically I'm trying to find out how I can format the data I'm sending it so that the onLoad() event triggers. I've read that the XMLSocket object listens for the Null byte, so perhaps the data I'm sending it doesn't terminate properly. I need a persistent connection from Flash to the VB app because the VB app will be the one initiating the updates to the Flash application. Is the XMLSocket the way to go here, or is there another class of objects that I'm missing?

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Java :: Flex To Failed Connection, Scrapbook Successful Connection?

Sep 13, 2011

Im trying to make connection from flex to java and from java to mysql. I managed to connect to java, but having error that class not found: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver. But i downloaded mysql.jar, included it added to library, and connection works when i testing it from clipse scrapbook. Dont know what to do, i spend last couple days on this.

String username = "username";
String password = "password";


Basically the solution was simple. Everybody keeps saying to put jar into lib folder, so i done it, but i wasnt realised that i have to put into my servers lib directory, not app lib directory and this miserable mistake cost so much. Anyway i hope this will help for some newbie like me.In this particular situation im using red5, so i putted it into my red5 dist/lib directory and "surprisingly" its started to work.

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Media Server :: End A Connection - Use To Add A Function That Kills The Connection?

Mar 16, 2010

we have a two way webcam + mic connection set up using FMIS. we use to add a function that kills the connection?

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Flash :: Flex - Using Media Gateway Application - Status Is Not Getting Update Like: "Connection Failed" Or "Connection Success"

Dec 17, 2010

I got a IP Communications new account having following paramters:


Its showing me connecting ... Status is not getting update like: "Connection Failed" or "Connection Success". how to use the above information in this app,

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ActionScript 3.0 :: SWF Can't Connect Localhost

Jul 15, 2010

What is the problem the localhost doesn't connect with localhost in fla its working well but SWF

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using LocalConnection And The Localhost?

Aug 17, 2009

I have had some success using LocalConnection between SWFs.I can have a connection function between a preloader SWF and its child, and another connection work between two SWFs present on the same webpage......most of the time.

If I run my SWFs in a webpage from my localhost (ie my local testing PC) a particular LocalConnection will fail about 50% of the time. If the same SWFs are run on a remote server (ie the inernet) the LocalConnection works 100% of the time.SWF 'A' is sending to SWF 'B'Bizarrely, the LocalConnection going the other way, from SWF 'B' to SWF 'A' works 100%.

All the other LocalConnections I have used all work 100% of the time.I have tried adding a listener to the eventStatus which reports when the connection fails.I have also tried allowDomain(), although Im not sure it is neccessary since all the SWFs are hosted from the same domain anyway.Why should a LocalConnection behave differently depending on where the SWFs are hosted?

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Flash :: Working On Localhost Not Online

Jul 10, 2009

I have a problem with a video gallery I integrated into my site...the flash works fine on my local machine and displays videos fine but when uploaded on the server it does not load and everyone gets the message as if we did not have flash installed on the machine[URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cannot Access XML File On Localhost?

Dec 7, 2009

Typing either localhost or in any browser on a Macintosh (os 10.5) does not give access to the host computer.The following Actionscript code generates the following error:

var XMLURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://localhost/quoteRotator/quotes1.xml");
Error opening URL 'http://localhost/quoteRotator/quotes1.xml'
Error #2044: Unhandled io error . . .


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Professional :: Load A Login.swf From Localhost?

Mar 1, 2010

i have realy pain start with af3 when i was fine with of my probleme is i load a login.swf from localhost .
Probleme1. i test on my pc "wamp" then i test on a remote server let call it  "Lamp". my code in main swf (As3.swf)  look a something like this.

var chemin = new URLRequest( "http://localhost/As3_login.swf" ) ;cadre.load ( chemin );cadre.x = 40;cadre.y = 100;addChild(cadre);

what happen is in localhost test everithing does the job but when i upload on my distant server "Lamp"  as3.swf and As3_login.swf,the main swf (As3.swf) don't load the As3_login .swf that is on my distant server "Lamp" .in fact it try load the swf that is on my local "wamp" server (my own hard disk).so if i close my "wamp" what happen is As3.swf from "Lamp" load then it can't load As3_login.swf.seem totaly ilogique to me since when localhost isn't local?

Probleme 2. the code above addChild(cadre) add the As3_login.swf from here all is finel) .now the probleme is i have a button cancel on the As3_login.swf and i want this button remove what we loaded previously(itself then).i tryed a lot of thing to remove a loaded child from the child itself???

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Move From Localhost To Web Server Environment?

Nov 12, 2009

Are there any Air + Zend Amf examples that use a real world web server and not localhost?

Basically I cannot get an Air or Flex application connected to a remote mysql db to work once deployed. How can I successfully move a finished application to a normal web server (website).

When testing everything works no problem but as soon as I deploy the gateway.php (regardless of where i put it on my web server) will not connect. I've even tried flash builder 4 auto generated code and still no luck

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Use PHP In Adobe Flash Builder 4 On Localhost?

Dec 8, 2010

I would like to use my localhost database and some PHP in my Flex projects (using Flash Builder 4). I've searched on the web for some good tutorials, but couldn't find one. The only decent I found was this one, but I ran into a problem when trying to install ZendFrameWork.

Does anyone knows a good place to start learning using PHP into Adobe Flas Builder 4?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Can't Use A Localhost And Refreshing Data In A Swf

Apr 21, 2010

I cannot seem to get a swf to get refreshed data from an external txt file on a localhost (I am using Xampp on a mac), whereas the very simple dynamic textboxes that I have load the data easily from my regular hard drive folder.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: SWF Doesn't Connect With Localhost

Jul 7, 2010

my problem is SWF doesn't connect with the localhost the .fla working ok when in press ctrl+enter but when i export movie its won't work what is the problem


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Website In The Server, Not In Localhost?

Apr 25, 2011

problem with a website that when I see in local mode everything is ok but when upload it to the server something is wrong , if you go toin the Menus section if press the photo and then try to expand it, not expand properly, so you have to press again to view it correctly. I know that the problem is in the actionscript but I don know how to fix it

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Flash Not Loading - Works Fine On Localhost

Feb 11, 2010

Building a website and the navigation menu is flash (.swf file). The mnuLoader.swf file retrieves information from settings.xml file. Everything worked perfectly when I tested in localhost/website/page.html. When I upload to hosting server the mnuLoader.swf displays but does not load (its like it can't find the settings or picture files and displays the same as when you are waiting for something to load etc).

I have tried changing the xml file path from relative to absolute and no change. All three files index.html - mnuLoader.swf - settings.xml are in the same directory and the mnu_imgs folder contains the img icons for the menu. I don't understand why it would work on localhost but not on the actual server? Also directly underneath on the website I have another flash banner (just looping text pretty much) that works fine both on localhost and actual server so am pretty sure is not an access issue etc.

The mnuLoader.swf is Flash 8

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Media Server :: Change 'localhost' To Webserver

Apr 19, 2010

I tried some applications like vod and live with localhost.Now I'm trying to use some applications on my site. It's the first thing you need to do, but apparently it's so basic that I can't find information about it.Can someone explain me how to change the "localhost" to a webserver? In other words, how do I set up an application like vod on my site?

View 10 Replies

Media Server :: How To Change Localhost To PublicIP In FMS

May 28, 2010

Initially I had local ip (say 192,168.1.XX). Now I connected to public ip. I opened flash media server administrative console, it ios not allowing to use 'public ip' but allows to login as 'local host'. Because of this i am unabvle to test my streams. I need to publish this on cdn.
Earlier URL - rtmp:.//MY_LOCVAL_IP/vod/sample - works
but - rtmp://MY_PUBLIC_IP/vod/sampe - does not work

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Professional :: .swf File Is Not Working With Localhost Address?

Sep 13, 2010

My .swf file is not working on localhost. But when we try to run it directly from the file location then it is running.

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Zip File Created With PHP Shows On Localhost But Not On Server

Mar 21, 2011

I am trying to add to my site a feature that allows users to select a set of images in Flash (AS3) click a button and have my server create a zip file of all the images for them to download.

I have already wrote my code in flash and crated my php script and tested it on my localhost and everything works great. But when I upload the same files to my sever no zip files are created. Below is the code for both my flash and for my php.

Localhost server is using 5.2.17 and so if my Server hosted on 1&1

Flash Code To Send Info to PHP


function MakeZip():void
var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();


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Flash :: HTTP Requests Won't Work On Localhost

Jun 11, 2010

First off, I'm trying to fix something that I didn't build to begin with and the guy who's project it was assures me it was working fine when he left, although a version I haven't touched since he left seems to have the same issues. I'm also a bit new to programming in general so let me know if I've left out important information in my first post and I will try to add more info.

I have a flash application hosted on-line that acts as a client for a server application written in Delphi. Most of the communication is done using sockets, which work fine. Uploading data files and downloading results files is done using HTTP requests, which work fine as long as the user is making use of an instance of the server on another computer. However, if the user has the server application installed on their own computer and attempts to use it specifying localhost as the url, the socket communication still works, but the HTTP requests don't.

All the socket based communication works fine and, when it is not on the localhost, all the HTTP requests work fine as well, which is why this is so mystifying to me. I've tried changing the flash cross-domain policy file that the server dispatches to be completely permissive, all ports, all domains, all http-request-headers, and still no luck. The Flash app will sit waiting for localhost indefinitely most of the time until I close the server application, and then give this error message:


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Httpwebrequest - Flash - Uploading To And Downloading From Localhost?

Jun 14, 2010

I have an online flash application that acts as a front end for a server application built in delphi. The server can be installed/used on a remote computer or a personal version can be downloaded and the Flash app pointed at localhost to use it. However, Flash has issues with using the POST and GET functions on the localhost, which makes uploading data files and downloading results files difficult. To get past the difficulty with downloading results files I'm planning to just have the server app serve the results file as an attachment and have the Flash app open the address of the file up in another browser window using external interface. First off, is this likely to cause similar security issues? I.E. Flash will see "localhost" in the external interface call and stop it from working the same as when I try to use POST/GET functions with localhost?

Secondly, for upload this seems just a bit little trickier, I'm planning on doing something similar, having flash use external interface to open a php script for a file upload. Is this feasible and, again, will Flash still have security issues?Lastly, if anyone knows how to get flash to execute POST and GET functions with localhost addresses, I'd love to have that information to avoid all this jumping through hoops.

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Flex - Httpservice Doesn't Work On Localhost?

Nov 7, 2010

I am making a very simple httpservice request w/ a php file that is on my remote server:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""


When I run the resultant flash file on my remote server, it works 100% and test.text gets populated to "successful". However, when I run it on localhost test.text is still blank. If I check my network monitor in Flex, the httpservice was successful, so crossdomain.xml seems to be set right ...what am I doing wrong? I've been spinning my wheels for some time w/out a clue.

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Flex :: Air LocalHost Error (The Device Is Not Ready)?

May 27, 2011

I am trying to compile an air app, and I keep getting this error: D:Tomcatwebappspublic-htmladmMain.swf (The device is not ready) It seems that someone who worked before me, had worked from a local server. I searched Flex for all known variations, I couldn't find where it is looking for this. I googled as well, which didn't get me anywhere. Does anyone know how to remove this compiling error?

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FLASH As3 :: Unable To Identify Localhost Php Web Address

Jul 31, 2011

I am trying to retrieve mysql data using php(products.php) and return the data in xml format to ADobe flash as3; but i am getting following error.[url]...

I have WAMP installed; which works fine as i have many other php projects working here.[code]...

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