ActionScript 3.0 :: Rotating Enemies Along A Curved Surface?

Apr 14, 2009

This one concept has been bugging me for days now and I can't seem to solve it. You see, I'm trying to rotate my enemies along an uneven surface. So far, they follow along it perfectly, using my hitTestPoint collision checks.But I don't know how to rotate the collision points and thus rotate the movieclip along the curve so it remains clipped to the ground like in Fancy Pants Adventure 2 or a tanks game.Here is what it looks like right now

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Flex :: Playbook AIR SDK Images On Surface

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I am trying to write a Playbook app using the AIR SDK, I need a surface of some kind that I can load a large image onto, then subsequently place some smaller images on top of and add the whole lot to a ScrollPane so I can pan it around the screen. I have tried by adding the image to a sprite and displaying that in a group in the application but the image does not show up. What is the correct surface kind I should be using here and how should I be loading the images? (currently using "Embed" and loading the image into a BitmapAsset.)

var scroll:ScrollPane = new ScrollPane();

This code causes a non-moving icon to be drawn behind the scrollContent, I want to add something on top of the scroll content that moves with it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip Co-ordinates And Surface?

Apr 22, 2010

There is something i do not understand, i'm making a Tetris like game and i want borders (limits) but when put an height and width to my MovieClip nothing appears.

public class Thugtris_V2 extends MovieClip
var ts:ThugtrisShapes;//ShapeManager.GetInstance().CreateShape(ThugtrisShapes.RLSHAPE);[code]....

I have second problem, i check my coordinates of my dropping shapes and my shape disapeared from the screen,fell completely down, and it's last coordinates were : pos = (x=-6, y=371).My bottom is suppose to be at 440? The entire screen does not "measure" 400 pixels? How can u get a negative coordinate,are'nt the coordinates suppose to be like texture coordinates, only positive and (0,0) is at the top left corner?How do u measure the pixels limits of the top DisplayObject? How are the coordinates actually "setuped"? Like cartesian but only the upper part?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: 3D Charting In Flex Surface?

Mar 28, 2010

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From what I have seen so far, two most popular free Flesh 3D libraries are Papervision3D and Away3D. Also, I've found one IBM library - ILOG Elixir that looks really nice, but it's proprietary (although, I haven't seen any surface examples for Elixir neither).

From what I have seen, Papervision3D and Away3D should do much more then 3D charting, but I haven't seen any examples on how to draw surfaces in any of them (except this line chart in 3D: [URL]..So, if anyone has a link to a documentation or some examples that would be great. Also, I'm interested to hear your opinion and recommendations on this topic.

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Oct 12, 2004

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Determine The Surface Area Of One MC Exceeded The Others

May 7, 2010

find weather one movieclips area on stage is equal or more than the other.. I mean, ok here it goes, I have some movieclips on stage, circle shaped exactly speaking. Any of these Mcs.onMouseDown event adds another circle to the stage which is a very small circle , and as long as the mousedown event continues it grows in size from the center.The idea is to fill the onstage circle mc with exactly he same size circle.This i could do if the mouse had been clicked exactly in the center of the onstage circle by comparing the width and height of both (I guess havent started doing it yet).

I want to check if the scaling circle has exceeded the bounds of the onstage circle which is bound to happen more often as the user can mostly never point to the exact center of the onStage circle and as a result the circle is going to go out of the boundaries of the onstage one. I have been racking my brains and me thinks that by creating a bitmap data of the onstage circle i could maybe find out when the being scaled circle bitmap stopped overlapping the onStage one. But i have no idea on how to do this ! It is jus something that came to mind from some example i saw somewhere but i jus cannot find it now .

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Dec 16, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Rounded Surface Wall / Barrier?

Jan 9, 2009

I am currently working on a game and I am stuck. I do not know how to make a rounded surface that will act as a wall/barrier. It is pretty much a semi-circle. I know you can make a circle act as a barrier but I would need to use the perimeter of the circle. Also is there a way you can make an actual image a barrier? I am new at this but I know from reading up that making a rounded wall is pretty tough. I am going to use this wall to make a ball bounce or "roll" around it. Below is a picture of what I am trying to do. The black dot is the ball.

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Flash :: Away3d To Render A Surface From Given Array Of 3d Points?

Dec 14, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Displaying Text On A Cylinder Surface?

Jun 20, 2011

Basically I need to have;

- interface where a user can choose a font (from pre determined font sets) and input a text string

- This text is then displayed engraved on a ring (jewellery)

I'm not sure the best way to achieve this or if there is a module somewhere that does similar.

My best guess would be to

- using mathematics (sin, cos) to be able to plot the oval (where the text need to be displayed on the ring) on an imaginary graph.

- From here there will be a centre , start and end point. The text will need to be limited as it will eventually following the curve of the ring until it can't be see as it is masked by the angle of the ring

- If using dynamic font then the width of each letter should be possible to obtain with AS.
Then mathematically it should be possible to determine how far away from the centre point on the oval each letter is.

- Following this, dependant on the letters distance from the centre, transformations can be applied to each letter. IE stretch, skew and an emboss filter via the convolution filter.

- Hence this will provide the illusion that the text is following the curve of the ring and the look like it is engraved via the emboss.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Finding Best Fit Slope Of A Bitmap Surface

Jan 24, 2012

I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to isolate the pixels that are adjacent to a certain color pixel in a BitmapData. For example, if there was a BitmapData that looked something like this:[code]I was wondering if there was a proven and efficient way of doing this, because I am trying to make a collision engine of sorts that can give me the collision normal of the best fit slope of a given bitmap image. In the scenario of the last example, the slope would be 1/1, or -45 degrees. The way I have it now, I am isolating the adjacent pixels by blurring the entire image, looping through all of the pixels, and storing the gray ones in an array. from there I can determine the best fit slope of the surface of the image. The only thing is that this seems like a lot of work for the CPU. Is there a better way to isolate the black pixels adjacent to white ones than blurring the image and looping through every pixel?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rotating Menu With Non-Rotating Labels?

Nov 1, 2005

I have a rotating menu that sets the selected button to the 3:00 position once clicked. I need the labels for the buttons to stay in the upright position as they rotate with the button. I have attached an image. Anyone know of an action script that would keep the labels upright?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Put Enemies In An Array?

Jan 3, 2011

I'm making a Space Shooter Game for school and I just can't find how to put my enemies in an array. I found this code in an other thread


So what I need to make is 2 arrays, one arrEnemies where I put my emenies in and the other one arrBullets where the bullets go. Then these 2 arrays do a collision check

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Multiple Enemies That Look Same?

Dec 22, 2010

I just started Flash like 2 weeks ago, so im not very good. Im making a game where you pick a character, and shoot pigs. Every pig you shoot adds 500 points to your score. Problem is only one pig works. If i copy and paste that pig and his code (as2), when i shoot one pig both pigs explode, giving me 1000 points. How can i make it so that when i shoot one pig, one pig explodes, and i get 500 points?[code]...

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Distant Enemies Dont Appear?

Aug 31, 2011

i will explain my problem according the 11th enemy (the last enemy in the level). i past here the answers i gave to people fron other forums..I'm making a platform game, and i have a problem. i am attaching 11 enemys, and my last enemy not appears. the _X of the 11th enemy is 3300.I  tried a lot of stuff, and think, I discovered the source of the problem.on my hero class i wrote this:
_root._x -= (_root._x + (_x - 275)) / 5;

and when i changed it to this:

_root._x = -_x;

the last enemy appears!but i want it to be like first one.but it doesnt work.also, i found that if i placed the hero close to the last enemy, the last enemy appears.the _root._x refer to the stage and the _x refer to the hero.i found that if i remove this code(the gravity in the enemy class):

_y += grav;
grav += gravity;
while(ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)){[code]....

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Spawning Enemies Loop?

Feb 16, 2012

im making a script where it spwans enemies when the enemy count is lower then or equal to the CurrentEnemys.
but it spawns like 200 enemys and says the function is looping and my CurretEnemys trace says NaN..
Hers the script.
enemyCount = 0;
CurrentEnemys = 5; 
function startwave(){


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A Enemies Killed Counter?

Mar 20, 2009

Everytime a monster dies, I want the monsters killed dynamic text field to increase the number by 1. I gave it a good shot but it feels like im missing something basic, Im fairly new to this still but picking it up quickly. The following code is inside of a movieClip dealing with the monsters. The second block of code is on my main timeline.


import fl.motion.Animator;
import fl.motion.MotionEvent
var this_xml:XML = <Motion duration="30" xmlns="fl.motion.*" xmlns:geom="flash.geom.*" xmlns:filters="flash.filters.*">


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Refer To A The Value Of Enemies 1 Through 4 With The One Trace Line

Jul 19, 2010

I want to refer to a the value of enemies 1 through 4 in this script with the one trace line, so it will trace,"this is enemy1", "this is enemy2", etc., but I don't know what to write exactly after trace.


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Professional :: Create Multiple Enemies And Be Able To Do HitTests Against Them?

Oct 12, 2010

i got this flash with duplicated mc's say...enemy1, enemy2, enemy3. now we all know we can do something such as..
if {_root.blah.hitTests(_root.enemy)){_root.enemy.nextFrame();}}
because the enemy is duplicated and its no longer "enemy" but enemy12 or ****.is there any way to ...create multiple enemies and be able to do hitTests against them somehow.Also im not really a fan of attachMC

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Making Enemies Collide With Eachother?

Jun 8, 2007

I've got a function here that spawns an enemy for me and I'm calling it in a loop every few seconds or so that it creates a new enemy every second. This all works great.What I want to do though, is to make the enemies collide with each other. How would I go about doing this? I've tried using hitTestm but it detects that each enemy is hitting itself which is always.I've attached my code.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Defense Game - Randomize Enemies?

Oct 6, 2007

I'm making a little tower defence game but i've run into a problem;I need a code to randomise my enemies (like in which direction they come from, and how many come)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Make Random Enemies Spawn

Jan 18, 2011

can anyone give me any idea on how to make random enemies spawn with this code? The export is evil, for the enemies. I've tried a random function but it just doesn't work. Can anyone take this code and make enemies spawn randomly? Like can anyone actually modify it and the put it in their reply?Also, I don't care whether the enemies come from vertical or horizontal directions. The size of the flash is 550 x 400.[code]

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Way To Make Curved Text

Mar 7, 2004

I mean i need to make a text to follow a curved line, something similar we have in photoshop. How do i make that here? I need to write a 3 words sentence which will be placed above and below a circle. Circle contains a logo, but i need to write the text, but it needs to be rounded as well. I don't want to break apart and rotate EVERY letter in those 3 words.

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Make Enemies Spawn From All Sides Anywhere On Side Like In Amorphous?

Aug 3, 2009

I am wondering how I can make enemies spawn from all sides, anywhere on the side, like in Amorphous or Endless Zombie Rampage 3.

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