ActionScript 3.0 :: Rss Feed Loading Image?
Jun 30, 2009
I have a working Rss Feed that I coded with Flash and AS3 but Im only missing the correct code to load the image of a rss feed.For example:
titleList.push([b].title );
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I am loading an rss (twitter) feed into a .swf. I got the rss url off of the twitter account page, and registered that address with my feedburner account. In flash, I use URLLoader to load the feedburner url. Using Firefox, the data returned is an xml formatted list of tweets that I can parse easily using as3syndicationlib. Works great.
Using Chrome, the data is returned as HTML: The html for the page you would see if you put an rss address into chrome, subscribe buttons and all. It's as if I make a request to the rss url, chrome takes the raw rss data, converts it to a readable html page and sends THAT back to flash...Parsing this would be a nightmare.
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function laadXML (event:Event):void
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Oct 28, 2009
i am wondering if it is possible, and if someone would be so kind to help me code a scene where two thumbnails, side by side, are flipped up and down, and back up, each time revealing a new random image culled from a feed such as a flickr feed (or any others available, is there a random google image search feed that i dont know about?).if this is possible, i would need assistance in coding the script so that the flash movie is dynamic and pulls image data in real time from the feed, displays it within the two thumbnail cells, and for added headache pain, i would hope to also learn how to code a random image to be selected based on a visitors date/time stamp.i am a graphic designer with rudimentary knowledge of action script 2.0 (yikes!) so please, go slowly / explain yourself. i have searched the forum, but i cannot find any previous threads that combine the random image generator idea with a live feed (unless if i missed it, please point it out to me if you can find such threads).
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May 22, 2009
I'm dynamically loading images from a JSON feed into individual movie clips and then adding the clips to the stage(both by addChild)--basically creating thumb tiles. I've added a click handler to do something when the MC is clicked. WHAT'S MY PROBLEM: The problem I have is that the MC is clickable, but the content is not. For instance, the clip has a white box in it, and the loaded image is made slightly smaller and centered to give a white border around the pic. An empty clip loaded to the stage works fine, and the white border around the image is clickable, but the image is not.
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Mar 23, 2011
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Aug 17, 2009
I developing a site where on the homepage, there are about 6 images that rotate, but if you click on a sub link, a different image loads. But the problem is that, the first image has to cycle through before the second image loads. I want the second image to load immediately.
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Mar 22, 2011
[code]This script is for a loader image gallery in flash, as part of a class assignment. What happens is that in flash, when I open the swf file, the initial image (images/nair_evanescentautumn.png) will load fine. However, clicking on any thumbnail image (including the exact same images/nair_evanescentautumn.png), will result in an error saying the file cannot be found.I cannot figure out why it is doing this... I've tested it over. Clicking each thumbnail does go to the correct position in the two separate functions. All said full-size image links are in the folder images/, and replacing the initial loader image will load the other images in place of the default one. However, clicking on any thumbnail still results in URL not found, even though everything works correctly.[code]Before anyone asks why I'm putting this kind of content into a flash site, I'm not--this is only for a class assignment. I'm just trying to figure out why my images aren't loading right when I'm only doing the exact same thing in the functions as I am on the other pages.Of note, commissions.swf has the exact same feature, just with swf files loaded instead, and it works perfectly fine. home, traditional, digital, and photography all have the image gallery, and all have the same issue (I only referenced one page because if I can fix one page I should be able to fix all of them).As for the artworks, they are all my fiance's. The website design was built for her, and I used the website design for this project because I didn't want to have to build an entirely new interface design. Since the project also required a gallery, I felt that this interface would work just fine.
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Mar 2, 2005
I tried searching for an answer to this on the forums and it seems you can't duplicate a movieclip that has a dynamically loaded jpg in it, I mean you just get a duplicate empty movieclip?What I want to do is have 3 copies of a pic, each tinted a little differently, and have them converge and reveal the "composite" of this pic. Do I then have to use loadMovie 3 times?Does loading the same 50kb image at the same time mean you're actually loading 150kb?
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May 21, 2008
i was creating my portfolio using xml gallery script from this site. the thing is that it loads one picture at a the with a preloader between each load. is there a way to load the first image and keep loading the rest so there will be only one loading time? here is my action script:
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Jan 13, 2009
Is it possible to capture the image loading event like when the image is fully loaded and such when it is assigned to the htmlText of the textFiel???
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Feb 23, 2010
I need to create a gallery to load images and display them. This part is fine:
* @variable image_name to store the name of the selected item
private function showimage(evt:Event):void
where imgMain is the id the image component.
But, I need a small twist. A transition image i.e. loading image should be displayed while the the image is being loaded.
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Oct 20, 2009
I'm loading a .png image with loadMovie() and I need to center the image (for later dragging). I know flash has some issues with loading stuff, but I really need to get the movieclip's width. If someone knows how to get over this and get the movieclip's width
This is a part of a more complex app, so that's why I won't paste any code.
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Mar 22, 2011
I made 1 image gallery. and i am facing a big issue. When one image is loading in my Loader object. If i click on next image button. It starts loading another image without canceling the existing image. So mutliple images appear at stage in this case. I want something that stops loading older image and start loading new image.
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Feb 20, 2011
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Aug 12, 2009
im working on an image viewer and im loading an image to a loader and then add the loader to the stage.I want the user to be able to drag and drop the image but since it's a loader i dont know how to do it.
I tried
imageLoader.startDrag = true;
imageLoader.content.startDrag = true;
but im getting an error on both.
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Aug 26, 2011
I have taken over a project that I didn't start and have a quick question. The file loads an external image, which works well. I need it to load a second one but haven't been successful. Here is the current AS3 that works fine:
import src.JPGEncoder;
import com.dynamicflash.util.Base64;
import flash.utils.ByteArray;
I thought I could just initialize a myLoader2 and do everything myLoader does after it does it, but that doesn't work.
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Sep 29, 2010
This code is loading the xml correctly, populating the mainClipArray correctly, but only adding the last image to the stage.I think it is not waiting for completeClipLoad() to complete. I tried removing :void from the function to see if waiting for a return would do it, but no luck.[code]
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Oct 10, 2010
(Building on the chap. 10 example, ActionScript 3.0 for ADOBE FLASH CS4, CIB)Using the 'setSong' function, I am successfully pulling data from the <artist> child of my xml, no problem. But I also want to display the jpg in the <image> node and am having great difficulty. I've tried adding more variables to the setSong function, but am frustratedCould someone shine a little light and point this beginner in the right direction?
function setSongs():void {for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {var artistText:String =[i + songCount].artist;var clipArtist = this["song" + (i + 1)].artist;clipArtist.text = artistText;}}
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Apr 28, 2008
right I'm using unique identifiers to register when an mc has been loaded,I am also calling the mc ["m"+ muid]problem is it aint sticking it in the MC specified... (i've done the same before and it worked it ain't now.
muid = "m"+dog+"s"+sel+"i"+item+"m"+myv;
mpath = ["m"+muid]
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Oct 20, 2009
I am trying to load an image from the twitter api xml file into a movieclip "pic.inner" but something's bugging me and i can't work it out.All the text loads fine but the image won't, sure it's something is my code:
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
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Dec 26, 2010
I have a fairly simple script that loads an image from XML into a blank movie clip.When I preview it in flash the image loads (and changes) fine. When I view it live in a browser the image does not load but everything else works.This is one child node from the XML:
PHP Code:
<airport name="PBI -Palm Beach International" bgcolor="374B9F" photo="/images/pbi.jpg">
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Mar 13, 2009
I want to load an external jpg,Is it possible to get the dimensions of the file loaded after? It seems straight forward enough and easy to do - but I don't ever remember seeing such a functionality in Flash before.
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Mar 19, 2009
Need some help on getting my images to load in order rather than trying to all load at the same time. The code I am using at the moment is ..
var imagesx = new XML();
imagesx.ignoreWhite = true;
imagesx.onLoad = function (success)
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May 26, 2009
I have a page that I'm trying to build that has a scrolling image bar at the bottom but I want to also show the full size image in flash above the images that come up in the thumbnail array when you mouse over each image in the array. I found some code that makes the thumbnail array work but I have no idea how to display the second larger image on mouse over because its loading the images externally... what can I do? Feel free to email me back.
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Nov 23, 2009
var imagearr:Array = new Array();
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May 3, 2007
i have an image carousel, images being pulled from xml..right now, when you click the image, it slides over and some text appears also comming from the same xml file.. xml set up like this
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<icon image="image/Dunne_Lexan.crushed.png" content="Test"
what I would like to happen, is when the user clicks the image, and it slides over, I want a new image to appear from the same xml file here is my AS
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