ActionScript 3.0 :: SWF Plays Under Another SWF?

May 24, 2010

I have a menu SWF that comes up in a UILoader, and this file then uses this code to go to another SWF:

var loadit = new Loader();
loadit.load(new URLRequest("physics.swf"));

Which it does fine, but then the original menu SWF plays again underneath the newly loaded SWF, and I'm not sure why? Is there any way of stopping this?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Movie To Loop - Movie Plays A Certain Number Of Times Then Plays The Opening Of A Screen Then Stops

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Unload SWF Still Plays The .flv (audio)?

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FLVPlayback Plays Audio But No Video?

Jul 30, 2009

this one is really doing my head in and any advice (even vague thoughts) would be really great.I have an FLVPlayback component on the stage and I am loading 8 FLVs in to 8 separate video players within it. I then play the first one and when it ends I randomly select which to play next.Everything seems to work fine except that each time I run it one or two of the clips play back with only audio only and no video. It is not the same clip each time but whichever one it is will consistently fail to playback untill I re publish when it chooses a differrent clip to fail on.I am publishing for FP8 from CS4 on a Mac and it fails when I test movie as well as in FF and Safari.
If anyone has any ideas on this at all please shout them out or I am heading for the forrest never to return

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Sep 7, 2009

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Feb 12, 2010

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May 18, 2010

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Aug 24, 2010

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The website is: and the flv movies are on "about me" and contact" page.
The way the site is setup now....when a visitor clicks "music off", it turns off the sound for the background music and FLV movie.

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Sep 6, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Progressive Download Flv Never Plays?

Jan 20, 2011

Like the title states my Progressive download never plays. Before I waste your time and mine showing the methods used I rather start off simple.

Are there any reasons an flv might not be allowed to stream? I have followed the methods in every Progressive video tutorial I can find (about 7 so far) and they explain the exact same steps yet my flv never plays. I have also done it entirely with just action scripte and nothing. I get the player and my video list but never get the video. I have the Source set to the web directory of my flv in the parameters in the property inspector.

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Professional :: SWF Plays In Windows Browsers But Not In Mac Ones

Feb 21, 2011

I'm trying to create a simple swf file containing an m4v file along with default player controls. I want to add this to a Web page. I've successfully generated such a file, and using the HTML generated by the publish option, I've gotten it to play on IE, FF, Chrome, and Opera under Windows 7. When I try to open the same Web page from the same location on my Mac, however, I see the player controls with an green animation that indicates loading. The movie itself never loads. I've tried this under Safari, Chrome, and Firefox on Mac, all with the same result. I've also had friends try this on other Macs, with the same result. Is there some difference in how Windows and OS X deal with SWF files that I need to account for?

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Professional :: Loop A Video - Plays Only Once

Mar 20, 2011

I have tried to loop a video. Though in the SWF, the video plays only once. Can someone see something wrong in the AS3 code below (relevant info tagged like this --->) (FLV instance is called "Film_mc")


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Professional :: Site Sound When .FLV Plays

Apr 18, 2011

I have a Flash 8 site that plays a music clip throughout the site.  I have a flv video on one of my site's pages and would like to know if there is a way to stop the site's music when the user clicks on the "Play" button of the video and to have the site music start again when the video either ends or the user clicks on stop.

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SWF Intermittently Plays Wrong Audio

May 16, 2011

I created an interactive exercise to teach music. After the correct answer is given, the user has the option to click on a button and hear a specific sound (a chord played on the piano). The sound button appears only after they give the correct answer, and they can click on it as many times as they want. There are a series of these exercises, each one on a different frame and each one with a different sound.The sound files are called in the button code.

Here's the problem. In some of the exercises, if I keep clicking on the sound button, it plays the correct sound about 20 times in a row but then it will suddenly play a different sound (a chord from one of the other exercises). Then it goes back to playing the correct sound.

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Professional :: SWF Plays Locally But Not On Server

Jul 4, 2011

I have a SWF (1.8mb) which I placed onto my HTML page using Dreamweaver, and set to autoplay. When I save the file and open it in Firefox/Safari, the movie plays as expected. But when I uploaded the files to my hosting server, the movie doen't appear (not even a box where it should be - just nothing but blank space where it should be). I've made sure that I uploaded the SWF, the HTML file, the expressInstall.swf, and the swfobject_ modified. js file. I also changed the permissions to allow executable scripts. I don't have a Flash blocker installed.[code]

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