ActionScript 3.0 :: RemoveChild But Audio Still Plays
Jul 16, 2009
I have as3 script that loads an external swf which contains flv video:
The movie clip is removed but the audio continues to play. Why is this? What can I do to make sure the audio is removed also?
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Jan 4, 2010
I have a captivate generated SWF file which has a .FLV inside it.In flash on click of a button I unload the movie(SWF), the video goes away but the .FLV still plays the audio.
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Apr 16, 2009
I have a container swf which is used to load multiple external swfs into a blank movie clip. Done as follows:
This works fine, however I've got a weird issue with audio. Some of my external swfs have audio clips in them and for some reason the audio doesn't go away when a new external swf is loaded. So say the user loads a swf with audio in it and the user switches to another page, the audio from the previous page keeps playing even though a new external swf has been loaded into the blank movie clip.
I tried using removeChild before the new external swf gets loaded, but that didn't seem to do the trick. Audio is loaded to the timeline like so:
var audio:Nasdaqbell = new Nasdaqbell();;
also tried the audio on the timeline as "stream" and "event" and got the same results.
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Sep 1, 2009
I have a test site on: [URL] with a problem that the sound doesn't stop when I removeChild... The playing movie with the music is to stay only on HOME.
My code on the first frame of the label "HOME":
var Xpos:Number=243;
var Ypos:Number=88;
I think I am supposed to add an EventListener but can't figure out where or how...
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Jul 30, 2009
this one is really doing my head in and any advice (even vague thoughts) would be really great.I have an FLVPlayback component on the stage and I am loading 8 FLVs in to 8 separate video players within it. I then play the first one and when it ends I randomly select which to play next.Everything seems to work fine except that each time I run it one or two of the clips play back with only audio only and no video. It is not the same clip each time but whichever one it is will consistently fail to playback untill I re publish when it chooses a differrent clip to fail on.I am publishing for FP8 from CS4 on a Mac and it fails when I test movie as well as in FF and Safari.
If anyone has any ideas on this at all please shout them out or I am heading for the forrest never to return
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May 16, 2011
I created an interactive exercise to teach music. After the correct answer is given, the user has the option to click on a button and hear a specific sound (a chord played on the piano). The sound button appears only after they give the correct answer, and they can click on it as many times as they want. There are a series of these exercises, each one on a different frame and each one with a different sound.The sound files are called in the button code.
Here's the problem. In some of the exercises, if I keep clicking on the sound button, it plays the correct sound about 20 times in a row but then it will suddenly play a different sound (a chord from one of the other exercises). Then it goes back to playing the correct sound.
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Nov 20, 2011
I have a few invisible buttons that link to URLs, and when clicked open the new URL in the same window and plays a sound.
Sadly, the URL loads before the sound is finished, making this pretty lame.
How do I ensure the full audio plays before the new URL loads?
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Jan 4, 2010
I have a captivate generated SWF file which has a .FLV inside it.In flash on click of a button I unload the movie(SWF), the video goes away but the .FLV still plays the audio
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May 9, 2010
Im making an animation to describe how a potential iphone app would work. Its going to be a 3 min clip not interactive at all, just plays right through showing how it would work. This is not for web. Just for presentation purposes.
By problem is this: Within the timeline, i need to embed a 20 sec clip (with audio) the plays automatically and when it ends the rest of the animation continues. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do this without the audio and video being all messed or the video not exiting the screen once its finished. I hear all this talk of action script but have no clue where to start.
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Jun 30, 2009
I've got a SWF loading others SWFs with this code:
Videos load, but audio remains from previous SWF. I thought removeChild would take care of it.
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Mar 29, 2012
Installed the new flash player and all of a sudden my flv audio no longer played in an existing media player built using the FLVPlayback component.
Finally figured out that if I change the FLVPlayback component parameter "maintainAspectRaion" from false to true, the audio will play.
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Apr 2, 2012
Audio flvs that previously would play fine no longer play. I get "NetStream.Play.Failed".This occurs when progressively playing over HTTP, i.e. starting NetConnection.connect(null) and then"http://url_of_my_flv");Regular RTMP playback still works.So, I've seen two posts with similar issues in the last day or so:
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Jan 14, 2009
how to get flv's to load up dynamically using xml - it all works well apart from this one problem that i have.
when the thumbnail for the flv is clicked the preloader appears and the flv starts to load - but for some reason the audio begins to play almost immediately - then when the flv actually loads then the audio plays again whilst the initial (unwanted) audio carries on playing!
this is the script for the netstream:
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Nov 21, 2010
In my main swf file i load external swf files for each section.. In my video section i load a swf that includes a flv player that plays flv's with sound!
when i go back to menu...or go to another section....sound is still playing! why? I was thinking maybe i need to add a stop all sounds actionscript when going back to menu?
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Jul 8, 2011
I am trying to display local flash swfs in the WebView. I have WebView set up and it will happily display local HTML files, but when I try to display Flash, the screen is blank. The flash file is running as I can hear the audio. I have noticed that most swf players from the android market suffer the same issue.
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Apr 9, 2005
I am currently using to in a sound player in an on the homepage of an html/asp website. At the moment it plays some welcome audio when the visitor arrives on the site (index.asp), however it does get an little annoying when it plays everytime you go onto the homepage.
Is their any way of setting a session variable in actionscript that only plays the audio once when using the site?
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Sep 26, 2007
I have a swf that advances through a series of frames by pressing any key. I am trying to set up a timer so that on idle (no keypresses for X sec), it plays an audio clip.
My AS below works fine, but if you press keys very fast it seems to get out of sync and plays the audio almost randomly (at least faster than it should). Does anyone know what might be causing this? BTW, I have tried using a keylistener which seems to make it even worse by affecting the volume level randomly.
myInterval = setInterval(callback1, 20000);
function callback1()
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Aug 18, 2009
I have two classes. One creates a class and the second one plays audio related to the class. When the user clicks the right answer the quiz gets removed from the stage, but my audio keeps playing. I am wondering how I remove/kill the audio class/object at that point.
My class gets created like this:
private var quizAudio:CaseStudyQuizAudio;
and further down:
quizAudio = new CaseStudyQuizAudio(theAudio);
When I tried to kill it, I was think this would do, but to no luck so far:
quizAudio = null;
delete quizAudio;
How is this done?
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Mar 29, 2010
I'm trying to build a conditional statement that will addChild and removeChild at different Timer Delays. Before I go any further, I thought, I should mention that I'm usinig TweenMax to ease the alpha of ease Child from 1 to 0 and back during the process to imitate a fade-in/out.
I'm getting issue with only one line - inside a conditional statement.It's running "OK". The movie runs as I want it, but the remove/addChild transitions are not at the speed I want it at. I am getting an error message in the output, but other than that, the movie runs fine.
import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;
import com.greensock.plugins.*;
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Dec 11, 2011
I want my flash file plays one and stops in the end and only plays again if play again button is pressed.How do i do it?
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Aug 6, 2010
If I import an FLV video is there any way to remove the audio, put the audio into a byte array, and then re-add the audio to the flv video?
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Aug 30, 2011
I want my movie to loop. Would prefer an If/Else loop so that the movie plays a certain number of times then plays the opening of a screen then stops. This is a simple 4 screen ad I am doing for a school project. Can't get it to work. I tried containing my code in the proper loop syntax, didn't work. Then wrapping the loop in a function and calling that with a timer event, didn't work. My final solution was to call my whole movie in a timer event set to play once. Then calling the entire movie again in a second timer event set to play 20 times and set to start at an interval when the first movie ended. This did work but each time the movie plays thru function calls drop off making the movie degrade.
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Feb 21, 2009
I cant do 2 removeChild(); 's beneath eachotherSo their always will remain 1 child how can i delete that one?
removehild does work
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Aug 25, 2009
I ran a simple live video streaming application for the first time with actual users and ran into a couple of serious performance issues that had not turned up during testing. In this instance there was one video stream from a live web cam and used FMLE at 150 kbps using VP6 and MP3 @22k. There were 16 clients and everything worked pretty good for about 30 minutes. (although some clients said their audio and video were out of sync by up to 3 seconds)
Then individual clients would have either the video freeze or the video would continue and the audio would stop. These clints had to "disconnect" and then "connect" again to the application. This happened to all of the clients at one time or another for several minutes. I stopped and restarted the FMLE with progessively lower bandwidth settings down to 75 kbps but still clients were having the same issue.
I eventually stopped the FMLE and used the applications built in publisher at 45 kbps and that seemed to eliminate the freeze/dropping issue. But of course the video quality was very poor and some clients still reported that the audio was out of sync with the video. The server hosting the FMS application is a quad processor dell with lots of memory and network connectivity. The Flash Media Admin Console performance graph showed the total Bandwidth as 3 Mbps at maximum.
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Mar 11, 2010
Anyone know of a skinnable audio player (or something similar to Windows Vista audio control in task bar) that i can embed in my website?
A player that can be customized to use a 'speaker' icon instead of a 'play' icon. When the speaker is clicked, the volume can be adjusted or turned off. The option of being able to autoplay and set the default volume level.
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Aug 4, 2009
I am converting from .FLV's to .F4V. Video outputs fine but the audio sound stops after a few seconds from the beginning.I have tried many different settings for the audio with no luck. Also, tried on a colleague's machine who is running CS3, which works fine, so something is buggy in CS4...
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Mar 11, 2010
Because the player optimizes framerate, antialiasing etc dependent on the performance capabilities of the platform upon which it is running, it was nearly impossible to ensure animation syncronization w/ audio. If the audio were on the timeline you could set sync params to stream, but if the audio is loaded programically forget it .. well until AS3 ..The following code throttles the player framerate to lock step the animation to the audio .. not perfect but the principal works ..
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Sep 6, 2011
Let me first establish what I want to do:My user is able to record voicenotes on my website, add tags to said notes for indexing as well as a title. When the note is saved I save the path of the note along with the other info in my DB.Now, I have 2 choices to do the recording, both involve a .swf embedded in my site:
1) I could use Red5 server to stream the audio to my server and save the file and return the path to said file to my app to do the DB saving, seems rather complicated since I would have to convert the audio and move it to the appropriate folder that belongs to the user in a server side Red5 app, which I'm not very aware of how to build.
2) I could simply record the audio and grab its byte array, do a Base64 encoding on it and send it to PHP along with the rest of the data that is necessary (be it by a simple POST or an AJAX call), decode it on the server and make the file with the appropriate extension, audio conversion would also occur here using ffmpeg, this option seems simpler but I do not know how viable it is.
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Apr 1, 2012
Is there a way to stream and audio line level feed rather than the audio from a computer's microphone?
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Aug 25, 2009
I have an audio player that has a custom timeline and playhead. I am using a start and stop drag to move in the time line but the only way i can make it work is to have it play when ever I release the play head. I would like it to stay stopped if the player is paused and play if the player was playing.
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