ActionScript 3.0 :: SWFAddress With Signals And RobotLegs?

Mar 3, 2010

I recently started working with RobotLegs and AS3Signals on a project just to get some experience with these new frameworks. I wanted to add deep linking support, so I reached for my trusty friend SWFAddress. I felt bad about adding Event listeners in my nice clean RobotLegs + SignalCommandMap + AS3Signals project, so I modified the class that came with the examples to use AS3Signals instead of normal Events.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: SwfAddress Class Seems To Pick Up An OnChange Event From SwfAddress

Jun 22, 2009

The timeline swf itself (the core of the site) is being loaded into a wrapper swf, as one of the requirements is that this timeline can be used elsewhere, in other projects. This wrapper, however, will have some additional visuals that pertain to a stand-alone version of this timeline. As a result of never knowing exactly where this is going to be used (either a subchapter in another flash website, or as a stand-alone site by itself), I've decided to dump all of the swfAddress code into the wrapper, in a child class of it. To handle the navigation changes, I'm dispatching custom events (from the timeline) with parameters that describe the nav changes, which gets picked up by the parent wrapper, which then calls a function in the swfAddress child class for handling.

Also done in this swfAddress class is the parsing of the URL onChange event (when a browser back button button or history changes the nav, rather than a Flash button). This, too, dispatches an event with info about the parsed URL, which the wrapper is picking up and then calling a function in the timeline's API to make the necessary changes.


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Actionscript 2.0 :: Flash 8 - Deeplinking - SwfAddress - Use SWFAddress Within MCs?

Feb 16, 2011

how to use SWFAddress within MCs? All the tutorials I find seem to use the maintimeline, but I need to know how to make it work within multilevel mc's, dynamicly loaded in. Ive got a working code but this one is static. Everything is working, even when i copy and paste the URL of Testpage 5 for example in the browser. how to create a dynamic way than using the switch statement.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Publish & SWFAddress - Include The Swf With The Flash Method Swfaddress Doesn't Work?

Jul 27, 2010

I'm having a problem with the flash publish method and swfaddres.I've included the javascript of the flash pubblication in a new javascript file with the swfaddress in the same page.If i use swfobject for including my flash file in the swf, swfaddress works ok...if i include the swf with the flash method swfaddress doesn't work.Here the link: http:[url]......

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Actionscript 3 :: Pass Null As An Argument To Signals?

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public var e_collision:Signal = new Signal(GameObj);

When the object collides with another, I pass the other object as the argument.But if the object collides with a wall, the wall is not a GameObj, I would like to know, can I pass null instead?

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Flex :: Robotlegs Versus Parsley?

Jun 9, 2010

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My main requirements are

minimal learning
extensive documentation and active helping community

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Flash - RobotLegs - Mediator For Main Application Class?

Jan 29, 2011

I'm trying to mediate the main application class ( the 'Document class' of a Flash *.fla project)I have this on the Application Context startup():


The MyApplicationMediator:

public class MyApplicationMediator
extends Mediator {
So onRegister() gets called, but view is null. Also when I try to add the eventListeners I get a null reference error.

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Flex :: Injecting A Specific Model Implementation On The Fly [Robotlegs]?

Jul 25, 2011

Is model injection on the fly possible? In other words,if I ask for a model of the type IPhotoModel, I should get one of its implementations based on the current state of the view. If I am looking at a UserPage,I should get a user-specific implementation of that model.I am looking at a LocationPage,I should get a location-specific implementation.Currently, the only way that I see is introducing a command that specifies the model mapping, with a concrete one based on the current view state ...

injector.mapValue(IPhotoViewModel, injector.getInstance(UserPhotoViewModel)) or
injector.mapValue(IPhotoViewModel, injector.getInstance(LocationPhotoViewModel))

is this the best way possible? I do not really want to introduce much coupling logic outside of the context, but ...

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Flex :: Creating RobotLegs Module Within A PureMVC Shell Application

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Inititally, I thought it was because my module needed a pureMVC Mediator to call the pureMVC StartupCommand to get things "hooked up" and THEN create the RobotLegs' Context. However, that didn't work and I'm still getting the error.

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ActionScript 3 :: RobotLegs Wiring Up Dependencies That Belong To Base Class

Mar 2, 2012

I'm using robot legs, I've got a bunch of ServiceResponses that extends a base class and have a dependency on a Parser, IParser. I need to wire in a parser specific to the subclass. Here's an example: ModuleConfigResponse extends SimpleServiceResponse and implements IServiceResponse.

The initial part is easy to wire in the context, here's an example:
injector.mapClass(IServiceResponse, ModuleConfigResponse);
injector.mapClass(IServiceResponse, SimpleServiceResponse, "roomconfig");

Each Response uses a parser that is used by the baseclass:
injector.mapValue(IParser, ModuleConfigParser, "moduleconfig");
injector.mapValue(IParser, RoomConfigParser, "roomconfig");

The question is how to tie these together. The base class could have:
public var parser : IParser

But I can't define the type ahead of time. Im wondering if there a nice way of wiring this in the context. For the moment I've decided to wire this up by instanciating responses in a ResponseFactory instead so that I pay pass the parser manually in the constructor.
injector.mapValue(IParser, ModuleConfigParser, "moduleconfig");

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My company is willing to reffactor its biggest and heaviest project introducing some kind of framework. Are there good online source/issue/blogpost with comparison of these 3 frameworks - Robotlegs, Swiz and Mate?

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Flash :: Robotlegs Module Throws Null Pointer Exception (Error #1009)?

Feb 8, 2012

I have a problem with an application that uses RobotLegs in a Flex module. I finally managed to load my module successfully, but when I try to add this line of code in the module view's Mediator:view.addElementAt(applicationContainer,0);

I get this error:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at mx.core::UIComponent/getStyle()


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ActionScript 3.0 :: SWFAddress In Ie6?

Oct 5, 2010

For some really dumb reasons, I must support IE6 in the project I'm currently working on (think multi-paged microsite). I have SWFaddress, now, worked into my navigation system, and it is working as expected in chrome and FF.

When I get into IE6 I am having the following problem:

The "browser URL Update" phase of the SWFAddress.setValue -> SWFaddressEvent.Change

cycle fails to function, except when the mouse cursor leaves the SWF frame. When the mouse leaves the frame, SWFaddress history gets updated as expected and the browser navigation buttons function as expected.

But if the mouse cursor stays within the swf, none of this happens, and any stateChanges are skipped by the browser buttons.

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Apr 28, 2010

Hello all.
Having a hard time getting info on SWFADDRESS so I thought I'd try here as Kirupa has saved my butt in the past.
So my question is this.
I am trying to attach a variable to the end of my SWFADDRESS url but can't get it to register. I can get it working fine using SWFOBJECT like so

but once I add the deeplinking I can't get any results.

My code in the html is :

<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
var so = new SWFObject('Example', 'website', '800px', '600px', '8');
so.addVariable("Var", getQueryParamValue("Var"));
so.addVariable("Var2", getQueryParamValue("Var2"));

// ]]>
Anyone have a way around this or a good source for SWFADDRESS help?
Would really help me out!

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Flash 8 - How To Use SWFAddress Within MCs

Sep 16, 2010

how to use SWFAddress within MCs? All the tutorials I find seem to use the maintimeline, but I need to know how to make it work within multilevel mc's, dynamicly loaded in.Ive got a working code but this one is static. Everything is working, even when i copy and paste the URL of Testpage 5 for example in the browser. how to create a dynamic way than using the switch statement.

Code: Select allfunction traceMyPage(id) {
SWFAddress.onChange = function() {
var addr = SWFAddress.getValue();


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Professional :: Swfaddress And Load Bar?

Apr 17, 2010

Am successfully using swfaddress and love it.  For the first time though I'm trying to implement it on a site that has a load bar.  The issue is if I use the browser's back button I'll eventually get to a page that just shows the full loadbar and stops.  It is the the page that I have labeled "$/".  If I don't put that label on the first frame then other worse problems occur. [URL]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Get SWFAddress 2.4 To Work

Dec 30, 2009

Even creating the simplest example, I can't figure out what I am doing wrong. Here's my swfaddress.swf code:

ActionScript Code:
import com.asual.swfaddress.*;
SWFAddress.addEventListener(SWFAddressEvent.CHANGE, onChange);
function onClick(e:MouseEvent):void


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ActionScript 2.0 :: SWFAddress For XML - Script?

Jun 20, 2010

I have created a menu with XML data. I have created a movieclip navigationMc this is placed on the first frame of the stage. Inside navigationMc I have another movieclip and named it as menuitems where I am calling the XML. I am calling a button from the library through linkage property called menuitem. I have another movieclip on the stage called pageContainerMC for loading external swfs. Now the script on the main stage - Frame 1 is:

#include ""


The swf address shows on clicking the button but it doesn't load movie once you click back and forward button on the browser also it doesn't change the name of the title.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: SWFAddress 2.4 Not Working

Mar 10, 2010

I have spent several days now trying to make SWFAddress 2.4 work. I followed very closely Lee's video, but I can't make it work. I get the site working, but I cannot make the deep linking nor the title change to work. I am using CS3 with AS 3.0 and SWFAddress 2.4. My PC has Vista Home Premium and I tested this on several browsers (IE, Safari, Opera, and Firefox).

Here is my html code:

Code: Select all<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


The FLA file is constructed the same way as in the video with 3 MC's which visibility I toggle based on which button is pressed. The trace() call in onChange displays correctly the value I am setting in each one of the button event listeners, however the url never changes and the back and forward buttons are never enabled.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: SWFaddress And External SWF's?

Jul 19, 2007

i have been trying SEO to get it noticed. I came across Swfaddress and statemanager and decided to implement them. I have examined the sample files for both methords and decided i want to use SWFaddress (it works well with google analytics).My problem is that the examples of swfaddress use a frame based navigation and my site uses buttons which load the pages into a loader component via a preloader. Do you think it would be possible to use SWFaddress with my site?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Combine XML And SWFAddress

Jan 23, 2009

I am using swfaddress for the moment but I am using it on the timeline which is not as dynamic as I would like it to be. How to combine xml and swfaddress? I would like swfadress to get the adress from an xml file and than do whatever its supposed to do.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: SWFaddress Ads A Mark?

Apr 29, 2009

ive been trying to get swfaddress working. And everything works fine ( the getValue function shows the right content, setTitle does its job etc ) except for setValue. When i set it to for instance setValue("news"), the url in the browser is updated to index.html?#news

that question mark shouldn't be there i guess... it also reloads my page every time. I have no idea where to start looking as i dont know what's causing it. anyone else had this issue before ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: SWFaddress With XML Menu?

May 27, 2009

- Does anybody knows If an XML menu works with the SWFaddress concept?I can only find tutorials about the classic buttons menu (with timeline based transitions)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get SWFaddress Hooked Up?

Jul 1, 2009

I am trying to get SWFaddress hooked up, its kind of working at the moment:� Clicking buttons changes everything correctly (i.e page title changes, address url changes and also the content in the swf changes fine)� BUT when I type the url to access a certain page this is not changing anything

Heres the code:

Website's Navigation Class


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