Flex :: Creating RobotLegs Module Within A PureMVC Shell Application

Oct 19, 2010

I'm working on an existing modular project that was built in PureMVC. Instead of converting everything over to RobotLegs, I want to create a new module using RobotLegs and plug it into the pureMVC shell. Currently, when the module loads, I get the following flash error: ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable IMediatorMap is not defined.

Inititally, I thought it was because my module needed a pureMVC Mediator to call the pureMVC StartupCommand to get things "hooked up" and THEN create the RobotLegs' Context. However, that didn't work and I'm still getting the error.

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Jan 23, 2011

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1. Compiled Shell with -link-report objShell_Extern.xml

2. Compiled Module with -load-externs obj<ShellProject>_Extern.xml Module size shrank from 90 KB to 2,05 KB.

3. Added 5 filters to Module:

import flash.filters.*;
tf.filters = [new GlowFilter(), new GradientGlowFilter(), new DropShadowFilter(), new BevelFilter(), new BlurFilter() ];

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4. Added 5 filters to Shell (same code as above), recompiled it, then recompiled Module.Module size still at 2,15 KB.

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//import flash.filters.*; commented out
var GlowFilter:Class = Class(getDefinitionByName("GlowFilter"));
var GradientGlowFilter:Class = Class(getDefinitionByName("GradientGlowFilter"));


Error #1065 GlowFilter not initialized, Module size grew to 2,19 KB. Deleting some, but not all filters is decreasing size, so it's not the getDefinitonByName that takes 0,14 KB (2,19 - 2,05 without filters).

1. Do I understand the idea of load externs, or does it work only with specific classes? Why it doesn't work with filters?

2. What did I screw up with getDefinitionByName and is it a new feature because of it's use like in link below?

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at mx.core::UIComponent/getStyle()


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Actionscript 3 :: Pass Proxy To Loaded Module In A PureMVC MultiCore App?

Oct 24, 2011

I'm creating a flash campaign which will be loaded into a client's framework, which I have no control over. The framework will already have loaded a few things such as locale, fonts and copy, and will pass these things to my swf upon initialization.

Since the size of my swf (let's call it the shell) is restricted it will in turn display a campaign-specific preloader and then load another swf (let's call this the campaign) with the rest of the site.

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Would it be "ok" from a design pattern point of view to pass the proxies to an init method of the campaign module and then register these proxies in the campaign module startup command? This seems wrong since these proxies have references to my shell application facade through notification names. Would it be ok if I move the notification names to some "NotificationConstants" class which both modules can use?

I could create similar proxies in the campaign module but this time populate them with the data objects from my old proxies passed to the previously mentioned init method? Spontaneously this feels like the best way to do it since the data objects don't have any references to my shell module but the "old" proxies do..

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Jul 21, 2011

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protected function departmentDropDownList_changeHandler(event:IndexChangeEvent):void


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Create A Module For A Flex Application

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private function directoryRemoteObject_saveCompany_resultHandler(e:ResultEvent):void
this.directoryModuleLoader.child.dispatchEvent(new CompanyEvent(CompanyEvent.COMPANY_SAVED, e.result as int));

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adt -package -target apk-emulator -storetype pkcs12 -keystore certificate.p12 hello.apk hello.air

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The MyApplicationMediator:

public class MyApplicationMediator
extends Mediator {
So onRegister() gets called, but view is null. Also when I try to add the eventListeners I get a null reference error.

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Jan 25, 2010

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Module xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A Quiz For A2 Module

Mar 3, 2010

I have made a start on my quiz, in order to complete the criterions I have to create a project (a quiz in my case) which uses a variety of methods and tools e.g. drag and drop features, user text input and numeric input etc.I had planned on creating 4 topics and 4 questions in each. Having searched the forum it appears that the common consensus for creating a quiz is to set up your questions in a XML file however I have no idea how to use this or what it is. Moreover from my research I found I appear to be doing things slightly different to other people who are doing or did a quiz. This difference is how the answers are input; I will be user input text fields along, multiply choice buttons etc. I also am placing my questions in different places for different sections and I am also required to use video.This may still be able to be done however I only have 29 days to complete the task and the way I'm planning will be quicker as I understand how it works at least. The first problem I am having is how to code for the input text. I plan on allowing for the user to input a word and then to compare that word against the correct answer. This also brings me onto my second problem. Once a section of questions has been completed I plan on taking the user to a screen which displays how many answers they got correct. This would involve tracking their answers and comparing them to a set of correct answers however I have no idea how to do this. (from what i have learnt recently the use of an array maybe?).

The final problem I am having at the moment is setting up a 'barrier of sorts' In my first question i have set up a mask which applies only to the image I have also placed on the stage. The mask is applied to a circle which can be dragged around displaying small sections of the picture at a time. I wish to stop the circle leaving the picture as it falls under the background once it as left the area of the image. This results it in disappearing. I have no idea how to solve this and I could not find information on it. The solution I think would be to stop the masked circle leaving the area of the picture OR to reset it back to original position if it is released outside the images area.My quiz is far from complete at the moment and I have not yet even finished the frames for each of the questions however these problems are fundamental to the quiz's success and so I felt I needed to confront them now.I can upload what I have done so far and send the link in a pm so you can see what I mean (if it is not already clear)

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Jun 9, 2010

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My main requirements are

minimal learning
extensive documentation and active helping community

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May 21, 2009

I am having a problem with preloaders showing up in my flex apps. I never had this problem when developing flash apps so I got the idea to use a flash app as a shell with the sole purpose of showing a preloader while the flex app loads. I am not sure how to do this though, and I also need to ba able to pass the FlashVars from the shell flash app to the flex app.

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Flex :: Injecting A Specific Model Implementation On The Fly [Robotlegs]?

Jul 25, 2011

Is model injection on the fly possible? In other words,if I ask for a model of the type IPhotoModel, I should get one of its implementations based on the current state of the view. If I am looking at a UserPage,I should get a user-specific implementation of that model.I am looking at a LocationPage,I should get a location-specific implementation.Currently, the only way that I see is introducing a command that specifies the model mapping, with a concrete one based on the current view state ...

injector.mapValue(IPhotoViewModel, injector.getInstance(UserPhotoViewModel)) or
injector.mapValue(IPhotoViewModel, injector.getInstance(LocationPhotoViewModel))

is this the best way possible? I do not really want to introduce much coupling logic outside of the context, but ...

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Jul 5, 2011

My company is willing to reffactor its biggest and heaviest project introducing some kind of framework. Are there good online source/issue/blogpost with comparison of these 3 frameworks - Robotlegs, Swiz and Mate?

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Flex - Design - Mediators Coupled To Proxies In Flex PureMVC?

Aug 14, 2009

I've just recently learned the PureMVC framework, and am a little confused as to the coupling between Proxy and Mediator objects. The links on this page connect to some documents describing the framework. (Please note, the links on the aforementioned page open PDFs.)

The diagrams and examples of PureMVC I've examined often show a direct coupling between a Mediator and Proxy. When the proxy's state is updated, rather than sending a new Notification, the Mediator (which retrieves a reference to the Proxy from the Facade) has its state updated.

This certainly seems to simplify the logic of the code, but it also directly couples two seemingly disparate components together. To my understanding, a Mediator's purpose is to translate Events from a view into PureMVC Notifications. Proxies are meant to perform some function to gather data and relay it back to the view. These two components seem to exist in different layers of the application, and perhaps shouldn't necessarily be coupled together.

Wouldn't it make more sense to have the Proxy objects send their own Notifications when their state updates, which are forwarded to the interested Mediator by the Facade?

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Flex :: BlazeDS/PureMVC And Shared Vos?

Apr 21, 2010

I'm building modular application with 2 modules which share common vo: ShopRegionVO

This vo is also a BlazeDS entity and is mapped to a remote java object. When shell loads first module everything is ok. The second module is a list of ShopRegionVOs and item change is handled with the following code:

sendNotification(CoverageConstants.SET_SELECTED_REGION_COMMAND, ShopRegionVO(List(e.target).selectedItem));

The exception is thrown right here:

Main Thread (Suspended: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert model.vo::ShopRegionVO@14961809 to model.vo.ShopRegionVO.)
flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction [no source][code].....

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Flex :: Creating Simple Live Drawing / White Board Application?

Jul 9, 2010

How do I create a simple live drawing board/whiteboard functionality using flash as3, and flash media server 3.5.

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Flex :: Start Creating Voice Chat Application Using Adobe And Red5?

May 5, 2011

I will create a voice chat application with Adobe Flex and I want use the opensource Red5 as a server.But, I confuse how to start it. it's possible just use NetStream and NetConnection?

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Flex :: PureMVC: Unique Mediator For Each Tab In An Interface?

Oct 12, 2009

I am building a tabbed interface for switching between various similar layers. Each layer will have a number of graphs. By dragging with the mouse the graphs can be rearranged or even moved between layers. My question is, is it best practice to register a unique mediator for each layer that keeps track of the layers content / organization, or should i keep track of it all with one central mediator.some considerations:

the layer contents and organization will be saved(in a db) so that it can be restored when a user comes back to the app.the layers themselves are functionally identical.the user can add and remove layers at will.

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